A Father Tempted Beyond Reason - Cover

A Father Tempted Beyond Reason

by Ashley

Copyright© 2023 by Ashley

Incest Sex Story: Andy was a good and loving father, raising his daughter Jiselle on his own after the tragic death of his wife and her mother two years earlier. His sister helped with the awkward 'talk' soon after she started puberty but it was always going to be a difficult time for the pair of them. Quite how difficult was only starting to become apparent.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   Analingus   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

Andy’s wife and Jiselle’s mother Heather died two years earlier in a car accident. A semi crossed the central reservation and she was killed instantly. The driver was off his head on a mixture of fatigue and amphetamines and eventually pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

It wasn’t easy bringing up Jiselle on his own but, luckily she was a lovely girl, independent, willing to help out around the house, and even had the occasional attempt at cooking, with admittedly mixed results.

It didn’t escape Andy’s notice when Jiselle entered puberty but, fortunately, he had a sister, Mandy, who was happy to have the talk with her, which saved Andy and Jiselle a lot of excruciating embarrassment.

She was, of course, his little princess and he literally loved her more than life itself.

Pretty much every night he looked in on her on his way to bed, just to reassure himself that everything was OK. He was always careful to knock very gently before going in, the last thing he wanted to do was to invade her privacy.

If there was no response he would open the door a crack just to check it was because she was safely asleep.

This one night she was snoring softly and a little smile crossed his lips. Then he saw that she’d pushed the covers down to her waist. He crept into the room and gently took hold of them and pulled them up to her chin.

His action caused a gentle waft of air to come out from under the covers and the unmistakable scent of girl sex reached his nose. A big lump formed in his throat: his little baby was having a sex dream, how adorable!

He was gazing down at her fondly when she turned over onto her side and her cheek rested on her hand. He bent down to kiss her goodnight on the opposite cheek and froze there when he smelled the aroma on her hand as well! Jiselle had been pleasuring herself!

Andy was horrified to feel his cock swelling. He couldn’t stop his mind from imagining her tiny fingers playing with her pussy. Those tiny fingers which wouldn’t even reach all the way around the erection which was now straining his underwear.

Andy stood up abruptly and literally shook his head in disgust, trying to physically rid his mind of those shameful thoughts. He was trembling violently as he stumbled back to his room and sat down heavily on the bed.

How could he have reacted that way?! She was his daughter for fuck’s sake and she was only fourteen! He tried to rationalize it: it was just the pheromones, evolution had perfected them over the millennia to have just that effect on a man. None of that helped - he was still fully erect.

He couldn’t remember how long it had been since he last had a wank. What with work, cooking, cleaning, and finding quality time to spend with Jiselle, he hadn’t had the time or the energy. That was it - he was just frustrated.

He undid his pants, opened his shirt, and lay back. He imagined it was Heather’s soft hand that was wrapped around his shaft and began to wank. It didn’t take too much before his hips were thrusting at the point of release. His fickle mind chose that exact second to conjure an image of Jiselle’s fingers in a perfect, utterly bald, teenage pussy, and he groaned aloud in a mixture of ecstasy and self-loathing.

He lay there, shaking at the intensity of his emotions, cursing himself as a pervert and an awful father. Eventually, he cleaned himself up and then went back to bed, but sleep was very hard to find.

In the morning he was determined to put it behind him and get back to how they were but, as soon as Jiselle came down to breakfast in just an oversized T-shirt, his cock twitched.

It was like that optical illusion where you see either a wine glass or two people facing each other, except for Andy it was now always the wine glass.

He couldn’t stop his eyes from being drawn to her bare legs or the swell of her little breasts mostly, but not completely, hidden by her shirt.

It preyed on his mind and he hated himself for it but was unable to control his baser instincts.

His sleeping suffered badly and, when he did sleep, he often had dreams about his daughter. Dreams that woke him up sweating and shaking, with semen soaking into his shorts.

Jiselle could see that her father was having a hard time. He was very subdued, had dark circles under his eyes and his hands shook in a way she’d never seen before.

She thought that it was still grief over the loss of her mom and she would try to comfort him. Strangely he would pull away from her embraces after a short while and make somewhat feeble excuses that he had to be ... elsewhere.

Eventually, she suggested to him that he ought to see a doctor. It took a while but finally, he agreed. The doctor prescribed a mild sleeping pill.

On the first night that he took them, it was Jiselle knocking gently on her father’s door an hour or so after she heard him go to bed.

There was no answer so she went quietly into his room. There was a faint noise coming from him which she only recognized when she was quite close: he was crying in his sleep.

Her heart went out to him and she lay on the bed behind him and put her arms around him. Slowly his gentle sobs quietened down and his breathing became slower and she felt the tension drain out of him.

She would have been quite happy to hold him like that if it gave him a restful night’s sleep but her back was getting cold. She slipped under the covers and spooned behind him, again embracing him.

When Andy awoke in the morning her felt refreshed in a way he hadn’t done for weeks. He opened his eyes and was baffled to see the back of a head. For a moment his sleepy brain thought that it was Heather and his heart filled with joy. Then reality stepped in and he realized with a horrible jolt that it must be Jiselle!

He started to move back but that only served to emphasize the contact between them and he froze as the full horror of the situation settled on his mind like a malignant toad.

He was erect. His erection was resting between Jiselles buttocks. Her buttocks were naked. As he moved away she snuggled back against him, wriggling her ass against him in a way that was so utterly gorgeous that for a moment his shock was overwhelmed by pure lust.

If he let it continue for more than a few seconds he knew he would cum. He put his hands on her hips to hold her in place and moved away from her. He pushed the quilt down between them to form the flimsiest of barriers and lay back in a state of utter panic.

Why was she in his bed? Why didn’t she have any clothes on? He put his hand down to confirm what he already knew: he still had his shorts on, thank God! - nothing too bad could have happened.

“Wake up sleepy-head,” he said with a nonchalance that he really wasn’t feeling, shaking her gently. “it’s time to get up.”

Jiselle rolled over and smiled at him.

“Morning Daddy!” she said brightly and wriggled easily through his makeshift barrier to cuddle him. He tried to back away further but was caught up in the bedclothes. She pressed the full length of her body against him as she gave him a tiny kiss good morning. Then she leaned back and giggled.

“Your thingy is poking me Daddy.” she accused innocently. His mind was a fog, mostly processing messages from his penis that something wonderful was pressing against it.

“Sorry baby, it ... er ... gets like that in the morning sometimes,” he blurted out. “It happens to all boys ... er ... men. I’ve got to go to the toilet.” He jumped out of bed and, with one hand trying to cover his erection, he ran awkwardly across the room.

“I wasn’t complaining,” he heard from behind him as he scuttled out of the door. “it felt very nice against my cunny.” he almost tripped over his own feet as his brain failed miserably to cope with what it had just heard.

Jiselle lay in her father’s bed thinking about what had just happened. She knew her daddy would never lie to her but she also knew that Mommy’s sister had told her that a man’s... penis got hard when he loved somebody very much and wanted to make a baby with her. The thought that Daddy wanted to do that made her feel ... strange. Strange, but nice. Her cunny kind of itched but, when she rubbed it, the feeling didn’t go away. In fact, it got stronger. And nicer.

Mandy also said that it wasn’t bad to touch your cunny as long as you did it in private or with someone that you loved. Jiselle loved her Daddy very much, so would that be OK? She decided that since Mandy wasn’t around she would ask him.

Andy stood in the shower letting the cold water run over him. It was having no effect on his erection whatsoever. He just couldn’t shake the idea that Jiselle had liked the feeling of his erection against her cunny from his mind.

He grabbed hold of it and wanked furiously, intent on making it a purely mechanical exercise. It nearly worked. Nearly. At the point of ejaculation, two things happened simultaneously: the first was the memory of her impossibly warm pussy pressing against his cock sprang unbidden into his mind, and the second was the door of the bathroom opening and Jiselle standing, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, as jet after jet of his cum sprayed onto the glass door of the shower.

“Noooo!!!” he cried silently to himself as he tried to stem the flood of his orgasm but, like many men before him, he found that it just isn’t possible.

He watched on in horror as his daughter put her hand over her mouth to stifle her screams and ran from the room.

Jiselle stood transfixed by the sight of her Daddy rubbing his thingy. It looked really weird sticking up like that but she thought it looked cute too. Then she remembered where Mandy had said that it went when it was stiff like that, and she gulped as she tried to imagine what it would feel like to have Daddy’s penis pushed up inside her cunny.

She was just thinking that either it was too big or her cunny was too small when suddenly white stuff started spurting out of the end all over the glass. Her hand covered her mouth as she began to giggle at the thought of Daddy’s penis squirting that stuff up inside her. She figured it would feel absolutely lovely and ran back to her room.

When she got there she found that her cunny was tingling like mad at what she’d seen and imagined. She lifted her nighty and cupped it, gently probing at the hole that suddenly seemed to really need something inside it.

As usual, one finger felt quite tight but very, very nice and then Jiselle tried something she’d never done before: she tried to push a second finger inside. At first it hurt a little but Jiselle was patient and soon the pain faded and they slid up inside her making her gasp with pleasure.

Two fingers were still smaller than Daddy’s thingy so she worked them round and round trying to gradually make her hole larger. While she was doing this she realized that it was making her feel really, really good. She also noticed that it was getting easier because her hole was getting quite wet.

It was at that moment that there was a knock on her door. Jiselle remembered that it was only OK to touch her cunny when she was alone and started to take her fingers out, but then she also recalled that Mandy had said it was OK with someone you really loved.

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