Alan's Sister - Cover

Alan's Sister

Copyright© 1999 by Mercutio

Chapter 4: Birds Do It, Bees Do It...

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Birds Do It, Bees Do It... - How I pissed of the guy down the Hall

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   BDSM   Anal Sex  

Amanda was dropped off sometime Friday afternoon. I couldn't be there for her reception, since I had an attendence-required class. I guess Ed must've taken her up to our room.

When I got back from class, I found Ed in his usual spot: sitting in front of my computer, playing Doom. Amanda was on my loft, leaning down to see Ed and my monitor, her hair, somewhat ridiculously, hanging straight down over her face. They were making small-talk as I walked in.

"... so, um, like... can I watch..." was the first thing I heard. Typical Ed stuff.

"Sure!", She said with a smile in her voice. "Hi there!", she said, upon noticing my return over the deafening booms and roars of Ed's computer game. She gracefully hopped off the top of my loft and bounded over to me. I closed the door as her enthusiastic kiss of greeting smashed me up against it (not an entirely unpleasant situation, mind you... ). I scooped her up and carried her over to Ed's bed, where I dropped her.

"Brute", she pouted, and made a face, "I guess that, since you don't want me anymore, I'll just have to give myself to Ed..."

"OK!" came Ed's enthusiastic assent. "Ed, take me NOW!!!" She did her best lust-crazed porno-starlet voice. It was very convincing. She must've had lots of practice.

Ed started to get up. I was impressed. Not even the threat of Nuclear Holocaust can normally drag Ed from my computer. On the other hand, as Ed put it "the only thing better than computers is sex...", and seeing a nubile young brunette in a short, loose skirt and equally loose top was probably doing just as much for him as it was for me.

"Now wait JUST a second..." I said, moving between Ed and his supposed quarry, "You weren't seriously planning on letting Ed watch, were you?"

"Don' try to be a Neanderthal. It doesn't suit you, lovie... if you don't, Ed'll have to sleep someplace else. my brother would wonder about that..."

Good logic. Hard to argue with. Not that I was exactly comfortable with the idea. "I see your point. Now, what're gonna do about food. And bathroom-time?"

Ed interjected: "Well, I guess we COULD send her... uhhm... down the stairs, and over to one of the girls' dorms... but Alan would think it... odd if we didn't eat with him at least a couple times this weekend... and there's always the problem of sneaking her back IN."

"Don't you guys have money? Can't we just order food?" "NO" our reply was in unison.

Clearly, there wasn't a lot of planning in this venture. "Well, I guess I'll just have to live on come!" She smiled. My heart and my pants leapt. "And we can cross the bathroom problem when we come to it."

With that, she hit me with a pillow. Playing along, I fell onto the bed and commenced tickling her. Her assault quickly broke into peals of laughter as my fingers found the places she was most sensitive: her tummy, her feet, her underarm. Soon, my attack left her panting. "Stop before I wet my pants!"

We spent the next few hours talking, something Amanda and I had never really done. It was the usual small-talk, at first. Amanda was a good student, and on her school's gymnastics and swimming teams. She was turning fifteen in a month. She liked to read, especially Anne Rice novels. She played clarinet, and was also in her high school's band. Her favorite color was purple. She really liked the movie "Speed". As she put it, "Keanu Reeves has a nice ass."

For my part, she didn't seem to object to my choice of music (Classical and Opera), saying that "I've never really listened to it before", or my absensce of religion, which is something I had expected to bother her, or even the stacks of Playboys that can be found in numerous places in my room. I guess I could say that I was surprised that, after speaking to me for awhile, she still wanted to be with me.

After a time, the topic of discussion turned to sex. My contribution to the dialogue could be adequately summed up by saying "You're it.", while Ed merely related his experiences to both of us. Amanda's portion of the conversation was by far the most interesting, and she did the vast majority of the talking.

"It's a pretty safe bet then, that I've had twice as much sex as both of you... I had my first time almost three years ago, I think. I was in the sixth grade. The guy was an eighth-grader. We rode the bus together, and I had a crush on him for almost a year by then. Anyway, about that time, I was just starting to get (motioning downward) these, and I was rather proud of them. After all, none of my friends had tits yet. Even some of the seventh and eighth grade girls didn't have 'em that big.

So I knew what I had. And what I wanted: Him. It really didn't take me very long to get him, either. I just sat by him on the bus a few times and mashed my chest into his arm, really. I suppose he picked up on that right away, because, less than a week after I started, he had invited my to his house. That day, I told my mom that I was going over to a friend's house, which made things easier. Anyway, to make a long story short, we spent a couple hours touching each other. I remember that Tod - that was his name, Tod, squeezed my chest so hard he left bruises, and that he wasn't much interested in anything besides my tits. Like, anyway, he didn't seem to be interested in actual fucking, but when I put my mouth on his dick, he got REAL excited. It didn't take me very long to make him come. At first I thought I had hurt him, with all the noise he was making. Turns out, he had never had an orgasm before. I thought that was funny. After all, I had been "touching myself" for, like, YEARS by that time. Guess I just thought everybody was that, umm... precocious.

"Another funny thing about Tod: He never kissed me. I didn't think about THAT, either, when we were going about our thing together. You'd think that most people would get, like, a first kiss before a first blowjob... not me." She laughed, while Ed and I just sat in silence.

"But, like I was saying, Tod never talked to me after that. He moved away the next summer. "My next fling was the summer of my seventh-year. With my best friend's older brother. He might've been fourteen or fifteen - the same age I am now. I remember, like, really well, he had got gotten completely crushed by the first girl he'd ever tried to ask out. I was spending the night, so I was there... he was just CRYING. I felt really bad for him. Really bad. So I went over sat next to him on the couch. I put my hands on my knees in front of him, stuck out my chest, and said "Well, I'LL be your girlfriend." He, like, told me that I was really sweet and stuff for saying that, but that he kinda wanted somebody his own age. But, uhhm, later that night, he came down to the basement, where we were, you know, sleeping, and woke me up. He asked me if I meant what I had said, and if I knew what boyfriends and girlfriends do. I don't think he expected me to say yes, but I did. I was pretty sure I knew what he wanted, and I let him do it. We went upstairs together, and he took my cherry right on his bed. It hurt like hell, and for a minute I thought I was gonna scream, but I didn't. It turned out pretty good, for a first time, once I got used to the feeling. It's something I can't explain - getting screwed, that is, it's a fullness, I guess. Maybe you have to be a girl to get it.

"I went back to Scott every chance we had together, about twice a month, until he got another girlfriend. Turns out, it was, like, the same chick that'd turned him down the first time. But in the three or four months we were, uhhm... doing it, we learned a lot from each other. I think I was HIS first time, too, but he never said it. Scott, like, never kissed me, either.At least, like, not like the kinds of kisses you should give somebody when you're doin' what we were doin'. More like the kinds of kisses you give to somebody you're related to. Just, like, quick pecks on the lips and cheeks, never any tongue. No hickeys or anything.

"Well, I dunno if I should tell you guys this next part... it's like, kinda weird. Oh well, you'll probably like this part better than the rest anyway. OK, so like, my first kiss... this is weird... well, anyway... my best friend, Scott's sister, her name's Melissa, but anyway, she like, figured out what Scott and I were doing a couple weeks before we stopped, like, doing it. So, she like, told me that, unless I did what she said, she'd like, tell Mom n' Dad. So, anyway, that got me in line really quick. I mean, I just thought she wanted me to do some of her homework or something. But she didn't.Nope. See, most of the girls at school always thought Melissa was a little weird. Nothing major, she was, like, still pretty popular and stuff, but she had turned down a couple of HIGH SCHOOL guys that had asked her out.You guys can see where this is heading, can't you? Yup. Melissa was gay.

"Or, at least, she thought she was. She told me that she wasn't real sure. Men just didn't seem very interesting. ME... er *I* on the other hand... *I* was very interesting. She was pretty reasonable in her demands, I guess. All she wanted me to do was kiss her. Weird, huh? I mean a real kiss, like a serious kiss. Well, we did it. She asked me if I liked it. I told her I wasn't sure. So we did it again. I still wasn't sure. I mean really, I was, but like, doing it with a GIRL and liking it felt pretty funny. So I just said I wasn't sure. Well, by the time I WAS sure, Melissa and I were rolling on the floor, an' I was a good ten feet away from most of my clothes, with my hands pushed up under her sweater and bra. Yeah, I was sure. I was sure I liked it..."

"So you're bi, right?" I think I said it first. "Well, I kinda think of myself as somebody that just likes sex, really. I mean, a tongue is a tongue is a tongue, right? Besides, I'm not done yet."

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