Lisa Throws a Pot - Cover

Lisa Throws a Pot

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2023 by Mat Twassel

Erotica Sex Story: In an attempt to satisfy her creative urges, Lisa takes a pottery class. Illustrated.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Genie   Illustrated   .

Feeling the need for a creative outlet, Lisa signed up for a late night pottery class. Her first pot was a complete disaster. “Keep at it,” the instructor said. “It takes time.”

Lisa kept working long after everyone else had left. Dawn was edging her way into the studio.

Five failures later, Lisa once again mounded fresh clay on the wheel and set it to spinning. “Come on, come on, come on, one time, one time, one time,” she murmured as the lump of spinning clay began to take shape. “Come on, Clay, come on, come on, come on,” Lisa chanted, shaping with her fingers and palms. Shaping, shaping, shaping.


“Oooh, that feels good,” said Clay.

Lisa jerked her hands away.

“Aw, don’t stop,” said Clay. “I was just about to...” Clay slumped.

“I’m sorry,” Lisa said. “Clay, were you talking to me?”

Clay sat mum.

“Ha, just as I thought,” Lisa said, and she started the wheel.

“Ooh, baby,” Clay said. “Do it, do it, oh God, do it!”

Lisa stopped just in time.

“Oh no!” Clay lamented. “Why’d you stop?”

“Because I don’t want your jizz all over my clothes,” Lisa told Clay.

“Understandable,” Clay agreed. “Simple solution. Take off your clothes.”

Made sense to Lisa. She removed her clothes.

“Ooh, you look hot,” Clay said, coming erect without Lisa having to touch him.


“Behave,” Lisa warned Clay. “Otherwise I’ll turn you into a teacup. A very small teacup. Or maybe a thimble.”

“Please touch me,” Clay begged. “If you do, I’ll grant you three wishes.”

Lisa didn’t believe Clay, but just to see, she started the wheel.

“Oh yes, oh yes, Oh! Oh! Oh! Yes!!!” Clay ejaculated, and then he ejaculated. Molten clay geysered up with such force it hit the ceiling of the pottery studio and stuck.

“Impressive,” Lisa said.

“There’s more where that came from,” Clay said. “But first I owe you a wish. What would you like? Perhaps I could ejaculate a few dozen Krugerrands? Or how about a baby? Or maybe World Peace?”

“Those all sound good, more or less,” Lisa said. “But first I might like an orgasm. Except you’re too big to fit in my cunt. I wish you were smaller.”

“You’re wish is my command. Hop aboard,” Clay said, his girth and length diminishing to a most accommodating size. Lisa hopped aboard.

Immediately Clay started his spin. Faster, faster, faster, and in no time Lisa was coming, coming, coming.


“Holy fuck!” she exclaimed, spinning free of Clay.

“Holy fuck!” Clay echoed. “Lisa, I love you.”

“Yes, well...” Lisa started to say, but at that moment the instructor stepped into the studio.

“What’s all this ruckus?” he demanded.

“Oh, nothing,” Lisa replied. “I was just finishing up with Clay here.”

The instructor frowned. “You made that?”


“I did,” Lisa said proudly. “Isn’t he grand! And quite good in bed, so to speak.”

The instructor squinched his eyes. “You tried him out?”

“Yeah, I fucked him,” Lisa acknowledged. “It was wonderful. While I was coming it was like my pussy was full of cock and cum and babies and krugerrands and World Peace.”

“But isn’t he, I mean it, I mean ... Isn’t he too big?”

“I would have thought so,” Lisa said. “But my cunt is very accommodating. Would you like to give it a try?”

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