Sandra After University - Cover

Sandra After University

Copyright© 2023 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Sandra takes a year out and is determined to have as much fun as she did at university.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism   Public Sex  

Between my exams ending and graduation day I spent some time at home with my parents relaxing and enjoying an unusually warm summer. My parents both work so I was able to spend quite a bit of time nude sunbathing in the back garden and spending some of my money on laser hair removal (everywhere below my neck). Neither of my parents caught me sunbathing naked but I just know that neither of them would have been shocked if they had. We’d always been cool about our bodies and since being at university my wardrobe had changed to be more skimpy than before I went, in particular my skirts had got much, much shorter so there is every chance that both my mum and dad have accidentally seen my bald pussy at least once – I’ve stopped wearing knickers altogether.

One other thing that I spent some money on was getting my nipples pierced. I deliberately went to the shop wearing just a dress knowing that I’d have to take it off to get my nipples done. We sorted out the barbells that I wanted then he asked me to bare my breasts and get on the table. When the huge, middle-aged man turned and saw the totally naked me laying on the table with my knees spread enough for him to see all of my pussy he stopped dead for a couple of seconds then said.

“I thought that it was just your nipples luv?”

“It is, but I wasn’t thinking when I got dressed this morning.”

“Okay, no problem, but do you mind if I look at your clitoris, at first glance it may be suitable for a piercing, not all of them are.”

Before I could answer him he’d moved down the table and was staring at my pussy.

“Ah, yes, no, you only have a small hood which clearly doesn’t hide your clitoris, not ideal for piercing.”

“Well that’s okay because I wasn’t thinking of getting it done. Are my nipples suitable?”

The man turned and looked at my tits.

“Hmm, I haven’t seen many breasts that shape on girls your age but they are ideal. Some girls have really small nipples and it’s difficult to find the right place to push the needle through but yours are perfect, they’re nearly as big as the end of my little finger, never mind yours.”

By that time my nipples were rock hard and tingling, so was my clit and my pussy was leaking quite a bit. I was pleased that I didn’t have the back of my dress under my butt.

“You’ll feel just a little prick.” The man said as he was about to push the needle through.

I smiled, then winced a little as the needle went through but was looking at the front of his trousers to see if I could see any bulge and I wondered if he did have a little prick. Then I wondered if he just said that to distract me from the pain of the needle going in and I wondered if he said that to all the girls.

The procedure was over in a couple of minutes and I was soon putting my dress back on whilst I listened to his talk about after-care.

Back at home that evening my dad noticed the different shape of the 2 bulges in my thin dress and asked me if I’d had my nipples pierced.

“Yes daddy, want to see them?”

Before he had the chance to say anything I’d grabbed the hem of my dress and it was going up over my head.

“Wow, they look painful.” Daddy said.

“They are a little but I only got them done this afternoon and the man says that it will take a couple of weeks for them to heal.”

“I’m not surprised, you’ll have to keep your boyfriend off them for a while.”

“Daddy, you know that I haven’t got a boyfriend.”

“I know princess, I was just teasing you. Are you at all self-conscious about the shape of your breasts, most girls your age have gone through the stage of them being all conical like yours still are.”

“Daddy, most girls never have them pointy like these.”

“I’m sure that the doctors could do something about them to make them look more normal.”

“Daddy, I’m very happy with them like they are thank you.”

“Hey mum, come and look at our Sandra’s breasts, she went and got them pierced.”

My mum came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a tea towel and saw me standing there, totally naked in front of my father.

“Did you say that Sandra has gone and got her nipples pierced?” Mum asked, not being at all phased about the situation.

I turned to face her, thrusting my chest forwards. Mum stared at my tits for a couple of seconds then said,

“So I see, very nice darling. You do know how to keep them clean until they heal properly don’t you?”

“Yes mum, the man told me and he gave me a leaflet explaining it all.” I replied and started putting my dress back on.

“Well you make sure that you do it properly, the last thing that you want is infected breasts when you go on holiday, where was it you said you were going first?”

“Mallorca, it’s the largest of the Balearic Islands.”

“Oh yes, in the Mediterranean.” Mum replied, “with a bit of luck you’ll meet someone who will bring you out of your shell, make you more sociable.”

“Mum, how many times do I have to tell you that I’m happy with my life as it is.”

“With a bit of luck you’ll meet a nice boy and come back engaged.” Mum said.


“Okay, just teasing you honey, just so long as you are happy.”

“I am mum.”

I wasn’t lazy whilst I was at my parents house. During the day when both my parents were at work I took up jogging and spent many hours jogging around the neighbourhood wearing only a thin tank top, the ultra short, white, thin, skater style skirt that I bought shortly after I first went to university, and, of course, my trainers.

I knew that the skirt would be dancing about as I ran giving anyone who cared to look a glimpse of my bare butt.

Jogging in the parks my trainer laces seemed to manage to come lose quite often and I often stopped to re-tie one, bending over in front of any men that I thought would appreciate the sight. I got a few complimentary comments which I ignored and ran off before they got too close.

Sometimes I stopped and lay down on the grass to rest and improve my tan but I only did that around lunch time when office workers were out enjoying the sun during their lunch break. Of course I lay with my knees slightly open knowing that anyone who walked by, and looked over to me, would be able to see my pussy.

I’d thought about going to a gym or swimming pool but they would have been too public, often with young kids there. I was sure that the kids wouldn’t care if I was covered or not, it’s the stupid, prudish, woke parents that are the problem.

Next door to my parents had got some new people living there and one day whilst I was nude sunbathing I spotted a young man looking down on me from one of their upstairs bedrooms. I pretended to not have seen him but at the same time I spread my legs so that he could get a good look at my pussy. He never came to talk to me that time, nor the other 2 times that I saw him watching me. I wondered if he was a bit like me or maybe gay.

Graduation day finally arrived and dad drove us up to the university for the ceremony. I had to hire one of those silly gowns and hats and only my friend Isla knew that we were both naked under our gowns when we got presented with our certificates.

Afterwards, Isla and I had a long, naked hug, complete with tears as we said goodbye, me promising to keep in touch during my Mediterranean tour. I again asked her to come with me but she reminded me that she was starting a new job the following Monday.

I returned my gown and hat and went looking for my parents then we drove home.

Early the next morning it was more tears as I said goodbye to my mother then I got in dad’s car for the journey to the airport. I was wearing my longest skirt (mid thigh) and my least see-through top. I knew that dad could see the shape and darker colour of my nipples but he never said anything.

As soon as I got into the departure lounge I went to the ladies room and changed into a much shorter skirt and a more see-through top. I had managed to get everything that I needed into one carry-on bag, a little suitcase with wheels, as I didn’t want to be carrying a large suitcase as I moved from hotel to hotel and resort to resort.

Then I got into holiday mode and practised something that I intended to do one hell of a lot whilst I was abroad, sitting playing with my phone and with my knees about shoulder width apart. As I sat lazily I knew that anyone who cared to look would be able to see my uncovered pussy, and my tits through my top.

As I kept glancing up from my phone I did see a few people who realised what they could see but I just ignored them, although I wished that I had put my egg vibrator in my pussy whilst I was in the ladies room so that I could cum whilst they were watching me. In the end I decided to go and do just that and I got out just as my flight was called.

As I walked up the steps onto the plane I heard a young man behind me say,

“Hey Tom, look at that.”

I assumed that they were looking up my very short skirt and could see my bare butt and probably my pussy as well.

Walking down the aisle with my carry-on case I discovered that my seat was a window one and that there were already 2 young men in the other 2 of the set of 3 seats in the row. I had to get my carry-on case into the overhead locker so I stood at the end of the row facing the 2 young men and lifted my case up knowing full well that my skirt would go up as well, giving them a great view of my slit and clit.

It seemed to take ages for me to get my case in the right position, especially as I kept looking down to see that the 2 young men were looking at my slit and clit. Finally I was happy and I tugged my skirt down and told the 2 young men that I needed to be in the window seat. I didn’t wait to see if they would get up and move into the aisle to let me in, instead I faced them and started to shuffle in, making sure that the back of my skirt got trapped between me and the seat in front, effectively making it rise up.

I took my time shuffling in. knowing that not only were they looking at my slit and clit again, but they would also be able to see the underside of my tits up my loose fitting top.

Finally in front of my seat I turned and sat down making sure that my skirt was up at the back. I looked down to my lap and I could see my bald pubis, and if I could, the 2 young men could as well. I fastened my seat belt and put my hands and my little clutch bag on my lap blocking their view.

Then I sighed with relief that I was finally ready for the plane to take off and that my year out was really starting.

“It can be quite an ordeal getting your holiday started can’t it?” The young man in the middle seat said as he faced me.

“Yes.” I replied not wanting to get into a conversation.

“Going on holiday on your own are you?”


“Which resort are you going to?”


“Which hotel, we might be in the same one.”

“Don’t know yet.”

My curt replies were having the desired effect and the young man gave up trying to hit on me. Once the seat belt lights went off I unfastened my seat belt and put my bag between my thigh and the window making my slit visible to the young men again, but not for long, I got my phone and earbuds out and started to listen to some music.

The young men had taken the hint and didn’t try talking to me again but they did keep pretending to look out of the window which I ignored. Well that isn’t strictly true. I did slowly slide down in the seat and spread my knees a bit so that more of my pussy was visible.

About an hour into the flight I decided that I wanted a pee so I got up, looked at the young men and said,

“Sorry but I need to go to the toilet.”

I shuffled passed them making sure that my skirt was well above my slit which was right in their faces. I looked down and saw that I was having the desired effect on their cocks and I was smiling as I walked down the aisle.

The walking reminded me that I had my egg vibrator inside me, and after having a pee and flashing my slit to the young men again, I sat down and put my hand into my bag and switched the vibrator on. With my hands held loosely on my lap, not really hiding anything, I spread my knees and let the vibrator do its thing.

I hadn’t switched it on to full power so the orgasm took quite a while to build but when it arrived I was gripping the seat arms, shaking a little and moaning a little. When the waves started receding I took a deep breath and heard one of the young men say,

“Are you alright luv?”

I looked at him then replied,

“Yes thanks.”

My head was back and my knees were still spread as I just semi lay there enjoying the vibrations and waiting for my second orgasm.

I saw the young men looking out of the window and I turned and saw that we were over land. Then I heard the pilot announce that were starting the descent to Palma airport and the fasten seatbelts lights went on. I fastened mine but still stayed slouched in my seat then I heard one of the young men asked if he could lean over me and take some photographs out of the window.

“Okay,” I replied.

Then I realised that I had a bit of a challenge because I could see that the man’s camera wasn’t pointing at the window every time that I heard the shutter, but pointing down at my pussy; and I was more than happy to let him photograph it so I kept my knees spread. That was okay but I knew that the cabin crew would be along soon to check that all seatbelts were fastened and my second orgasm was building.

The man took about half a dozen photos of my pussy before I saw the cabin crew man walking down the aisle looking at seatbelts so I grabbed my bag ready to slide it over when the man moved. The cabin crew man told the young man to sit down and fasten his seatbelt and as he moved back I managed to put my bag over my pussy as I saw the man’s eyes look at my fastened seatbelt. Then he moved on and my second orgasm arrived to more shaking and moaning and my bag slipping down onto the floor between my feet.

The man next to me saw it go and as my orgasm started to subside he leant over me, his face right in front of my pussy as his hand went down to get my bag. He slowly got up. His eyes staring at my pussy until the last second.

I nearly orgasmed again as the plane touched down but I put my hand into my bag and switched the egg off.

The 2 young men obviously weren’t in a rush to get off and in the end I decided to get off before them and went through the whole shuffling then reaching up to get my case before moving down the aisle behind all the other passengers, only to see when I looked back that the 2 young men were close behind me.

The heat hit me as I got to the plane door and I was happy that I was wearing very little.

I got a few people staring at my chest when we were queueing to go through security but no one said anything and I was soon outside the front of the terminal building looking for the bus stop to Magaluf. I was easy to find and I was pleased when a bus came along within 5 minutes.

I quickly decided that I like Mallorca local buses because they have seats facing standing people, and people sitting opposite, and I sat with my knees slightly open, affording a view of my slit and clit to anyone who cared to look.

I did spot a couple of people doing a double take which made my pussy get wet, me being surprised how quickly it had dried since it had been dripping on the plane.

When I got to Magaluf bus station I got off and walked to the exit where I got out my phone to remind me of the name of the first hotel that was on my list. One evening at home I’d researched Magaluf hotels and made a list of ones that met my criteria – adults only, rooms with balconies overlooking streets, not expensive. and not far from the lively part of town. Then I opened Google maps to guide me to the first hotel.

As I asked if they had an available room I emphasized my requirements and was pleased when they told me that there was one available. I haggled with the young man over the price and I was sure that him being able to see my tits as I stood in front of the seated him helped me get a bit of a discount.

The room was on the third floor and when I went in I lifted my little suitcase onto the counter, checked the bathroom then stripped naked. Opening the doors to the balcony I stepped out, gave a long, satisfied sigh then heard a male voice saying hello.

I looked from side to side and realised that I’d stepped into the middle of a conversation between the 2 sets of young men around my age on each of the balconies of the rooms either side of mine.

“Hi there.” I said, “I’m Sandra.”

I’d decided to use my real name rather than Suzie, the name that I’d used at university when I wanted to make it difficult for the guys to track me down after I’d fucked them. After all I was a thousand miles from home and I’d be moving to a different hotel in a week.

What followed was the usual getting to know you small talk mixed in with them telling me where I should go for some fun and them inviting me to go to those places with them. All with me standing there totally naked with a beer in my hand, that one of them had given me, and rock hard and tingling nipples and clit.

I asked about nude beaches and was told that the nearest one that they’d heard of was a little one called Playa del Mago, about 5 miles away. Then one of the guys, Luke, said that they’d seen lots of topless girls on the nearby beach, and at the hotel pool.

“Seen any naked girls at the pool?” I asked.

“Yeah, a couple, there all day they were, we were going to go to the beach that day but we changed our mind when we saw them.” Noah said, then continued,”

“So are you planning on sunbathing by the pool like that Sandra?”

“Probably, now that I know it’s allowed. So did you get off with those naked girls?” I replied.

“No, but is wasn’t for a lack of trying.” Jack replied.

“So are you going to hit the town with us tonight Sandra?” Noah asked.

“Maybe, I want to have a look around this place and the local area first.” I replied

“We could show you around Sandra.” Noah said.

I thought for a second the replied,

“Okay, thanks guys, but I need a shower and something to eat first, oh, and I guess that I should put some clothes on as well.”

“We don’t mind if you don’t.” Theo said.

“I don’t think that I’d get away with walking around town like this.”

“You probably would at night.” Luke said, “I’ve seen a couple of naked girls, but they were both well pissed.”

“Hmm.” I replied. “see you in a bit.”

I went inside and quickly emptied my little suitcase onto the drawers and wardrobe then I squat a little and squeezed my egg out before going into the shower. All the time leaving my doors and curtains open. One time when I glanced out I saw Noah looking at me and I wondered if he’d seen me taking my egg out.

Then I had to decide what to wear, not that I had a lot of choice, I was definitely travelling light. I chose a skirt that is shorter at the front than at the back, the back only just covering my butt when I’m standing, and a crop, sleeveless, tie front blouse. It is a loose fit and it’s very easy for anyone who looks to see inside it, and that’s before I bend over.

Going back out onto the balcony, Luke said,

“That didn’t take long Sandra, we were expecting at least another 30 minutes.”

“I can’t be bothered with make-up, I left it all back home. Let’s go.”

“Looking good girl.” Theo said when we all met in the corridor.”

“Is that because you can see my pussy and tits Theo?” I asked.

“Can I, I hadn’t noticed.” Theo replied.

“Yeah, right.” I thought and smiled.

There was a few minutes of silence as we went down the stairs and I was feeling a bit proud of myself. I was interacting normally with 4 guys who I had only known for less than an hour and not feeling at all shy. Then I remembered that I was feeding my addictions and that I was feeling VERY horny.

As we walked into the reception area I saw 2 very wet girls wearing only tiny G-strings running through the room.

“I feel a bit over-dressed.” I said.

“Feel free to take everything off if you want Sandra.” Noah said.

“I’m tempted.” I replied but kept walking with the 4 guys that I hoped would be fucking me later that day.

The 4 guys showed me around the hotel and all its facilities. When we got to the swimming pool I saw a naked girl jumping in and I said,

“I used to go skinny dipping with some of my friends in the university pool, it would feel strange having to wear a bikini to got swimming here.”

“Then go skinny dipping here Sandra,” Luke replied, “no one will mind, look at that girl over there (he pointed to a blonde), she’s probably naked, she was yesterday when we were down here.”

I mentally thanked myself for putting this hotel at the top of my list for Magaluf.

“Maybe later,” I said, “what time do they close the pool?”

“When the sun goes down but I’ve seen people in there when we’ve come back from a bar crawl.” Theo added.

“Interesting,” I said, “but I’m hungry right now.”

“Well there’s most of the fast food joints that you can think off not far away, or there’s Spain’s own little versions, or even posh restaurants, Chinese, Thai or I saw an Indian the other night. This place has just about everything that you could want.” Luke said.

“How far is the McDonalds?” I asked, “I haven’t had a big mac for months and I’m starving.”

“McD’s it is then.” Jack said, “are you going like that Sandra or do you want to go and change into something less revealing, or maybe something more revealing. I’m sure that most of Magaluf will want to see those amazing tits of yours.”

“These tiny things,” I said taking hold of both of my tits, squeezing them then tweaking my nipples, “I thought that all you men wanted to see and get your hands on huge water melon tits?”

“No Sandra, that’s a myth,”Theo said, “most men like tits of any size, especially when they are shaped like yours and topped off with nipples like those.”

“Stop it Theo, you’ll make me blush.”

“I doubt that,” Luke said, “come on, I’m starting to feel hungry as well.”

The guys didn’t give me a chance to answer the questions about my attire but that didn’t bother me and we left the hotel and headed for McDonald’s. I’d studied a map of Magaluf and knew that it wasn’t far but a map doesn’t show you all the people walking around, or the atmosphere and I was enjoying both of those things, especially the people who saw that my skirt didn’t cover my slit. My partially uncovered butt was nothing special as a large percentage of the girls were wearing thong bikinis leaving dozens of bare butts walking around. In fact I felt a little over-dressed.

McDonalds was very much like the ones in the UK apart from a few Spanish variations on the menu and the fact that the clientele included mostly topless men, quite a few topless girls and the rest of the girls in bikinis. Only a handful of the girls wore cover-ups, one of which attracted my attention. It was a crochet, multi-coloured one with the holes big enough for nipples to poke through and for eyes to see through and see everything that was under it. I just knew that I was going to go shopping for one of those.

We could also sit outside to eat and not feel at all chilly and I got a chair where I could put my feet up on a bar under the table and sit with my knees apart letting the 4 guys, and anyone passing, see my pussy which was dripping in spite of the heat.

“Not at all shy are you Sandra?” Luke asked when he’d finished eating.

“I used to be,” I replied, “would you believe that I didn’t lose my virginity until I went to university?”

“No way!” Theo said, “Seeing you as we have so far I would have thought that that would have gone as soon as you discovered what you could do with what you have between you legs.”

“I wish.” I replied, “but that’s history and a long story, are you guys going to show me around this place or are we going back to the hotel for a good fucking session? Do you guys want me one at a time or all together?”

Jack nearly spat his mouthful of beer out, another thing that you can’t get an McD’s in the UK, then nearly choked as he coughed some of his drink out.

“You mean you want to be gang-banged Sandra?” Luke asked.

“It wouldn’t be the first time.” I replied, “I assume that you all have a good supply of condoms. You can fuck me one at a time or all together. There’s 4 of you but I’ve only got 3 holes.”

“But you’ve got 2 hands Sandra,” Theo said, “we can just rotate round you every 3 or 4 minutes until we’ve all filled at least 1 of your holes.” Noah said.

“That sounds like fun, what are we waiting for.” I replied.

“Are you serious about this Sandra?” Jack asked.

I pulled open my top revealing my tits and opened my knees wide revealing my spread and dripping pussy, and replied,

“Don’t you want to get your hands on these Jack?”

“Now that’s a really dumb question Sandra, half of Magaluf wants to get their hands on those and I’m part of that half.”

“So what are we waiting for?” I asked.

It took less than half the time that it took for us to get to McD’s to get back to the hotel. I didn’t bother fastening my top and my nipples kept escaping from behind the fabric. As we approached the hotel I took my top off continued walking.

“Bloody hell Sandra,” Jack said, “they aren’t even bouncing, what the hell are they made of? Concrete?”

“Definitely not, they are all natural, feel them.”

“I will,” Jack replied, “just as soon as we slow down.”

We slowed our walking pace but not too slow because I was desperate to be fucked.

Outside my room I got my card key out of my bag and seconds later I was pushing my skirt down and falling flat on my back across the nearest bed, spreading my legs wide as I did so.

“I’m all yours guys.” I said as I watched all 4 guys taking their clothes off.

It had been a few weeks since I’d had sex with anything other than my fingers or something silicone or plastic and I intended to enjoy the feeling of a cock inside me.

The guys didn’t jump on me straight away because Jack saw my spread pussy in all its glorious details. I saw him stop dead, staring at it.

“Hey guys, have you seen Sandra’s clit?”

“Fucking hell, that’s awesome.” Luke said just before his mouth descended onto my pussy.

Seconds later I had my first orgasm of the evening before all 4 of them started working on me.

Over the next hour or so, I think, I had 4 different cocks inside my pussy which also got eaten numerous times, had 4 cocks in my throat and had 4 lots of cum in my stomach; I’d wanked all 4 cocks, got my chest and face covered in cum and my nipples got sore. They didn’t fuck my butt but I wasn’t complaining, I prefer cocks in my other 2 holes anyway.

The guys left me, sleeping on top of my bed with the doors and curtains to the balcony wide open.

I woke the next morning and could see the sun just starting to come up. It was cooler (balcony doors still open wide) but still warm. I got up and went and looked around and down and I could see a handful of people staggering back to their hotels. I took a few deep breaths and was ready to start my day.

The first thing to do was spend some time in the bathroom, I still had some dried male cum on my face, hair and chest. I mentally checked my nipples for pain and was pleased that there was none.

Twenty minutes later I was feeling great and eager to get out there, start letting strangers see my body and start to get a good all-over tan.

I went out onto the balcony again and saw no signs of life in the rooms either side of me so I put on my shortest, thinnest summer dress and my sandals, picked up my bag and left my room.

Everything was quiet as I went through the hotel and after saying “Hola” to the receptionist girl I went outside and started walking to where I’d seen lots of shops. They were the usual small shops and cafes that populate seaside resorts and I soon found one that sold the sort of clothes that holidaymakers need and went straight to the bikini cover-ups section, everyone one them being see-through to one extent or another. I selected one of those crochet cover-ups and a couple of little sarongs, both suitable for covering just bikini bottoms.

Browsing the skirts that they had I also found some layered, frilly skater type skirts made of very thin, see-through fabric. They were only about 20 or 22 centimetres long with elasticated waists. I realised that I could wear them to reveal as much of my butt and slit that I wanted to.

All the above are very see-through but I also bought an over-sized cotton top that isn’t see-through but has narrow shoulder straps and enormous arm holes that go down to my waist. With the deep scoop front I figured that it would be ideal for letting people see my tits from the sides or down the front.

There wasn’t a changing room to try them on and only the staff and a couple of customers but that didn’t bother me. I didn’t try any of them on and then I moved on to the sunblock racks where I got a bottle of factor 30 then got a bottle off water and went to pay making a mental note to get a big bottle of water on my way back to the hotel.

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