There's Something About Mia - Cover

There's Something About Mia

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Kirstie's budding sexuality is a source of much confusion for her. She finds herself drawn to both boys and girls, until Mia comes into her life that is, then she knows exactly what she wants.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   TransGender   Fiction   Anal Sex   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

I first met Mia when I was fourteen years old. She had transferred to our school in the middle of the year and was put in my form.

I freely admit that I was sexually confused at that time. I found both some boys and some girls ... interesting. Possibly that was one of the reasons that I was a bit of a loner. I had friends, of course, but not really what you’d call any best friends.

As soon as I saw her there was something about Mia that fascinated me. She was pretty: a delicate, oval face with long, straight black hair and amazing dark, almost black eyes. She was a little taller than me with a slim but athletic build.

Later that first day I saw her sitting on her own in the canteen and decided to go and sit with her. She seemed surprised and looked around as if kind of expecting to see a group of girls looking our way and giggling behind their hands.

“It’s only me,” I said, hoping to reassure her. “I can sit somewhere else if it’s a problem?”

“No, no, help yourself,” she replied, indicating the seat opposite her. “I’m Mia by the way.”

“I know. I’m in your form. I was sitting behind you. I’m Kirstie. Good to meet you.” I knew I was babbling a bit but she was very cute and she was making me nervous.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, eating our lunches.

“Wouldn’t you rather eat with your friends?”

“No,” I said, not wanting to get into the why of it really. “Do you mind me asking why you changed schools in the middle of the year?”

“Yes,” she replied. We kind of looked at each other and burst out laughing at how badly it was going.

“Shall we start again?” I said. “What’s your favourite band?”

That broke the ice and afterwards, we chatted away about music and TV shows and social media and all sorts. It just seemed really easy to talk to her and I think she felt the same way.

You know when you’re interested in someone and you want to look at their eyes all the time, but you know if you do it too much it’ll seem like you’re staring, so you keep looking away? Well, we were both doing that. A lot.

I sort of mentioned earlier that I find some girls attractive but I’d learned through bitter experience not to show my hand too early. On the other hand, I was really enjoying being with Mia and I kind of wanted to spend more time with her and get to know her better. I decided to take a chance.

“Would you like to come round to my place after school?” I asked. “We could do our homework together.” She looked at me as if trying to work out my angle. I just smiled and waited.

“Yeah,” she said finally. “that could be fun.”

We got back to my place and I introduced her to my mum and then we went up to my room. She was having a look around and I decided to dip my toe in the water, so to speak.

“You don’t mind if I get changed out of my uniform do you?” I asked her innocently.

“No, no. You go ahead.”

I tried not to be too obvious as I watched her watching me. She paid an awful lot of attention to me as I stripped down to my bra and panties. I actually liked the way she was looking at me a lot and I really took my time getting changed.

“You’re about the same size as me, if you want to get changed I’m sure I could find you something...” A very odd expression passed fleetingly across her face: at first, I thought it was guilt, then maybe fear I really wasn’t sure but it was quite strange.

“No, I’m fine.”

I put on some soft cotton shorts and picked up a pink sweatshirt. Her eyes on me made me so hot and my nipples were hard and seemed desperate to be seen. I took off my bra and sighed as they were freed and saw, in the mirror, that she was watching me wide-eyed. I couldn’t resist stroking them briefly, seeing the look of desire on her face as I did.

Reluctantly I slipped the sweat over my head and we settled down to do the history homework we’d been set.

I was still very excited from having her stare at me while I changed, but I restrained myself to the occasional touch on her hand or arm. She didn’t seem to mind and, combined with her obvious interest in my body, I thought things were looking very promising.

After we’d done our work Mia said she had to go. I toyed with the idea of kissing her goodbye but figured that might be going too far: I really didn’t want to freak her out.

“This was fun,” I said. “do you want to do it again sometime?”

“Yeah,” she replied smiling. “I think I would.”

On that Thursday we were told to read the next three chapters of Animal Farm and we did it together.

After we’d finished I sat next to her on my bed and took her hand. I took a couple of deep breaths.

“Have you ever kissed a girl?” I asked her, looking into those gorgeous deep black eyes. She shook her head. “Would you mind if I kissed you?”

Her eyes opened a little wider and she unconsciously licked her lips before shaking her head again. I leaned forward slowly and brushed my lips over hers. God, it was nice. Her lips were so soft and I felt a warm glow all through my body. I checked her face to see how she liked it and it seemed to me that she did. I kissed her again, longer this time, and I squeezed her lips gently with my own. She responded and began to kiss me back.

I was having trouble getting my breath and I broke the kiss, then hugged her and snuggled my face into her neck. She smelt wonderful and I kissed her there and stroked her back. Finally, her arms went around me and I really knew at last that she was into it.

I kissed her a third time and now ran my tongue over her lips until she opened up and I slipped my tongue just inside and touched the tip of hers. At first, she seemed a bit shy and I had to keep teasing her tongue until it finally peeked out.

It was gorgeous, and our tongues met in a delicious little tangle. We were both breathing quite hard now, clutched tightly together and caressing each other’s backs.

We were so entranced by what we were doing that the knock on the door seemed shockingly loud and we sprang apart. We looked at each other guiltily and tried to calm our rapid breathing.

“Hi, girls. Can I come in?” came Mum’s voice from the other side. I could see that Mia’s face was still flushed and I guessed that mine was much the same, but I didn’t think we could wait any longer without it looking very suspicious.

“Sure Mum, come on in,” I called out as nonchalantly as I could manage. She opened the door and looked at the pair of us. She smiled faintly in what seemed an amused but fond way.

“Can I get you girls anything?” she asked. “fizzy pop? sandwich?”

“No thanks Mum, we’re fine,” I told her, trying hard not to sound cross.

“OK. I’ll leave you to it. Have fun.” she said, shutting the door behind her. We both burst out laughing at the sudden release of tension and clung to each other. Of course, when we stopped laughing we started kissing again.

We spent many gloriously happy evenings in innocent canoodling sessions, mostly after our homework was done. For some reason, I tried to leave it to Mia to choose when to take it further.

I adored just being with her and the kisses and hugs we shared were divine, but I became incredibly excited each time, and eventually one time I found myself taking the lead.

As we lay on the bed side by side. I ran my hands down to her bottom. God, she had a lovely firm arse. Judging by the way she wriggled around she seemed to like that a lot and she did the same to me.

I was so hot by this point that my pussy was throbbing. I guessed hers would be too, and put my hand on her bare upper thigh. She froze, her mouth still on mine but her body had gone rigid. I was very confused and I risked moving my hand fractionally upwards. Immediately her hand covered mine and stopped it moving any further.

I leaned my head back so that I could look at her face. I wasn’t sure from her expression what was wrong.

“I thought you liked me,” I said, with what I knew was a puzzled look on my face.

“I do like you. A lot,” she replied quietly

“Don’t you want me to touch you there?”

“It’s complicated,” she said in a whisper. “I shouldn’t really have let it go this far.”

My heart lurched as I thought that she’d regretted our innocent kissing and cuddling.

“I’m sorry,” I said as I started to cry. “I didn’t mean to force you...”

“Oh God,” she said, and looked stricken by my tears, and then I felt her urge my hand further up her skirt.

Utterly confused but hopeful, I slid my hand slowly up the inside of her thigh until it reached the front of her knickers. I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped my lips as I felt lumps there which were unmistakably a penis and a pair of testicles. Then she began to cry and covered her face with her hands. I realised that, even with a penis resting in my hand, I still thought of Mia as her.

Cursing myself for my reaction I pulled her hands away and kissed her urgently.

“It’s you that I love,” I told her lovely but wrought face. “not what’s between your legs ... although...” I’d kind of forgotten that my hand was still on her penis and I gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Do you think I could...?” I whispered to her, nodding downwards. Her expression was a mixture of wonder and lust and she closed her eyes as she nodded.

I lifted her skirt and gently pulled aside her panties. It was soft and small and unbearably cute, and I cupped it between my hands like it was a helpless tiny animal. As I softly stroked it I felt it twitch slightly. I looked up at Mia’s face and saw a look of hope there.

“I love it,” I told her.

“Really, I thought you might be ... disgusted.”

I grinned at her and was so relieved when she smiled back.

“Really,” I replied firmly, and kissed her lots more. As we kissed I could feel her cock swelling in my hands.

I had no experience of penises but it looked beautiful to me. Her balls were hairless and I cupped them with one hand while I stroked a finger along the shaft with the other. I heard her groan above me and it swelled to about four or five inches long.

It suddenly occurred to me that I’d told her that I loved her, and I realised that it was absolutely true. I couldn’t honestly say if finding out she was a boy made it more or less intense, but maybe it explained why I was so attracted to her in the first place.

I certainly loved the way it felt in my hands.

“I’ve been on puberty blockers for a year now which is why it’s a bit small.” I heard her say matter-of-factly. “It doesn’t get hard that often but you seem to-- Oh!”

I’d interrupted her explanation: I couldn’t resist it any longer and I’d kissed it. I kissed all over her cock and her balls until it got really hard and my pussy tingled madly.

I rolled back the foreskin and gasped again when I saw her darling little knob, all shiny and tight. I giggled in delight and licked my lips as I gazed at it in wonder: it was just so lovely!

“Oh God.” she moaned as I licked my tongue over the end. The skin was so warm and silky smooth and it was still getting harder by the second. I put my mouth over the end of her cock and licked and sucked on it joyfully.

I felt her hands on my hair, stroking it as her hips weaved around on the bed, pushing her cock further into my mouth.

“Kirstie. If you keep doing that I’m going to cum.”

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