Sandra After University - Cover

Sandra After University

Copyright© 2023 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 6

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Sandra takes a year out and is determined to have as much fun as she did at university.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism   Public Sex  

Fifteen minutes later we were walking into the gym, George standing up and welcoming us back and asking us how it went.

“Good, very good.” I replied, “Catalina here is thinking of joining me for my workout.”

“Good,” George said, “but no pressure Catalina, If you don’t want to it’s okay, your job is safe, in fact I’ve been so pleased with you recently and takings are up so I was thinking of giving you a pay rise.”

“Thank you boss, can I go and have a shower please?”

“Sure,” George replied, the evening rush hasn’t started yet.”

Catalina went off to the ladies changing room and I said,

“I think that she’s going to shave her pubic hair off.”

“You managed to to get to see that she has a bush?”

“Got her totally naked, she’s got a big black bush and surprise, surprise, she likes being naked outdoors, even got her walking to the car park and putting flyers on cars whilst naked.”

“Wow, didn’t my little benefits girl do well?”

“Thanks, but I’m not sure that she’s ready for a workout with me yet, may have to work on that one some more.”

“I think that I’ll have to invite her to my next party, that should loosen her up a bit more.”

“Are you going to start fucking her George?”

“Not when your tight little cunt is around, that’s for sure. Why, would you get jealous Sandra?”

“No, not at all. Do you get jealous when other men fuck me?”

“No, but I do wish that it was my cock ramming into that tight little pussy of yours.”

George put his hand on my pussy and bent a finger inside me. Pulling it out and holding it between our faces he said,

“Does your pussy ever get dry Sandra?”

“Nope. Complaining?”

“Hell no.”

George and I talked for a while then Catalina reappeared and said,

“It feels so good being all shaved, I don’t know why I didn’t try it before”

“It helps that you haven’t got any underwear on Catalina.” I said and I watched George’s eyebrows go up and a smile appear on his face. “You should try it with a much shorter skirt on, one like mine, you can borrow some of mine if you like.”

“Maybe, I have some swimsuit cover-ups that I might try.”

“You’ll feel good in them Catalina,” I replied the continued, “I’m off for a shower then it will be about time for my workout. Many guys here George?”

“Quite a few.”

“Good.” I replied as I went off to the ladies changing room.

As I was showering Lucy came into the changing room and when I saw her I said,

“Hi Lucy, going to be a regular visitor here then?”

“Hi Sandra, yes I am, it’s free and I like looking at the front of the guys shorts, it’s pity that George won’t let guys in for free if they workout naked.”

“I thing that a load of boners swinging around might put some of the other customers off.”

“Probably true.” Lucy replied then added, “So when are you coming to the The Pink Pussy Kat? Maybe Tony will give you a job, one that pays actual money?”

“Funny that you should say that Lucy, George was telling me that after my workout tonight he’ll take me there. Tony and Angela invited me there the other night.”

Before we could talk any more, 2 more girls walked in and I saw that it was the 2 that I’d talked to on the beach at Ses Salines, Ellie and Mandy.

“Oh, thank gawd,” Ellie said, “for a minute I thought that we might be the only 2 girls here and that we’d be out there naked on our own.”

“Relax ladies, the 4 of us will cause quite a stir out there.” I said.

I quickly introduced everyone as I dried myself the said,

“Okay ladies, time to get naked then we’ll go and give the guys some eye candy for them to wank to later, but remember, there’s to be no sexual contact in the workout room, we don’t want to put George’s licence at risk. If you see a guy that you fancy just tell him to meet you outside afterwards.”

As the 3 of them got naked I explained how we’d work on the machines then do some mat work together.

“Sandra has a great routine on the mats,” Lucy said, “last time I just followed her lead and I have never enjoyed myself so much.”

“Sounds good.” Mandy replied.

None of the other 3 had been wearing more than a dress or skirt and top, and shoes, and within seconds we were heading to the workout room. As we exited the changing room I saw, and waved to Catalina. My wave was more of a ‘come on’ wave but she didn’t move.

The workout room quickly went deadly quiet as the 4 totally naked girls walked in. I noticed that Mandy and Ellie both looked a little nervous so I said,

“You’ll be fine ladies, just relax and concentrate on your workout. Four machines each then meet on the mats, okay?”

Lucy turned to Ellie and Mandy and quietly said,

“Watch Sandra on the exercise bike.”

Yes, I started on one of the exercise bikes and Lucy on another one. We both altered the height of the seats and before long our pussies were sliding from side to side on the saddles. As I pedalled I looked around the room in the big mirrors and saw that there were around 20 clothed people, mostly guys, nearly all of them just standing around watching the 4 naked girls. Mandy was on a rowing machine and Ellie on a steps machine.

As my orgasm started to build I saw that Catalina had come into the room and I was very pleased to see that she too was completely naked and I could see her completely bald pubis. I was proud of her but I couldn’t tell her that because, not only was my orgasm about to hit me, but also she quickly went to another of the steps machines and started using it.

I also noticed that both Ellie and Mandy kept looking over to me with smiles on their faces. I guessed that they had realised that the effect of Lucy and I raising the saddles would have and that they were waiting to see the inevitable.

“Oh yeeeeessssss.” I said, probably loud enough for half the room to hear, as my first orgasm of the evening hit me. Even though my body was shaking and jerking I kept pedalling until my body exploded again. Somewhere along my second journey to utopia I vaguely heard Lucy going over her own cliff edge but my number one priority at that time was getting my second orgasm of the evening.

“That’s the best possible way to start a workout.” I quietly said to Ellie as I walked passed her to the thigh abductor.

I adjusted the resistance and sat on the abductor, with my legs closed, ready to start and I just sat there for a few seconds looking around. I smiled to myself as I looked at the faces and the bulging shorts of the audience. Although not all eyes were on me I has still happy, there was certainly going to be some blue balls leaving that gym later that evening.

I also watched some of the naked girls change machines and was pleased to see both Ellie and Mandy climb on exercise cycles.

Then I took a deep breath and forced my thighs apart as wide as the machine would let them go. I hadn’t set the resistance too high because I wanted to keep my legs spread for a long time. As I was straining I decided that I’d always use those settings and count the seconds that I could keep my legs spread wide and only increase the resistance when I could manage 60 seconds.

“That should give the guys a really good look at my pussy.” I thought.

Having done that exercise 5 times I reversed the resistance so that the machine was trying to force my legs closed. I decided that is was the best way to do it as I knew that my legs would tire and that they’d spend more time spread wide as I summoned the strength to do one more rep.

I did 2 more machines before going to the mats. None of the 2 were as revealing as the abductor but whilst I was on those 2 machines I watched Lucy, Ellie and Mandy use the abductor, much to the delight of our audience. I noted that Catalina stayed away from the abductor but I wasn’t unhappy about that, after all, she’d changed one hell of a lot in just that one day and I wondered how long she’d been thinking about having some of the fun that I obviously was.

I had to wait a few minutes for the other 4 girls to finish then they came over to me on the mats and any of the audience who hadn’t followed me over came and circled the mats.

I explained to the newbies that it would be like a yoga class where one person leads and the others follow, the leader helping out when anyone was struggling. Because I saw that Catalina was still looking a bit nervous I went over to her and quietly said.

“I know that you know what is coming, if it helps just ignore the audience and think about the fun that you had at the beach this afternoon.”

As I’ve mentioned before, all my exercises are ones that involve spreading my legs to one extent or another and I was pleased to see that all the girls participated quite well, the only exercise that all of them struggled to a varied extent was the standing splits. After demonstrating it I went and helped Ellie, Mandy and Catalina. All 3 were very close to doing it properly and I encouraged them saying that they just needed some practice.

Catalina was losing her nervousness and did the best out of the 3 newbies, she quite literally ‘opened up’.

Then came the grand finale where I put my calves behind my shoulders and do 30 Kegel exercises only this time I only did 10 Kegels before getting up and checking on the other girls. I was pleased to see that they all knew what Kegels were although I did see that Catalina was blushing as she did them.

I quickly got back into position right in front of a couple of guys who watched my pussy doing the remaining 20.

“That’s it girls,” I said, “I hope to see you all tomorrow evening.”

Most of the audience started moving away and I went over to Ellie and Mandy.

“That was fucking awesome Suzie.” Mandy said, “PE lessons at school were never like that.”

“And you do that every evening?” Ellie asked.

“Yes I do.” I replied.

“I wish that I’d know about it when we first arrived in Ibiza,” Mandy said, “We have to go home in 3 days.”

“Well that’s 3 more evenings fun for you.” I replied.

“Gotta go,” Ellie said, “we’re meeting some guys outside.”

“Going to administer some treatment for blue balls are you?” I asked.

“Something like that.” Mandy replied as they headed off to the changing room.

“Another awesome session, thank you Sandra” Lucy said. “Maybe see you later.”

“I hope so,” I replied, “I fancy standing next to some seated, horny guys in a dark club.”

“Well if Tony or Angela will let you I can guarantee that you’ll enjoy it.”

Lucy left too and I turned to Catalina.

“How was that Catalina?” I asked.

“I’m not sure, it was so much fun but so embarrassing and I know that I shouldn’t have done it, what would my parents or friends say, but I just know that I’m going to do it again.”

“And get naked on the beach?” I asked.

“And get naked on the beach.” Catalina replied and giggled a little.

“Come on.” I said taking Catalina’s hand and leading her out of the room and towards the reception area.

“Wait, I can’t go there like this.” Catalina protested.

But she didn’t stop walking and within seconds 2 naked girls were stood in front of George.

“Good workout ladies?” George asked as he gave Catalina a quick look up and down then turned his eyes towards me. I could tell that he wanted to have a good look at the naked Catalina but didn’t want to embarrass her.

“Yes thanks George.” I replied, “and Catalina did well, she enjoyed it as well didn’t you?”

“Yes.” Catalina quietly replied

“So I’m going to be stuck out here every evening from now on am I?” George asked.

“Maybe.” Catalina replied.

“Maybe I could get someone else to cover reception on an evening so that you can have more fun Catalina? Do you know any other girls who could do a few hours on an evening and maybe the odd full day when you want some time off Catalina, a friend or maybe a sister?”

Catalina blushed at, I presumed, the thought of one of her friends or her sister seeing her do the naked workout so I said,

“Hey, a few days ago Catalina you never imagined that you could do what you have just done and I’m sure that your friend or sister would be the same. Have you got a sister?”

“Yes, Mila, she’s a couple of years younger than me.”

“There you go then, talk to her, invite her along one evening, you don’t have to tell her what you’ll be doing, well not to start off with.” I said.

“Mila might enjoy it more than me, she’s already got into trouble for inviting boys to her bedroom a couple of times.”

“She sounds perfect to me.” George said, “leave it with you Catalina.”

“Okay, can I go and get dressed now?”

“Of course you can Catalina, you can wear as much or as little as you want when you are here, well apart from when you are working out with Sandra.”

“You go and get dressed too Sandra, we’ll go to Andy and Janice’s cafe to get something to eat then on to the Pink Pussy Kat, Tony has a proposition for you.”

“That sounds intriguing.” I replied.

Andy greeted me by telling me to bend over a table so that he could spank my bare butt. Then after he’d given me 5 swats he told me to stand up and he hugged me and welcomed me. I was definitely liking George’s friends, not only do they like having fun like I do but they were easy to talk to.

We had a great, free, meal where George and I talked about all sorts of things, Catalina being one of them. George was well pleased with my progress with persuading her to get naked and join the workouts. He told me that he thought that he’d seen Catalina with her sister Mila sometime and Catalina had talked about her often. George said that he’d got the impression that Mila was less conservative and religious than Catalina was so getting her to join the naked workouts could well be easier.

We also talked about the gym’s customers and how the guys were mainly holidaymakers. We both agreed to think of ideas to target locals and ExPats who would be around all through the winter months as well.

I asked George if he’d heard anything from Pedro about the website or any movie making.

“Funny that you should say that Sandra,” George said, “Pedro will be round to see us in a couple of days to show you what he’s got for the website so far.”

“Good.” I replied, “I can’t wait to get started with the movie making, do you think that we could sell them?”

“I think that that’s one of the things that Pedro wants to talk about.” George replied.

We got to the Pink Pussy Kat and the bouncer on the door smiled at George and said hello as he looked me up and down then opened the door to let us in. The topless young girl collecting entrance fees waved us straight in saying,

“Hi George, fancy a lap dance later?”

As we kept walking she might just have heard George replying,


The place looked okay, not too dark, not up to the standards that I’d expect from the big named clubs on the island, but never the less it looked smart and clean. There is a small stage with dancing poles at either end and at that time there was one girl, wearing just a thong and heels, hanging upside down with her legs spread wide, on one of the poles.

George led me to the bar and I looked around as he got us both a drink. Topless girls were taking trays of drinks to tables and I spotted Lucy stood between 2 seated me. She was wearing just heals and a very short (not as short as mine) skirt with her feet about shoulder width apart. I could see one of the men’s hands up the back of her skirt. She looked to be happily talking to the other men on the table while being fingered.

I also saw a topless girl leading a middle-aged man through a door and guessed that she was about to give him a lap dance.

Just as George handed me my drink Tony appeared in front of me and said,

“Well hello there gorgeous I was wondering how long it would be before you honoured us with your presence. Hi there George, Sandra, you’ve got your tits covered, as you can see girls in here don’t need to cover them.”

“But I’m not staff.” I replied.

“Do you want to be, we could do with a pair of tits like yours in here.”

I looked at George and he said,

“Hey Sandra, our deal is for you to workout naked at the gym, that’s all, what you do during the rest of your time is up to you.”

“What would my hours be Tony?” I asked.

“What would you want them to be Sandra? No, seriously Sandra, I’ll pay you the same hourly rate as the other girls and you can work whenever you want. Since we are neighbours I’ll even throw in a free ride home at the end of the night.”

My answer was to take my top off, hand it to George and start walking towards Lucy.

“Whoa there my little exhibitionist friend.” Tony said, “you can start work later and I’ll pair you with Lucy to start off with, she tells me that she’s joined your naked workout club, but first we have some talking to do, some plans to make. Pedro is here somewhere and we have some ideas that you may be interested in.”

“You will be wearing skirts that short when you come to work won’t you Sandra?” Tony asked.

“I’ll come stark naked if you want me to Tony?”

“Keep that for the private rooms or on the stage Sandra, in the main area the girls have to wear a skirt, licence rules. Happily, the rules don’t say how long nor that there has to be anything under the skirt.”

“You said ‘on the stage’ Tony?” I asked.

“Yes, I’m assuming that you want to enter the wet T-shirt competitions and I can get someone to teach you how to pole dance.”

“Brilliant Tony, thank you.”

By then we’d spotted Pedro and Tony led us to the quietest part of the room where we sat down and were immediately approached by a girl wearing just a micro skirt and heels. She stood next to Tony whilst she took our drinks orders and I noticed that she’s stood with her feet about shoulder width apart and that Tony had a hand up her skirt.

I felt my pussy get a wet rush at the thought of me doing the same as that girl.

Anyway, as soon as she was gone Tony said,

“I’m assuming that you still want a website Sandra and that you want it to have lots of photographs and videos of you naked in public places and having sex in as many public places as possible. I’m also assuming that you like it rough and will be happy to have sex on video with multiple guys, is that right?”

“What? Oh, err, yes, but you didn’t mention spanking?”

“How could I have missed that out, you look amazing getting spanked in the stocks Sandra, yes spanking, in and out of the stocks and getting tied up are included, as are you being fucked by all the machines that George has in his garage. What about bestiality, do you fancy trying that Sandra?”

“I’m game for any and every thing, bring it on guys.”

“No blood drawing.” George said, “I don’t want her dripping blood all over my gym, nor having scabs all over her body when she’s working out. A red butt is okay, but no blood.”

I was pleased that Gorge had said that and I verbally agreed with him, making it clear that I didn’t want to lose any blood.

“Also, I need people around who can whisk me away if it looks like the cops are going to intervene.”

“Agreed,” Tony said, “now that we have the ground rules established, lets talk through some ideas, let’s start with the tame ones first.”

“Before we all get excited about Sandra having fun in public,” Pedro said, “can we quickly talk about the website. I’m assuming that you want to make some money out of it.”

“It’s not my number one priority.” I replied, “but yes, I’ve got to find a way of paying you guys for all your time.”

“Good,” Pedro replied, “can I suggest a few teaser clips on the front page then the punters have to pay to see the full videos? I’ll check other similar sites and see what they are charging.” Pedro said.

“What about live feeds and camgirl sessions?” I asked.

“I can set that up but before each session we’d have to get permission from other nude girls at the gym.” Pedro replied.

“I can do that, and if they aren’t happy I can promise to pixilate faces out, Can you do that Pedro?”

“Of course,” Pedro replied, “and on a similar vein, George, are you happy for your villa to be in the videos?”

“I am.” George replied.

“Now, onto the ideas.”Pedro said.

“Hang on a minute,” Tony said, “Sandra looks like she’s a little distracted, how about us guys produce a list of ideas and discuss the practicalities of each one whilst Sandra goes and starts work.”

Whilst he was doing that I felt one of Tony’s hands go between my legs and one of the fingers enter me. Then he continued,

“Her mind appears to be on getting finger fucked so Sandra, SANDRA, we’ll produce a list then we’ll go through it with you, is that okay?”

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