Unexpected Valentine - Cover

Unexpected Valentine

Copyright© 2023 by Switch Blayde

Chapter 3

The next day, I dreaded going to Science class. Afraid I’d make a fool of myself. Fearing Tiffany would react the way the girls had on my dates. But those girls had meant nothing to me. Tiffany was different. And I never saw those other girls again. Tiffany would be sitting next to me for the entire semester.

I typically rushed to my next class, avoiding people in the hallways until I was safely cowering at my desk in the back corner of the classroom. Alone. Invisible. But my seat in the Science classroom was different. I wasn’t in the back. And I wasn’t alone. So I dragged my feet as I walked to my Science classroom. So much so that I was almost late.

Tiffany was already seated at our table. Our table. The girl of my dreams shared a table with me. I should have been elated. But I couldn’t breathe. I finally mustered the courage to go to the table. Tiffany was turned around chatting with a girl at the table behind her. She looked up at me.

“Hi,” Tiffany said. “Cody, right?” Her smile was precious and her green eyes sparkled.

“Yeah. Hi.”

The words actually came out of my mouth. Two complete sentences without stumbling. Well, they were one-word sentences, but who was counting? I spoke to her. She even smiled at me. What could I say that would be interesting?

I didn’t get the chance to say more, not that I knew what to say. The teacher called the class to order and began the lesson.

As the days passed, words seemed to come out of my mouth in sentences. More than one-word sentences. I was actually able to talk to a girl. And not only a girl, but the girl of my dreams. I found it easy to talk to Tiffany and my words flowed.

I had one problem in Science. A new one for me. I found it difficult to concentrate on the classwork.

Tiffany sat so close to me that I smelled her shampoo or soap or maybe it was just her natural scent. And when she leaned over to whisper something in my ear, the scent was stronger. Intoxicating. And, oh my god! Her hair tickled my cheek. Her breath was hot on my ear. It sent shivers throughout my body. Our elbows or arms bumped at times. Or our knees. Sometimes Tiffany placed a hand on top of mine to get my attention. Or on my forearm. Her touch was magic. I had an erection the entire class. What helped a little was the weather getting colder. Tiffany’s shorts and tank tops were replaced with jeans and sweaters. That helped a little. Less skin to look at. To brush against.

Tiffany was still the girl I jerked off to at night.

I no longer walked slowly to Science class. I looked forward to being with Tiffany and even talking to her. One day when I went to my desk there was a shallow dish with water in it, a small votive candle standing in the water, an empty upside-down glass next to the dish, a book of matches, and a piece of cloth on our table. I looked around. Every table had the same set-up.

When Tiffany sat down next to me, she reached for the candle. I grabbed her arm and pulled it against my chest. Since she was righthanded, that spun her around to face me and her knee banged into mine. I hadn’t meant to yank her arm with so much force, and now that I was holding it I didn’t want to let go. Tiffany made no attempt to pull her arm free.

“Don’t touch it,” I said, still clutching her arm in my two hands.


“I don’t know. It’s—”

Mr. Frank’s talking interrupted me so I released Tiffany’s arm and looked forward.

“Anyone know what the Charles’ law is?” Mr. Frank asked.

Mr. Frank waited, but no one raised their hand.

“Then you should expect it on your midterm,” Mr. Frank said.

The entire class groaned.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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