Mom's BFF - Cover

Mom's BFF

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Jeremy's Mom invited her old friend Miranda round to stay while her husband was away on a golfing trip, and it turned out she was super hot! She was also very, very flirty which was pretty much a dream scenario for a fifteen year-old boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

Mom hadn’t seen her old BFF from college for over five years. The last time they met I was only eleven years old and I don’t remember much about it except that she seemed very nice and quite pretty.

There were two reasons that they hadn’t seen each other in so long: first was that Miranda lived on the other side of the country, the second was that Miranda and my dad didn’t get along. Nobody ever told me that directly, I just picked up a definite vibe from him whenever her name came up.

She and Mom were always talking on the phone so it wasn’t like they had lost touch it was just a matter of logistics.

Anyway, when Dad told Mom he was going on a golfing weekend with his buddies Mom took the opportunity to invite her over. As luck would have it Miranda was free that weekend so it was all set.

I was in when she arrived, checking out shit on my phone in the lounge. Mom went to answer the door and there followed much girly squealing and laughing from the hall. I sighed as I realized I probably had a whole weekend of that to look forward to.

They came into the room with their arms around each other, still giggling away.

“Jeremy, you remember Miranda don’t you?” Mom said to me, and I looked up from my phone and time seemed to stop. I have no idea what the younger me was thinking when I recalled her as being quite pretty: her face was beautiful. Not glamour model, all make-up, fake beauty, in fact, I don’t think she was wearing much make-up at all. No, she had an elfin, natural beauty, that made my heart skip and my mouth threaten to hang open.

I was vaguely aware that she had a body attached to her head but, in that moment that seemed to last forever, all I could do was drink in the loveliness of that face.

“Jeremy...” Mom said to me a bit crossly, and it broke the spell. I don’t really know how long I’d been staring at her speechless, but it was clearly too long.

“God, I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “I was miles away.” I jumped up and offered her my hand. “It’s lovely to see you again.” She smiled at me, and again I was lost.

I don’t want to give the impression that I was some kind of innocent youth who’d never seen a beautiful woman before. I’d seen plenty and had my fair share of crushes on girls at school but that face and that smile did things to me that I’d never felt before.

As she took my hand I looked down and at last took in the rest of her: a plain white T-shirt that clung to her and showed off the shape of a pair of very nice, medium-sized, breasts in a lacy white bra. With that, she had on some stretch jeans which hugged her so tightly you could see the shape of her pussy.

That was enough to make my cock begin to swell. I stepped back and looked at them both. That was when something hit me for the very first time: seeing them standing together they were really quite similar and they were both sexy as hell!

Up until that moment Mom had just ... always been there - a safe, loving, consoling presence. That attitude had gotten me into trouble on more than a few occasions. “Don’t I look nice?” she would ask me and I would have to stop and look; she always looked nice to me.

Now though I was seeing her for what she truly was a very attractive young woman. Looking at her with a hard-on in my pants was very, very weird and freaked me out quite a lot.

“It’s nice to see you too Jeremy,” Miranda said, interrupting my reverie. “my, but you’ve grown.” She looked me up and down and was it my imagination or did her eyes linger around my groin, and did her smile, when she looked up, now have a naughtiness to it?

“Come on, let’s get you settled in.” Mom said to her, steering her out of the room.

When Miranda turned her back I actually gasped: those stretch jeans lovingly encased a pair of the most perfect ass cheeks that I’d ever seen. I don’t know what it was about them, I’d seen smaller more pert asses, and bigger more curvaceous ones, but this one just seemed to me to be unsurpassable. The way it jiggled slightly as she walked was the icing on the cake and my cock was like a steel rod in my pants as I tried to commit every luscious curve to memory.

As they left the room Miranda looked back at me over her shoulder and caught me looking. My face went bright red and I expected a reproachful look at the very least, but she just grinned at me before she disappeared around the corner.

I was literally shaking as I stood there, my emotions in turmoil: I wanted to hold her against me and kiss that beautiful face forever. I wanted to peel those tight jeans off her and see that pussy and that ass in the flesh. I longed for her so much it was like an ache. I needed to be back in her presence and I very nearly followed her around the house like a little puppy, but I retained just enough sanity to realize that that would be a really bad idea.

I suspect that I mooned over her all during dinner while she and Mom talked about the old days. I don’t remember much of what they said. I was just happy to be near Miranda and to delight in that face.

They were sitting together on the couch when Mom decided it was time for me to go to bed. I leaned over and kissed her goodnight.

“Goodnight,” I said to both of them.

“Don’t I get a goodnight kiss?” Miranda said, looking all hurt. I didn’t need a second invitation. I swear I tried to kiss her on the cheek! I swear I did! ... but it ended up on her lips. I suspect you could have tasered me and it would have had less effect. Our lips were only in contact for a second or two but I could feel them on me as I wobbled my way upstairs.

I masturbated furiously as soon as I got into my room, my mind awash with visions of her and that kiss. I came all over a dirty T-shirt that came to hand at the last moment and felt instantly ashamed - there was so much more to the way I felt about her than just sex and it seemed somehow to be defiling that.

Ten minutes later I did it again.

I didn’t get too much sleep that night. I had the weirdest dreams which were mostly centered around Miranda but, in that way that dreams sometimes do, she would morph into Mom. At that point, I would wake up frustrated and erect and struggled to get back to sleep again.

At breakfast, Miranda was wearing a white terry-cloth robe which was possibly the least revealing item of clothing I’d ever seen. That didn’t stop my fevered imagination from speculating on how little she might have on under it. Luckily I was wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts which hid a lot.

It was probably my fault. I would have been the first to admit that my brain wasn’t working too well and I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to anything except Miranda. I stepped behind Mom just as she was turning around with a glass of cranberry juice and it went all over my T-shirt.

“Come on, get that off before it stains.” Mom said, and I pulled it off over my head. “And those,” she added, and I saw that the juice was soaking into my shorts as well. She was reaching for them and I backed away.

“I haven’t got anything on under them,” I explained, fending her off.

“I think we can all see that.” Miranda piped up, laughing and staring at my groin. I looked down and the juice had made the shorts translucent and my half-erect cock was clearly visible. The squeak that I made was worthy of a little girl and that only added to the heat of the blood suffusing my face. I put my hands over my genitals.

“Awww.” Miranda moaned theatrically and gave me a thoroughly licentious smile.

“Stop teasing the poor boy Miranda. He’ll burst a blood vessel.” Mom chided her.

“I know, I’m just not sure where,” Miranda replied, still laughing and trying to see behind my hands.

I fled upstairs, embarrassed as fuck but also kind of excited at the way Miranda had been so blatantly flirting with me.

When I’d showered, dressed, and calmed down I headed off back downstairs. As I passed Miranda’s room she was on her hand and knees with her back to me scrubbing the floor. She was wearing a short denim skirt and I could see the bottom of her ass cheeks and a tiny strip of pink material between them.

It was a gorgeous sight and I couldn’t help myself: I stuck my hand down the front of my shorts and stroked my erection which had sprung up almost instantly. The way her gorgeous ass cheeks jiggled as she scrubbed was mesmerizing.

“Oh hi Jeremy, Miranda spilled the end of a glass of wine,” Mom said cheerily.

OMFG I’d been wanking over my own Mom’s ass!!! “Oh, right,” I said as I walked back to my room. Once inside the urge to masturbate was huge. It’s not that bad, I told myself: I’d thought it was Miranda’s ass when I was touching myself. My cock was in my hand now and I was wanking slowly, the vision of those perfect buttocks clear in my mind. Mom’s buttocks! Fuck! It was too late: I grabbed a tissue from the box and came mostly into it but also onto the carpet, the orgasm had been so powerful. OMG, I’d basically cum over Mom’s butt!

I tidied up and then ran a Google search on ‘I’ve got a crush on my Mom’. Well, the good news was that I may be a pervert but I wasn’t alone. There was even a name for it ‘The Oedipus complex’ after some Greek deviant - so it wasn’t new either!

I tried to calm down: when I’d gotten hard I’d thought it was Miranda - after I was hard that was just hormones - very normal for a teenage boy. I’d stop thinking about Mom and concentrate on Miranda. I knew that the chances of anything happening were like zero, but she was very flirty, and you never knew!

When I went downstairs, they were chatting in the kitchen. Miranda was dressed in a pair of tight denim shorts and an equally tight-fitting white T-shirt. She looked sexy as hell and I was immediately looking forward to spending the day ogling her lovely body.

“Is there anywhere around here I can go for a swim?” Miranda asked Mom, and my heart sank. If they went swimming my plans would be in tatters before they’d even begun.

“There is, but I can’t go,” Mom told her, and my spirits lifted again. “I’ve got a cut on my foot from a nail when I was jogging and I’m not supposed to get it wet.” This was an opportunity that was too good to miss.

“I could take you if you’d like.” I volunteered as casually as I could manage.

It was a short drive away and we went our separate ways to get changed. I was waiting when she came out and I wasn’t disappointed. She was wearing a black bikini which didn’t leave very much of her perfect hourglass figure to the imagination. She had a lovely, all-over light golden tan and the top pushed her breasts up and together into the most beautiful cleavage.

She saw me looking and gave me a big smile.

“You like?” she said coyly and did a little spin to show it off. The bottoms were very high cut and the cheeks of her ass were visible and pretty much perfect.

I knew I was staring but I just couldn’t help it; she was so fucking hot!

“You look wonderful,” I said a little lamely.

“Why thank you. You’re looking pretty good yourself,” she replied, and as she said it, her eyes were fixed on my groin. I didn’t have to look down to see what she was looking at: it was in danger of becoming a serious embarrassment and I quickly dove into the pool.

For someone who wanted to go swimming, she didn’t seem to actually want to spend a lot of time in the pool. After a couple of lengths, she got out and sat on the edge. I joined her and she started asking me about school and girlfriends and stuff.

She was really easy to talk to and I was really enjoying being with her. It was helped of course by the awesome view I got of her tits as she leaned forward, but it wasn’t just that, she was really nice and very funny. Luckily, since I was leaning forward as well, my hard-on wasn’t too obvious.

Then she wanted to get a drink and led the way over to the small cafe. The way her ass moved and jiggled as she walked was incredible and soon I was in trouble: I was wearing baggy swim shorts with a netting bag for my junk but even so...

Miranda was looking around for a table when she caught sight of the bulge in my trunks. She leaned towards me and put her face close to my ear.

“There he is,” she whispered. “I’ve missed him since breakfast.” She moved away slightly and it was quite clear where she was looking. Then she licked her lips slowly and grinned at me.

I felt myself blushing which made me cross as hell, but it made her giggle in a way that was so cute I desperately wanted to kiss her all of a sudden.

As we sat there drinking she would occasionally graze a fingertip over her nipples which meant they were permanently trying to poke holes in the material of her top. If what she wanted to was to keep me with a constant erection she was doing a damned fine job.

I’d realized that she was an incredible tease quite early on - not that I minded - but she was being so blatant that I was actually beginning to wonder if I had a chance with her.

On the way back to the changing rooms again Miranda led the way and I was just wondering how the hell I’d get showered and changed with a steaming great erection when she stopped outside the doors. She looked around and then laid her hand along the length of my penis and squeezed it gently.

I looked at her in astonishment and felt her touch a finger under my chin as she softly closed the mouth that I hadn’t even realized had dropped open. Her soft hand rubbed gently up and down my shaft and I was in real danger of cumming in my shorts.

“Does Mommy know what a big boy you’ve become?” she whispered in my ear, and then giggled at my look of utter bewilderment. Then she kissed me briefly but heart-stoppingly wonderfully on the lips before going into the ladies’ changing room, wriggling her ass at me as she did.

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