Sheena's Unleashing - Cover

Sheena's Unleashing

Copyright© 2022 by TerminusOmega

Chapter 1: A Divine Gift

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: A Divine Gift - Sheena Davies is an out and proud lesbian huntress, with a secret. A divine gift may let her finally unleash her true self.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Shemale   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Nudism  

Sheena gets a divine gift that radically changes her life.

It was late in the evening, but it had been a good day for Sheena Davies. She stood at the door to the house she shared with her roommate, Julie, swapping a hot kiss with her most recent conquest. Sheena had picked the girl up at her favorite bar and quickly got the girl, who was named Casey, ready and raring for a nice Sapphic romp. She was a short thing, very petite actually, with small tits and perky butt, but Sheena did not care. She just liked girls. She liked women in all shapes and sizes. She was a total lesbian and a proud huntress. She was definitely not the type to settle down. She much preferred trysts and hook-ups to full relationships. She was no slouch in getting girls, as some days, like today, she would end up hooking up with multiple girls. Casey was her third hook-up today.

Sheena had completely dominated the tiny girl during their romp, and the only reason Sheena did not have Casey stay the night was a nagging feeling she’d had all day that she needed to be alone tonight. As they kissed, Sheena’s arms stayed around the girls’ back while Casey’s hands were roughly squeezing and scooping Sheena’s big ass, what she considered her best feature. It was definitely what some would call a “ghetto booty”. Sheena hated that term, honestly. Being mixed race, she often felt such an appellation was meant to insult her rather than compliment her. She also wondered if the guys who said so to her were just mad that despite their lust for her big ass, she had no interest in them.

Sheena really did not want to let Casey go, but it was getting late and soon she’d need to head to sleep. She did not have work the next two days, but she still liked to keep to her schedule. With reluctance, she let Casey go. Casey whined a little when Sheena broke the kiss, but she knew it was time for her to go. Luckily she had heeded Sheena’s advice when they had hooked up at the bar to take her own car, so Sheena did not have to drive her home. Before leaving, she let go of Sheena’s ass and got a good feel of Sheena’s nearly equally big tits. An easy grab as Sheena was only in her underwear, not seeing the need to get fully re-dressed since she was headed for bed. Sheena grinned, gave Casey another kiss and shooed her out the door. As she closed the door with a bump of her ass, she heard a chuckle from the desk in the living room, occupied by Julie.

Julie was built very similarly to Sheena, except the proportion of tits to ass was reversed. Unlike Sheena, Julie was straight, though Sheena had her reasons to think Julie was not as straight as she claimed, given the times Sheena was sure she had caught Julie looking at her. For her part, Julie did not care that Sheena was gay, or that Sheena was attracted to her. Sheena was a good roommate and, for the most part, respected Julie’s boundaries.

Julie was at this moment quite envious of Sheena. It had been a while since she’d been fucked, and yet it seemed that Sheena was having sex almost daily. “How does the lesbian have no trouble finding someone to fuck and I’m in big dry spell?” Julie whined as she looked to her smiling roommate. Sheena grinned and walked up to Julie, putting her arms around Julie and deliberately shoving her tits into Julie’s back. “I’ve told you many times, Jules.” Sheena whispered as she kissed over the side of Julie’s face and neck, while her hands quickly groped Julie’s tits. “All you have to do is ask and I’ll take good care of you.”

With a quick move Sheena’s lips met Julie’s. For a moment, Julie returned the kiss before pulling out and getting out from inside of Sheena’s embrace. “I’ve told you many times Sheena, you’ve got a great body, and you are pretty hot, but I just don’t do pussy. And I’m not into your fake pricks either. I need a real cock, plain and simple.” Julie quipped as she pushed Sheena away. Sheena shook her head, before looking back to Julie. “You would not be the first straight girl I’ve gotten into my bed. I’m telling you girl, you don’t know what you’re missing.” Sheena grinned as she snuck another kiss on Julie’s lips and walked towards her room, deliberately shaking her big ass at Julie, hoping to entice her. Sadly, it was not to be, and Sheena went to her room.

Despite her recent tryst with Casey and the two other girls earlier today, Sheena was still quite horny. She had always had a high sex drive, hence why she had just tried to get Julie to go to bed with her. Julie’s refusal, though not unexpected, was still disappointing for Sheena. Shrugging her shoulders as she entered her room, she quickly undid her bra and let her tits hang free. Very often at night, even out in the house, she walked around in just her panties. She had told Julie of this habit right when they moved in together and thankfully, Julie had no issue with Sheena’s nearly naked habits.

Julie herself sometimes joined Sheena, which made Sheena very happy for each chance she got to see Julie’s luscious tits naked and bared to her. The only problem for Sheena, besides the sight of her hot roommate being nearly naked and so tempting for Sheena, was how rarely Julie joined her. She wished Julie would prance about nearly nude more often, and Sheena could not describe how much she wished she could see Julie naked. Those panties, small as they often were, also served to deny Sheena. She wanted so badly to see Julie’s pussy, but Julie always refused to go totally naked. Those days that Julie pranced about were often ones that Sheena spent a good bit of the night fantasizing about her stacked roomie.

Closing her bedroom door, she caught a quick glance in her bedroom door mirror of herself. Sheena was very happy with her body. It wasn’t just her tits and ass that she liked about herself, there was so much more. Her hair was black and quite long, but definitely straight. She had a full set of lips that other girls she seduced often got lost in, if they somehow made it past her mysteriously green eyes. Eyes that got so many questions growing up due to her mixed parentage. Her skin was a light brown, bordering on a dark tan. She was also quite fit, with pleasing feminine musculature from her regular exercise routine. This same routine also lead to the firmness of her ass and tits, which made her quite proud. All in all, Sheena had an enticing body that really took away any question as to how she so easily seduced other ladies. “I’d definitely fuck me.” She’d often think to herself.

Honestly, if it was not for the strained relationship with her parents, Sheena would be very happy with her life. Her parents could not accept that their daughter was gay and had kicked her out of the house when she came out to them. While Sheena was angry about how they so callously dismissed their own child, she did not let this stop her from living her life. She was a confident and professional woman, who had no trouble getting what she wanted and was not shy about what she liked. She was brash, she was blunt, but she was also genuinely caring about those she loved.

Before retiring for the night, she opened up her laptop, sat at her desk and surfed for some of her favorite porn clips to take the edge off. Tonight, really needing a good climax, she sought out scenes from her favorite two porn stars, Vera Duchess and Lilac Sunset. Those two were special to her, even if the scenes they were in were now at least fifteen years old. When the scenes were made, Lilac had been a legend in the industry, known for her amazing and natural body. With her big tits, big ass and toned body, Lilac was seen by many as a woman who was too beautiful for porn, especially given that her body was completely natural, not a bit of surgery on it. Even now, having returned to the industry after a long hiatus, Lilac was still stunning. It was that body that had led Sheena to her first realizations that she was a lesbian. But her attraction to Lilac Sunset was nothing compared to her admiration of Vera Duchess

Vera Duchess was a trans starlet that Sheena had discovered in her youth, before it was even legal for her to consume porn, and seeing her scenes brought a complete change to Sheena’s view on sex. It was her biggest secret, and why she loved fucking other girls with her strap-ons. She wished she could be like Vera, having an overall feminine body but with a hard cock between her legs. Many nights she jilled herself thinking of fucking various girls, with her own cock, finally feeling what it was like to fill a girl up. “I bet if I had a cock like Vera, then Julie would definitely let me fuck her.” She thought as she came, a wave of euphoria going over her as she pictured herself drilling her roommate. After all, Julie had said that she needed a real cock, so maybe if Sheena had one Julie would let Sheena have her. The images of her fucking Julie did not leave her mind, even as she closed her computer down, got in bed and fell asleep.

A little after midnight, she was awoken by a bright light in her room. She was puzzled by this. All her lights were off and her bedroom door was closed. She had to see what was making this light. She opened her eyes to see a woman standing in her room, a woman she had never seen before. The total darkness of her room was broken by the light that came from the woman’s body, a strange glow that surrounded her. The light surrounding her obscured the details of her body, but Sheena could tell the woman was naked, and exceptionally, indescribably beautiful. Sheena was in shock.

Who was this strange woman, how did she get into Sheena’s room, and why was she here? Not that Sheena entirely minded. She found the woman very attractive and instantly began applying her usual charm. “I don’t know how you got into my room, but I don’t mind one bit that you’re here. So, tell me your name baby.” She purred. The woman smiled as she looked Sheena in the eye, a warm smile that somehow made Sheena feel at ease, and answered. “My name is Eros. I am the goddess of sex and love.” She responded.

Eros’s response was not one Sheena expected, as she wasn’t even sure if she believed in divine beings. Sheena thought at first she was dreaming, but she noticed she could still see all the details of her room quite clearly. Nothing was distorted or out of place, so this had to be real or the most lucid dream she’d ever had. Sheena sat upright in her bed, the covers falling from her and baring her breasts to Eros. Sheena did not care, as it was not the first time she’d flashed a woman she just met. “So if you’re a goddess, as you claim, what the fuck brings you to me?” Sheena asked.

Eros just smiled before responding, her demeanor not changing one bit. “I have come to reward you. Every year, on this day, I choose one woman to become one of my Chosen, who are now known to those who know of me as Sex Goddesses. I only bestow this gift on women descended from my first scion, Demeter. You are one of her descendants and this year, I have chosen you to receive my greatest gift.” Eros said with joy in her voice. This made Sheena’s jaw drop. “Why me, what made me so special?” She asked, a little nervous. “I picked you this year for I have seen your longing. You have a healthy and active, and not to mention bountiful, sex life, but you want more from it. I can give that to you, Sheena. For when you take my gift, you will be able to change your body to any form you wish.”

Sheena felt a range of emotions suddenly flow through her. A taste of fear, that Eros knew her name and what she desired. A sense of excitement, knowing that maybe this was the key to unlocking the sex life she really wanted, and finally, a sense of happiness that someone understood her desires. If this was real, and Eros’s words meant what Sheena hoped they meant, then she knew she would definitely accept this gift. She was ready, but Eros spoke before Sheena could give her response.

“Now tell me Sheena, will you accept my gift? Will you allow me to make you a Sex Goddess, one of my Chosen? I want nothing more than to bestow my gift upon you, to make you a Sex Goddess, but I will only do so if it is what you want.” Eros said lovingly. “There was a time when I was more known to the world, when women everywhere clamored for my gift. Centuries ago there was even a nation that lived in reverence of me, hoping each year I would bestow this gift on one of them. I hope you can see how blessed you are to be one of my Chosen. I hope that you will accept my gift.” Sheena’s smile widened and she looked right in Eros’s eyes, wanting the goddess to see her excitement. “Fuck yes, make me a goddess.” She responded, her voice loud and excited. Sheena could see Eros was not a stuffy goddess, as her brash and bold response only made Eros smile.

“Then stand Sheena, so I may bestow my gift upon you. Stand before me to receive my blessing.” Eros commanded. Excited as could be, Sheena hopped up from her bed stood before Eros. Her tits and ass bounced as she hopped up, and she could swear she saw a small grin on Eros’s face for a moment. Once Sheena was up and before the goddess, Eros raised her right hand and snapped her fingers. Instantly, Sheena’s panties fell to the floor, leaving her naked.

As Eros’s hand went back to her side, the light obscuring Eros’s body faded slightly, baring her breasts to Sheena. Sheena was stunned into silence as she stared at Eros’s breasts. They were definitely the breasts of a goddess, for Sheena could not ever remember seeing a more beautiful pair of breasts than the ones that sat upon Eros’s chest. They were quite large, perfectly round and her nipples were perfectly centered upon the lovely mounds. They were both hard and somehow Sheena could see them throbbing, begging to be suckled. She felt a deep flush come over her as she gazed upon Eros’s beautiful breasts. They were perfect.

“You must drink from me to begin the process. When you drink my milk it will fill you with the same divine energy that is within me.” Eros cooed as she put her hand behind Sheena’s head and pulled Sheena to her breasts. Sheena barely had time to register what was happening. She was very eager to drink from Eros’s breasts. She’d always wanted to try breast milk but had never gotten the chance. She could not wait to taste Eros’s milk, which she was sure would be divine. Her mouth opened slightly and Eros easily guided her hard nipple between Sheena’s lips. Sheena moaned when she felt the softness of Eros’s breast push against her face.

With her face now firmly against Eros’s breasts, Sheena sealed her lips around Eros’s nipple and began to nurse. Within a few hardy sucks she felt Eros’s divine milk coat her mouth and wash over her tongue. She moaned deeply as she tasted Eros’s offering. Its flavor was only barely like milk. It was a flavor Sheena could not describe. It had to be ambrosia, for what else could taste this divine? Though it had the consistency of honey, it flowed like milk into her mouth. Sheena greedily swallowed mouthful after mouthful of Eros’s offering. With each swallow she could feel a great warmth fill her stomach and she could feel a strong energy fill her body.

Sheena barely noticed any time going by as she nursed from Eros. All the while she felt tiny sparks ignite within her as Eros cooed lovingly to her and stroked through her hair. Sheena was loving the feelings flowing through her body as she drank from Eros. She did not know how long she sat drinking from Eros’s breasts, but was still amazed that no matter how much she drank, Eros’s breasts gave no indication they were being drained. Also, to her further amazement, no matter how much she drank, she never felt any inkling of feeling full. It was like she could nurse forever from Eros.

It did not feel like she shad nursed for long, but Sheena would have been shocked to know it had been nearly an hour since she started nursing from the goddess’s divine breasts. Sheena was so lost in her nursing that when Eros pulled Sheena from her breasts, Sheena almost did not even notice her mouth was now empty. Once she did, she whined, opened her eyes and looked up to Eros once again before standing upright once more.

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