My Surprising Little Brother - Cover

My Surprising Little Brother

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: When Anya gets depressed that her parents seem to be breaking up comfort comes from an unexpected direction: her little brother. When they end up alone in a cabin in the woods he just keeps on impressing her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

It came out of the blue when Mom sat me and Mikey down and told us that Dad wasn’t coming to the cabin with us.

We’d known they were having problems, they tried to hide it from us but we could hear them arguing sometimes, and last night was a bad one.

“We’ve just grown apart.” she explained. “nothing to do with you. We both still love you very much but ... well ... there’s no good way to say this but your dad’s decided he’d rather be with his new woman than come away with us.”

“So is that it? Has he moved out? Are you splitting up?” I asked her.

Mom looked at me and sighed.

“I’m sorry, I’m really not sure Anya. It got pretty bad before he left last night. I think maybe it’s over for good.”

It was a shock thinking about them breaking up and I felt incredibly sad knowing that we might never be a family again, and not knowing when I might next see Dad.

“We’re still going though, right?” Mikey piped up. Mom looked questioningly at me.

The trip to our cabin had been arranged for ages and I’d been really looking forward to it.

“Yeah,” I replied, “why not.”

Driving up there Mikey and I were sat in the back together and I was thinking about life without Dad being there all the time.

Then Mikey did something that really surprised me: he held my hand. He was fifteen and had been the typical sullen, monosyllabic, self obsessed teenager, up until that moment at least. I think he’d seen just how upset I was and he wanted to make me feel a little better. I was really touched.

We settled in at the cabin and the first afternoon Mom took us fishing in our little rowboat. We were all pretty subdued and didn’t catch anything, but it was kinda nice just being together.

After we got back Mom’s mobile rang and she looked pretty freaked by what she heard from the person on the other end.

“I’m going to have to go back.” she told us when she ended the call. “There’s an emergency at work and they need me there.”

“That’s a bummer.” I said, with feeling.

“Are you two going to be alright on your own?”

At the grand old age of seventeen I felt quite capable of coping for a day or two.

“We’ll be fine.” I assured her.

Later on I was sitting on the end of the little jetty dangling my feet in the water, basically feeling a bit sorry for myself.

Mikey came and sat down next to me and put his arm around me. God, I thought, when did my little brother learn to do just the right thing?

Later on I managed to knock together some pasta to have with a jar of sauce from the cupboard.

I hadn’t long gotten into bed, and I was lying there feeling pretty sad when there was a soft knock on the door.

“Come in.” I called to him. Mikey came in and in his hand he had Jessie! She was my favoritest doll when I was little and we’d been inseparable for years. Nobody in the world knew that, when I was very, very down, I would still cuddle her and she always made me feel better.

I was almost speechless.

“But ... how ... how did you know?” I finally managed to splutter out.

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just saw her in your room this morning and figured you might, you know ... need her.”

I had a sudden huge and overwhelming surge of affection for him and held out my arms to him. He came over and handed me Jessie. I took her with one hand and, with the other, I pulled him down and hugged him. There were tears welling up in my eyes.

“Don’t ever change Mikey, you’re perfect just as you are.” I whispered to him. He wriggled a little bit and I loosened my grip on him. As he went to stand up I could see that he was blushing furiously and it was so incredibly cute I just had to kiss him.

It was only a little kiss on the lips but it affected me like no other kiss I’d had before. I don’t want to make myself sound like a slut but I had kissed a lot of boys and some of them had been pretty good kissers, but this ... it wasn’t a sex thing, or I didn’t think so. Jesus, I thought, was it a love thing?

I think maybe I gasped or something because he was looking at me funny.

“Are you OK?”

I tried to laugh it off. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Thank you for bringing her, it was very, very sweet of you.” He didn’t look entirely convinced.

“Er...” I started to say and then stopped myself. What had nearly come out of my mouth was ‘would you sleep here with me tonight?’. The urge to just hold this gorgeous, thoughtful, considerate boy had been almost overwhelming and I’d so nearly said it!


“Oh ... nothing. Good night Mikey, sweet dreams.”

For a long while I lay awake with many crazy thoughts running around in my head.

I must have dropped off because me lying, holding Jessie in my arms, morphed into me holding Mikey. To begin with he was dressed in the same pajamas he’d been wearing earlier and we just held each other and I felt safe and warm and very happy.

Then suddenly he was naked! and so was I! We were still just holding each other but the feeling of his skin on mine was utterly lovely. Then I felt it: his penis growing and rubbing against my pussy. In my dream I tried to speak but nothing would come out! The tip of his penis was at the entrance to my vagina and ... it started to slip inside. I was frantically trying to speak, to move, but I was frozen. I woke up with huge start, my heart was pounding, my breath was coming in little gasps and my pussy was on fire! I touched myself and I was so fucking wet!

I lay there wondering what the hell was happening. He was my little brother for fuck’s sake - I shouldn’t be having dreams like that about him! It was a few minutes before it sunk in that my finger was still running up and down my wet pussy lips and I took it away by sheer force of will. Fucking hell Anya, get a grip, I thought, and I turned over and tried very, very hard to ignore the tingling in my clit and to not think about Mikey.

As you can imagine it took me forever to get to sleep which was probably why I slept in late. I was woken up by the smell of frying bacon. Jesus, he was cooking for me now!

I got up, pulled on a robe and went into the little kitchen.

“Ah,” he said when he saw me. “I thought this might wake you up.” He handed me a very respectable looking bacon sandwich.

“Aren’t you full of surprises.” I said, and then took a bite. It was very good.

“Well without Dad we’re all going to have to up our games.” he said with a smile. That smile brought my dream back into my mind and my pussy clenched involuntarily as I recalled it.

I sat down and finished my sandwich, trying to convince myself that it was just a dream, it didn’t mean anything. But when I looked at him now I couldn’t see my slightly annoying little brother any more: I kept seeing a boy, and a pretty cute boy at that.

When we’d finished eating, and washed and dressed, we met up in the lounge.

“So, what do you want to do this morning?” he asked me.

“How about we go for a walk around the lake?” I suggested.

“Cool, yeah,” he replied. “I’ll make some sandwiches for our lunch.” It was like he was a new person or something.

“I’ll do that, you made breakfast.” I said, and ruffled his hair which always annoyed him, but he just grinned.

Mom rang while we were getting our shit together and told me that she couldn’t get back that day but she would try to join us about midday the day after.

We got a small pack together with our lunch and some waterproofs in and we set off. It was a lovely warm spring day and we were having a good time when I stumbled on a tree root. Mikey managed to stop me going down with an arm around my waist. I was amazed how strong he was.

“Are you OK?” he asked, as I tried to regain my footing. As soon as I put my weight on my right leg the pain shot through it, and I nearly went down again. For a second time Mikey saved me.

“I think I’ve twisted my ankle.” I told him.

“I guess we’d better head back.” he said, coming round to my other side and putting my arm around his neck so he could support my weight. He put his arm around my waist and we started to hobble back the way we’d come.

Again I was impressed by his strength and having his arm around me felt nice, it felt very, very nice. I could feel the muscles in his shoulders and wondered how he had managed to bulk up so much without me noticing.

It was a hot day and soon we were both perspiring freely and I couldn’t help but notice how nice his smell was: really sexy and quite ... arousing.

I did have a sort of ‘on again, off again’ boyfriend at the time, Tony. It wasn’t too serious and in my mind I was kind of comparing how I felt about him and Mikey. It didn’t really matter much what aspect I considered, Mikey won hands down: more considerate, funnier, fuck he even smelt better! It was rapidly dawning on me that I had a serious crush on my own little brother!

It took twice as long to get back, and by that time we were both pretty exhausted.

“I need a shower,” I told him. “but I don’t see how I can manage it with only one leg.” He looked at me for a bit,

“Hold on a sec.” He ran off and came back with small wooden stool.

“If we can get you sat on this that should work, I think.”

He helped me into the small bathroom and then we both looked down at my jeans.

“If I stand on one leg and hang on to the wall can you take them off for me?”

“Er, I think so.” he replied, and knelt down in front of me. Just the prospect of him pulling my jeans down and seeing me in my panties had my pussy tingling like mad, and, when I felt him undoing the button and pulling the zip down I held my breath.

As he tugged them down I could feel my panties going with them and for a moment I said nothing. I wanted him to see my pussy! I wanted him to see it and maybe kiss it!

“Oops.” he said and pulled them up again and I was actually disappointed! Fucking hell, I thought, I’m really losing control here. He’s my little brother and I love him to bits but I shouldn’t love him like that!

I took my own sweatshirt and T-shirt off and he helped me into the shower. I loved the feel of his hands on the naked flesh of my waist and I was getting really turned on.

“Are you going to be OK from here?” he asked me. Part of me wanted to say no. Part of me wanted him to take my bra and panties off and let him see every last bit of me.

“Yeah,” I said instead. “I think I’ll be fine.”

He hung a towel over the top of the shower door and left me to it. I stripped off my underwear and chucked them out of the shower then managed to wash myself. Rinsing my pussy with the shower head was ... well it was a struggle not to get myself off, but I didn’t want to worry Mikey by being in the shower too long.

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