When Good Catholic Girls Go Bad - Cover

When Good Catholic Girls Go Bad

Copyright© 2023 by Ashley

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - At fourteen Clare was older than most when she had her first encounter with porn. She was a good Catholic girl and knew that it was sinful, but the effect it had on her was so very hard to resist. Her mother, meanwhile, was having her own issues.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

Clare knew something was going on as soon as she walked into the tent. The girlish giggles that she’d heard as she approached went silent as soon as the girls clustered around Melanie’s phone saw her coming in.

“Hi,” she said meekly when all their eyes turned on her. “what are you looking at?”

The girls looked at each other and then a sly expression came over Melanie’s face. She held the phone out to Clare who took it and looked at the screen. There was a paused video of two very pretty girls looking at each other.

“Push play,” Melanie suggested. Clare looked at her, fairly sure that she was about to become the butt of some joke, but did as she was told anyway. Clare was shocked when the two girls started kissing. It wasn’t kissing as she’d ever seen before: their tongues went inside each other’s mouths and they almost seemed to be trying to devour each other.

Clare was just about to look away when the camera began to pull out. Her eyes opened wide when she saw that the two girls were naked from the waist up. Their breasts and nipples, which Clare couldn’t help but notice were hard, were rubbing against each other.

“But--” she started to say but then the camera pulled out more and she saw that the girls were in fact totally naked. What’s more one of them was stroking the other between her legs and the girl being stroked clearly liked it. A lot. Clare felt her face burning hot but couldn’t take her eyes off the screen. What she was seeing was having a devastating effect on her: she was shaking and the feelings in her groin were ... well they were beyond anything she’d felt before, even quite literally in her wildest dreams.

“She likes it!” squealed a girl call Wendy pointing at Clare, and they all started laughing at her.

“Lezzer! Lezzer! Lezzer!” Melanie began chanting and they all joined in.

Clare thrust the phone back into Melanie’s hands and fled the tent. She went and hid in the girl’s latrine where she sat for ages until her shaking finally subsided.

For the next few days, Clare couldn’t get the images she’d seen out of her head. When she thought about them the tingling in her loins became so intense that the urge to touch herself was almost irresistible. Almost. She had been warned many times of the consequences of doing that.

On the last day that Clare was off at camp her mother, Agnes had gone to one of her regular choir practices. It has all gone much as usual until it had come to the end. Agnes had needed to use the toilet before she drove home, and she was followed in by a young girl called Sally who was fairly new to the choir. Several times since she’d joined Agnes had thought that she’d caught Sally staring at her, but she’d convinced herself that it was just her imagination. Sometimes their eyes had met and seemed to lock in what Agnes found an awkward way.

“I thought you sang beautifully tonight,” Sally said to her as they dried their hands afterwards.

“Thank you,” replied Agnes, a little embarrassed. “You were good too,” she added out of politeness; she hadn’t really noticed.

“Really, I’ve been told I should sing more from the diaphragm ... here,” she said and placed her hand low on Ages’ stomach and pressed gently. Agnes chuckled nervously, disconcerted by the touch of this young girl, especially since Sally seemed in no hurry to remove her hand.

Agnes was painfully aware that Sally was also standing very close to her now.

“I’ve seen you looking at me, you know,” Sally said quietly and, to Agnes’ complete astonishment, she put her other hand behind Agnes’ head.

“Er--” Agnes started to say but then Sally leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, and as she did so her hand slid down lower, towards Agnes’ private parts. Agnes was shocked to her core and tried to back away but she bumped into the wall behind her. She panicked and pushed Sally away.

“I’ve got to go!” she squeaked, as she rushed out of the door.

Agnes had to sit in her car for a long time because she was shaking too much to drive. Sally’s sinful behavior had shocked her intensely but what had shocked her even more, was her own reaction: for the first time in ... forever, she found that she was moist and aroused.

What made it worse was that her mind kept going back to the feel of Sally’s lips on hers and the touch of her hand so close to her--. Agnes shook her head violently, trying to rid herself of those unwelcome and wicked thoughts.

She tried to put it down to the fact that she’d had no physical contact with another human being for as long as she could remember, but that didn’t help much. Not only had she become sexually excited it had been with a woman: a young girl for goodness sake.

She resolved to talk to Sally at choir next week and to try to help her from the sinful path that she seemed intent on taking. She felt happier knowing that some good may yet come from the whole sordid affair and was soon able to calm herself enough to drive home.

When she got out of the car the fresh air wafting up her skirt made her painfully aware of how wet the gusset of her panties was. She went straight to her room, changed into a clean pair, and threw the others in the laundry basket in disgust.

When Clare got home from camp the next day she felt grubby from the long journey home and took a shower. As she washed, images from the video kept popping into her head, and the tingling in her privates began again.

The desire to touch herself was so strong that she didn’t dare wash down there and decided to make do with just rinsing with the spray from the shower head. She realized her mistake immediately as the water caused the most delightful sensations in her groin. She stopped straight away and stepped out of the shower, sitting down on the chair as her legs felt very unsteady.

Her heart was thumping and her breathing rapid as she toweled herself off. Then she sniffed as she caught a hint of a strange smell in the air. It was odd but quite pleasant, and she moved her head around trying to locate the source. She finally tracked it down to the laundry basket on her left. She opened the lid and, from the odour that wafted out, she knew this was where it was coming from.

On top of the pile was a pair of plain pink panties and she knew that they weren’t hers. Without really thinking about it she picked them up and held them to her nose. The scent hit her like a ton of bricks and the fact that it was all so wrong made it all that much more powerful. The tingling in her groin, which had been fading, started getting stronger again and now her mind was a mess. Clare was grossed out and turned on and unable to think straight all at the same time.

She had in fact smelt something similar when waking from one of the dreams that had been tormenting her sleep increasingly often of late. Mostly the dreams involved kissing, sometimes boys and sometimes girls, but on occasion Clare was naked and those excited and mortified her in equal measure. She felt guilty and ashamed of the dreams and had told no one about them, but when she woke from them, sometimes she would feel wet down there and there would be a smell similar to this even if nowhere near as strong.

She wondered if her mother could be having similar dreams. It didn’t seem very likely: her mother was a paragon of virtue as far as Clare knew. It was only then that she realized that she was still holding her mom’s panties to her face and she was feeling that wetness again!

What is the matter with me? she thought, this is so wrong. But the smell was like a drug and the desires it was causing in her threatened to overwhelm her. She hurriedly put them back, finished her ablutions, and tried to forget the whole thing.

She wasn’t very successful in her attempts though: thoughts of both the video and the panties kept coming to her throughout the day and, when she used the loo, she would take them out and breathe in the lovely perfume in a blissful, lightheaded daze.

The next morning she was both disappointed and relieved to find that the laundry basket had been emptied, but thoughts of girls kissing girls still plagued her mind. They’d looked so happy, and when Clare imagined what it would be like to have soft fingers touch her sex it made her tremble with excitement but it also made her ashamed. She’d always considered herself to be a good girl and she was pretty sure that these thoughts weren’t really good.

When her mother had finally accepted that Clare needed to be online for her schoolwork she’d employed a local computer shop to handle the installation. Clare had watched the cute young man setting it up and was embarrassed when she kept catching him staring at her body. He’d asked her mother if she wanted parental controls enabled. She’d said yes but, as he was leaving, he’d slipped a piece of paper into Clare’s hand and winked at her. When she looked at it she saw the username and password for the master user. She didn’t really understand why he’d done it at the time but she kept it and hid it away anyway, just in case.

Clare wasn’t sure if looking at videos like the one at camp was a sin but, if it was, she’d already done it so what harm would looking at another one do?

She went to that book now and the piece of paper was still there. If she logged in using what was written there the whole of the internet would be open to her.

Initially, she couldn’t do it, she was just too scared, but then she thought ‘I’ll just look up girls kissing girls’ and she decided that that couldn’t be too sinful.

Her hands were shaking as she typed the words into the search box. She paused for long seconds before finally pushing return. She wasn’t sure what she expected as she thought that it was shameful behaviour that may not come up with much, but to her amazement, there were hundreds of millions of results.

She changed the filter to images and scrolled through pages and pages of mostly pretty, mostly young girls kissing, and they all looked beautiful to her. She was getting very, very excited looking at them all and she desperately wanted to see more. She added ‘nude’ to the search and hit return quickly before her courage failed her.

She was disappointed when a message came up telling her that ‘SafeSearch is on, but then saw a button: ‘Manage SafeSearch setting’ and pushed it. It seemed so incredibly simple to turn it off. When she went back to the main page she gasped as it was filled with images of girls doing all sorts of things! In one a girl was actually licking another girl’s sex!

Clare immediately closed the browser and sat there with her heart pounding and her hands trembling. She was licking it! She was actually licking it! she thought. The very idea almost blew Clare’s mind.

Her private parts seemed to be crying out to be touched and Clare desperately wanted to, but she’d had it drilled into her for so many years that it was a sin and she would spend eternity in hell if she did.

She thought about that: if she touched herself once then that would be her punishment, but twice couldn’t be two eternities! And another thing - God made us this way, gave us parts that felt so good and wanted to be touched and then, when we did, he was watching and we go to hell.

She was actually getting cross now because that didn’t sound like a loving God, that sounded like a horrid God. Then she realized that she wouldn’t go to hell if she repented.

The idea of telling Father Evans that she’d touched herself made her whole body shiver with revulsion, but she knew that, as long as she repented at some point and said her ‘Hail Marys’ or whatever, she’d be fine. She could repent when she’s older and maybe then there might be a new young priest that she could confess to! That thought made her tingle like crazy and her hand slipped between her legs, and she covered her sex with it and pressed and squeezed and stroked until her breath was coming in tiny gasps. It felt so, so good!

Just at that moment, her doorhandle rattled and the door began to open. Clare snatched her hand away and closed the browser.

“Mom!,” she cried. “why didn’t you knock?”

“Why should I knock?” her mom asked, seemingly confused. For a moment Clare was stumped, and then inspiration struck.

“I might have been changing. I might have had no clothes on!” she replied and managed to get some indignation into her tone. Her mother looked strangely embarrassed at that.

“You’re right,” she admitted. “I’m sorry. I’ll knock in future.” She started to close the door. “Oh, your dinner will be ready in ten minutes.”

When her mom had gone Clare grinned happily: now that her mom had agreed to knock before entering her room she would be able to touch herself properly! Clare wolfed her dinner down and was back at her computer five minutes later.

She repeated her search but this time selected videos. The very first one looked lovely and she played it. The girls were naked and kissing and hugging with their breasts rubbing against each other and their hands stroking everywhere. Clare tried to imagine how that would feel and thought it must be wonderful. She put her hand up her skirt and stroked the front of her panties, adoring the way that it made her feel.

Then the girls got onto the bed and one lay with her legs open. “Please kiss my pussy Chelsea.” blared out of the speaker. Clare panicked and fumbled with the trackpad, desperately trying to mute it. “I need you to lick my clit so bad.” Finally, Clare managed to turn the sound off and sat there with her heart pounding, dreading that she would hear the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

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