What Happens at Cheer Camp... - Cover

What Happens at Cheer Camp...

by Ashley

Copyright© 2023 by Ashley

Incest Sex Story: Chloe is barely fifteen and just discovering her sexuality. At cheer camp, she is seduced by an older girl and then fate, and a lack of engine oil, sees her stranded at a dingy motel with her mother. The three girls they run into in the diner next door seem determined to make it a night they'll remember forever.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Big Breasts   .

“So, did you learn lots of new tricks and stuff then Chloe?” I dimly heard Mom ask as we drove away from the cheer camp where I’d been for the last five days.

I was having an awful lot of trouble focusing on what she was saying. At the word ‘tricks’ my mind immediately went back to the last two nights.

The first three nights I’d seen almost nothing of my roommate Carol. She was a couple of years older than me and I got the impression that she thought I was boring and uptight, and she’d spent most of her evenings in someone else’s room. But, on the night before last, she’d come into our cabin, sat on her bed, and looked at me intensely.

I tried to carry on reading but she was clearly not going to give up. I put down my book and looked at her.

“Well?” she said as if I should know what was bothering her, which I didn’t.

“Well, what?”

“Well, aren’t you the stealth dyke?” she replied, leering at me.

“Carol, I do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about.”

“Those lifts today...?” she said meaningfully, as if that made it clear. I was starting to get a bit cross.

“Just say whatever it is you have to say and then go off to your friends.”

“OK then. Pretty much every time you had your fingers on my pussy.”

I was speechless and I felt my face turning bright red.

“Wha...?” I spluttered.

“And don’t tell me you haven’t been peeking when I get undressed at night, because I’ve seen you,” she said, sort of triumphantly. OK, that actually was true, but the first night I’d told myself that I was just curious about her underwear, or rather the lack of it. Although she had a sports bra on which, unless you liked your tits constantly smacking you in the face, was pretty much obligatory, it didn’t look to me like she’d been wearing any panties.

Well, I was right - she didn’t. She also obviously shaved. So that satisfied my curiosity but not the feelings spreading out from my clit. She was very, very lithe and beautiful. I’d read somewhere that all girls are a bit bi, but it was the first time that I’d ever been turned on by one, and it had shocked the hell out of me.

So the second time was by way of an experiment, or so I told myself. From a purely aesthetic point of view, Carol had a truly wonderful ass. The way it jiggled, but only very, very slightly, as she moved was pure poetry. Then she bent over at the waist and I had the most glorious view of her butt-hole and her vulva.

So I was lying there in bed, with my eyes open wide, drinking in the amazing view, when she peered around her shoulder and looked at me. I shut my eyes instantly and hoped that she hadn’t seen me. She didn’t say anything at the time or afterwards, so I thought I’d gotten away with it, until that moment that is.

“Well, you’re not denying it are you?”

“I ... well ... er ... well, I did look.” I confessed. “But I wasn’t feeling you up, or not on purpose ... I don’t think?” I’d been fully aware of where my hand had ended up a few times but, when you catch someone, you can’t really move it, can you?

“So you do like girls then?”

I looked down at the floor. “I don’t know,” I said very softly. Carol had gone very quiet and I risked peeking up at her. She had an annoyingly soppy expression on her face as if she wanted to say ‘Ahhhh’. She came over and sat next to me and took my hand in hers.

“Chloe, have you ever even kissed a girl?”

I mumbled into my chest.

“Sorry?” she asked and leaned a little closer. Close enough that I could feel the heat from her body.

“No,” I said a little louder.

“Would you like to?”

I was still thinking about it when she put a finger under my chin and lifted it so that I was looking straight at her. She looked so very lovely and not as fierce as she normally did. My pussy clenched at the mere thought of her kissing me.

“Yes.” I breathed. She leaned forward just a fraction more and her lips brushed against mine; it was like an electric shock going through me. I felt her lips smile as she heard or felt me gasp, and then she took my face between her hands and she began to kiss me, so softly and tenderly that I felt myself melting.

Then she opened her lips and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do the same. It was utterly heavenly, and I put my arms around her and hugged her to me, completely overwhelmed by it all. She put her arms around me and I couldn’t really explain it, but it suddenly felt so ... right. Our tongues entwined and our hands stroked each other’s backs and sides and I was quite simply in a state of ecstasy.

I don’t know how much later it was that she gently extricated herself from me.

“Can I take it that you liked that Chloe?” she asked me, stroking my face very, very gently. I felt myself blushing again. I’d been so caught up in the gorgeous sensations of kissing her that I hadn’t realized how aroused I’d become; I was very, very wet. All I could do was nod. She looked at her watch.

“I’ve got to go sweetie. I’m sorry,” she said, and she did sound sorry. “shall we carry on where we left off tomorrow night?” My heart seemed to skip a few beats at the prospect.

“Yes please, Carol.”

She looked at me very, very fondly. “You are so fucking cute, I could just eat you up.” Then she kissed me gently one final time and left, looking back with a little smile as she shut the door.

I sat on my bed trembling and wondering what the hell was going on. I’d never been so excited in my entire life. I’d kissed a few boys and kind of liked it, until they started trying to get a hand up my skirt that is, but this was on a whole different planet.

Mom had impressed on me at an early age that I shouldn’t let boys take advantage of me. The right young man, one that I could marry and start a family with, would be prepared to wait, she’d said. I’d never let them get past first base but stopping them had never been much of a problem, not for me anyway. When Carol stopped kissing me it was heart-wrenching. I knew that I wanted her to touch me, I wanted it very, very badly.

As I got ready for bed and took off my panties the gusset was soaked. I’d never been so wet before, and I ran my finger between my pussy lips, amazed at how slick they were. As I looked down at them I had a small moment of insecurity: I knew my lips were larger than most and if, as I desperately hoped, Carol was to see them tomorrow, would she be freaked out by them?

I loved them though: they were so soft and sensitive, and just stroking them made me shiver. I didn’t want to be caught playing with myself so I got quickly into bed. I lay there, deliriously re-living kissing Carol, with my fingers alternating between caressing my wet lips and rubbing my clit. It was quite beautiful but, maddeningly, yet again I couldn’t quite get there.

The brutally honest truth was that at fifteen I still hadn’t had an orgasm. No end of advice on the net told me that it was perfectly normal but it didn’t feel like it to me.

The next day Carol and I were never in the same groups but we kept catching each other’s eyes and grinning foolishly. At one point Carol mouthed ‘later’ to me, which made me blush furiously and made my clit all tingly.

After our evening meal, I rushed back to our cabin and waited, still dressed in the camp’s uniform of red singlet and tight black shorts. I was terribly excited and trembling, but I wasn’t sure if it was from anticipation or nervousness. I was so wound up I actually jumped when Carol opened the door.

She smiled when she saw me sitting there and I guess I looked a bit like a puppy that’s hoping for a treat. I half expected her to make fun of me but I think maybe she was just as excited as I was.

Without saying a word she dropped her bag on the floor, came over to me and knelt between my legs. Just her hands on my bare knees made me shiver and then she leaned forward and began to kiss my neck. I was like putty in her hands and I could literally feel my clit swelling and throbbing.

Then she kissed me, and the room seemed to start spinning around. Very gently and very slowly she eased me back until I was lying down, her lips never leaving mine for a second.

I gasped again as I felt her fingertip tracing circles around my nipple, which was aching it was so hard. I could feel my hips moving, thrusting upwards all of their own accord, and Carol giggled into my mouth and put her hand on my tummy.

I thrust against it and she began to stroke me, lower and lower but then moved to my inner thigh just at the last moment. My hips were moving lewdly now, begging for her to touch my desperately needy pussy, but she kept lovingly stroking all around but never quite touching it.

I squealed out loud when I finally felt a single finger press firmly, right on my clit. It felt so wonderful that I could scarcely breathe. I could feel my juices leaking out, soaking my shorts, and Carol’s fingers grazing along my lips were driving me crazy.

Then she moved her hand up and went to push it down inside the waistband at the top of my shorts. I panicked, suddenly self-conscious of my labia, and put my hand over hers, stopping it.

“It’s OK sweetie, that’s fine,” she said soothingly and went back to fondling me through my clothes.

With her other hand cupping my breasts and doing delightful things to my nipples, her lips nuzzling against the sensitive skin of my neck, and her fingers expertly caressing my clit I rode wave after wave of pleasure, getting incredibly close to cumming time after time after time.

I was almost crying with frustration and now began to feel embarrassed at my seeming inability to climax. On the spur of the moment, I panicked and faked it. I held my breath and clutched frantically at her and then tensed my whole body and grabbed at her hand as I’d seen girls do in the occasional glimpsed porn video, while squeaking in short gasped breaths.

I felt ashamed of my subterfuge as she held me tenderly and softly stroked my back, and then guilty that I’d made no attempt to satisfy her needs. I put my hand between her legs and she chuckled.

“That’s very sweet, but maybe another time,” she said tenderly. “I’ve got to go. My girlfriend, Fiona, is going to be wondering where I am as it is.”

My emotions were all over the place as she left me alone: I’d loved what she’d done to me but why couldn’t I reach a climax? What was wrong with me? Part of me even felt guilty for fooling around with Fiona’s girlfriend.

I had a shower and got ready for bed all in a dazed mixture of excitement and depression. I lay there thinking that I’d never get to sleep but the next thing I knew was a pair of beautifully soft lips were pressed to mine.

I opened my eyes to see a very fond-looking Carol peering down at me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she whispered. Then she put her lips to my ear and nibbled the lobe gently.

“When Fiona was tonguing my asshole I imagined it was you.” she breathed into my ear, jolting me awake instantly. That idea shocked me to the core: I’d never heard of such a thing but it excited me beyond belief as I tried to imagine how it would feel. I think Carol saw my expression and she giggled very naughtily as she undressed and got into her own bed.

It was a long, long time before I got back to sleep.

I was brought back from my daydreaming by a loud bang accompanied by a cloud of smoke, all followed by the sounds of metal pieces clattering around under the hood. The engine stopped running immediately and Mom just managed to get the car to the side of the road before it ground to a halt.

“Did you tell Dad about the warning light?” I asked her, suddenly remembering that it had been lit up on the journey out.

“Oh no, I forgot. Do you think that might have something to do with it?”

I sighed. I’m no expert but Mom was completely hopeless with anything mechanical. She insisted on looking under the hood, even though there was nothing either of us could do, but it was clear from the sticky evil-smelling oil covering everything that the car was going nowhere.

We checked our cells but there was no reception, so we got my bag out of the trunk, sat on it by the side of the road, and waited.

Eventually, a guy in a truck stopped for us. The price we paid for the lift was him leering at Mom and me all the way to the small rundown motel where he dropped us off.

It was a Sunday night and we knew there was no chance of getting anyone to look at our car until the next day, so we checked into the sole remaining room and then headed to the small diner next door. There were three girls already sitting in a booth who had been laughing quite loudly but went very quiet and all turned around to look at us as we came in.

Mom often has this effect and I’ve never been sure how aware of it she is. Mom is ... well Mom is impressive. She’s beautiful for a start, not beautiful for her age just beautiful full stop, with masses of wavy light auburn hair like myself. She has what I think is called a Rubenesque body: very large, F-cup breasts, a narrow waist spreading into wide hips and a superb full but still firm-looking ass. That may seem like a frank description from her daughter but it was all undeniable: believe me, if you’d seen her you’d have agreed!

I’d inherited the ginger hair although mine came with a mass of freckles too. I’d sometimes hoped that my body would develop more like hers, but at others I was grateful for my more manageable C cups and slender frame; there was definitely no way that Mom could be a cheerleader with her boobs!

I did feel a bit sorry for her though: you could tell that almost any man who saw her wanted her, except Dad that is, but as far as I could tell she just rose above it all, like a swan gliding serenely over the surface of the water.

I could see the girls whispering to each other and they kept glancing at her.

We ordered some pie each and then Mom went to the restrooms, followed soon after by one of the girls.

When she came back Mom was looking flushed and, as she sat down, I could see that her nipples were very erect.

“Are you OK Mom?” I asked her. The girl came out of the ladies at that point and Mom threw a glance in her direction that I couldn’t interpret.

I watched as the girl went back to her friends and then there was lots more urgent whispering followed by much giggling. Mom made a tsking sound and did her best to ignore them.

The girls were being very affectionate with each other and I couldn’t help watching them. One of them caught me at it and winked at me. I blushed and looked away but it wasn’t long before I was peeking at them again.

They were all quite pretty, maybe twenty years old, but dressed in a very outdoorsy style, so I guessed that they were hikers, or something like that.

The waitress told us that the diner was closing so we all paid and ended up leaving at the same time.

As we walked to our room the girls were behind us, still giggling, and they seemed to be watching Mom’s ass as she walked. They stopped before we did and unlocked the room next to ours.

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