Living Two Lives - Book 4 - Cover

Living Two Lives - Book 4

Copyright© 2022 by Gruinard

Chapter 60

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 60 - The adventures of Andrew McLeod continue. School is easy but the rest of his life is a complicated mess.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Rags To Riches   School   Indian Female   Analingus   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

On Thursday Heriot’s had their first home swim meet. Although Andrew could have gone to the library to study for an hour before he needed to head to the pool to get ready, he was told that the team was expected to support each other and be there the whole time. Things you learn when you come to team sports late. So Andrew spent the afternoon cheering on his teammates. There were fewer participants that week and so there were fewer races. There were going to be just five of them for the final race of the meet. After last week’s performance Andrew was in lane three next to the previous week’s winner in lane four. Andrew had someone to pace himself with. He had never had a training partner or a hare in the lane beside him so wanted to see how he would do. Where his opponent ended up beating him was that he did a kick for 75 to 100 metres in the middle of the race. He opened a three second gap and Andrew could not close it. It did not widen and however hard Andrew swam he could not catch him. They both kicked at 200m out but it was to no avail. Andrew bettered his time by four seconds from the previous meet but was still 2.8 seconds behind at the finish. Andrew was knackered after that effort and clasped the winner’s hand but was too winded for words. Kearns was really pleased with the time and the team was again third overall in the competition. Andrew was enjoying the competition but was still getting used to the team environment.

They had originally tried to get The Who tickets for the following night but they sold out quickly so Julian, Leslie and Andrew were at the Thursday show instead. HIs folks were unconcerned, no change there. They knew he would be up at 5.45 regardless and homework was not an issue. It was a good show but not a great one. The tour was supporting a new album but it had not been released yet. There were several points where the crowd energy dissipated not because they didn’t like the new tracks it was just they had never heard them. All the classics were there and by the end everyone was hoarse, deaf and sweaty. He was glad he got the chance to see them but the lost energy from the unknown songs meant the band did not blow them away.

Friday at the CCF Commander Travis announced the results of the Proficiency Certificates to the whole platoon. There were going to be a bunch of promotions at the end of term. After the parade Pete, Don and Andrew walked out together.

“You given any thought to joining the Army, Andrew?” Don asked.

“I don’t think I would go in as a career but I have been thinking about the reserves. join the Territorials as an Engineer. I talked to one of the blokes at Barry Budden last summer, he explained about it. That was why I did the Engineering certificate. I ran into a bunch of OTC cadets on Sunday and just listening to them made it seem something I will continue in university. They get paid for all the training time and training days. They were all from Durham and Newcastle Universities and the way they talked it was okay. It seems like it is the CCF but for university students. I am not ruling it our yet, that’s for sure. What about you two?”

Pete responded first.

“I am like you, Reserves after uni. I am thinking about doing Electrical Engineering at university so that is why I did the Signals certificate. What about you Don?”

“I am thinking of the regulars. I have an Uncle in the Black Watch. I have no idea what I am going to do at university but I am thinking of joining up. I will join the OTC while I am there.”

“What are you going to do in the regulars Don?”

“Regular Infantry Officer if I can pass Sandhurst.”

Andrew headed off towards the Commonwealth. He thought about his life plan and goals and did not see how serving in the Regulars would be sufficient to make a difference. His career goal had always been the easy one so far in the termly reviews. Now he thought about what he was going to do post university and how that was going to make a big difference. Helping others maybe but making a difference was tougher. Andrew did not think about money all that much. He got the bus everywhere or a lift from his parents. Yes, he would buy dinner and the movie tickets for Tanvi and Katie but it was only a few quid. Creighton had most of his money safely invested away and the amounts were not known to his parents. Andrew’s most gaudy possessions were hundreds of miles away. He had never seen the restored Ferrari and it was now under a dustcover in a secure warehouse on the outskirts of London. As for the house it was being renovated right then. He had approved the designs and plans and Leslie had picked out most of the paint and fabric colours. Come Easter he would own a fully inhabitable house and a restored sports car and not live in, or use, either. He caught himself wondering why was he coding so hard every weekend?

Andrew’s thoughts on his career and money and making a difference consumed him as he swam that evening at the pool. He swam backstroke and just stretched out his muscles. In his mind Andrew had the Wellcome Trust as the example of making a difference that he wanted to emulate. Nothing like dreaming big. He and Julian had made ridiculous amounts of money for a couple of teenagers but it was trivial compared to these big medical endowments. Andrew knew he didn’t need to make this decision right then but he reviewed the last two years. The goal about money was two-fold. Make money but then do something with the money. Andrew was to get into the habit of making money both at school and at university so that when he started a career he was accustomed to working and hopefully would have some money in the bank. So far, he had invested all his money and spent tiny amounts. He had shares, money in the bank, a house and a car. This was a nice upper middle-class existence. Yes, he had started early but where was the big leap going to come from. Money in shares? Andrew was still too reliant on Brian Campbell. Now there were worse people to be reliant upon but his study of finance and the stock market was sporadic at best, there just never seemed to be the time. As Andrew turned and pushed off the wall the idea of not going to university after school once again needed to be considered. He would have or would be close to having a degree. He could run either JA Computers or FC Computer and try and make some money that way. The papers were full of entrepreneurs who had revolutionised industries. Did he have the belief to totally scrap his plan and just start working? Well he knew what he and Leslie would be talking about on Sunday night. He finished his last lap and then pushed up onto the deck and headed towards the changing room. Someone to his left stood up and walked beside him.

“Hi, I wanted to say thank you for helping me with my bag two weeks ago. You shot off so fast I never had a chance to thank you properly.”

Dreamgirl was right there beside him. All rational thought immediately left his mind and goldfish Andrew stood there looking flustered. This lasted no more than a second before he pulled himself together and regained the power of speech.

“You are welcome. It was a nasty night and we didn’t need to hang around in that weather.”

He finally remembered his manners.

“Sorry I am Andrew McLeod. Nice to meet you.”

She continued to smile at him.

“Ara Lindsay, nice to meet you too. I saw you swimming here tonight and I wanted to wait and thank you in person. I watched for you last week but didn’t see you.”

“I was away last weekend. I am glad I was able to help you, even if it was only in a small way.”

Andrew was rapidly running out of things to say. They reached the entrances to the changing rooms.

“Well, see you.”

Andrew turned into the men’s changing room and went to his locker before leaning his head against it. ‘See you’? Really? He was such a dope.

20 minutes later he was a sweating, panicking dope as he stood in the front lobby waiting for Ara to finish up and exit from the woman’s changing room. He was trying to figure out what Ara was short for. As he had changed Andrew knew that he had to make an effort. He could not go through life waiting for woman to throw themselves at him. Even today she had initially approached him. It was time to make an effort. That was all well and good in the changing room. Now he was ready to sneak off before she saw him. Andrew was saved from this by the arrival of the lady herself. She saw him and walked over.

“Hello. I wondered if you would like to go for a cup of tea or coffee with me. You have this ability to fluster me and I couldn’t get my thoughts organised down on the pool deck.”

Andrew smiled at her while trying to surreptitiously wipe his palms on his trousers.

“That is kind of you but you don’t need to do that.”

He wanted to listen to her talk all night.

“It is not so much need to as want to. I have seen you around for the last several months and I would like to get to know you better.”

Try not to sound like you are begging Andrew.

“Okay then, I will join you. Let’s find somewhere close by for a cup of tea.”

Her smile made him weak at the knees. They made ‘the weather is terrible’ small talk on the way to a little café on Clerk Street. Andrew had never tried talking to a girl who was a stranger before, been attracted to someone and gone up and talked to them. The fear of a crushing rejection worried him. He could recall how awful he felt when Allie no longer wanted to go out on their pseudo dates and told him no. They got to the café and sat down with hot cups of tea. Andrew was hungry and bought a large scone for something to nibble on. Ara did not take much persuading from him to wolf down a few pieces as well. Once they were settled it was Ara who started.

“The line ‘I never normally do something like this’ is a cliché but it is true. I find that I am sitting here wondering why. And yet here I am.”

Andrew had better talk in a hurry, this might be over quickly.

“Well I am glad that you are acting out of the ordinary today. I am the lucky guy who gets to spend some time with you. How often do you go to the Commonwealth? I only go on Friday’s late afternoon.”

“A couple of times a week. Usually Friday and then a day at the beginning of the week depending on classes. I am doing a degree in International Relations at Edinburgh, first year. What about you?”

Oh good lord! Andrew was sure his heart had never beaten faster. Air traffic control, main engine has flamed out and I am plummeting to the earth at great speed.

“Okay. I am still in school.”

Her face looked shocked.

“Half way through 4th year. I won’t be 16 until June.”

Well it was nice to buy you a cup of tea.

“Sorry, I thought you were older and at the University. You act and seem so mature. I only turned 17 just before Christmas. I skipped a year at school when I was younger. I think I am the youngest person at Edinburgh. I just assumed you were at least 18.”

She shook her head.

“15, Wow.”

“Yeah, when you only see someone at the pool it is difficult to gauge these things. Come on enjoy your tea. I won’t make you walk down the street holding hands with a schoolboy.”

That last one made her laugh.

“Sure. Like I said I normally turn down invitations for a drink from comparative strangers. I surprised myself as much as I could tell I surprised you. Some of your flustered reactions make more sense now.”

“I could be 25 Ara, and you would still fluster me. I am normally capable of intelligent conversation with a lady but with you.”

Andrew shook his head and smiled ruefully. Ara blushed at the compliment.

“Do we bother with any of the getting to know you stuff? Or should we make polite small talk, finish our tea and have no further communication other than the occasional wave at the pool?”

Might as well get it out on the table.

“My name is Arabella Lindsay, although most people call me Ara. As you can tell I am English, deepest Surrey in fact, and like I said am studying International Relations at the University. I don’t advertise my age much as I don’t want to come across as the precocious 17 year old even when I am being the precocious 17 year old.”

She smiled and Andrew laughed at her characterisation.

“My parents are still alive and I have an older brother. I have a flatmate in a place over in Marchmont. How’s that to start with?”

“Excellent. I am Andrew McLeod, still a schoolboy. I am at Heriot’s the school that sits in its own grounds opposite the Infirmary. Same family structure as you, two parents and a little sister. Not having skipped any years” Ara stuck her tongue out at him. “I am halfway through 4th year at school. I am good at Maths and Physics and am leaning towards doing Engineering at university. As you know I swim although I only go to the Commonwealth on a Friday after school.”

The conversation started to flow more freely. Ara talked about the freedom of being away from home and living independently. Another teenage young woman escaping the restrictions and confines of home. He watched her as they talked, Andrew could swear she was Italian or Greek. There was that typical Mediterranean look to her skin. Her hair was jet black and framed her face. She was not as stunning as Tanvi, nobody was, but she was a very pretty woman. Dark eyes that held lots of secrets. She was very tall for a woman, nearly six feet tall. As for her figure. If Andrew thought about that too much he would end up doing extra laundry. Again. When the tea was finished they looked at each other trying to figure out the next move.

“I had a fun time. I normally get to the pool right at 5.00 and swim for about an hour. Afterwards if you want to grab a bite to eat or sit and chat then we can do that. I also understand if you don’t want to do that. I enjoyed my time with you and would like to get to know you better.”

Andrew smiled ruefully and stood.

“I am heading to Tollcross to catch my bus so I can walk with you part of the way if you like?”

As Andrew waved goodbye to Ara when she turned off to head to her flat he was pretty sure that would be the last time he would spend time with her. She had been nice and not immediately abandoned him upon hearing his age. But she was older, at university and frankly stunning. No way was she going to hang out with a schoolboy. Bittersweet. All he hoped was that he still got to occasionally see her at the Pool. He would be disappointed if she altered her schedule to avoid him. It was 7.45 when Andrew got home and, as usual, neither of his parents made any fuss about arriving home so late. He didn’t know whether to be incredibly grateful for the trust or sad at the benign neglect but it still made him think that nobody else’s parents would be so unconcerned when their 15 year old wandered home 13 hours after he left. Andrew wolfed down his dinner and had a second bowl of soup, he was tired and headed to bed early. The gig the night before was catching up to him. Never let it be said that nerds don’t live the life. A second bowl of lentil soup and early to bed!

The hockey games on a Saturday morning were always fraught with potential trouble. The parents of Suzanne, Allie, Tanvi and Katie were all there and Andrew had been to each of their houses for dinner. Hannah’s mother was also there and he would catch her looking at him every now and then. He stayed firmly away from the parent’s zone at the games and tried to limit his dealings with them to no more than a nod or a wave. For the most part it worked. He would always talk to the team at the end of the match and then slip away. He liked it when they played at Erskine’s because he could walk to Julian’s place in 15 minutes or so.

The software was starting to come together. It was rudimentary but it got the job done. Leslie had suggested the name Asset Identification & Management Software. AIMS. A snappy acronym always helps with marketing and sales, or so she told them. She was trying to arrange a meeting with the Sales Director for Computer Solutions Group, known universally as CSG. They had a lot of government contracts and had gotten a boost through cleaning up ComputerCom’s mess the year before. If they could get an in with them their software may have a chance. That day Andrew raised an issue with Julian that he had been thinking about for a few weeks.

“Do you think that we should change the arrangement for the company? Leslie is really the one driving this forward and if we get anywhere with the software it is going to be her efforts to get us in the door that will have been key. I wondered what you thought about each of us giving up 10% of the company so that she had 20%. I just feel it would be fairer.”

It was at moments like right then that Andrew knew he had a great friend in Julian.

“I had not thought about it that way but you are right. We were a couple of guys playing with code and over the last two years have turned our hobby into a business. This new software not only could be big initially but if we keep adding features to it then we it also has the chance to last longer than the others. So you and I would have 40% and Leslie would have 20%. Do you think that is sufficient? What about adjusting our shares so that it is one third each?”

“I did not know how to suggest that without this conversation first. I think that would be fairest as it does feel like we are all in this together equally.”

Andrew stood up and walked over to Julian and gave him an awkward man-hug.

“Thanks man.”

“You are right, it does feel like an equal partnership now. Can you give her a call and see if she can come over? I want to be here to see her reaction.”

Andrew called Leslie and she said she would be there in an hour or so. He smiled as he thought about her reaction.

“We will have to speak to all the adults and get the paperwork sorted out. Mhairi and Creighton will just roll their eyes and send me a bill.”

Andrew was thinking out loud.

“Yeah, Dad will give me crap for changing something less than six months after we started.”

Julian gave the ubiquitous teenage shrug. Shit happens.

“The more I think about this, the more it makes sense. The smaller shareholding doesn’t bother me. I don’t know what to do with the money I have right now.”

He looked over at Andrew before carrying on.

“We never really talk about what we do with the money. Do you mind me asking?”

“Not at all. I thought about that just yesterday when I was swimming. We have a healthy sum of money and can live a nice upper middle-class life. Based on what Kyle tells us with the petrol station software we will do better this year and probably next year than we did last year. That seems amazing for some small pieces of software.

“But I feel disconnected from the money in a way.”

“Exactly” Julian interrupted but Andrew carried on.

“I have something like £100,000 but it doesn’t feel like it. It should bother me that I don’t know how much money I have. I am rich but I don’t care. It is that attitude that worries me. I lean heavily on Leslie’s dad for advice when it comes to investing, too much. I bought a house and a car last year. I have seen both once as Brian got me to buy a small place in London.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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