My Hot Sister Toni - Cover

My Hot Sister Toni

by alan14

Copyright© 2023 by alan14

Coming of Age Sex Story: My sister Toni comes home early after a dating failure. She's disappointed and horny, and after drinking mum's wine, a little drunk. What do you think happens next?

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   .

“Josh, are you home? Josh!”

Ahh shit, Toni’s home. 10 o’clock on a Friday night, this isn’t good news.

“Yeah Toni, I’m upstairs,” I shouted down.

Two minutes later she’s in the doorway, leaning against the frame.

“Mason’s a fucking twat,” she started before I could even ask.

“Well, duh! What have I been telling you? He got Ashley pregnant last year then dropped her like a stone.”

“Yeah, but he was always nice with me.”

“And tonight?”

“Mmmm, stop playing that game Josh and come downstairs, I need to drink wine and talk.”

Ahh shit, wine makes Toni horny, I’d best be on my guard.

Toni is 17, and she’s hot, which would be great if she wasn’t also my older sister. She’s about 5’ 8”, she’s fit from playing netball and football, with a trim figure and nice boobs.

And like I said, she’s my sister.

I said good night to the people I was playing against online, shut my PS5 down and pulled on a t-shirt before I followed Toni downstairs.

There was quiet music playing in the lounge, Toni was sitting on the sofa pouring a bottle of mum’s wine into two of mum’s best wine glasses.

“Mum’s staying at Dave’s tonight,” she told me as she patted the sofa cushion next to her.

“So, what did Mason do this time?”

“Ahh shit, this is so fucked up Josh, I don’t know how I’ll handle going back to school on Monday.”

“What did he do, Toni?”

“We were in Archie’s, me, Mason, Jess and Dom. Me and Jess were sharing a bowl of nachos with chilli, the boys were eating burgers, then Mason puts his greasy hand on my leg, look at the stain he’s made!”

Toni jumped up and tore off her leggings, throwing them across the room, “these are my favourite leggings as well, and they’re ruined!”

As Toni threw her leggings, her t-shirt lifted and I could see she had no panties on, I tried not to look, because she’s my sister, but I’m a boy, and she’s a very hot girl, and I’d never seen a naked bottom with my own eyes before.

Toni dropped onto the sofa, I quickly adjusted myself to hide the effect of my glimpse of her naked bottom.

“So, he ruined your leggings, surely we can get you some more...”

“That’s not the point, Josh, I told him what he’d done and he was just, like, ‘so what!’, like he didn’t care he’d ruined my clothes.”

“Back to my previous comments about him not giving a shit about anything.”

“I know! But he’s so hot.”

“Is that really all that matters?”

“Would you rather go out with Honey or Alexis?”

“Well, from them two, Honey, but not just because she’s prettier, she’s got a better personality than Alexis.”

Toni sighed, “ok, Honey or Grace.”

Now this was a tougher choice, Grace is a lot of fun, but Honey is prettier...

“See, you can’t answer that one, because you know I’m right. Anyway, after I’d tried to wipe off the grease and ketchup in the toilet I came back and there was just Dom there. ‘Where’s Mason?’ I asked. ‘Left with Jess’ Dom replied with a smirk, clearly expecting me to fall in his arms crying.”

“What did you do?”

“I stormed out and got the bus home, what do you think?”

“So why are you worried about school on Monday?”

“Well, mostly because right now Mason is probably fucking my best friend, former best friend.”

“Ahh, and would he have been ... err ... you know, if he hadn’t left with Jess?”

“You mean would I have let him fuck me?”

“Mmm, yes...”

“Maybe, yeah, that kind of was my plan for the evening, we’ve not done it yet, and it looks like we never will.”

“Have you...”

“Have I what?” Toni asked, smiling, she was going to make me ask.

“Have you ... err ... slept with anyone?”

“I slept with Jess once, but that was just sleeping, on a sleepover.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“I know, and I’m not answering you until you ask me the question.”

“Are you a virgin?” I asked.

“Are you?”

“Err, yes ... Maisie gave me a handjob once.”

Toni raised her eyebrows in surprise, “did she now, she’s a little minx isn’t she.”

“So, are you?”

“Yes, I’ve blown a few guys, and Mikey fingered me in the cinema once, I’m not sure either of us enjoyed it.”

“Word in school is you’ve done it a couple of times.”

“Well, the word is wrong, as usual. Anyway, I was going to fuck Mason tonight though, instead the bastard is fucking Jess. Mason probably thinks he’s conquered the ice queen, but Jess is a long way from being a virgin, shit Josh she slept with about half the lads in her old school. She doesn’t sleep with boys from our school, that’s why everyone thinks she’s a nice girl.”

“Oh man, really! I thought, you know, with her dad being a vicar...”

“Yep, she’s a proper dark horse is that one. You know, she got me hooked on vapes, it was hard work to kick those, some of my friends say it’s easier to kick cigarettes than vapes.”

Oh man, I was learning a lot tonight.

Toni emptied her glass and poured another, “do you know who took Jess’s cherry?”

“Well, a minute ago I thought she was a virgin.”

Toni giggled, I think she was a little drunk, “Jamie did,” she told me in a conspiratorial whisper.

I was just taking my first sip of wine, I almost spat it over Toni, “but he’s her brother!”

“I know, it’s kind of gross, but kind of cool, you know, because Jamie is super hot, and Jess really loves him.”

“But isn’t that illegal?”

“I think so, especially as she was 14 when they did it first.”

“First, they’ve done it more than once!”

“They do it all the time, well, whenever Jamie’s home.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I drank some more wine and waited for Toni to tell me more.

“Jess really does love Jamie, she never stops talking about him. She’s so supportive of his work as well.”

I took another sip of wine, wondering where this was going.

“Lots of my friends at school are always complaining about their brothers, moaning about how they’re lazy and untidy, about how they steal their panties and leave them covered in mess,” she grimaced, “but we’re not like that, are we?”

“I’ve never stolen your panties.”

“And I’m truly glad about that,” she replied with a grin.

I finished my wine, Toni grabbed the bottle and refilled my glass, as she poured, I noticed she’d moved closer, her knee was touching mine.

When Toni twisted to return the bottle to the table I also noticed she’d lifted her t-shirt, it was pulled right down before and she was sitting on it, now it was free and I could glimpse her pussy if I leant forward a little.

Toni gave a knowing smile and opened her legs a little, “is that better?”

“Mmm, is what better?” I asked, sipping a little more wine.

“The view, you don’t have to lean forwards now. I was worried you’d fall off the sofa.”

I could feel myself blushing furiously.

Toni leant forwards and lightly touched her lips to mine, “I love you Josh, I really do,” she told me as she took the glass from my trembling hand, placing it on the table alongside the bottle.

“This is wrong?” I whispered.


“Because, you’re my sister.”

“But I love you Josh, and I think you love me.”

“I do, Toni, I love you lots, but we shouldn’t do this, it’s not allowed.”

“It’s only wrong if we decided to have a baby, because then it could be born all weird, but if we just do sex for fun, surely that’s not wrong.”

I didn’t know how to answer that, and Toni took my silence for assent, she kissed me again, and this time I returned it.

I’ve not kissed many girls, so I don’t have a lot to base this judgement on, but kissing Toni just then was the best kiss I’d ever had.

Was it because she’s my sister, so the illicit nature of the kiss heightened our senses?

I don’t know, but this was definitely a kiss to write about in that diary I keep meaning to write.

We pulled apart after a minute, gasping for air, Toni drank some wine from the bottle and passed it to me when she’d finished.

“Damn, Josh, you sure know how to kiss. Did Maisie teach you?”

“She’s the only girl I’ve kissed properly, well, the only girl up to now.”

“Do you want to kiss me again?” Toni asked.

Well, there’s no point stopping now...

Each successive kiss lasted longer, and as our passion rose Toni started pulling at my belt, trying to unfasten it one handed. Without thinking I reached down, patted her hand away and unbuckled it. She quickly took over, unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them down with my boxers.

“Oh wow, my little brother isn’t so little. I bet you’re bigger than Mason, and you’re all hard, and all mine,” she added before going down on me.

I let out a deep, long sigh as my sister’s warm mouth enveloped my cock.

Was she just massaging my ego when she said I was bigger than Mason? Did it really matter? She was blowing me, and it was glorious ... ahh bollocks, too quick, far, far too quick.

“Shit Toni, I’m so sorry.”

Toni was giggling as she wiped her pretty face clean with her t-shirt, “wow Josh, how long had you been storing that lot. I tried to swallow it but there was way too much.”

“I wanted to warn you I was going to cum, but it all happened too quickly,” I told her.

“I doesn’t matter sweetie, Tyler came before I’d even got him in my mouth, so compared to him, you’re, like, a super stud.”

I was learning a lot about the other lads tonight.

“Anyway, this will mean you’ll last longer when you fuck me later.”

“Fu ... fuck you...” I stammered, “like, proper sex?”

“Yep, we’re going up to my room and we’re going to take our cherries.”

“I thought you were kidding about that.”

“What are you worried about, Josh.”

“Well, I’ve not done it before, what if I’m no good.”

“Aww, sweetie, I know you’ve not done it, because we already talked about that. I’ve not done it either, so we can have fun exploring, and we’ve got all night to practice. Mum’s going to the match with Dave, she won’t be back until late afternoon.”

I was visibly trembling as Toni took my hand to pull me off the sofa. Trembling from a combination of nerves about doing something illegal, performance anxiety and anticipation.

Did I mention that Toni is seriously hot?

Now I’d seen her naked, holding out her hand for me, her brown eyes twinkling as she smiled warmly. Oh shit, I was in love. Honey, Grace, Maisie, Alexis; they were all forgotten now. Right this moment I only had eyes for Toni and her smiling face and glorious body.

I’m probably going to hell, but right now, as I held Toni’s hand, her lips touching mine, I’d gladly spend eternity shoulder to shoulder with Sisyphus, pushing a rock up a hill, just for five more minutes with Toni.

I was in a daze as I followed her up the stairs and into her room.

“I think I’d like to be on top,” she told me, “at least for our first time. So, err, if you lie down in the middle of the bed. Take your t-shirt off, I’d like to see your chest. Oh my, you’ve got a bit of a 6-pack going on there, another win over Mason.”

I threw my t-shirt out of Toni’s door, it landed in my room across the landing.

“Nice shot,” Toni smiled as I lay down on her bed. I fluffed her pillows up to get comfy and was immediately enveloped in a combination of Toni’s shampoo and perfume.

“What just happened?” Toni asked in surprise.

“What do you mean?”

“Your cock just twitched, what caused that?”

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