Competitive Edge - Cover

Competitive Edge

by Shameless Cyborg

Copyright© 2023 by Shameless Cyborg

Science Fiction Sex Story: June introduces Ava to the world of erotic motorsports, where stamina and deferred gratification are the keys to success.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Sports   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Masturbation   Sex Toys   .

Avalyn stared at the sleek contraption in front of her with curiosity. She tilted her head. “So is it ... powered by sex?”

June snorted and clapped her on the back. “Ha! No, silly. It’s powered by an electric battery. Arousal is the throttle, not the fuel.” She walked around to the opposite side of the hoverbike and pointed at a padded cushion on top of the bike.

“So, you straddle the seat here – the memory foam is surprisingly comfortable. You’ll lean forward more or less parallel to the ground, and the little curve here keeps your back in a slight arch. The joysticks are inside these holes on either side, which is nice ‘cause it lets your arms to rest at a ninety-degree angle. Once you’re in, I’ll lower the windshield and buckle you in. Are you ready to get on?”

Ava looked the machine over from front to back. It seemed dangerous, but then again she knew nothing about hoverbikes. Plus, June always made safety a priority, especially when sex was involved. After a moment’s hesitation, she approached the bike, stepped up onto the small platform jutting out under it, and threw one leg over the seat. June gestured, and Ava slowly lowered her torso until her stomach and chest came to rest on the upper half of the seat.

The position was surprisingly comfortable. Her hips and ribcage felt supported, and she only needed to tilt her head up slightly to look forward. Her hands found the joysticks immediately. She bent her knees such that her feet rested on the pedals at the back of the bike. The material between the bike’s sides and her inner thighs was also foam, allowing her to squeeze the bike’s frame with her legs. She looked up at June and nodded.

“Now for the fun part,” June said with her trademark smolder.

Ava recognized the look in June’s eyes. It usually meant Ava would soon be screaming with ecstasy into her pillow, but alas, there was no pillow in sight. Ava’s face flushed red as she contemplated what this experience might entail.

June stepped to the rear of the bike and started messing with something Ava couldn’t quite see. After a few seconds she called out, “Okay, I’m going to unbutton your suit.”

The suit June had given Ava earlier was a one-piece jumpsuit made of a thick yet breathable synthetic thread. It seemed pretty normal, with one exception. The crotch region of the suit had a flap which came down from the backside, up between the legs, and attached to two buttons below the navel. While buttoned, the suit provided full skin coverage. June was now working on undoing those buttons and lifting the flap.

I knew that had to be intentional, Ava contemplated. June’s touch excited her, but she couldn’t ignore the rising suspense.

“Okay, next some lube!” June exclaimed cheerfully.

First one, then two fingers slid inside her. Ava responded with a reflexive “Ooh!” much to June’s quiet delight. The fun was short-lived. June removed her fingers and wiped them on a clean cloth over her shoulder.

“Alright, now I’m gonna put in the vibrator.”

Realization dawned in Ava’s mind. Arousal is the throttle, not the fuel.

Ava felt three sensations at once. A cool, phallic shape sliding inside her, another piece pressing up against her clitoris, and a slight rocking motion from the bike as June slid a part into place. Ava’s face turned from light pink to deep crimson.

“Everything feel okay?” June asked. The tone of her voice was still playful, but tinged with concern. Always looking our for me.

“Y-yes! Although, isn’t it a bit ... dangerous to drive with that in me?”

“Good question. First of all, both your suit and your bike have several high-tech safety features that will protect you, as does the race track. Also, the vibrator is only attached to the bike via a weak magnet. If you ever, heaven forbid, get thrown off the bike, the vibe will come with you. Don’t worry! I wouldn’t have invited you to try this if I didn’t think it was perfectly safe.”

Reassured, Ava allowed her tempered excitement to flourish. She watched as June moved around the bike performing some final preparations. She pulled a wide, retractable belt buckle out of the left side of the bike, draped it over Ava’s lower back, and clicked it into a slot on the other side. Next she put Ava’s helmet on, and finally she lowered the bike’s windshield. The piece locked with a satisfying click.

Meanwhile, Ava couldn’t help but admire the engineering marvel she sat upon. Although her body was technically exposed to the elements, the bike’s frame strategically shielded every part of her from above, below, and ahead, ensuring that she would be completely protected from any debris. Her hips and rear were guarded from behind as well.

June put on a headset, and as she spoke, Ava heard her voice with surprising clarity from inside her helmet.

“Okay, here’s the rundown on the controls. The bike technically has three degrees of freedom: pitch, roll, and yaw, like an airplane. But the onboard computer deals with all that. You just use the joysticks to control your lateral movement. Your speed is based on your degree of arousal. Sensors in the suit will pick up on your vitals to detect how good a time you’re having and apply acceleration or deceleration until your speed matches. Since you’re new, I configured the bike to the lowest speed setting.

When you start the vehicle, the vibrator will start at the lowest setting: a low, occasional pulse. The foot pedal on your right controls the vibrator’s intensity, and the left pedal dispenses a bit of lube. If you need to stop at any time, there are emergency brakes next to the joysticks. Pull either one and the vehicle will slow to a stop while the vibrator slowly removes itself. I can also trigger it remotely if you use your safe word. Which is...”

“Presto,” Ava responded without hesitation.

“Excellent. I’m headed to the booth. Have fun, spice cake.”

June gave her a little salute, then walked into the elevator next to the large garage door.

Ava assessed her situation. She was strapped in, doggy-style, to the top of a high-powered hoverbike. A vibrator mounted to said bike rested idle inside of her and against her clit. And now, apparently, she was expected to operate this bike? With her sex drive?

June was in for one hell of a show.

The garage door slowly rolled open. An enthusiastic voice chimed in Ava’s ear.

“Okay, start it up.”

As the electric motor quietly hummed to life, the vibrator started pulsing between her legs. Ava tensed involuntarily. The slow, rhythmic vibrations teased both her clit and her G-spot, though the sensation was subtle so far. Ava closed her eyes, distracted by the pleasure.

The robotic arms holding the bike in place lowered down and away. The bike, now floating in midair, started to inch forward. The inexperienced pilot opened her eyes with a flutter. Right, she thought, I need to focus. She glanced down at the dials in front of her, and noticed the speedometer wavering around 5 kilometers per hour.

“Okay,” June spoke over the intercom, “Let the bike roll until your reach the starting line. Once you cross, you’re free to open it up!”

Ava exited the garage, following the road ahead of her. Thin strips of magnetized wire ran parallel to the road, evenly spaced and glowing a bright neon green. As her path merged with the track, she spotted the starting line banner up ahead, suspended by a tall pole on either side. To her left, she noted the series of thick walls lined with strips similar to the ones on the road, but thicker. Magnetic buffers, most likely. To her right was more of the same, but behind the buffers she could see stadium seats, and just above the back row of seats she spotted the booth. Even from this distance, Ava recognized June behind the glass, one hand on the headset over her ear.

“Lucky for you, I’ve got connections, so we have this whole place to ourselves. No spectators.”

Ava breathed a sigh of relief. Not that anyone could see anything. In fact, a naive observer would have no idea that the crotch of Ava’s suit had been unbuttoned, nor that a vibe was pulsing softly within her folds and against her clit. And yet, she cringed at the idea of anyone besides her beloved June watching her right now.

“Go! Go! Go!”

June’s shouting snapped Ava to her sense. She had already crossed the starting line! Without thinking, she stepped hard on the vibrator pedal, nearly two-thirds of the maximum. For a moment bike’s velocity remained the same, confusing Ava, who had forgotten most of June’s instructions already. The vibrator, however, switched from a gentle pulse to a strong, steady buzz.

“Wooooo!” Ava exclaimed at the sudden intensity. This vibe was strong! Her glutes and legs flexed, and her hold on the joysticks tightened.

Picking up on her excitement, the bike began to accelerate.

“Fuck, that’s a good toy!” Ava exclaimed into her mic.

“Hey their horndog, don’t forget about the turn coming up.” June replied, stifling a laugh.

Ava redirected her attention and noticed she would soon run out of straight road. Glancing down, she noticed the speedometer creeping towards 75 kph. Ahead of her, the track arced gradually to the left. Fortunately, it also widened significantly, with a very high bank.

Still, she would need to slow down. Reluctantly, she reduced her pressure on the pedal slightly. The bike continued to cruise towards the turn. Confused, Ava released the pedal completely, reducing the sensation between her legs to a faint pulse once more. Her muscles relaxed, and her budding arousal dissipated. Almost immediately, she felt the bike slowing down. Slamming the joysticks, she pulled the bike through the outside of the curve.

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