A Little Sister - Cover

A Little Sister

by Mary Kay

Copyright© 2022 by Mary Kay

Erotica Story: Boy steals the Medallion of Zulu.

Caution: This Erotica Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Coercion   TransGender   Fiction   Science Fiction   Magic   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Transformation   .

I hated Miami. I’d been here almost two weeks and other than the beach, there didn’t seem to be one thing the city had that I liked. It was too hot and too humid, I didn’t speak Spanish and I had no friends here. It was hard to make friends looking fourteen when you were sixteen. I was short and thin, and some people said I had an effeminate face. I didn’t even have much in the way of facial hair to cancel it out.

On top of that, I had girl-repellant hobbies. I liked to draw anime; I liked computers and science fiction. I was the stereotypical geek. I was invisible.

My twin sister, on the other hand, was very popular. She was the head cheerleader at our old school and was immediately invited to join our new school’s cheerleading squad. We actually had very similar faces, so you could definitely tell we were brother and sister. However, that was where the resemblance ended. She had matured early. She had a great figure, long brown hair, and the face that I hated so much, looked great on her. She was objectively very beautiful. The problem was that she knew it.

I was walking along the beach, moping, wishing I could go back to Chicago. I was about to head home when I heard something that sounded like laughter. I peeked around a small dune in the sand of the deserted beach and saw two people having a whole lot more fun than I was. She was stunning, with perfect breasts and a small waspish waist. He was older than she was and kinda pudgy, but she seemed to be enjoying herself. They were oblivious to me and I decided after a couple of minutes that I’d risked being seen enough.

As I was ducking away, I spotted their stuff, strewn on the sand about 20 yards away. A purse and camera were hanging off a folding chair, and a wallet sat on the beach towel next to a small pile of clothes. I looked at the pair, still oblivious to anyone but each other, and came to a snap decision. I moved quickly to the chair, grabbed the purse, camera, and wallet, then hightailed it out of there, heading for home as quickly as I could.

When I got home, I rifled through the guy’s wallet. There was a little over two hundred dollars in it. I took the cash and threw the rest aside. I wasn’t gonna risk trying to use the credit cards or anything else that could be tracked. When I opened the purse, I was a little confused. I expected women’s stuff, but instead, I found another man’s wallet, some makeup, and a medallion. I picked up the medallion and looked it over. It was obviously very cheap. It had a picture of a fairy or angel or something and it was holding a stick of some kind. It was worthless, so I just hung it over my writing lamp and opened the wallet. Inside was five hundred dollars in brand new hundred dollar bills.

“YES,” I said, putting the money with the cash from the other wallet.

Then, taking the purse, wallets, and makeup, I put everything in the purse and then went outside to the garbage can and put the purse inside one of the trash bags and resealed it.

I took the camera and looked at it. It was a pretty nice digital camera. I looked up the information on it on the Internet. The Nikon X 50 was a thousand-dollar camera. Plus it used standard SD cards. Sweet. There was even a 1TB card in it. I browsed through the pictures and saw the same guy and girl doing some pretty twisted things. I saved those onto my computer.

There were also pictures of two guys sitting around drinking beer, holding the medallion. What was up with that? I didn’t care, and deleted everything off of the card, and put it back in the camera. Then, I took the camera and stuck it on the top shelf of my bookcase. A digital camera could come in handy for lots of things. Or, I could pawn it.

I took the money, put it in an old envelope, and taped it to the bottom of one of my desk drawers. Maybe Miami wasn’t so bad after all.

During the next week, I lay low. The following week started school and I was dreading it. I did spend some of the money on a tripod and a couple more SD Cards. I spent some time playing around with the camera, taking pictures of some of my drawings. It was a way to pass the time.

Friday rolled around and my sister and mom were going away for the weekend to a cheerleading competition. The school had its first competition and school hadn’t even started yet. I didn’t understand why anyone would want to lose part of his or her summer, but Mary had been practicing with the squad almost nonstop since we moved here. They needed a flyer and Mary was the best at our old school too.

So, my sister gets to go on a vacation for the weekend and what does yours truly get to do?

“Mike,” my mom said, in that tone of voice that means she wants something.

“Yeah, mom,” I yelled back from upstairs.

“We’re leaving. If you don’t mind, do the laundry while we’re gone. Oh and clean up your room. How did you let it get so dirty so fast anyway?”

I ignored her last question. It didn’t matter if I minded or not, it wasn’t a request. “Okay, mom, I’ll do it. Have fun.” I hoped Mary would break her leg.

“Don’t put my bras in the dryer, hang them up,” Mary yelled up to me. She didn’t even give me the courtesy of asking, or saying please.

How exactly did she take control of this relationship? She was only older by half an hour. “No problem,” I yelled back as sweetly as I could. I figure I’ll wrap them wet in a plastic bag and put them on her bed. They should be ripe by the time she gets home.

I heard the door close and a minute later the car pulled out of our driveway. Now, you might think that I immediately began doing what mom told me to do. If you did, you’d be wrong. I did those things I wasn’t allowed to do when my mom and sister were home. I booted up the computer in the living room and opened up Steam, intending to play. Although I had my computer in my room, the only computer connected to the Internet was in the living room. The only time I ever got to play Fortnite was when no one else was home. Now, I had the whole weekend all to myself. Also, I had found this porn site earlier that had lots of hot videos that were really, really good. Anyway, When I went to start Fortnite, it had to update. Shit.

I started the download and decided I would kill the time until it finished by starting my room clean up. That way, I wasn’t wasting any time looking at a progress bar.

I got up and started throwing all of my clothes together in a pile by my desk. Then, I grabbed the whole pile from the bottom and picked it up. Unfortunately, one of my shirts had somehow gotten wrapped around the cord and my reading lamp fell over with a thud and a flash as the bulb blew.

“Dammit,” I said as the shirt finally let go of the cord too late. I decided that as long as I already had the clothes in my hand, I’d go ahead and throw them down the laundry chute. The linen closet right next to it had replacement bulbs anyway. I threw the clothes down the laundry chute and grabbed a bulb from the closet and went back into my room.

Holding the new bulb in one hand, I picked up the lamp and set it back up. The medallion from last week was swinging back and forth, clinking against the brass pole. I took the medallion off and not knowing where else to put it, hung it around my neck. Then, I unscrewed the old bulb with one hand and then put in the new bulb. The light promptly came on.

“Let there be light,” I said, dropping the old bulb into the trashcan by my desk. I took a quick look around, making sure there weren’t any more dirty clothes, and then went to Mary’s room to get her clothes.

Mary, unlike me, always keeps her room spotless. She even has a hamper in her room for her dirty clothes. I didn’t see why it mattered if they were in a hamper or on the floor, they were dirty anyway. I picked up the hamper and carried it to the laundry chute. Then, I reached into the hamper and grabbed the whole bunch at one time, and picked it up.

“Aaa,” I said as I suddenly felt a shock like I’d grabbed an exposed wire. The laundry fell from my arms, as I looked in the hamper and at the clothes, trying to see what I’d touched. I didn’t see anything but dirty laundry. Picking it up, I threw it down the chute and then had another shock as I looked at my arms and hands. They were smaller than they used to be and actually seemed to be shrinking a little as I watched. Also, what little hair I did have on them seemed to be getting pulled back into my arms. Shocked, I ran to the bathroom to see the rest of me.

What I saw when I turned on the bathroom light shocked me. It wasn’t the arms, or the legs, which were beginning to look rather shapely, but rather the breasts, which were beginning to sprout from my chest. Quickly, I took off my shorts and underwear, and what I feared was coming true. My best friend down there was shrinking and as I watched, my two other little friends got sucked inside and then my best friend was gone as well. Just as I leaned over to get a better look, hair suddenly fell in front of my eyes, and I realized my hair was growing longer. I pulled it to the side and got a look at where my friend used to be, but instead of seeing my friend, I saw an almost completed vagina, complete with a clitoris. I fainted.

When I woke up, at first I couldn’t remember why I was asleep in the bathroom. Then the memories came flooding back and my hands quickly reached for something that was no longer there. I screamed and realized that it was my sister’s voice I heard. Getting up, I again looked in the mirror. There, looking back at me was my sister. Somehow, I had turned into her.

The only thing I was still wearing was the medallion. The medallion. Could that have somehow changed me? I’d felt a shock when I grabbed the clothes and pressed them against the medallion while I was wearing it. I ran downstairs to the basement and grabbed one of my shirts and put it against the medallion. Nothing happened. I sat down on the floor, trying to think.

“Come on, Mike, you can figure this out,” I said, trying very hard not to panic.

I forced myself to calm down some and began to logically figure this out. Obviously, it happened, so I’m not imagining it or insane. Therefore, something changed me. The only thing I could come up with that would explain both the change and the person I changed into was the medallion and the clothes. What I couldn’t figure out was how to change back. It didn’t seem to work. What if it was like a camera flash? They had to recharge after they went off. I’d felt a shock, so maybe it had to recharge. Did time do it, or did I have to do something specific to recharge it? I had no idea. I had an idea of how to find out though.

I ran upstairs and sat down at the computer. The update had been downloaded. I took off the medallion and brought up Chrome and started searching. While thinking about things, I realized the guy’s wallet in the purse made sense now. I also realized that the poor guy was stuck as a girl forever. The thought made me laugh until I realized that maybe I was too.

I spent the next hour looking for information about a medallion that changed people into other people but found nothing. Finally, I leaned back in the chair, feeling my new boobs shift as I did so. I closed the game, opened up the browser, and went to the porn site. I picked up the medallion from the desk where I’d set it, looked at it again and dropped it back on the desk, and hit play on the top video.

The girl in the video started doing a sexy strip tease. When she was nude, she sat down next to a Sybian, which is a really, really cool vibrator for girls. She got on and the guy off-screen started controlling it.

I watched for a few minutes, when suddenly, I realized I was turned on, but not in the same way I was as a guy. I could feel my nipples swelling some, but most of all, I felt hot down there, like I was sweating. I was feeling ... empty like I wanted something inside me. I started rubbing my clit as I watched the girl on the video becoming more and more aroused by the rotating, vibrating member of the machine.

By the time the girl on the video had her first orgasm, I was well on my way to having one of my own. I couldn’t believe how intense a female orgasm was. I could feel it all the way down to my toes. I was rubbing my clit with one hand and rubbing my breasts with the other, squeezing and pinching the nipples.

When the girl had her final orgasm on screen, I had one of my own. It felt wonderful. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe. The only things moving were my hand on my clit and as I could no longer resist the desire, the other hand moved on its own to shove two fingers inside me. That just made the feelings stronger, taking me to an even higher level and I started shaking like I was having an epileptic seizure. I rode the feelings, desperately moving my fingers as fast as I could until finally, I had to stop because it was getting too intense.

I collapsed there in the chair, catching my breath, amazed at how good it was. ‘We really did get the short end of the orgasm stick,’ I thought to myself.

I got up and noticed the chair was very wet. I got some paper towels and cleaned up and then went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I sat down on the toilet and went pee and then wiped myself off as best as I could. Getting up, I saw myself in the mirror. Mary sure was hot. Heck, now I was just as hot. A great idea occurred to me and I headed to my room.

Grabbing my camera and tripod, I went to Mary’s room. I spent the next three hours, first putting on Mary’s different cheerleading outfits and then taking them off, snapping plenty of pictures of myself in the various states of undress. I also took pictures of myself posing in shy, demure, bold, and slutty positions. Just taking the pictures was turning me on again and I got bolder and bolder as I went along. The next thing I knew, I was rubbing myself to orgasm, having completely forgotten the camera and picture-taking. It was just as good as the last time and when I was done, I felt like I’d gotten enough pictures, and besides, it was almost one o’clock in the morning. I was tired and satiated, so I just climbed under the covers in Mary’s bed, still nude, falling right to sleep.

The next morning I woke up a few minutes before ten. I remembered right away what had happened yesterday. Waking up in Mary’s bed was one clue, but so were my boobs when I rolled over onto my back. I could feel them, almost like they had a mind of their own. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and looked at myself in Mary’s full-length mirror.

“Good morning gorgeous,” I said, blowing myself a kiss.

I wondered if the medallion was recharged or not, or if I was stuck like this forever. I thought about trying to change back into myself but got a much better idea instead.

I went downstairs and grabbed the medallion and then went upstairs into my mom’s room. Mom had a Ford Mustang convertible in the garage that was used as a 2nd car and on special occasions and I decided it might be fun to see what the women’s locker room at mom’s gym is like. Mary and I didn’t have a membership because we have gym in school, but mom worked out three times a week. I figured if I changed into mom, I could go to the gym and see how the other half lived.

Looking around, I saw one of her bras on the dresser. I put the medallion on and touched the bra to it. I didn’t know if it would work or not, but when I felt the shock, I knew it did.

Suddenly, my breasts started growing. Mom had bigger boobs than my sister, but I was surprised to see that they were the only things changing. I wasn’t turning into my mom; I was just getting her boob size. I didn’t understand what would cause that, but I looked at the bra closer and noticed the price tag was still attached. That meant that mom probably hadn’t ever worn it. So, if a piece of clothing hasn’t been worn by anyone, the medallion changed your body so it would fit. That was an interesting piece of information to file away.

Now how could I use that information? I thought about it and came up with a diabolical idea. What if I had an unworn training bra and changed Mary so she was completely flat? She was so proud of her figure and if I took those curves away, I bet she’d be a lot less snobby. I decided some shopping was in order. I forgot about wanting to go to the gym. I ran upstairs and hid the medallion inside a hole in my box spring. It was my best hiding spot.

I got dressed and put on the bra from the dresser. Mary’s shirt was fairly tight now with my bigger boobs, but I liked the way it looked. I hopped in the car and headed for Wal-Mart. The drive was very nice and I liked the feeling of the wind blowing through my long hair and the way the guys in cars looked at me. People noticed me now. It was nice not being invisible. Especially when I felt like I looked really good. I began to understand a little why Mary was so snobby.

When I got there, I went right into the girl’s section and picked out a training bra and panty set. I also decided that I needed an intermediate step, so I bought an A-Cup size bra as well. That should shrink them gradually.

I paid for the items and then headed right home. When I got there, there was a message from mom, wondering where I was and letting me know that they would be home Sunday afternoon. I decided that I needed to change back to myself now and sat down to figure out how long it took before the medallion was recharged. I took one of my shirts out of the hamper and retrieved the medallion from the box spring. Putting it on, I stripped to a pair of loose shorts and touched my shirt to the medallion. Nothing happened.

I repeated it every hour, wondering how long it would take, wondering if I was doing something wrong. When it was about ten thirty, I decided to try it one more time and then turn in whether it worked or not. When I put the medallion on and touched my shirt to it, I felt a shock.

“Eureka,” I yelled.

It was a little over twelve hours since I’d changed my boob size and now I ran to the downstairs bathroom and looked in the mirror as I changed back into myself. “Outstanding,” I said, watching myself change back into myself. I need to videotape that next time. I realized that there would definitely be a next time.

I put the medallion in the same bag my purchases were in and stuck the whole thing inside my box spring. Then, I went to my bed, thinking that it was gonna be payback time very soon.

I woke up late and scratched my friends. Amazing how much I’d missed doing that. I stretched and got up. I went into Mary’s room and retrieved my camera and then spent most of the day going through the pictures I’d taken yesterday, sorting them. They had come out surprisingly well.

The phone rang and I answered it. Mom said they’d be home in about four hours and asked me where I was yesterday. I told her I’d gone to the movies and she asked if I’d done the laundry. I remembered that I hadn’t, but told her yes. I told her to drive safe and we hung up. I went downstairs and started the first load of laundry. I spent the next three hours washing, drying, and folding clothes. I decided not to piss Mary off and so I hung her bras up to dry like she’d asked me. As I did, I laughed, knowing that soon they’d be way too big for her anyway.

I’d finished the laundry and was watching television when mom and Mary came home. Mary’s team had won and she spared no effort in bragging about it all evening. She even had the nerve to say at least one of us was a winner at something. I smiled and didn’t take the bait, which drove her nuts.

Eventually, Mary got tired and went to bed. I went to bed too, but didn’t fall asleep. I was waiting for the hallway light to go out. Then I began preparing for my clandestine breast reduction mission. I got the A-cup bra and medallion out and after a twenty-minute wait to make sure everyone was asleep, I snuck into Mary’s bedroom and saw Mary, fast asleep, with one leg sticking out of the covers. I laid the medallion on her leg, slowly lowering it so it didn’t wake her up. Then I touched the bra to the medallion and then removed the bra and medallion. Mary stirred and I ducked down, terrified I’d be caught. Mary however turned over and settled, still asleep.

I snuck out and when I got back to my own bedroom, raised both arms in a touchdown motion, whispering ‘YES’ and then put the items back inside the box spring. I went to bed, wondering what would happen tomorrow when Mary notices her boobs have shrunk a whole cup size. I’m sure I slept the whole night with a smile on my face.

I woke up and jumped out of bed. I wanted to be downstairs waiting when Mary came downstairs. I couldn’t wait to see if she had shrunk like I thought she would. I dressed in record time and bounded downstairs.

I was eating my breakfast when Mary came downstairs in her cheerleading outfit. I could tell immediately that she hadn’t gotten any smaller. What had gone wrong? I decided that one different thing was that I was wearing the necklace while I had just laid it on Mary’s leg. I decided that I needed to put it on Mary with the necklace around her.

I spent the entire day at school distracted thinking about the plan for tonight. Would it work? Was I right about the medallion and how it worked? Mary and the other cheerleaders spent the day strutting around the school like they owned the place. I wasn’t the only one who thought they’d gone over the top. I’ll admit that the school had a reputation for having a great cheerleading squad and a lousy football team and this year would probably be no different. Still, a little humility would have gone a long way.

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