When Good Catholic Girls Go Bad - Cover

When Good Catholic Girls Go Bad

Copyright© 2023 by Ashley

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - At fourteen Clare was older than most when she had her first encounter with porn. She was a good Catholic girl and knew that it was sinful, but the effect it had on her was so very hard to resist. Her mother, meanwhile, was having her own issues.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

When Agnes woke from her dream she was disorientated: she was bathed in sweat, her heart was pounding and she was breathing very hard. Then she became aware of more: the hand clamped between her legs and the intense feeling of pleasure there, the wetness of her sex and the aching of her nipples.

Then, with a jolt, she remembered what she’d been dreaming about: it had begun in the loo at the church with her seeing Sally arrive again. When Sally embraced her from behind this time though, Agnes felt her hands on her bare breasts. When she looked down she was naked from head to foot. Then she realized that she could feel Sally’s hard nipples rubbing on her back. She was naked as well!

Sally was rubbing her privates on Agnes’ bottom and making it all wet. Agnes tried to struggle free but she couldn’t move a muscle. She tried to call out for her to stop but she couldn’t speak either!

Then Sally’s kisses, which had begun on her neck, were moving slowly down her back. Agnes could feel her own wetness running down the inside of her leg but still she couldn’t move.

Her mind seemed to recoil as she felt Sally’s soft hands part the cheeks of her bottom and she felt her hot breath on her most private of places. When Sally’s lips touched her she knew she should be horrified but it felt ... it felt ... it felt wonderful.

Finally, Agnes seemed to regain the power of speech: “No Sally, please stop. You’re going to make me--”

“Mommy?” she heard her daughter say, the breath of her voice tickling her bottom hole. “Mommy, it’s me, Clare. Who’s Sally?”

“Oh, Clare.” Agnes moaned as wave after wave of intense pleasure seemed to wash over her whole body.

Lying in bed Agnes was horrified at the dream that her mind had conjured up. The throbbing in her loins was fading but there was a puddle of wetness under her. Had she wet herself? She pulled back the covers and the smell was definitely not pee and then she realized that her pubic hair was soaked as well.

She got up, changed the sheet and cleaned herself up in the bathroom with a warm washcloth; all the while her mind flipped between shame at her dream and memories of how real and wonderful it had felt.

Now Clare knew how beautiful her mom was under her clothes she couldn’t help watching her as she moved around the kitchen making breakfast. She loved her voluptuous curves and the way her breasts and bottom jiggled sometimes. When she felt the now familiar tingling in her pussy she instinctively crossed her legs and squeezed them together, making it feel even better.

At one point, when her mom leaned over the table to pick up the dirty dishes, Clare could see her cleavage down her blouse. When she stood up Clare blushed furiously as her mom caught her looking. Her mother’s expression was unreadable but, after she’d turned around and put the dishes in the sink, Clare watched her self-consciously adjust her bra.

She knew that she shouldn’t be having these feelings for her mother but there was no denying the effect that she was having on her.

That evening Clare was looking at one of her favorite porn sites with her fingers gently stroking her ... vulva and her mom’s panties held to her nose when she noticed a ‘Categories’ option that she hadn’t tried before. She clicked on it and the start of a remarkably long list of titles was displayed. She scrolled down it, amazed at how many there were that she had no idea of their meaning. Then one caught her eye - ‘Mother and Daughter’!

She stared at it for some time, hardly daring to believe what she was seeing. Was that really a thing? Would people really like watching that? Her pussy was throbbing madly at the idea, and she clicked on it.

There was a page of intriguing thumbnails and Clare picked one at random. It began with a young girl explaining to her mother how she had a date but had never kissed a boy. The mother offered to help and they began kissing. They both got very excited and then the mother started fondling her daughter’s breasts. Clare slipped her hand down the front of her panties and rubbed gently at her pussy.

Clare thought that it was quite lovely but knew that it would not go that way if she were to ask her mother to teach her to kiss. She watched avidly as they proceeded to strip each other and touch each other and, in the end, they were top to tail and kissing each other’s pussies. By that point, Clare was very nearly cumming and she picked another video at random. This time it was two sisters kissing and stroking their mother until she was so turned on she joined in and they all played on the bed together. This time Clare did cum.

She found it even more exciting than girl/girl porn as she imagined her mother and herself doing the things she was watching. It made her feel less ... weird knowing that others liked it too and she wondered if any of it was real.

She tried Googling lots of things, most of which just found more porn, but kept trying and eventually she happened on ‘how common is consensual mother daughter incest?’ and found some proper discussion of it. Some people said it was awful but some said that, as long as it was consensual, it didn’t hurt anyone and it was fine. A couple of girls she found described their relationships and they sounded truly wonderful. That gave Clare a lot to think about.

That night, for the first time, Clare dreamed about her mother. It started with her coming into her room and breastfeeding her. Clare became very excited in her dream and tried to touch her mother between her legs. Her mother called her a bad girl but fed her long nipple back into Clare’s mouth for her to suckle on. Clare sucked and sucked and sucked but nothing came out then, finally, something did but it tasted of Mommy’s panties and Clare loved it.

When Clare woke up it was dark but she was very excited and very wet. She brought herself off with her fingers moaning ‘I’m not a bad girl Mommy’ quietly over and over as she climaxed.

Over the next few days, Clare spent more and more time in her room and Agnes couldn’t help imagining what she was doing in there. At night Agnes was now having dreams featuring only herself and Clare, dreams where they were doing the same unspeakable things to each other, things that excited her beyond all reason.

In the morning Agnes cleaned the house as a sort of penance and found a pair of her panties hidden under Clare’s pillow. She knew exactly when she had last worn that pair and could still smell herself on them. Could Clare have been sniffing them? Did she like it? She carefully put Clare’s room back as she found it.

She thought it might be to do with what Clare was watching on her computer when she was alone in her room. Agnes didn’t really understand computers so she wracked her brain trying to come up with a way to find out what her daughter was watching.

In the end, she waited until she thought that Clare might be partway through one of her sessions then knocked on her door and entered quickly. She saw Clare immediately shut the lid of her laptop and also saw that she was very flustered and quite red in the face.

“Sorry Clare, I’m in the middle of some baking and I haven’t got enough eggs. Do you think you could go to the store and buy me some please?”

“What now Mom?” Clare asked her, looking even more agitated.

“If you don’t mind. It won’t take you long on your bike.” Clare huffed but got up and Ages handed her a ten-dollar bill.

“Thank you,” she said as Clare brushed past her crossly.

As soon as Agnes saw Clare ride off, she opened the lid of the computer. She was stunned by what she saw. What the lady and the young girl were doing was quite bad enough, but it was the title that made her gasp out loud: ‘Daughter Seduces Her Hot mother’.

She pushed play and watched in amazed fascination at what happened next. Agnes had never seen anything like it, all in full color close-up. There didn’t seem to be a single part of the mother’s body that her daughter didn’t lick, suck or push her fingers into ... and then the mother began doing the same to her.

Agnes was shaking quite violently as she closed the lid. Possibly more shocking than what she’d seen was the effect it’d had on her - she would definitely have to change her underwear before Clare got back!

It was only then that the full implications began to sink in: Clare had been watching pornographic videos of mothers and daughters having sex! Did that mean that Clare wanted to ... before she could stop herself she imagined how it would feel if Clare put a hand up her skirt and touched her--. She cut the thought short and almost ran from the room.

As she put her wet panties in the laundry she thought about burying them deep, but in the end, placed them right on top. She knew she wasn’t thinking straight but the idea that Clare might enjoy them gave her a strange thrill.

When Clare returned with the eggs Agnes was in the kitchen beating the filling for the cake. She thanked Clare and, as her hands went through the rote process of making the sponge, her mind was racing.

Maybe it was just a phase that Clare was going through. Maybe she’d found that page by accident and normally watched ... something else. As for her own reaction, she put that down to Sally’s advances, stirring up feelings inside her, feelings for women - that must be it.

For the next few days, Agnes found herself being very careful and a little nervous around Clare. It was not helped when she had another one of those dreams about her.

It may have been her imagination but Clare thought that her mother was behaving very oddly towards her and it seemed to have started the night of her sex dream.

The following day was her fifteenth birthday and she was very excited. They had a small party after school for a few of her friends with the fruits of her mother’s baking and then opened her presents. Mostly it was sensible clothes, which were nice enough but a bit boring, and some books and CDs.

After everyone had left though her mom gave her one last gift: an interesting-looking small box. When she opened it it was a beautiful gold cross on a fine gold chain and Clare loved it.

She tried it on and it was a little longer than the silver one she’d had since she was little. She went to the mirror and unbuttoned her blouse so that she could see it, and it rested in the little valley between her breasts.

“It’s gorgeous Mom. I love it. Look!” She showed it to her mother.

“Maybe we should get the chain shortened. It’s a little long.”

“Nonsense, it’s lovely. Thank you so much, Mommy!” She put her arms around her mother’s neck and kissed her on the lips. She felt her mother’s arms go around her and they hugged. Clare nuzzled her face into her mom’s neck and adored the feeling of her big soft breasts pressing against her own. Clare could have stayed like that all day and her mom seemed unwilling to stop either.

Clare found her lips brushing softly against her mom’s neck and she was starting to get aroused when she was lifted gently away.

“I’m glad you liked it darling.” her mom said, looking a bit flustered, and Clare knew she probably looked much the same.

Clare went up to her room and stroked the front of her panties as she relived her feelings during that kiss, and remembered back to watching her mother having her sex dream. She was sure now that she wanted to ... make love with her and she thought that her mom felt the same way, but how to be sure?

She thought that maybe her mom was thinking along the same lines, so she decided to make her own feelings clear and see what happened. She undressed completely and tried on her T-shirts until she found a V-neck one that just covered her bottom then she went to find her mom.

Agnes was still sitting in the lounge, stunned by the intensity of the feelings that the kiss with her daughter had caused. It was the first time, apart from Sally that is, that she’d been held in many years and the feeling of being loved and that close to someone had filled her heart with joy. She was just admitting to herself that it might have been more than that when Clare came back down wearing just a tiny T-shirt.

“Isn’t my new cross beautiful Mommy?” she said and leaned down in front of Agnes. The shirt gaped and Agnes could see her little breasts with puffy pink nipples and all the way down to her lady parts which she noticed with a gulp had just a sparse covering of soft-looking hairs.

“It’s ... It’s...” she couldn’t drag her eyes from her daughter’s lovely young body and her brain seemed to have stopped working entirely.

“I love you so much, Mommy,” she said and put her arms around Agnes’ head and pulled her into a hug. Agnes’ face was pressed against her daughter’s groin and she could feel the heat of it on her face.

Agnes knew that if she just lifted the bottom of Clare’s shirt a few inches her mouth would be ... it would be just like in the video. She wanted it so much but it was so, so wrong. With a super-human effort, she took hold of Clare’s hips and moved her gently away.

“I’m so glad you liked it dear, but you’d better be off to bed now.” She didn’t dare look up at Clare’s face.

“Night night then Mommy.” Clare bent over for another kiss and Agnes had to close her eyes: she didn’t trust her self-control any longer. The feeling of the little peck on the lips lingered.

As Clare walked away Agnes watched as the cheeks of her bottom peeked out from her T-shirt and decided, there and then, that she had to go to choir practice the next day and get this out of her system with Sally. She really couldn’t go on like this: she’d so nearly let something happen with Clare!

When she arrived at choir practice Agnes’ nerve failed her. Throughout the whole of the first half she couldn’t meet Sally’s eyes. At the break, Agnes was chatting to two of the other ladies when Sally came up to them and joined in the conversation. As they were about to restart Sally put her hand on Agnes’ upper arm to delay her slightly then whispered into her ear: “Come to my car when we finish, it’s the truck in the far corner.”

All through the final practice Agnes couldn’t concentrate, her timing was off and Mr Evans kept giving her exasperated looks. Agnes flip-flopped between deciding to go straight home or doing as Sally has asked. Even as she began to walk across the car park she still wasn’t sure what she was going to do until she found herself walking past her own car.

Agnes got into Sally’s truck and they sat there in silence until everyone else had left. Then they turned to each other and Agnes was about to speak when Sally leaned over and kissed her. It was a lovely soft kiss that made Agnes swoon and she felt herself responding. When Sally’s mouth opened slightly Agnes opened hers and welcomed Sally’s tongue into her mouth.

Agnes adored the gentle sensuousness of her caresses and the softness of Sally’s body against her. It was so much more beautiful than anything she’d experienced before.

When Sally’s hand cupped and stroked her breasts she could hardly catch her breath, and then Sally took her hand and placed it on her own breast. Agnes could immediately feel that Sally wasn’t wearing a bra and it was proud and youthful with a darling tiny hard nipple that she couldn’t stop playing with.

Agnes was incredibly excited and was delighted when she felt Sally’s fingers on the buttons of her blouse. In a matter of moments, Sally had Agnes’ breasts free of her bra and she lovingly stroked and squeezed them rolling her long hard nipples between her fingertips in a way that made Agnes feel faint with desire.

Then Sally bent her head down and took one of Agnes’ nipples into her mouth. It was exquisite and Agnes stroked her hair lovingly as she drove her crazy with her lips and tongue. For seemingly an age Sally basically worshipped her breasts and Agnes was in heaven.

Even as Sally tormented her nipples though it was Clare’s face that kept popping into her mind, Clare’s lips that she really wanted to be sucking on them.

Then she felt Sally’s hand between her legs and she knew she had to stop her. It was crazy but Agnes felt that she would be betraying Clare if she went any further. She knew she couldn’t be with Clare but even so...

“I’m so sorry Sally,” she said, taking hold of the girl’s wrist and lifting it away. “it’s not you, it’s me. I just can’t.” Sally began to cry and Agnes held her to her chest until her heaving sobs subsided. When Sally began to stroke her breasts again she lifted her away and kissed her softly on the lips.

“I’ve got to go now Sally,” she said miserably and left.

Clare figured that either something was happening at choir practice or her mom was going somewhere else. She rode her bike to the church and was actually a little surprised to find her mom’s car in the car park. She waited for ages in the shadows to see what would happen afterwards.

It took a long while, and Clare was chilled by the time everyone started coming out, but she knew it had been worth it when she watched her mom walk straight past her car and get into a truck in the far corner.

She crept closer, keeping to the shadows until she could see inside. There was a young girl with glasses in there with her and they were kissing! When they broke off the kiss Clare recognized the girl - it was Sally Carlyle! She was the big sister of a girl at Clare’s school and they’d met briefly. Clare thought she was only nineteen and was quite nerdy, but Clare had to admit she was also quite cute.

Clare watched until the girl began kissing her mom’s breasts and then sidled away in disgust: if it was OK to have sex with Sally why wouldn’t she have sex with her! She knew that she was in her mom’s dreams and she was pretty sure that she’d been turned on when they were kissing last night so what was it?

In the end, she decided that her mom must think that she was too young - she would show her differently though!

That night Clare lay awake until an hour after her mom had gone to bed, and then she crept along to her room. Her mother seemed fast asleep but Clare dithered about how to proceed. It had seemed so simple in her head earlier: she would kiss Mom’s pussy while she slept and then when she woke, she’d know that Clare was old enough, but how to do it without waking her too soon?

In the end, she thought that the best way would be to try and encourage her to have another sex dream and then, hopefully, what she did would fit in. She began by softly stroking her mother’s breasts through the quilt. Her mother began to moan softly in her sleep so Clare moved her hand downwards until it was pressing gently on her pussy.

Now her mom started to move her hips slightly, obviously aroused, and Clare could just see her eyes moving under her lids. Delighted with how well her plan was working Clare went to the end of the bed and began to wriggle upwards. The slightest pressure on the inside of her mom’s calf was enough for her to part her legs a bit and Clare could move a little higher.

Very gradually Clare worked her way upwards in this manner until, finally, she felt her mom’s soft curls on her face. She was still moving her hips fractionally and Clare could smell her lovely sexy, tart fragrance.

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