Farm Family in Peril - Cover

Farm Family in Peril

Copyright© 2023 by Wild Man

Chapter 25: Daughters Come Home

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25: Daughters Come Home - A story about a farm family who has a man enter their bunker during a tornado, and takes over. He makes husband watch as he pleasures the mans wife. Then in later chapters their daughters come home and he and his Aunt Mammae really controls the whole family. All daughters in this story are absolutely over 18yrs of age!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   Farming   Aliens   Paranormal   Cuckold   Wife Watching   Wimp Husband   Incest   Mother   Sister   Father   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Interracial   Black Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Fisting   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Hairy   Needles   Size   Small Breasts   Caution   Slow   Transformation   Violence  

As Gerald and Marcus were atop marking this out and that out using string and driving wooden stakes to mark off the huge barns location to be built.

Aunt Mammae and Geraldine lay in the bedroom cuddled up to each other in a passionate manner, their now lesbian affair with each other was in full bloom!

As they discussed between the two of them their own personal dealings with the girls as they now had named it and of course as both Gerald Marcus said of it the girls as they all talked and discussed it over.

But Aunt Mammae and Geraldine now had their own secret pact between just the two of them about the girls.

Implemented their own plans on how they were going to go about getting the girls involved in everything, both fully outright agreeing that the two of them as Mother and Aunt Mammae both being females, could get them alone with them first and coax them, and manipulate them into becoming involved in all this.

Aunt Mammae outright declaring that Marcus would fully agree and tell her that this was the best plan and way by far.

And Geraldine saying that Gerald would see it her way also that it was indeed the best plan and best way himself.

So that’s how it would be carried out and done, in a motherly loving fashion, of all females alone together way.

Well they finally ended their loving caring for each other and sexual satisfaction of such, and Geraldine got dressed and they came up top and walked about themselves seeing and discussing with both Gerald and Marcus alike both having gotten them off to the side and alone and each told the men what their plans were.

It was no problem at all in having Gerald and Marcus agree to their plans of a female only thing to begin with and get the girls involved.

Soon they all heard the helicopter getting closer and stepped back away from where they knew it would land and deliver the girls.

Finally it was there and landing, and the pilot leaving the engine running as he told the girls to make sure they kept their heads ducked and their bodies bent downwards because the blades would still be spinning, so that was known.

They got out of the copter and grabbed their bags out and on the ground as both Marcus and Gerald ran over themselves ducked down and grabbed their bags and led the daughters away from the copter.

Then free of the spinning blades they stood up took the luggage over and sat down where Aunt Mammae and Geraldine await them.

Both girls ran to Momma first of course and hugged up to her and both together at the same time saying how thankful they were that everyone survived the Tornado.

As Marcus was turned to his pilot standing at complete attention and saluting him as he took off again.

Gerald and everyone else for that matter saw him doing this and then asked; “Were you in the military Marcus?”

He replied as he stood at ease and broke his salute; “Yes I was and a Captain of the flying group my personal pilot flying the helicopter and I were stationed together in, and many of my other workers and men are themselves part of that group.”

Then went on to tell them; “Whenever I send him on a mission as I have done for his helping this community as I gave him orders to do, when one of my pilots go out in harms way on a mission, it is my sworn duty as their commanding officer to stand and salute them for their bravery to go out on a mission!”

This greatly impressed everyone of the farm family of course Aunt Mammae already knew all this about him.

As the girls trotted over to their Dad and hugged him together and said they both were so glad he and momma and Marcus and the woman with him made it through that tornado alive.

Then both ran over to Marcus himself and hugged up to him together and both thanked him so much for everything he was doing for this whole community.

And telling him how everyone all over they came into contact with when getting to the church, all said and talked about this man, none of them had even met or seen, but knew he had taken refuge from the tornado at their farm here, and the whole town and community was all so thankful for all the supplies, and his helicopters flying everything in for the relief and clean up of the community.

And then made full mention of his work crews all helping with his own machinery and such to help them recover.

As both now marveled at the giant monstrous size of this black man!

Seeing him for the first time ever and knowing now that he was fully outright a giant monstrous black man made them both strangely shiver with both a fear of thought that they would now be living right with him and this older black lady, and awe stricken shock of his giant-ness and thoughts that he had been here living their mom and dad all alone.

So much so in stricken awe they were froze to hugging up against him, both now had their eyes flung wide open as they hugged him together from the front and felt something huge and monstrous inside his shorts that was against both their little chest!

Now neither of them were that damn naïve about just what that was, hell they knew what boys had and what this giant black man had was huge and monstrous inside those shorts and the both of them felt it against they little chest.

Now Geraldine stepped over having realized the situation and problem as she saw how their eyes were so wide open in fear and awe at what she knew damn well they both were feeling pressed up against them.

She pried them away from him and shooed them over to and introduced them to Aunt Mammae who stooped down and hugged them up to her in loving motherly fashion and then said; “ Come on girls lets go down into the bunker and get you two settled into your room and I am just known to everyone as Aunt Mammae, and will be pretty much your Nanny while we stay here.”

They both grabbed one of her hands each and she led them off and down into the bunker as Gerald and Marcus carried their luggage down as Geraldine had already taken off right behind Aunt Mammae and the girls.

She marveled and was thankful how they both had a strange instant attraction to her, maybe in part due to the fact that neither of them had a true Nanny or Grandma in their life and this black woman filled that role in their life now.

Both questioning her about how Aunt Mammae was her only name, of Which Aunt Mammae just told them both, my real name is unimportant girls just call me Aunt Mammae.

Then told them both come on girls lets get down into the bunker and get the both of you settled into your room and then Aunt Mammae going to help each of you get your showers and scrub your backs.

This both made them liked now knowing this woman would be a servant of sorts to the two of them in a strange way, but in another strange way both shivered at the thoughts of being outright naked right in front of her and her scrubbing their backs in the shower that way.

Neither one aware at all just what that factor alone was going to soon initiate and bring about. Geraldine herself shivered with outright full blown anxious pleasure for it happen.

They all were going to be in that shower totally completely naked together!

Aunt Mammae already had that lemonade spiked with the drug and awaiting them to sit and have a glass before they all went into the shower together.

Now down in the bunker Geraldine followed right along as the girls drug Aunt Mammae by the hands to what they both knew was indeed their very own room down here and took her right into it and telling her this and that about the room things like I sleep here sister sleeps over there, this is my dresser that is her dresser etc., etc., etc.,.

Geraldine arrived in the room and said; “That’s enough girls, your bothering Aunt Mammae to much about all this right now, come on let’s all go into the kitchen and sit down and have a good cold glass of homemade lemonade Aunt Mammae made special for you girls!

Both all giddy with the fact she did all this just for them, had them gleeful she would be this way for the both of them, throughout their stay with them down here.

Now prancing off into the kitchen they both sat down and poured themselves a glass of that homemade lemonade made just for them and each gulped down their glass and said how delicious it was.

Geraldine and Aunt Mammae walking into the kitchen and coming over to sit down with them both smiled at each other as the girls had just gulped a whole glass of their lemonade right down and poured another glass.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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