Coming of Age - Cover

Coming of Age

Copyright© 2023 by MoTex

Chapter 7

As they waited for their food, Pavlina reached out and took both of his hands. “There are some things that you must know about us, but I’m not sure how to tell you. I suspected when we first met in Dublin all those years ago that no one had been forthcoming about your history. Why should I be surprised that here in 2004 it’s still the same situation?”

Aeden nodded in an understanding manner, “How can you prepare for something that you don’t know about?”

Pavlina nodded vigorously, “Exactly! Anyways, I can see from the fun you had at my expense that you are beginning to adapt to your new life. It was cute and all, but you have to be careful when and where you do stuff like that. It can negatively reflect on us and even put us in danger. Why don’t you try to find more constructive uses for it?”

Aeden had a lump in his throat as he accepted her criticism. He wasn’t used to people, other than his coaches telling him what to do in such a decisive manner.

“Your dad said something about coming with me back to the States?”

The thought of having Pavlina all to himself on his home turf was very appealing to Aeden and he began to smile lecherously. Pavlina noticed it and commented.

“I see that smile, you’re having Marketa-like thoughts, aren’t you?”

“Marketa-like? Why not just say dirty?”

“Because that doesn’t do it justice. If you Googled ‘pervert’, you’d find her picture!”

Aeden smiled lecherously again, “Then maybe I should take her back with me instead?”

Pavlina shook her fists in fake frustration, “Ewwwwwww, you’re too much!”

Aeden laughed and pointed at her, “You just sounded like Yosemite Sam!!!”

“Did not!”

“Did To!!!”

She couldn’t help herself, “Ewwwwwww, I hates that Rabbit!!!”

“Well, at least it’s not Wabbit season!”

Pavlina snorted. “Don’t go there, mister!”

After they finished having a good laugh, Pavlina answered his question. “As much as I’d like to, I am committed to my team until after the Olympics. It would not be fair to them for me to quit now. You understand, don’t you? If it were life or death, I’d certainly drop everything for you.”

“Yes. How do you see us moving forward after that?”

“I’m not sure. I’d probably come to you since most of the equipment is there.”

“Most of the equipment? What are you talking about?”

“Well, I guess if you didn’t know about your heritage, I guess it’s not a stretch to say you know nothing about ‘the equipment’. If you want more information, we’ll need more privacy.”

“That is probably wise. No telling what would happen if people overheard us.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes until Aeden switched gears with the conversation.

“Just what do you know about me, Pavlina?” he asked.

“I know nearly everything. I know it sounds like I’m a stalker, but ever since I learned we were betrothed, I’ve been following your life. What else would I do since I was told we were meant to be together from the beginning? I was the princess and you were my prince.”

She continued, “I was at your high school state championship games, the Fiesta and Sugar Bowls for both of your National Championships and I was in the audience when you won the Heisman your sophomore year. I came to watch whenever my schedule permitted and even got to see your first start at the Orange Bowl. You even had a girlfriend named Gwen that you were very close to until her unfortunate death.”

Aeden involuntarily jerked when he heard Gwen’s name. Pavlina was speaking from her heart and her voice was full of emotion, but when she noticed him tensing up and pulling away at the mention of Gwen and then it hit her.

“No, no. Neither my family or I had anything to do with that!” she quickly exclaimed as she grabbed his hand to prevent his pulling away. It was times like this she wished she could use her mood-altering powers, but it always slipped her mind because her emotions got in the way. Maybe in time, it would become more of a habit, but the whole ‘connection’ thing was still new to her and she’s had so little practice.

Aeden seemed to relax a bit and she continued talking. “The worst part was that I wasn’t by your side to help you enjoy and appreciate those special times. I don’t seek the limelight, but I knew you were at your loneliest at those moments because you didn’t have anyone special to share it with. Someone who loved you for you and not what you could do for them.” Pavlina hesitated and then sighed, “I even wish Gwen could’ve been there for you at those times since I couldn’t be.”

Upon hearing her confession, Aeden released her hands and slumped back into his chair. He let out a big breath and just sat there processing the information she had just shared. Her hurt was genuine and her concern was purely for him and not herself. Listening to her words and feeling her emotions convinced him he had no concept of what real love was. Even that which he felt for Gwen seemed to pale in comparison to what he was receiving from Pavlina.

“So,” she said meekly, “How many girls have there been? How many girls have you been with? You don’t have to say if you don’t want to,” she said with her eyes cast down. “Did you ever sleep with Avila?”

Aeden suddenly sat upright at hearing that name. “There’s a name I haven’t heard in years. No, I never slept with her. I was a toy to her, in fact, everyone was a toy to her. She is the only person that I was ever truly afraid of. She was without a doubt, the most evil person I ever met.”

Pavlina smiled. Aeden had no idea Avila’s father was a bounty hunter who arrived on Earth 10 years ago to capture Aeden’s and her parents. It was Aeden’s kindness that caused Avila to turn against her father and help everyone escape. Pavlina and her sister were moments from being forced onto a shuttle for imprisonment on Alnilam when Avila rescued them.

Aeden was correct, that girl was pure evil and reveled in killing people in as brutal and painful ways as possible. There was nothing she could do when Avila followed Aeden back to Texas after it was all over. She made a deal with Extor that in exchange for being watching over Aeden, he would give her and her friend a place to live since they were stranded on Earth. Pavlina was relieved when the girl disappeared a few years after that.

Aeden interrupted her train of thought, “I’m surprised you don’t have names, addresses, pictures of the girls I’ve been with, as you put it,” Aeden found himself saying in an irritated voice. He regretted having said it as soon as the words were out of his mouth, but something told him she already knew. Changing gears he replied. “I’ve lost count. After Gwen died, I was lost and just went crazy. It was so easy ... they just threw themselves at me. Deep down I’m ashamed of it all, but somehow I also felt it was just a benefit of my status. Not once did I try to get close to any of them. In hindsight, I’m not really sure who used who. Guys would hang around me just to pick off the stragglers, but I doubt many ever wanted to be around me because of me. I think I intimidated them. Things were fine on the field or the court, but all I really ever had was my sister Veronika,” Aeden said in a reflective tone. With his guard momentarily down, Pavlina was able to see into his heart and knew what he said was true. Among the sea of people that constantly surrounded him, he was a lonely soul. The hurt and loneliness kept getting washed back onto the beach of life. It was never able to break free of the tide ... until hopefully now.

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