Alan's Sister - Cover

Alan's Sister

Copyright© 1999 by Mercutio

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - How I pissed of the guy down the Hall

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   BDSM   Anal Sex  

It Keeps Going and Going and Going...
(Or, Party in my Pants)

I skipped classes Friday afternoon. Dammit, sex is just as much a part of biology as the frog embryos my Bio class had been studying for the past three weeks...

I watched as a gray chevy Nova stopped on the street outside my dorm. She climbed out, clad in white leggings, her heavy coat unzipped to reveal an overlong shirt with the legend "GUESS" in purple letters across her chest. As she approached, I could very clearly see her lacy black bra and tiny bikini panties through the thin material of her clothes. Yum.

"Hey beautiful," I said as she came in the door, "you look lovely as ever."

She smiled. I loved it when she does that. "Sam! I wasn't expecting you. Ed said you have class... must've skipped it, I guess."

"Your biology just happens to be the kind I'd rather study today... Guess, huh? How about 34C? I think that's about right."

"You cheat. Besides, I'm still a growing girl. Speaking of girls, did you..."

"I have a little something lined up. I'll need your help, though." The elevator allowed us a moment to catch up on our affections. We kissed passionately the whole way up. As we stepped out onto my floor, I shoved a stocking cap onto her head. "Be quick. Alan skipped class today, and he might see you if we aren't careful."

We managed to get halfway down the hall before I heard Alan's voice, then Paul's.

"Sam! Is that your woman! Come back, Dammit!" "Go on", I whispered to her, "Fuck off, you guys. If I wanted you all to meet her, don't you think I'd introduce her or something. Get a fucking life or woman or hand or whatever. I don't care."

"Uh oh. We're gonna hafta get Dick for this." "Yeah. We're gonna meet

Kim. And you can't stop us." They followed me back to my room. Fucking lovely. I stood outside the door for 15 minutes, using enticements of money, threats of physical violence and everything in between in my attempt to force them into leaving. Eventually, they comprehended that, if they didn't leave, I wasn't going to go in, and they'd never see the mysterious Kim. They left.

After the pests were a safe distance down the hallway, I knocked. "Who is it?", came my roommate's voice. "Fuck you Ed." "What's... uhhm...

the secret password?" "I need a woman, you fuckhead. Lemme in before I call the cops, you fuckin' pervert!" The door cracked open. I could see Ed's nose peeking out from behind it. "No, she's mine. Find your own!"

I grabbed onto the protruding proboscis. "L-E-T-M-E-I-N. Now." "OK."

The door swung open, and closed as soon as I entered. "Boys, quit your fighting. There's plenty for everybody." Amanda ran her hands down her body as she said it, suggestively caressing her breasts.

"God it's great to see you again. I missed sex." That's Ed for you. "Well, I'm afraid it'll have to wait. Speechless there says we have stay decent until the chick he got for me shows up. I guess he wants ME to seduce her..."

"Well, she turned me down every time I asked her for myself..."

"Oh. How come you didn't tell ME about it? Dammit! I want sex!" "Hush, Ed. According to my plan, you're gonna be down in Alan's room keeping him busy when Lori shows up, anyway. In fact, I'M gonna be down there, too. At least until we get a signal from you."

"What'll the signal be?" "I figured we could set my computer to dial Alan's room. That'll let me know it's time to go down there, one way or the other. Ed, you come back at around 11:00, regardless. Okay? Got it?"

"Sure." "No problem. But don't we have some time before she gets here? Maybe just a quickie for Ed. I feel the pain of his frustration..."

"Well, I know your quickies, they take hours. Lori'll be here at 7:00, and you'll probably need to be at least somewhat presentable..."

"How 'bout just a blowjob or four, then? Please? I'll be a good girl!"

"Go for it. No harm in that." I watched as Amanda unzipped Ed's fly with her teeth, at the same time guiding him down into the chair beneath my loft. She attacked his dick, deep-throating him. Watching is nearly as exciting as taking part!

After a time, though, I took to the task at hand, and began to clean the room - making beds, throwing as much of Ed's stuff as possible into his closet, dusting, even vacuuming. The room had to look decent, since the woman I had found for Amanda was probably the biggest prude I had ever met.

After a time, Ed began to moan with pleasure (and it only took Amanda two hours... ). Amanda stood up, licked the last of Ed's semen from her lips and chin, and padded over to her bag. She proceeded cleanse her mouth with mouthwash. Ed just pulled his pants back on and sighed.

Nobody talked for a few minutes. I cleaned. Ed sighed. Amanda gargled. And lo, it was good.

Eventually, Ed got up and walked out the door, murmuring something about golf-balls and garden hoses. Not long after, Amanda spit the blue liquid into a handy empty Coke can. She came to me and kissed my neck. It tingled slightly.

"Like it? It's like, the mouthwash. Cool, huh? Melissa and I use it."

"That stuff's great! Maybe you'll get to use it with Lori, too." "I hope so. I wanna fuck all night long..." Her words were long and languid, adding emphasis to her wish.

"Anyway... what did you tell your parents this time?" "Well, I just told 'em I was coming up to visit Alan. Said I wanted to see campus and stuff. So I figure I'll like, go down and pretend I just got here sometime tomorrow. Then I'll tell him I'm going to a party with some girls I know, and he'll never say anything."

"Cool!" "Like, OK, you got your big worry out of the way. What about mine?"

"Which? Bathroom? Food? Sex? Lori? What?" "Food, dummy. I practically starved last time." "Oh. Well, I though we could eat at a grill tonight. I've got all these gift-certificates..."

"Well, I sort of wanted something special..." "I'll see what I can do.

Do you want anything in particular?" "Surprise me." She licked her lips suggestively "Are you sure I have to wait two more hours..." We didn't make love, but she DID leave me with several highly visible love-bites on my chest and neck ("Something to show my brother" she said).

Eventually, I was force to give up my enviable spot next to Amanda on Ed's bed, and turn my attention to putting my plan into action. I set up our "signal", bade Amanda good-bye, and slipped out the door.

I was teased to no end when I went into Alan's room, both for the hickeys and for leaving "Kim" alone. I told them that she had returned to her own dorm room, prompting Alan to search through the entire University Student Database for girls named "Kim" that lived in the dorms. It didn't take him very long to come up with the girl I had been thinking of when I had told Alan the name to begin with.

Then I got teased some more. "I laugh at your pitiful attempts at hiding your woman from us! Did you think that I would not find her? You are stupid! Now I will find her at my leisure! HA!"

Imagine putting up with that for an hour or so. I did, and by the time the phone rang, thoughts of homicide were merrily Jimcing through my head.

"That's funny. That was a data transmission. Somebody's a dumbass."

"Well, I think I'll leave. You guys are a bunch of losers."

I hurried down the hall as fast as I could. One way or another, Amanda had taken care of Lori. I found myself hoping that my lover had failed. After all, I had been rejected far too often. Maybe I was perversely hoping that my lover's wiles would also prove inadequate.

I opened the door slowly, carefully. I was relieved to hear two voices in conversation, rather than moaning or, worse still, screaming. When I walked in, Amanda was lounging across Ed's bed, while Lori sat demurely, legs crossed, hands folded in her lap, at the chair in front beneath my loft. She stood, offKimg me her hand.

"Hello Lori. I see you've made acquaintance with Amanda." I kissed the proffered hand.

"Yes, I have. Amanda seems to be a remarkable girl. A bit young, if you don't mind me saying so, but still remarkable."

"Anything else?" "Well," Amanda interjected, "five minutes ago, I convinced her that there's nothing wrong with liking girls..."

"Hush! Don't say that..." "I think that you can see that her attitude has, like changed since you showed up. Maybe you should go away." I grinned. There was no way I was leaving now, and I told them as much.

"Lori, listen, he's remarkable. Sex is good, it's not something to be ashamed of. It's great, and I really think you'd like it. It's a GREAT way to like, relieve stress, too."

Lori's face began to flush. "Look, I can tell you really need it. A back rub - something. You're just way too uptight, that's all." "A back rub. There's nothing wrong with back rubs. Except that I really don't want you to touch me."

"Then why are you still here? Sam could make you really happy. He makes ME really happy..."

"I want you to see how, how, um, sinful you are... I think you're both wicked, and I want you to know that your sins will be punished someday."

"Bullshit. That's not why you're still here. You tried that shit on me four years ago, and it didn't work then. It doesn't work now, either."

"At least Amanda..." "You're sinking in it now, Lori. Admit it, you're here because you're jealous. You can't stand the fact that somebody is living a life free of guilt. You'd love to know all about what is we do, wouldn't you? But what we do is sin, so all you know about it is that it's bad, right? Well it's not. It's great. It took me nineteen years to find out, and a fourteen..."

"Fifteen." "... fifteen-year-old to show me. I think you might like it, too. Why don't you just wait. Maybe you'll learn for yourself someday..." I was yelling. Lori just stood there, transfixed, not speaking. There was a long, stony silence. No one moved. Lori's lower lip trembled. She really looked like she might explode.

Maybe five minutes passed. Maybe ten. We just stared at each other.

Finally, she started to whisper, her voice trembling "Maybe you're right. I always thought you were just being nasty when you said all those things, but maybe you're right. I think - I don't think, that two people that love each each should be punished. Maybe s-e-x is a good thing. I don't know, it's never been something I wanted to think about. It's just dirty. And bad. It's always been bad. I don't know about good... I'm a little confused." Tears started to well up in her eyes. Then she buried her head in her hands.

Amanda handed her a tissue. "Don't, Lori. I know what you're going through. It happens to everybody at some point; they find out something that they like, really like to do is wrong or bad. I dunno, maybe not. People say that sex is a bad thing, but people say that drinking and smoking are bad, too. I'll bet you've had a few at least once in your life."

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