Sandra After University - Cover

Sandra After University

Copyright© 2023 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 3

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Sandra takes a year out and is determined to have as much fun as she did at university.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism   Public Sex  

After checking out of the hotel we went to the Moke and George locked my case and his bag in a metal box that took up a fair chunk of the space at the back.

The drive to the Ferry Terminal in Palma didn’t take that long and after George organised another passenger ticket for me we were soon driving up the ramp onto the boat.

Of course the cars were stored on the lower decks and the occupants had to go up to the upper decks for the journey We were one of the first ones aboard and we went straight to the cafe to get a coffee and snacks and we were finished by the time the boat started moving.

It was an opportunity for sight-seeing so we went out onto one of the decks for me to see what I could. As soon as the boat got out of the harbour it started it get windy and the too short, very light weight skirt that I was wearing started flying all over the place. Of course I knew what was happening but I ignored it. George stepped back from me and told me that he got long looks at my butt and slit and if he could, then all the other passengers could. He stepped further back from me to give the impression that he wasn’t with me but after a while he came back to me and said,

“Do you want to go for a walk so that you can show yourself to the passengers in other parts of the boat?”

“George, I thought that you’d have known the answer to that by now, of course I do, it’s just that I didn’t want you to get upset if I abandoned you.”

“The boat isn’t that big, off you go and I’ll follow you at a distance.”

“Like a pervert who’s trying to get lots of looks up my skirt George.”

“That’s one way of looking at it, I’d rather think that I’m just keeping an eye out for you.”

“That’s sweet. I can probably look after myself, remember me telling you that I’m a Karate Black Belt but it will be nice to have you close by. You can keep looking at my butt and slit and think of things that you can do to them.”

“I do that all the time, you’d be amazed at all the things that I think of but then have to discard them, well for now anyway. Off you go Sandra.”

I did, and I’m pretty sure that I went up every flight of stairs and hung around every outside space for as long as I dare, and by the time I could see land ahead I think that at least half of the passengers had seen the bare butt and pussy of the girl who just didn’t realise that her skirt spent more time above her waist than below it and who spent most of the journey staring out to sea.

Anyway, the boat started slowing down and my skirt started spending more time below my waist instead of above it and George came and started pointing out some of the landmarks of Ibiza town and I couldn’t wait to start checking out the place, especially the places that George thought would be good for me to expose my bits.

It was announced that the car drivers and passengers should go back to their cars and it was a bit of a drag waiting in the semi dark for George to be able to drive off the ferry.

George took the long route to his villa, driving around the town a bit to show me the sights and recommend places for me to go, then it was heading away from the centre to the suburbs and just as I was starting to think the we were heading out into the countryside he stopped outside a smallish villa. He pressed a button on a remote control and the gates opened.

“Is this really yours George?” I asked.

“It is, I managed get in before the prices went through the roof. It was cheaper than your average semi back in England.”

“Lucky you.” I said as I climbed out of the Moke.

As George took me on a quick tour of the place I have to say that I was impressed, he really had moved out there at the right time and made a go of it.

“So which room will your employee be staying in?” I asked when he had shown me each of the bedrooms.

“Take your pick Sandra.”

I realised that he was leaving options open to me so I sort of did the same.

“Well, I’ll put my things in that one (big bed and an en suite), but if you promise to repeat last night I’ll sleep in your bedroom.”

“Good answer Sandra, although our fucking will not be restricted to a bedroom, there’s plenty of places that I’m hoping to fuck you, inside and outside, and you haven’t seen in the garage yet.”

“Oh yes, what’s in the garage?”

“Oh just a few things to stop you running away, make yourself at home with what you’ve seen so far before you get yourself tied up with what’s in the garage.”

“Was that a hint George?”

“So Sandra,” George said changing the subject, “a lot of guys go for a workout when they get back from the beach and before they hit the bars and clubs, so we’ll go to the gym around 6 p.m. You can have a look around, meet Catalina and maybe do a workout. That okay with you?”

“Sure, can I go for a swim in your pool now? Is it okay If I’m naked outside here?”

“You don’t have to ask Sandra, and yes, you can be naked outside here. In fact it’s not illegal to be naked outside in Spain but a few cities have passed their own laws stopping it. I’m not sure about Ibiza town, I’ve never heard of anyone getting locked up and I have heard of and seen quite a few girls wandering around either naked or near as damned naked. I’m sure that the police are more tolerant of naked girls than of naked men.

Come to think about it I may add being naked here and the gym as a condition of your employment. Oh, by the way, a pool guy may be along later and I have a maid service that comes in 3 times a week to clean the place.”

“No problem, are the maids male or female?”

“Female, and usually quite older than you, sorry, but the pool guy is around your age.”


I finally got out of my clothes and had a swim then hit one of the loungers. As I lay there I looked around and saw that the back of the villa was overlooked on 2 sides but there was no signs of life. I decided that I would just ignore anyone that I saw looking at me, me hopefully getting a great all over tan.

A couple of hours or so later, George came out and told me that it was time to get ready to go to work. I decided to use George’s en suite bathroom and he came and watched me.

Feeling a bit horny because of what I was going to do in around an hour, feeling a bit naughty, and wanting George to see me doing it, I got my fingers to bring myself to a wonderful orgasm, all the time keeping my eyes firmly on his.

“You’re an amazing tease Sandra.” George said after I’d come down from my high.

“Not complaining are you boss” I asked.

“Silly question, come on girl, get dried and put some clothes on.”

“Can’t I ride there like this?”

“No Sandra, we’re going straight there in the Moke and it’s still light. Besides, poor Catalina might have a heart attack if you walk in there like that, I’ll need to warn her first.”

I giggled a bit then finished drying myself but not my hair, I assumed that the air would dry it as we drove. Then I went to ‘my’ bedroom and got a skirt and one of my new tank tops out of my case thinking that I’d sort things out in the morning. Slipping my sandals on I shouted to George that I was ready and met him in the lounge.

“No vibrator Sandra?”

“Maybe, just because you can’t see one doesn’t mean that I haven’t got one inside me, but no, not tonight, I thought that I’d get used to the place first.”

“Fair enough.”

Two minutes later the gates were opening and George drove us out. He did take the direct route although as we drove he was telling me about the parallel roads that we could have taken, telling me that they were slower and that you had to keep stopping.

Soon George was parking the Moke along the side of a road and I could see a variety of shops mixed in with what looked like apartment buildings or hotels. We walked along the road for about 20 metres then we stopped outside what, at a first glance, looked like a shop with 2 huge glass windows and a door between them and above them a sign that just said,

“George’s Gym.”

“Not a very original name George, you’ll have to think of something that sounds more inviting and informative.”

“Was your degree in marketing Sandra?”

“No, but that doesn’t stop me coming up with ideas. Nothing personal but I’m sure that I could come up with a better name, and you should get some big posters in the windows, maybe showing pictures of the gym’s best features.”

“You mean you Sandra?”

“That wasn’t what I was thinking of but now that you mention it. Is it illegal to have photos of naked girls on posters in Ibiza?”

“I don’t know but we could have a little black dot over your pussy.”

“A full-stop wouldn’t even cover my clit.”

“You know what I mean Sandra, look, that’s Catalina.”

I looked into the shop / gym and saw this very Spanish looking girl. Probably a few years younger than me. She was dressed in a mid thigh, black skirt and a T-shirt. I could see that she was wearing a bra.

George opened the door, a bell rang and Catalina looked up then smiled.

“George, good to see you, how was your trip?”

“Hi Catalina good and bad, I’d like you to meet Sandra. Sandra, Catalina. Sandra is going to, shall we say help with the marketing side of the gym, don’t worry your job is safe.”

“Pleased to meet you Sandra.” Catalina said as she put her hand out for me to shake.”

“Pleased to meet you too Catalina, your English is very good.”

“My papa always told me that if I wanted to get a good job I had to be able to speak good English.”

“Yes, English is the business language of the world.” I replied.

“Many customer this evening Catalina?” George asked.

“Six or Seven.”

“All men I’m guessing?” I asked.


“Well Sandra has come up with an idea to increase the numbers of customers haven’t you Sandra?”

“I seem to remember that it was your idea George.”

“Whatever, I’ll show you around then you can get started whenever you are ready.”

Off George and I went and I have to say that I was impressed. The whole setup was bigger than the university gym that I was used to, more space, more equipment, even the ladies changing room was bigger than the one at the university. George let me have a quick look in the men’s changing room and it was quite a size too. There was a man getting changed but he just ignored us.

There were another couple of doors that I saw that George didn’t open nor tell me what was on the other side, and I didn’t ask.

Back at reception George asked,

“Are you happy to do your thing here then Sandra?”

“Sure, I would have preferred there to be more customers, but I’m sure that I can do something about that.”

“So what ideas do you have Sandra?” Catalina asked.

I looked at George, who was smiling, then my hands went to the hem of my top and pulled it up, and right off.

Catalina’s eyes went wide open and her jaw dropped.

“Such magnificent breasts Sandra, I like the piercings” Catalina finally said. “I didn’t see you bring any clothes to change in to, we have a T-shirt and there maybe some shorts in the lost and found box that you can wear.”

“That won’t be necessary Catalina.” George said as I unfastened my skirt and let it fall to the floor.

“Are you...”

Catalina asked but failed to finish her sentence because I started taking my sandals off whilst George said,

“Sandra is going to workout naked Catalina, is that a problem for you?”

“No señor, you are the boss.”

“Does it shock you Catalina?” I asked as I folded my top and skirt.

“A little, more surprised I guess.”

“Okay, let’s do it.” I said as I turned to walk to the workout room. “Anyone coming to see any reactions?”

By the time both George and Catalina caught up with me I was in the workout room and 3 guys had already seen me. All 3 were just staring at me and I let them absorb what they were seeing whilst my pussy juiced up and I decided where to start.

Decision made I headed to the first machine and got started. I’d already decided that I was going to do my workout with as little interaction with the patrons of the gym as possible. The only exceptions being George and Catalina, if they wanted to talk to me.

By the time I’d got started on the first machine all 6 guys in there were staring at me, and so was Catalina, her with her eyes wide open and her jaw lower than normal.

When I orgasmed on the exercise cycle I heard one of the guys cheer but I didn’t look his way. The thigh abductor, where my legs were spread really wide also got looks of amazement from Catalina.

Of course I had to modify my routine to fit in with the different machines and I did replace some of the Katas with different yoga positions that showed off my spread pussy more, but I did finish it the way George had requested, on my back with my calves behind my shoulders and doing 30 Kegel exercises.

As I was doing those I did look at the now 7 guys who were staring at me. I smiled at the shape of the front of their shorts and there was one significant wet spot. Their faces also told a story, some of unbelieving what they were witnessing.

I also wondered if, after any of my future workouts, I would get 1 or 2 guys asking me to ‘spot’ them whilst they lifted some weight from one of the benches. I really fancied standing with my legs either side of an unknown guys head.

Looking at the guys there I decided that they weren’t the weight lifting type, nor did I think that they had the guts to start weight lifting just so that they could ask me to ‘spot’ them.

Thirty Kegel done I released my legs, got to my feet and walked towards George. As I passed one gobstruck guys I said,

“Same time tomorrow guys and bring all your mates.”

George was already holding the door open for me and I kept walking back to reception where George said,

“Fantastic Sandra, that was better than in the hotel gym.”

“More space, more machines.” I replied.

I looked at Catalina who still looked too shocked to believe what she had seen.”

“Are you okay Catalina?” I asked.

After a good few seconds she replied,

“How? Why would you ever want to do that Sandra?”

“Because she is an exhibitionist Catalina.” George replied for me, “didn’t you see her have an orgasm, and I bet that she’s close to having another right now.”

“I am.” I added.

“But, but, women don’t do that sort of thing?” Catalina replied.

“Have you been to Ses Salines beach Catalina, at the far end?” George asked.

“No I haven’t, my parents would never let me walk that far along that beach.”

“Well they should have, and if you had you’d have seen lots of naked women and some would have been exposing themselves just as much as Sandra just did.

“You should try it sometime Catalina.” I said, “You’d be amazed at how good it makes you feel.”

“I don’t know, what would my Mama and Papa say?”

“Why would you tell them Catalina?” George asked.

“I’d be too ashamed.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because, because they would never do it.”

“Are you sure about that Catalina, are you sure that when they go off on their own they aren’t going to a beach to sunbathe naked and maybe get a little friendly with each other or others?”

“They wouldn’t, ... would they?”

“Who knows, you’d need to ask them.”

“Are you saying that you’ve seen my parents on the nude part of the beach as Ses Salines George?”

“I’m saying nothing of the sort but we are talking about you, Catalina, not your parents. You are a grown woman and you can do what YOU want to do Catalina and it has nothing to do with your parents. I’m not going to force you to do anything Catalina, you stripping and enjoying a nude workout with Sandra or getting naked anywhere on Ibiza is your choice, no one else’s.” George said.

“Okay, enough, Catalina will decide for herself,” I said, “we are not going to force her are we George?”

“Hell no, I don’t want to lose my most reliable employee.”

“I’m your only ... never mind.” Catalina replied.

“So,” I said, “no more talk about Catalina getting naked, she will get naked in her own time. We need to decide how we are going to promote this place, get more customers in, more money. A pay rise for you Catalina.”

George gave me a funny look but Catalina smiled, perked up and said,

“If you’re going to do what you just did every day then I’m sure that more men will come in.”

“Yes, but all those guys were probably holiday makers, they will be going home soon so who are they going to tell that is likely to come here?”

“True.” Catalina replied.

“What we need is a good advertising campaign, poster, flyers, demonstrations.” I said.

“You just want to get naked everywhere don’t you Sandra?” George said.

“I do, but why can’t we use that to promote the gym?”

“Good point, or should I say points.” George replied as he tweaked both of my nipples in turn.

“Gerroff.” I replied, “now is not the time for that no matter how good it feels. Let’s start with a new name for the place, sorry George but ‘George’s Gym’ doesn’t cut it, doesn’t start the guy’s thinking about naked girls working out does it?”

“True,” George replied, “any suggestions, either of you?”

“We need a name that could imply naked girls,” I said.

We brainstormed for a few minutes coming up with names like: -

Bare Basics Body Workout Body Works Body Beautiful Xposed Fitness Olympus Fitness Olympus Gym

(both the Olympus suggestions with a reference to the way the original Olympians

used to do sports - naked). Naked Fitness Bare Naked Exercise Total Fitness Totally Fit

Then I thought of ‘Xpose Gym’ and George liked it. After a little thought Catalina said,

“Ah, exposed at the gym, you should add a picture of Sandra working out like she just did.”

“Yes, I was coming to that,” I said, “a photograph of me working out on each poster and flyer. Could we get a way with a very explicit photograph here in Ibiza or would it have to be censored?”

“We’d definitely get away with showing your tits, bare girl’s tits here are nearly as common as guy’s tits but I think that the poster and flyers should at least blur your pussy or put a black rectangle over it.” George replied.

“We could,” I said, “the poster and flyers that go up on the street and in hotels censored but the ones that go up here and the flyers that we hand out on the beach could show everything, couldn’t they?”

“I’m sure that we could do that,” George replied, “I can just see you walking up to people of the beach and handing them a naked photo of yourself Sandra.”

Catalina giggled a bit the George said,

“Okay girls, that’s enough for today, start thinking about wording for the posters and flyers and we’ll talk some more tomorrow. Sandra, go and shower and the put some clothes on then I’ll take you for a quick walking tour of the lively parts of the town. Catalina, no pressure, but think about joining Sandra, I’m 100% sure that you’ll enjoy it.”

“I’m 100% sure as well Catalina.” I said as I grabbed a towel and went to the ladies changing room.

Fifteen minutes later I was back in reception but with wet hair.

“Maybe a hairdryer in the ladies changing room George.” I said, “and a lick of paint all round.”

“Okay,” George replied, “any more ideas?”

“Yes, a cafe, I’m thirsty and hungry.”

We both said goodbye to Catalina and left, me wearing the clothes that I arrived there in. That is to say, an ultra short skirt and a tank top. It was one of the new ones that I’d bought in Magaluf and as we walked I eased one of the shoulder straps off my shoulder. As I walked on the strap slowly slid down my arm taking some of the fabric that covered that tit with it. The barbell in that nipple was stopping the fabric from sliding off my tit but I did nothing about it, I wanted to see what it would take for the fabric to slide over the barbell and leave that one tit fully exposed.

All it took was a sharp turn of my body and one of my tits was fully exposed. Of course I knew what had happened but I pretended not to know, George had noticed but he didn’t say anything either. He understood what I was doing and he just smiled as we walked and talked, a mixture of about Ibiza town landmarks and what writing we should put on the posters and flyers.

As we walked I kept looking around to see what reactions my one exposed tit was getting but it was virtually none, and the odd reaction wasn’t a really surprised or disgusted reaction. Maybe it was just the conical shape of my tit that drew the second glances.

Anyway, it didn’t take long to reach the lively parts of town and the conversation soon became all about the sights. It was a Friday night and the place was heaving, even the long, rectangular ‘square’ of the town was full of people although most of them looked to be Spanish.

Then we came to the harbour area and a street or two inland. The number of people walking around increased dramatically, not only tourists but quite a few strangely dressed people. Some of whom I couldn’t tell if they were male or female.

We walked down narrow streets with open fronted shops with people slowly walking along as they looked in to the shops and at the world around them. For some of them that included looking at me with my one tit still fully exposed which was being totally ignored by both George and myself. At one point I wished that I’d worn a skirt that was so short that it didn’t cover my slit, but then I remembered that it was night time and no one would probably notice.

I looked in one little shop and saw that it was full of jewellery. With the shop being so open I doubted that any of it had any great value, everything was just girl’s accessories. I stopped when I saw a little display with a photograph of a girl’s bare chest, her nipples showing some little cow bells hanging from them.

I looked at the collection of what was on sale and George came and stood beside me. Before he or I could say anything the shop owner, a young woman, asked me if I would like to try anything, adding that she had lots that would look good hanging from my nipples. My brain went into overdrive for a second then I replied,

“Not at the moment thank you but I will come back some time soon.”

As George and I walked away George said,

“I was a bit surprised that you didn’t try some of those Sandra.”

“I will some other time, but when I do I will be wearing a dress that has to come right off to be able to try any of them.”

“I should have guessed Sandra, you just want to get totally naked in such a public place.”

“Yes George, you should have guessed and I’m hoping that my new boss will help me show myself to the whole world.”

“I don’t know about the whole world, but I’ll do my best. Now, how about something to eat?”

We soon found a restaurant, the manager ignoring my one exposed tit and seating us right next to where people were walking by.

It was a really nice meal but the price put me off going there on my own. I may have a healthy bank account but I wasn’t going to waste money when there are lots of cheaper places with food just as good, unless there was the opportunity for lots of exposure and in that restaurant there wasn’t, the tables were so close together that people were forever being asked to move their chairs closer to their table so that people could squeeze by

One of the things that we talked about as we ate was George telling me about a bar that was supposed to be somewhere close-by. It was supposed to be called something like ‘Groper’s Bar’ and supposedly girls went there fully expecting to be groped by the men there. When George told me that my nipples and pussy started tingling and I got excited.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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