Sandra After University - Cover

Sandra After University

Copyright© 2023 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Sandra takes a year out and is determined to have as much fun as she did at university.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism   Public Sex  

So, bathroom routine finished I went to the drawers to get something to wear in the workout room. What I haven’t mentioned so far is that good old Lisa had got some new leotards into her shop that are even more revealing that the ones that I described in my original story. These ones consist of not much more than strings that start looped round my neck then go down my front where there is a bit of the mesh fabric that covers very little more than my dark areolae and darker nipples.

Then the strings get narrow again until they meet at the top of my pubic bone where they go either side of a mesh strip that is about 1 cm wide. This strip covers my clit (well when I first put it on) then goes back to my anus where the fabric ends and just 1 string goes up my butt crack where it splits into 2, each one going round my waist where I tie them in a bow at the front.

Every time that I’ve worn one of those leotards the strip of fabric that is supposed to cover my clit disappears between my labia as soon as I start moving.

I’d taken 3 of these leotards with me and I put the white one on. Looking at myself in the mirror I remembered an accessory that I often wore during my Monday evening workouts, my Lovense Lush 3. I smiled to myself as I put the business end up my hole then switched in on to gentle vibrations. Experience had taught me that it was pointless trying to hide the pink antenna under one of those leotards so I eased the fabric to one side of the antenna and my clit and decided that I was ready to go to the ‘gymnasium’.

Taking just my room key and a small bottle of water, not even a towel or shoes, I left my room and headed down the stairs wondering if I would see anyone on the way. The only person that I saw was the middle-aged man sat at the reception desk and he didn’t even look up. There was no member of staff outside the workout room, not even a table or chair for anyone so I came to the conclusion that the place was totally unsupervised.

I took a quick look down to my pussy and confirmed that my clit was uncovered and that the antenna of my Lush was pointing straight down then I opened the door and as I went in I saw 2 young men, both looking like they worked out regularly. Neither of them were talking, just concentrating on the machine that they were on. I looked around at the equipment and decide that I could do a cut-down version of the routine that I used to do at the university gym. The exercise bike was free so I want over to it and checked the height of the seat. It had obviously been set for one of the 2 guys who both looked to be taller than me.

Climbing on I started to pedal and was please to feel my pussy sliding from one side of the seat to the other. The pink antenna was stuck out in front of me like a thin, pink cock. I started serious pedalling, not really looking at the 3 guys although after I’d moaned a couple of times my peripheral vision registered that they’d both stopped and were looking at me.

On and on I pedalled as my arousal level increased. I lifted my head and looked in the mirror in front of me and could clearly see my uncovered tits. I guessed that the pedalling had disturbed the delicate positioning of the fabric. Ignoring it I looked down at my sliding crotch but could only see my partially covered pubis and the pink antenna.

Looking towards the 2 guys I saw that one was still lifting weights but the other one had stopped on the rowing machine and was staring at me with a big grin on his face.

“Keep looking mister,” I thought, “I’m gonna cum for you real soon.”

I was pleased to see that he was still looking and grinning when I looked a couple of minutes later, just before my orgasm hit me.

I tried to keep pedalling to, hopefully, have a second orgasm but frantic pedalling in the heat that was in that room was just too much and I stopped and started to get off the bike. Unfortunately, or fortunately, as I put all my weight on both my legs they started to give way and I had to grab hold of the bike to stop me ending up in a heap on the floor.

I was still straightening up when I felt an arm go round my waist and I heard a male voice say,

“It’s okay luv, I’ve got you.”

I turned my head and saw that the guy from the rowing machine was holding me up.

“Sorry about that,” I said when I was back on both feet, “I guess that I shouldn’t go at it so hard in this heat.”

“No, it does get to you until you get used to it, I’m George by the way.”

“Sandra, thank you, lightening reactions you’ve got there George.”

“I could see what was happening when you started shaking and jerking as you pedalled, most girls go all weak when they set the seat high and they pedal to an orgasm.”

“You could tell then?”

“Oh yes, I’ve watched a few girls pleasure themselves on exercise cycles and you were a prime candidate as soon as I saw that antenna and how little you are wearing.”

“Are you some sort of voyeuristic pervert then George?”

“No, no, I own a gym in Ibiza and I’m a personal trainer as well.”

“Lucky you. So what are you doing here in Magaluf?”

“I’m thinking of expanding and Magaluf is full of young people, like yourself, who like to work out all though I don’t see many dressed like you are.”

That comment prompted me to look down at my chest and I saw that the strings going over my tits had shrunk to just strings and were caught under the outsides of my barbells. I adjusted them to cover my nipples as I said,

“I used to wear this when I went to the gym at university although I didn’t have the barbells then and it didn’t slide off my tits so easily.”

This was a lie as I always made sure that my tits were fully exposed for most of every gym session.

“Well I think that your tits look great Sandra, with and without your nipples being covered.”

“Thanks George.”

“They do, I love the shape of them and they look a lot more solid than most of the tits that I’ve seen and got my hands on. So, have you come here for a full workout?”

“Yes, it’s been a while since university and I’ve been lazy although my routine was something that I put together without any professional help.”

“Well I’d be happy to watch you and give you some pointers.”

“Would you? That would be great George but don’t you have to be somewhere?”

“That can keep, it was going to be surprise visits anyway. Now, I know that this place is very limited but let’s see what you’ve got.”

“You’ve already seen my tits George.”

“And very nice they are too but that’s not what I meant.”

“I know, I was just teasing you. Okay. They don’t have most of the machines that I am used to but here goes, I’ll try the rowing machine.”

As I walked over to it I saw the other man, who was in there, get off his machine and leave. He didn’t even look at me and I wondered if he was gay.

George checked that I was sat on the rowing machine correctly then I got started. After about a dozen or so goes I said,

“I didn’t have this problem when I was at university.”

“What problem is that Sandra?”

“This leotard is giving me a painful front wedgie.”

“Well I could suggest something that would help but it’s not my place.”

“You mean take it off George, would you mind if I did take it off? You wouldn’t take advantage of me would you? I mean we are down here alone.”

“No Sandra, it wouldn’t be very professional of me to pounce on a student.”

“Really, you wouldn’t mind if I did my workout naked.”

“No Sandra, I wouldn’t mind.”

“Okay then.” I replied as I got off the rowing machine and got myself naked. And it was was totally naked, well apart from the antenna sticking out of my vagina.

As I got back on the rowing machine George said,

“That vibrator that you’ve got inside you Sandra, I saw it when you came in, isn’t it uncomfortable and is it switched on?”

“No and yes, haven’t you seen a girl workout with one inside her before, they’re getting very popular these days.”

“No I haven’t Sandra, well not that I could tell, I haven’t one of those pink things hanging down before, well not in the gym.”

“Well it looks like it’s your lucky day George.”

“It certainly is.”

By then I was rowing away and trying to work out a way of doing it so that my whole pussy became visible half of the time but I wasn’t sure how successful I was.

“Try the leg abductor exercise machine Sandra.” George suggested, “with a body like yours you need strong legs to get away from all the guys that must try to hit on you.”

“I’m a karate black belt so I think that I can look after myself thanks George.”

“Remind me not to get in an argument with you Sandra.” George said as I pushed my thighs out sideways giving George the best possible view of my spread pussy.

On it went, me doing as much of my routine as I could, most of it having being designed for me to spread my legs wide and this time giving George a great view. The vibrator played its part in helping me to have 2 more orgasms whilst I was doing my routine. Both times George just stood and watched my pussy convulsion and my body shaking and jerking.

The first time that it happened I was in the crab position and I collapsed down with my lower legs bent under me. George had been helping me to get my stomach higher by pushing my butt up and it was the contact of his hand on my bare butt that was the final trigger.

The second time I was doing a handstand with my legs parallel to the floor and I George was stood over me looking down at my pussy and I just managed to get down before it hit me. The really amusing part about that time was that just as I went up a couple of young men walked in and I watched them whilst upside down and their faces was a picture. I’m sure that them watching me helped to take me over the edge.

When I recovered I continued with my floor exercises with the 2 young men just staring not even starting their workout.

When I’d finished George said,

“Very impressive Sandra, come with me.”

As we left the room I asked George where we were going.

“For some breakfast.”

“But I haven’t got any clothes on.” (I was carrying my leotard)

“It doesn’t matter, we’re not leaving the hotel and I need to talk to you.”

George led the totally naked me to the tables near the swimming pool where a waiter pounced on us as soon as we sat down. George ordered coffees and pastries then said,

“That was quite some workout routine that you’ve got there Sandra. Did you really do that in the university’s gym?”

“Me and a few other girls.”

“Was it Ladies night?”

“No, there were men there as well, an increasing number actually.”

“Did the sessions develop into orgies?”

“No, we weren’t there to have sex, just workout and tease.”

“Well I’m certain that you did that. Those poor guys, I bet that they all had blue balls when the sessions ended each week.”

“Maybe, we didn’t ask. So why am I here?”

“Because you want to flaunt your naked body to anyone and everyone don’t you?”

I looked George up and down and absorbed the sight of his chiselled chest and abs then after a couple of seconds I replied,

“And more.”

“Well we can sort that out in a bit. Before that I have a proposal for you.”

“I’m not marrying you.”

“Good, I’m way too young to even think about marriage.”

“Me too.”

“No, what I want to ask you is firstly, what are your plans for when you leave this hotel. You said that you were taking a year out to tour the hotspots of Europe.”

“That’s right but I have no fixed plans, I’m planning on moving to another hotel in Magaluf then when I got bored with Magaluf I was thinking of going over to Corfu or Ibiza. I’ve read that there are some lively places there and lots of guys to tease and maybe fuck.”

“What you’ve read is very true, enough young people to fuck your brains out 2 or 4 times every day, but how do you fancy working out in my gym every day? You’d quadruple my turnover in a week. My clientele are mainly young people who workout back home and want to keep it up whilst they are on holiday.”

“Yes, I know from experience that once you stop it’s hard work getting back into the routine, that’s why I went to the gym this morning.”

“And to see if there would be any guys there that you could tease Sandra.”


“Don’t feel guilty Sandra, guys like to be teased, especially like you teased me.”

“So do you want to fuck me George?”

“Of course I do, every guy who sees you wants to fuck you, especially if you are dressed like that.”

“So what do you mean by ‘work for you’? I’m on a year out to enjoy myself, not work, besides I have no qualifications in your line of work.”

“Looking at you this morning I can see that you have all the qualifications that I am looking for Sandra. It wouldn’t be a full time job, only an hour or so a day. I’d give you free board and lodging in exchange for you coming into my gym each evening and working out like you’ve just done. The rest of the time you’d be free to go and give all the guys on Ibiza blue balls.”

“What about fucking, being naked in front of guys makes me horny as well.”

“You can fuck whoever you want, all I ask is that you don’t use my workout room for that.”

“Would you expect to fuck me yourself in exchange for the free accommodation and the privilege of doing naked workouts in your gym George?

“No I would not expect that Sandra, you would be free to only fuck the men, or women, that you want to.”

“What if I want to fuck you George?”

“I was hoping that you’d say that, your room or mine?”

“Yours George.”

“What about the job, do you want it?”

“Can I think about it, let you know later?”

“Of course you can, I’m here for another couple of nights, got a couple of gyms to check out, just as long as you decide before I leave.”

“I’m booked in here for another couple of nights as well. I’m sure that I’ll have decided by then.”

“Good, let’s finish up here then go up to my room.”

Eating the pastries proved to be a bit difficult as the vibrator had slowly raised my arousal to the edge and George watched me go over that edge with at big grin on his face. Then I finished my pastries and coffee as George asked me if I often went out with a vibrator purring away inside me.

“Sometimes, it depends on how horny I am. I was planning to go out this morning with it in me and ‘accidentally’ let people see it.”

“Do you go out of the hotel dressed like that Sandra?”

“No, well not yet, I’ve got these half sarongs that I wear round my waist, they’re like a scarf but made of very thin and VERY transparent fabric. Ideal for a place like this.”

“And for Ibiza, there are few beaches where you can be totally naked and no one cares. There’s also some other beaches and places where girls can get away with wearing just what you’ve described and with those tits of yours you will attract the attention of just about every man on the Island.”

“You’re making it sound like paradise George.”

“For a girl like you it is paradise.”

I smiled and had a vision of me walking down a busy street totally naked. I sighed then finished my breakfast. Then we got up and headed for George’s room. As we walked through reception to the lift some new arrivals stared at the naked me and 2 guys complete with suitcases joined us in the lift. I watched them staring at me all the way up to the fifth floor and not once did their eyes come up to meet mine.

We all got out and George and I went one way and the 2 guys the other way.

“Can we fuck out on the balcony please George?” I asked.

“Sure, but can you take that thing out first, I’m not sure that I’d like to fuck a girl with one of those inside her.”

“I got a guy to try it once but it was too uncomfortable, would you like to pull it out of me George?”

I was happy that George did that whilst we were still inside his room because when he put it on the bed it was still vibrating away and I imagined it on the floor of the balcony vibrating its way to the edge, going over and dropping the 5 floors to the ground.

We didn’t make it to the balcony to start off with because George squat in front of me to take the Lush out and he didn’t get up, instead he stared at my pussy then pushed me back onto the bed then devoured my pussy. It was only after he’d made me cum that we went out onto the balcony and he fucked me from behind as I stood at the railings with me legs wide apart, my hands gripping the railings and me looking out to see if I could see anyone watching us.

My first fuck with George over we agreed to meet up in reception that evening and I left him and went to my room carrying my leotard in one hand and my still vibrating Lush in the other. I was hoping that someone would see me but I saw no one.

Back in my room I immediately put my Lush on charge. I didn’t want the battery to go flat later that day whilst I was ‘accidentally’ letting people see it doing the job that it was designed for.

As I opened the doors to my balcony I could hear Elaine and Harry talking but I needed a shower so I went and had one, then I went out onto the balcony to let the sun dry my hair. I wasn’t really surprised to see that Elaine was also naked but I was slightly disappointed that Harry had some swimming shorts on and his eyes diverted to my body as soon as he saw me.

“Hi Sandra.” Harry said.

“Oh hi Harry, Elaine, another beautiful day. Drying my hair in this weather is so much easier than back in England.”

As I was talking I was looking at Elaine and thought that she looked good, slightly taller and heavier than me and with normal shaped tits, probably a ‘B’ cup. Her bald pubis looked good too but her slit started a little further back than mine. I couldn’t see her clit but I could see that she had pronounced inner labia, unlike mine that hardly exist.

“What have you got planed for today” I asked.

“Probably spend it by the pool planning what we’re going to do for the rest of the holiday.” Elaine replied.

“You can skinny dip in the pool and sunbathe like that if you want, no one complains if you walk around the hotel naked.”

“Really.” Harry said.

“Yes, and they have a little gym where you can workout naked if you like as well. I’ve just been down there, the place it totally unsupervised.” I added.

“Wow,” Elaine replied, “I don’t know about the gym but I was hoping to get an all over tan whilst I was here.”

“I might go to the pool myself this afternoon but I want to go to the beach this morning.”

“You look like you’re starting a good all over tan Sandra.” Harry said.

“Yes, but I have to keep my legs spread wide so that my inner thighs don’t stay white.”

“I bet that the guys down by the pool didn’t complain about that.” Elaine said with a smile on her face.

“No, plenty of offers to rub the sunblock on, and other things.”

“You’re here on your own aren’t you Sandra?” Elaine asked.

“I am, but I like it that way and being able to wear so little I get lots of offers.”

“I can certainly believe that.” Harry said the added, “don’t you get embarrassed being hit on by guys when you are naked Sandra?”

“No, not at all, it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of men and it sort of makes me feel good, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, me too,” Elaine said as she looked to Harry, “and it makes this one horny a lot as well.”

“Yes, I accidentally saw you two at it the other day, you both seemed to be enjoying yourself. You’re quite flexible Elaine.”

Elaine was blushing a little as she replied,

“I had ballet lessons when I was little.”

“I did karate so I’m flexible too. I can still do the standing splits, look.”

I watched Harry’s jaw drop as I lifted one leg so that my toes were pointing to the balcony above. Of course I’d positioned myself so that they got the best possible view of my spread pussy.

“I doubt that I could do that.” Elaine said.

“Try it hon.” Harry almost pleaded.

Harry and I watched as Elaine tried to copy what I’d done. She couldn’t quite make it but she was spread enough for Harry and I to see all of her pussy, her inner labia showing just how big they were and how they covered her vaginal entrance, unlike me when I’m spread, the onlookers can actually see inside my vagina.

Elaine dropped her leg and said,

“No, I can’t do that.”

“You will be able to do it if you keep practising Elaine.” Harry again almost pleaded.

“Yeah, practice is all you need.” I added.

“Maybe I will, look at Harry’s shorts, he obviously enjoyed it.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen lots of bulges like that when I do it.” I replied looking at the embarrassed Harry.

“Well,” Elaine said, “it’s been nice talking Sandra but we need to head down to the pool.”

“You don’t have to rush to get a lounger Elaine, there are no Germans to reserve all the loungers here and you can go down like that, I walk all over the hotel like this, the staff just don’t care.”

“I might just do that, see you later Sandra.”

Elaine and Harry went inside and I stayed on the balcony having a good look around and enjoying the weather. After a while I went in and decided that it was ‘accidental’ flashing time again so I got my things ready, inserted my Lush again, put my sunglasses on and left my room. I had decided to leave the hotel naked and see how far I could get before I felt that I had to put on one of my too short, frilly, see-through skirts.

No one in the reception lobby said anything as I walked out of the main doors wearing just my sunglasses and sandals with a tote bag over my shoulder and the pink Lush antenna hanging down between my legs.

I made it to just short of the main shopping street before chickening out and putting the skirt on. A few people had seen me and stared at me but no one had said anything but I feared seeing a policeman when I turned onto the main street.

With my pointy tits leading the way I walked along browsing in shops just like any other tourist. Hardly anyone gave me a second glance and I started to wonder if my tits were too small for lots of people to notice them. Then that changed when one of a group of young men walking towards me said,

“Nice tits luv.”

I smiled, kept walking and realised that being topless in public felt quite natural to me, I’d almost forgotten that I wore nothing above my waist.

Eventually I decided that it was time to sit somewhere and pretend to be doing things on my phone. The wall between the path and the beach was my first place and I sat sideways on the wall with my feet up and knees up near my chest. My tits weren’t very visible but my pussy was, and with my phone resting on my knees I looked over it through my sunglasses whilst my fingers and thumbs tapped away on my locked phone.

It felt good being exposed like that and when I did see anyone staring at me my tingling increased and my pussy got a little wetter. I only stayed there for about 20 minutes before moving on to the same set of steps that I’d sat on before and I spent another 20 or so minutes pleasing or shocking more people. The difference being this time was that the Lush got the better of me and I orgasmed whilst I was sat there.

After that place I decided to go up the steps and round the side of the building and found myself in a quieter part of the town. Just as I was thinking of turning to go back I had a brainwave. There were 2 very English looking middle-aged men walking towards me and I stopped, got my phone out of my tote bag which I put on the ground and started taking some selfies.

When the 2 men got to me they stopped to watch the crazy nearly naked girl. I stopped taking selfies and said,

“Can you help me please, I want a good photo to send to my boyfriend who had to drop out of the holiday at the last moment because of a death in his family. I want to send him a good photo of me but I just can’t seem to get it right, would one of you take a photo of me please?”

“Err, sure.” One of the men said and stuck his arm out.

I put my phone in his hand then stepped back. Just as he was about to take the photo I said,

“Wait, I know what my boyfriend would really like.”

With both men standing and staring at me I put my hands under the waist band of my skirt and pushed it down so I was standing naked in front of the men. Next I spread my feet to about shoulder width and I knew that my clit and the pink antenna would be sticking straight down.

“Now.” I said and waited for the 2 men to come out of their trance and take the photo.

They finally did and the man with my phone slowly extended his arm for me to take it from him.

“Thank you.” I said, “I’m sure that my boyfriend will just love that photo.”

I put my phone in my bag, stood up and pulled my skirt up then I started walking away, smiling at the 2 dumbstruck men.

Feeling pleased with myself I kept walking and found myself outside a little supermarket that had a proper bench close by. What I mean by a proper bench is one that has a back to it so that I can put my butt on the front edge, lean back then lift my feet and put them apart, either side of my butt. With my knees together they provide a nice ‘table’ to rest my phone on whilst leaving my pussy very much on display.

I’ve often seen girls sitting like that but they all had shorts or jeans on, I’d even done it myself when I was younger. It was like I forgot that I only had an ultra short skirt on with no knickers underneath it.

“Time for more phoney social media checking.” I said to myself as I sat the way that I have just described.

About 20 minutes and at least 4 people having seen my pussy, I put my phone back in my bag and moved on.

The beach was my next stop and when I got there I headed for a relatively quiet area. Seeing a group of 4 young men I went about 3 metres to one side them and put my bag down, then I squat down beside my bag. Facing the 4 guys with my knees spread wide. I looked over to them and smiled when I saw that all 4 of them had turned and were looking at me and hopefully seeing my clit and pink antenna. I got my towel out then stood, turned my back to the guys, opened my towel and started to spread it out, deliberately making a bad job of it.

Next I got down on my spread knees, still with my back to the 4 guys and bent over to straighten the towel. I knew that my little skirt would be well above my butt and my framed pussy, with the pink antenna sticking out, would be easily visible to them. I could feel my arousal level rising as I slowly waggled my butt.

When I stood up I turned to face the guys and slowly pushed my skirt down to the sand giving the guys a great full frontal view of the naked me. I so wanted to just lay down and sunbathe totally naked but it wasn’t a nude beach so I bent over, still facing them so that they could see my little cones pointing to the sand, put my skirt in my bag and got out the crotchless G-string that I’d put in there back in my room.

I stood back up then held the strings in front of me and shuffled it around in my fingers so that I could step in to it, at the same time letting the guys see just the half triangle of see-through fabric. Then I stepped in to it and waggled my butt as I slowly inched it up my legs.

When it got to my pussy I used one hand to hold the front forwards and the other hand to put the pink antenna through the crotchless part then eased the G-string into place making sure that the fabric was pulled up enough for my clit to be exposed.

Satisfied with my outfit I lay on my back with my feet pointing towards the 4 guys and my feet about a metre apart. I intended to do some serious sunbathing.

As I started to relax I realised that I couldn’t relax because the Lush vibrations, and my little performance, had taken me right up there and as I thought about having an orgasm on the beach in front of those 4 guys I went over the edge and started moaning and shaking.

After the orgasm had receded I got up onto my elbows and looked down my body then straight on to the 4 guys and I was pleased to see that they were still looking at me so I decided to be a bit naughty. They could see all of my pussy and the pink antenna sticking straight out of me and I decided to do some Kegel exercises.

As I clenched the released my pussy muscles over and over, not only could the 4 guys see my pussy muscles moving but they could also see the pink antenna bouncing up and down.

I may have just cum but doing that raised my arousal level again.

It was then that I saw the phones start to appear in the hands of the 4 guys and guess which way they were pointing. I kept doing my Kegels and I was sure that at least 2 of the guys were taking videos.

When my pussy muscles started to get a little tired I stopped and turned over onto my stomach, again laying with my feet well apart. My right hand also disappeared under my stomach and my fingers found my clit and started toying with it. It was a great way to relax even if my arousal level was fighting the vibrations of the Lush

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