Coming of Age - Cover

Coming of Age

Copyright© 2023 by MoTex

Chapter 5

The smell of breakfast wafted throughout the apartment as Aeden began to stir. It wasn’t long before the two sisters jumped on the bed armed with pillows and itching to use them. Aeden raised his left arm to try and shield himself while reaching for his pillow with his right, but it was too little, too late. It was obvious he couldn’t fight them both, so he grabbed the closest girl who happened to be Pavlina, wrestled her down and prepared to pin her to the bed.

Her loose-fitting white tank top distracted him just enough for Marketa to flip him on his back where both girls soon had the upper hand. They began a coordinated tickle attack on his ribs and as hard as he tried, he didn’t break free. He held back to prevent hurting them but found their strength matched his. He was enjoying the unique experience of being out-muscled by the two sisters.

Marketa dropped her guard just long enough for Aeden to break her grip, causing her to fall forward toward him. Her unexpected movement caused her white tank top to slide to the side exposing her naked breasts just inches from his face.

“Mmmmm, melons for breakfast! My favorite!” He said with a laugh as he impulsively licked the exposed nipple.

With her breasts blocking his eyes, Aeden couldn’t see her face, not that he had any objections, but what he could see was turning a deep shade of red. Marketa froze like a deer in the headlights. He licked it again and gave it a quick suckle causing her firm, slightly undersized boob to shake ever so gently and her body to break out in goosebumps.

Pavlina pulled the pile of pillows off her head and sat up only to squeal in horror at the sight before her eyes.

“Marketa! What are you doing?” she cried as she pushed her little sister off Aeden, snapping her back to reality. When Marketa sat up, she straightened her shirt and quickly ran out of the bedroom to the kitchen mumbling something about having to set the table for breakfast.

While having an extremely active imagination, Marketa had absolutely no experience with. Not only was this the first time she’d wrestled with a boy, but having one of her boobs touched in such an intimate manner was off the charts to her experience. She quickly learned that thinking about it and reality was two different things.

“You’re in luck this morning!” Pavlina said in a cutesy tone as they were seating themselves.

“How could I be any luckier? ... wait, let me rephrase that question!” he retorted.

Pavlina playfully slapped his arm, “Yeah, I know all about that side of you and it’s about the only thing I’m not happy with!’ Aeden was unhappy with the gentle chastisement but tried not to show it. However, the girls picked up on the twitch in the corner of his lips.

“Sorry, that was a bit harsh. Anyways, we made you an American breakfast! Lots of eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice! Dig in!”

The atmosphere had been momentarily derailed by her statement, but once the food started to be passed, the conversation started again and it was quickly forgotten.

“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” asked Aeden.

“First, we have practice and then we need to go shopping. Tonight we’ll go clubbing with the team once it gets dark!” Replied Pavlina.

WE have practice???” asked Aeden with a quizzical tone to his voice.

“Yes, WE. Marketa is on the junior national women’s team. She’s better than the middles on my team, but you didn’t hear that from me.”

“I would think they’d just move her up if she’s that good.”

“That’s what you get for thinking, silly! You should’ve learned that lesson last night with Dodek.”

“He met Dodek last night?” blurted Marketa as food accidentally shot out of her mouth.

“Yeah. It was lots of fun, too!!!” quipped Aeden.

“How long did he last?”

“Oh, about the usual ... long enough to hit the ground” teased Pavlina while softly patting Aeden on his arm.

Marketa picked up her glass and started to run her tongue around the rim. She looked at Pavlina and then back to Aeden with a twinkle in her eye, “I hope he lasts longer during other endeavors” as she winked at Aeden.

“Girl, does your mind ever come out of the gutter? You need to go into your room and not come out until you’ve used up at least one box of batteries!” Pavlina laughed.

“I don’t need batteries with him in the house, sis!” she said while gesturing at Aeden.

Pavlina looked over at Aeden to see his mouth hanging open and addressed him, “You better start coming up with your own material if you’re gonna hold your own around her,” she said. She turned back to her sister. “Yesterday wasn’t enough? How many more do you need?”

“All of them!” answered her sister.

What Aeden didn’t know was that while both girls teased about such things, they were very chaste. They had rebuffed advances their entire lives and broke hearts wherever they went, hence Pavlina nickname of the “Ice Queen”. Not wanting to be left out, Marketa lobbied for the nickname “Ice Princess” but it never got any traction. Word had gotten around their normal haunts that they weren’t on the market so the offers dried up, other than the occasional newcomer. The same couldn’t be said when they traveled, though. Their normal tactic was dressing in baggy clothes to avoid unwanted attention.

The girls made Aeden clean up the kitchen while they got ready for practice. Once they arrived at the Sports Stadium, the junior and national teams would warm up together and then separate for individual team practices. The coaches scheduled practices next to each other to expose the younger players to the better, more experienced ones in hopes it would inspire them to improve at a faster rate. Keeping the teams near each other for practice allowed the junior players to become familiar with the older team’s players should any of them get called up. The teams rarely, if ever, played against each other since the reduced level of competition didn’t benefit the national team. Instead, a group of coaches for other European women’s teams had arranged an informal scrimmage schedule to provide a challenge.

When they entered the gym, the place went silent as soon as the players saw who was with the two sisters. Pavlina planned on entering fashionably late so everyone would know he was with her. She normally wasn’t that vain, but it was her low-key way of showing the others that he was with her and to back off.

Marketa and Pavlina strutted over to the bleachers while play on the court slowly got underway again, the players not quite believing what they were seeing. No one brought men to practice and yet here was the Ice Queen bringing one. It wasn’t just any guy, but the playboy of playboys of the volleyball world, Aeden Smith. Despite being one of the top-ranked players in the world, he was not well liked or respected by the female players due to his openly philandering ways.

His entry into the sport did not start off well when someone taped him having sex with a PNN reporter right after the news conference announcing his addition to the US Men’s team. The video was posted on the Internet and taken down almost immediately, but the damage was done. Nothing is truly taken down once it lands on the Internet.

Early in his college football career, he was seen with a different girl at nearly every game. The local sports shows soon made a game out of it: ‘Aeden’s Banging Bingo’. They’d try to predict the hair color, breast size or what sport (if any) the next girl would come from. Once he caught wind of it, he would occasionally call into the shows to joke about it. It didn’t take long for it to morph into contest to see if he could complete that week’s challenge.

In teasing fashion, the two sisters slowly bent over at the same time to remove their warmups making sure Aeden got a good view as they wiggled about unnecessarily. He studied both butts carefully but it was too close to call. He stood there with a finger on his chin, “Hmmmm. I think more research must be done before I can make a decision. Perhaps I should handle the fruit to see which is more ripe?” he said low enough so only the girls could hear.

Marketa slowly turned her head to see Aeden standing there with a lecherous grin and responded to his comment, “Don’t you just wish?? This fruit is sweeter than anything you’ve ever tasted!” As was becoming her thing, she seductively ran her fingertip across his chest as she walked past him toward her court. Once again, Marketa unexpectedly left him speechless.

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