Jeff's Family Harem - Cover

Jeff's Family Harem

Copyright© 1999 by Dark Dreamer

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Jeff recruits his mother and sister for his private harem

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Spanking   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

Jeff tilted the mirror over to the left a little, silently wishing she'd hurry up and finish her shower. He'd been waiting here in the hall since he'd heard the water go on about fifteen minutes ago.

The water went off and he slid the mirror back a little. He remembered a few months ago, when he'd been so frustrated at the thought that she was in there naked, nude, and completely invisible to him because of this damned door.

He'd lain down on the floor, the side of his head flat on the rug as he tried to peer in through the little one inch crack beneath the bathroom door. He hadn't been able to see anything but her feet of course.

Then he'd thought of the mirror. Now he could see the entire inside of the room, or any room for that matter.

The curtain slid open and there she was, wet and naked, her body glistening in the bright bathroom light. Her hair darkened and plastered to her head. She reached up for the towel hanging from the shower rod and pulled it down over her head.

She leaned forward as she dried her hair, her breasts dropping down with gravity. He sighed as he watched them. God, they were beautiful. She was beautiful. He felt his prick hardening as he watched her. His body trembled slightly in excitement.

She straightened up, her hand fumbling with the towel on her head. He suppressed a groan as her figure was so perfectly outlined and displayed. She was barely ten feet from him, and she had no idea he was even here.

There was just something so deliciously exciting about seeing her like this, when she thought she was alone and in private.

She pulled the towel from her hair, leaving a bedraggled mess behind, and ran the fluffy white thing down around her back and shoulders, then across her chest. The malleable white cones were mashed, their perfect round forms changed, distorted, giving evidence of how pliable and soft they were.

She put a foot up on the side of the tub and slid the towel up and down her leg, then did the same with the other. She rubbed the towel between her legs, drying off her groin. Finally, she stepped out of the tub, turning to throw the towel back up on the rod.

Her body stretched out and up as she tried to fling it across, she wasn't very tall, in fact, soaking wet and naked, she probably wasn't more than five feet tall. Her watched those sweet little ass cheeks as she stepped on her toes, finally getting the towel across the bar.

She turned again toward him, and his cock pulsed as he took in her entire figure at once. Fuck, he thought. Fuck, she had a fantastic body. Jeff had never seen a naked woman before really, aside from pictures and movies.

He wasn't a virgin of course, not being the quarterback of the school's football team, but the girls he'd fucked had been in darkness, half folded up and bent over in the back of his car. He'd never actually seen one naked in the light before, not like this.

Her breasts were so perfect, so big, so white and round. She had tiny little red nipples directly in the middle of each tit, and they made his mouth water. He pressed himself harder against the wall to still his trembling. He was more excited watching her like this than when he was about to fuck one of those whores at school.

She started to walk toward the door and he pulled the mirror back slightly, just in case she should look down and see it there peeking in. He watched her feet until she turned sideways. She was at the counter now, right beside the door, looking in the mirror.

He slid the mirror forward, each little movement brought more of her body into view. The mirror image slid up her legs to her thighs, and her rounded buttocks. He watched as she bent forward against the counter, and he got a perfect, straight up shot of her pussy slit.

She sat sideways on the counter, her feet coming off the floor. He eased the mirror forward again, until he could bring the mirror into view. Her back was toward him but he could see her chest and face in the mirror.

She picked up the hair dryer and a brush and began doing her hair. He panned the mirror up and down, sliding it down over her ass and then up to her image in the mirror. She must be the most gorgeous woman in the world, he sighed. His body trembled again, as if in agreement.

Her hair seemed to change color as she dried it, lightening into its usual golden blonde, spreading out around her head in a perfect little circle. Her hair was short, just reaching her shoulders in back, shorter at the sides. It framed a face that was... was... adorable, he thought, heart shaped, with big blue eyes, a tiny snub nose.

She turned her body slightly, bringing her knees up to her chest as she finished drying her hair and set down the machine. She was examining her skin right up near the mirror. Being so short, she seemed to find it easier to squat on the countertop to do it.

He was looking up from right beneath her ass, and could see the little winking asshole, and her narrow cuntslit, pulled slightly apart because of her position. His cock pulsed and throbbed, his breathing getting ragged. He could imagine his cock, hard and red, slicing between the soft folds of those pussy lips and driving deep up into her body.

She dropped back to the floor, pulling a jar of cream from the counter. She put some on her hand and began rubbing it across her face, moving her hand in slow little circles. She dipped her fingers into the jar again and pulled out some more cream, rubbing it across her breasts.

He held his breath as she rubbed across her right breast, the fingers sliding in little strokes around the nipple, and down beneath the rounded orb. Oh My God, he thought, would I ever like to do that!

Then she was finished apparently. She walked away from the counter and over to the wall where her clothes were. She pulled on a pair of bikini panties and then shrugged a short blue football jersey over her narrow shoulders.

The jersey came down to mid-thigh. It's color set off her hair beautifully. He loved that jersey: She looked so damn cute in it. Didn't she know what she did to him when she wore it?

He scrambled backward along the rug and into his room, closing the door just before she came out of the bathroom.

He locked it and collapsed back against it, shaking slightly. He heard her footsteps pass his door, then pause and come back. There was a gentle tap on the door.



"Jeff?" She knocked again.

"Y... yeah?"

"Open the door, honey."

He took a deep breath and swung it open a foot or so, hiding his lower body and his bulging erection from her.

She looked up at him and smiled.

"What do you want for dinner?'

"Uh... ah... I don't care."

"You sure? Paige wants spaghetti again."

"That's okay."

"Okay then. Are you all right?"

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine." She nodded, then turned away. He followed her with his eyes as she went into her room and the closed the door.

He swung his door closed again and then took out his raging hard-on, holding it in his fist. He only had to squeeze once before it exploded, spraying white jism onto the wall.

He sat at the kitchen table, watching her work at the counter. She was still wearing just the football jersey, and he had a hard time concentrating on the little TV on the table as she moved around in front of him.

She turned off the stove under the spaghetti, and grabbed at the handle to lift it off. Jeff sprang up and moved over to the stove.

"I'll do that Mom." he offered.

"I can do it honey."

"No, it's okay." He grabbed up the heavy pot and walked it to the sink.

"Wait till I get the strainer." she said.

She pulled one from under the counter and held it over the pot as he poured the hot water down into the sink. Steam hissed up until the boiling water disappeared down the drain. He put the pot back on the counter and went back to the table.

You're a fucking pervert, he thought to himself. How can you want to fuck your own mother so bad? True, she was gorgeous, and adorably cute. Maybe it was because she was so small and delicate. It was hard to consider her very parental, especially when he towered over her.

It wasn't just her size. She was so guileless and docile, so easygoing and just plain friendly. Everybody liked her: His friends loved her. She wasn't much of a disciplinarian either.

He worried about her in the same way that a parent would worry about his kids. He was always afraid she'd be taken advantage of by some creep. It had happened more than once, starting with his own crummy father who'd made her pregnant at sixteen, then left.

Maybe that was part of it too. She was so young, and looked even younger. He shook his head in resignation. He should be looking out for her, not figuring how to use her body like those other men.

She'd married shortly after his Dad had gone, got pregnant, and then been widowed within a month. It was crummy that such a sweet person should have such rotten luck.

The front door banged and Paige tromped into the kitchen, throwing her bag on the floor beside the table. Jeff looked up at her in irritation.

She dropped heavily into the chair across from him and then seeing him looking at her, stuck her tongue out at him. What a brat.

"Ready for dinner?"

"Yeah, no sweat Allyson." she sighed.

"Don't call me Allyson, Paige. I've told you that before."

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