Alan's Sister - Cover

Alan's Sister

Copyright© 1999 by Mercutio

Chapter 9: And Now For Something Completely Different...

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9: And Now For Something Completely Different... - How I pissed of the guy down the Hall

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   BDSM   Anal Sex  

My stomach took a sharp dive. straight down. I did the only thing I could thing of.

"Oh, hi Paul. I'd like you to meet Lori," I indicated the brunette kneeling on the floor, "and Kim.", who was actually Lori, and whose ass my dick was currently stuck in, "I'm, um, just showing the ladies our fine dorm facilities. They, uh, really like it here. They like it SO MUCH that I'd like a little privacy, that I may more fully appreciate the depth of their gratitude for them the aesthetic ideal that is this bath..."

"You are in so much fuckin' trouble man... there ain't even a word for the kinda trouble you're in. They're gonna have to make somethin' UP when they write you up for this. Way to go, stud."

"You're not going to say anything, are you?", Amanda said, standing up. "I kinda have to. I'm supposed to report this kind of shit. And don't I know you from someplace?" She thrust her chest out a bit. The girl is a pro. "I could make it... worth your while not to say anything..." She wiggled her hips.

"My while's worth an awful lot... BUT I like Sam. What can I say. He's a stud."

"No way... I'm not going with that. Get me in all the fucking trouble you want. I don't care. Leave them out of it. Say they ran off or something."

"Sammy, I can't do that, man. I mean, you're clearly on with these ladies, but, man, I'm in enough trouble with Dick... and this is exactly what it'd take to get me out. He'd just be more pissed if I only turned you in."

"Uhm, could you please, PLEASE shut the curtain?" Lori's voice was tiny, mousy, almost like a little girl's.

We continued our conversation through the curtain, while the girls silently went about washing the soap from their bodies.

"Look man, you ain't got a helluva lot to offer me, but gettin' yo' ass in trouble keeps mine OUT. Just let yer woman do it."

Amanda looked at me. Her eyes were pleading.

"Alright. YOU come to my room in 15 minutes. She'll be there..." Lori was bawling as we dried ourselves off. "You go on home. You don't want to be here anymore." "No. I don't want to go back - things're different now. My room is what I was before. I'm going to stay."

"Why, Lori? You aren't in trouble? I'm taking care of it." "But I'm the reason we're in trouble. If I wasn't so loud..." "Let it go. You're no more guilty than any of us. We're just going to let Amanda take care of it, and pretend that this never happened, right?"

"Right." "... I suppose." When we got back to my room, Lori and I climbed up on my loft. Amanda went back to Ed's bed. The only light in the room came from the window, from the street lights down below us. We curled up against each other. Lori sobbed occasionally, but no one spoke.

When the knock at the door came I ignored it. Amanda answered it, I guess, or maybe Paul let himself in. I didn't watch, but I could hear. Even under the circumstances, Amanda managed to enjoy herself. She was nearly as vocal as any other time, but quieter, like she wasn't turned all the way on.

I was petting Lori's rump when Ed got back. Amanda and Paul were still at it. The door just opened then shut. The light came on. Ed didn't say anything. I suppose he just sat down and watched.

It was after midnight when Paul left, having satiated himself. I heard Ed and Amanda then. They were quiet, and much quicker than normal.

There was no music in the room. Lori woke me up at 2:37 AM. "I want to talk." "... huhnhhnh? 'bout what?" "Who I am now." "You're Lori. You're, uhhh... eighteen years old. You're Catholic. You're majoring in Mechanical EngineKimg and you drive an '83 Chevette."

"Well, that's mostly true. But you forgot prude. You used to say I was a prude..."

"You aren't much of a prude anymore. I was wrong about that much." "Well, I'm not. I'm not sure I'm Catholic anymore, either. What we did today is so AGAINST what I was raised to believe..."

"I understand." "I don't think you do... but I guess I just wanted you to know that all this has changed me a lot. I'm not sure what I am right now, in a lot of ways. Maybe I'm straight. Maybe not. Maybe I'm Catholic, maybe not... I don't really know why I stayed. I really hate that guy, um, Paul for doing that with Amanda. I know that. I liked what you and I did, and what Amanda and I did. I'd like to do it more - all of it, I guess."

Neither of us spoke. "Lori?" "Yes?" "I guess then, that the only real question I can ask is: if you had to do this day over - all of it, would you?"

"N... No. No, I wouldn't. I think I needed this, maybe." "We all need it sometimes..." it was Amanda. She had crawled up onto the bed while I was asleep.

"I'm never going to forget this day. I've never done anything as wild as this."

"Well, I haven't either." "Well, I have... but I've never gotten caught before" Amanda admitted sheepishly, "and Lori, what Paul and I did, that was me. Maybe you don't think it's right. But I don't think it was wrong."

"Then I guess you're just a little more, um, liberal about those things than I am."

"Would you like to be like me?" "I don't know - doing what we did today just seems wicked. Not bad-wicked, really. Rebellious, I suppose. Sort of a dirty little secret... it's like, when I was a little girl, one of the priests at my church had a heart tattooed on his ankle - I only saw it once. It was his dirty little secret. This is mine."

"I started shaving my pussy right after the first time I had sex with a girl, Melissa, for the first time. I saw her picking a hair out of her teeth - I don't know if she was joking or what, but I decided to shave. She shaved, too... both of us shaved like, around our pussies. No big deal, right? Women that wear bikinis do it all the time... but for us, it was... we had to go to PE like that when school started. But nobody really noticed. Since then I've been going between no hair, like now, and just a little. It's like, a big deal walking around in a skirt with no underwear and a bald snatch. Ya' know, you like, start thinking things like, would this guy treat me the same way if he knew I shave my snatch, or that I like to fuck chicks. It's cool."

"I might like to try that. Do you have a razor I can use? Scissors? Shaving cream?"

"What? You mean NOW? HERE?" "Why not? I'll even let you watch. I'll even let your roommate watch if he wants!" Clearly, Lori was very different from the young woman she had been on Wednesday.

"Well, Lori, it itches, for one thing, about two days after you do it, from the hair growing back. If you're really sensitive, you'll probably get a rash."

"I want to do it. Really.It'll be like a bikini wax, only more so." She started to climb over me, to the edge of the bed. "Where do you keep your razor?" "Use Ed's. I think it's still in the package." "Where is it?" "I'll get it for you. Try not to step on him when you get down, okay?" I managed to find the items Lori requested with only a minimum of hassle. Didn't even need to turn on a light. I handed Lori my robe.

"What's this for?" "You're naked. You're in a male dorm. Remember?" I

couldn't see a damn thing, but I'm sure she blushed a little. As we were getting ready to walk out the door, Amanda stage-whispered to Lori "Remember: it's just like shaving your legs. Soak in warm water first, THEN shave."

We took to the hallway. Standing down by the bathroom were two of my friends, Jim, and a somewhat-less-than-sober Bart. They grinned as we walked by. Bart tried to give me a high-five but missed, slapping his hand into the wall. "Ow... Don' worry. We'll keep watch..."

"Yeah. We'll cover you." "Where were you guys four hours ago..."

"Gettin' plastered!" Bart explained. "No shit." said Jim. I followed

Lori on into the bathroom. I suppose I should say a few things about bath-tubs in male dormitories, or at least mine. But I won't, excpet to tell you that neither I nor anyone I knew had ever heard of them being used as such. So they were both a little filthy. However, our choice was made for us when we discovered a short, blonde guy sleeping in one.

Lori and I cleaned it as best we could. A half-hour later, Lori declared it marginally fit for bathing and sat down in the tub. Then she shooed me off. I'm not sure why. I'd seen everything already, anyway. I chose to sit down in the shower stall next to it and pretend I was drunk. People generally ignore the suffKimg inerbriated, and I didn't want any more trouble.

Lori finished, she modeled her new "look" for me. She was utterly smooth, like a baby's skin. Looked great. She must've been proud of herself.

Bart had his head in the water fountain we we came out. "What's he doin'?" I think he's trying to sober up. He just remembered that his parents're coming for a visit in four hours, or something."

"Makes perfect sense. Sure." "Yeah... say, uh, who's yer woman?" "Oh. Sorry. This is Lori... I mean Ama... I mean Kim." Lori did a model's turn. She let the robe hang open. "Pleased to meet you, Lori or Kim or whatever." Jim giggled. "This is Jim." "Hi Jim." "I like your breasts." "Why, thank you. Sam, your friend is very polite. I think I like him." "You guys are strange, man" "And you're the one standing here WATCHING a drunk guy..." "I'm not <hic> drunk!" "... not-sober guy wash his head in a water fountain." "Good point." As we walked back down the hall, I noticed that Lori was walking a little bowlegged.

"Are you okay?" "I'm just great. Feels good to be free." "Whatever." When I climbed back up to the top of me loft, I found that Amanda had rolled into a position that absolutely maximized the amount of space she occupied.

I chose to sleep underneath my computer desk. Lori didn't seem to mind disturbing her. There were two women in the room, neither of them were sleeping with me, and to top it all off, I wasn't even in a bed. Sigh.

I woke up a bit later to find Amanda moving down between Ed and me. "Lori is a bedhog." she said.

POUNDPOunDThuD. The traditional Saturday morning wake-up call. I could rest safe once again in the knowledge that I still had a good four hours of sleep to go.

"The Tick is on dammit! ED! What, does Sam have a woman again?" I sat up. Hit my head on the desk. It hurt. Luckily, Amanda seemed to be gone. Ed opened the door. "You... are a fucko, dipshit. Yes, Sam had a woman"

"Then what's he doing down there?" "Bumping my head, dumbass. Go away. I wanna sleep. With my woman." I pointed up.

"Oh. That's a woman all right. Never gotten this close to one before."

"Get OUT!" "Give me floppy disks!" "Out, before I'm forced to break you, Alan." "Very poisonous. Don't touch me." Ed pushed Alan out into the hall. I decided to move up onto the bed, sleeping Lori or no. She cuddled against me as soon as I settlled down. Lori might be a bedhog, but only in a GOOD way. I went back to sleep.

I didn't sleep very long; Certainly not the four hours I was hoping to get. I was awakened by polite knocking at my door. I knew right away that who ever it was didn't live on my floor.

I trudged over to the door. Amanda rushed in as soon as I opened it... "Did you know that it costs THREE DOLLARS to get a bowl of cereal if you don't live in this place?"

"Uhmmm... no..." "Oh. It does. I'm going down to Alan's room now. Wanna come along?" "Let me go first. I want to be down there to see the look on his face when you call up."

"Call up?" "Sure. Females have to be escorted at all times, remember?"

"Oh. so I should go downstairs and wait for him." "Exactly." "Gotcha. See ya'"

Alan's room was filled Saturday-morning cartoon fanatics. Nearly a dozen, all told, sitting on any available horizontal surface before the television.

"Sam!", they yelled when I came in. "HA! I knew that you would one day give in to your ingrained human need to watch cartoons on Saturday morning! HA!"

"Shut the hell up Alan. The only reason I'm down here is that you woke me up. Dumbass."

"Hey Sam, where's yer chick?", said Steve, the long-haired guy from Nashville.

"Yeah, I wanna see her tits again!" "You can be quiet any time now, Jim. She's still asleep. Guess I wore her out last night." "You saw her tits? Cool! What about the rest of her?" This was from Chris, Paul's roomate.

"Yes, she's pretty hot. Blonde. Great ass." "So... uhm, like how did you, uh... see her tits, anyway?" "She showed 'em to me in the hallway last night. They were goin' to the bathroom or somethin'." I saw Paul roll his eyes.

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