Camping Trip With Mom
by thecsm
Copyright© 2022 by thecsm
Fantasy Sex Story: A 14-year-old son goes camping with his mom and four of her friends. The five MILF go skinning dipping. A few college guys catch them, well things happen.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa NonConsensual Rape High Fantasy Incest Mother Son Humiliation Spanking Oral Sex Voyeurism .
Every year in late August my mom (Kim) drags me a long with her camping with her four friends. We always go to this small campground out in the middle of the woods. It has between 50 and 75 camp sites. Plus, there is a river within walking distance from the campground. There was nothing between the campground and the river except woods. My name is Craig Smith I’m 14 and will be a freshman in High School this coming year.
I really didn’t want to go camping with my mom and her friends this year. Guess what I hated the most was my mom’s friend Jody always dragging a long her son (Eddie) also. He was just an ass hole who was obnoxious and inconsiderate to others. Even with that said I always had fun. I really enjoy camping I just don’t like hanging out with Eddie, even though he was always good for a laugh or two. I just didn’t like him for some reason. Even though I put up a good fight unfortunately dad backed mom up and I was going camping. At least I was able to talk mom into letting me take my best friend Stuart with us.
My mom, Kim Smith, works for a large company here in our town and is quite intelligent. She is very conservative and attends church regularly. She is known to be rather shy and quiet, but my friends have always called her a MILF. Her company has a small gym and encourages their employees to work out. My mom takes advantage of this and works out every day after work. I’m not sure what mom friends do for a living. They were her friends from church. Maybe I really shouldn’t complain about going camping with them they are all very good looking.
Stuart came over the day before we were to depart for the camping trip. Mom was taking dad’s truck, it has a full back seat, so she would be able to load everything that she had to bring. We loaded up the truck with the camping equipment that night and Stuart spent the night at our house. I also loaded an extra tent for Stuart and I. The only thing it was a large tent just like moms and sleeps about ten people. Which was okay with us. It would give us enough room to spread out.
The next morning, we left just as the sun was coming up. The ladies had decided to meet at the I-Hop close to the interstate for breakfast. As we enter the I-Hop there was already a line forming to be seated. Luckily Dee had was there early and gotten tables for us. The other women haven’t arrived yet. Mom went and sat with Dee as Stuart, and I went and sat at one of the other tables Dee had saved for the group.
Thinking to myself I sure was hoping Jody wasn’t bring her son Eddie along. That hope was thrown out the window when she walked in with him in tow. Plus, it looked like Eddie brought a friend too. “Damn” I said to myself. Of course, Eddie and his friend had to come sit at the same table as Stuart and I.
“Hey, bud. How’s it hanging? This here is my best friend Nate and I’m Eddie.” Eddie smiling as he introduced himself to Stuart and his friend to us.
“Hey, this is my friend Stuart, and I’m Craig” I told them as I forced a smile.
By the time my meal arrived at our table all of the women had showed up. Eddie was telling Stuart and Nate what good times we always had camping. As I look back he was right we always did have a great time. He was always fun to be around. I’m not sure why I dislike him so much. Maybe It’s not a dislike but maybe I’m just jealous of him. He seems to have the gift of gab. Plus, he’s the guy who always makes friends with everyone. I don’t think anyone dislikes him but me.
When I heard Nate whisper: “Hope we get to watch the ladies skinning dipping like you two did last year.” I remembered Eddie and I did watch them skinning dipping last year. Damn that was the best part of the camping trip. How did I forget.
Eddie: “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll do it again. They didn’t see us, so I’m sure they think their secret is safe.”
Jody stood up: “Okay. it’s time to hit the road.” The three of us settle in the truck for the four hour drive.
We arrived at the campground first, mom has a lead foot. Mr. Laney was sitting outside of the campground office, as usual. He owned the place. I thought the guy was creepy. Whenever we camped here he is always leering at the women. If the women were out of ear shot. He always made rude comments about what he would like to do with them. He didn’t care if I or anybody else was standing by where they could hear his comments. Other than that, I guess he was harmless, he never made a pass at any of them or bothered them either. Mom rolled down her window, “Hey Mr. Laney we’re back!”
Mr. Laney stood up walked over to the truck: “Well hello, Mrs. Smith, is it that time of year already? It’s slow as always, this month. We do have a group of college guys here. They’ve been here most of the summer. They’re camped by the rest rooms. Haven’t had any problems out of them all summer.” Stuart and I got out of the truck to stretch our legs. I walked around the truck so I could listen to the conversation. Mom smiled: “Looks like we are going to need three sites this year.”
Mr. Laney: “No problem. Just find which ones you want and let me know. We’ll settle up right before you leave as always.”
Mom: “Thanks!”
She looked at me, I waved her on, “Stuart and I will walk over to the camp site.” Mom smiled and drove off.
Mom wasn’t more than a few feet away when Mr. Laney, “You got one hot mom kid. I wouldn’t mind bedding her.”
I just looked at him as he laughed, “Come on kid. I can’t be the first person you heard talk about her like that.”
He was right he’s not the first person to say they wanted to take my mom to bed. “You’re right sir, but she still my mom.”
He continued to laugh as he went back to sit down. Stuart and I started walking towards where mom was heading. As we walked, we passed the restrooms. The college guys that Mr. Laney talked about had their camp on the site right next to the female side of the restrooms.
Stuart chuckled, “Guess they want to make sure they get to check out all the ladies as they head to the bathroom.”
Craig: “Looks that way,”
Mom was just down a few sites further. She picked a couple of sites just far enough from the restrooms so she wouldn’t have to walk too far. But far enough away so we wouldn’t have to listen to the boys.
When we caught up with mom she had already had the tail gate down. It looked like she already knew where she was going to put the tents. Stuart and I just jumped right in to help unload the truck. We almost had everything out of the truck when everyone finally showed up. They started unloading also. Linda pulled out her tent. She and mom figured out a way to get it on the same site as mom’s tent.
Eddie and Nate took the camp site next to the women. While Stuart and I took the next one over. The women were starting to put up their tents. Stuart and I walked over to help them. We figured we could put ours up after we got the women’s tent up. Just as we got there, there were three guys whom I never seen before talking with the women.
Craig: “Stuart and I are her to help put up your tent.”
Mom: “Thanks hun, but these three guys just volunteer to help us. You two can get your area set up.”
“Okay.” I answered and we walked off to take care of our tent.
We got our tent put up, set up our cots and laid out our sleeping bags. When we finished, we headed back to the women’s area. As we walked by Eddie’s and Nate’s site, they had already finished setting up their area. The four of us then walked over to the women’s area. It looked like they were also finished and sitting around talking to the guys who helped them.
As we got close Eddie yelled out, “Hey!!”
They all turned their heads towards us one of the guy’s answers, “Hey, do we know you?”
Eddie chuckled, “You may not, but the women do.”
Mom putting her arm around me: “This one is my son Craig and next to him is his friend Stuart.”
Jody standing next to Eddie: “This is my son Eddie and his friend Nate. Guys this is Tony, Keith and Sam. They volunteer to help put our tent up.”
The three guys smiled, and all said “Hi.” At the same time.
Three more guys walked up to the camp site, “So here’s where you three are hiding.”
Tony spoke up: “Hey guys, this is Kim.” Pointing at my mom, as he continues, “This is Jody, over there is Dee. Nicole and Linda.” He made sure he pointed at each lady as he introduces them.
The three new guys all said, “Hi.”
Tony: “Where’s my manners, this is Henry, Rich, and Carl.” He pointed each guy out as he called their name. He didn’t introduce the rest of us. He acted as if we were not there.
The ladies all said “Hi.” Us guys just stared at them.
Tony: “I was telling the ladies We decided not to work or go to college this summer, so we came up here. We have been here almost the whole summer. Mr. Laney leaves us alone mostly. He got on us once for making too much noise. He only got on to us because there were quite a few other campers at the time. Guess we were keeping them from getting any sleep. The last two weeks we have been the only ones here. If we make too much noise let us know.”
Eddie jumps in: “Tony forgot to introduce us. I’m Eddie Jody’s son. Nate is my friend. There is Craig who is Kim’s son and his friend Stuart.”
Tony: “Sorry about that guys.” The other guys, just smirk and didn’t say anything.
Jodi: “That’s why we come here this time of year. We are normally the only ones here.”
Tony: “Mr. Laney did mention that there might be a few more campers this month. We were getting ready to pack up and head out. Now that you ladies are here, we might say another week.”
We or should I say the college guys and the women talk a little longer before the guys headed back to their camp. Eddie being Eddie made his way over to the guy’s camp. Taking Nate with him. I was happy that he wasn’t around.
That evening, we were all over at the lady’s area eating dinner. When Eddie started talking. “Nate and I hung out with Tony and the guys. They seem like a real nice group of guys.”
Jody: “Yes, they do seem nice, but we don’t know much about them. Just watch out being around them. I don’t want them talking you guys into doing something you shouldn’t.”
Mom: “I think they’re nice too. They came over here and help us putting up the tent. Every time I walk pass their camp going to the rest room they always smile and greet me. I think they’re funny.”
Dee: “Yes, they always have a joke. I enjoy talking with them.”
Eddie: “They invited Nate and I to hang out with them tonight. You don’t mind do you mom?”
Jody: “No go ahead and have fun.”
Eddie: “Crag why don’t you and Stuart come with us.”
Stuart: “That sounds like fun, I’m in.”
Since Stuart wanted to hang with the other guys I agreed. It might just be fun. The guys had a good size campfire going. We mainly just sat around the fire talking. Tony asked a lot of question about us and the women. Eddie was giving them more information than I thought he should of. Eddie informed them that in the past he found out where the ladies go skinny dipping. Which really bought up a lot more questions. Which Eddie answered freely not thinking about giving to much information to these guys. I had enough and just left.
When I got back to my tent, I could see the women were all inside of their tents. With light on I could see their shadows. I watch them as they undress getting ready for bed. You couldn’t see anything but watch the shadows. For this 14-year-old it was enough to get me hard.
It was raining the next morning. We all gather by the ladies’ tent to eat our meals, otherwise Stuart and I hung out in the tent playing games on our phones. We didn’t see much of the college guys today. We only saw them as we passed their campsite to go to the rest room. Of course, Eddie and Nate were hanging out with them. It was still raining in the evening, so nobody had a fire.
The next morning was a beautiful day everyone was up with smiles on their faces. It was going to be a hot summer day, so everyone was dress in shorts and flip-flops.
I was walking to the rest room I saw Eddie talking with Tony. As I was passing them, I overheard Eddie: “I think the women are getting ready to go swimming this morning.”
Tony: “When you know for sure let us know.”
That was all I heard as I had to get to the bathroom fast. On my way back, they were still talking. Tony: “If what you have told us is true. I think we will have a lot of fun today.”
Eddie: “Oh, man it’s true. Wait you will see.” This time they notice me mainly because I walked up to them. Eddie: “Craig tell him I’m telling the truth.”
Craig: “What’s true?”
Eddie: “That the women go skinny dipping.”
Craig: “Well, it was true last year. I’m not sure what their plans are this year. They don’t keep me informed about things like that.”
Tony laughing: “Look Eddie, you just let me know when they leave, and you better not be bull shitting me either.” I walked back to our camp leaving Tony and Eddie talking.
About two hours later mom yells out: “Boys we are taking off for a while. Not sure when we will be back. If you get hungry, fix it yourselves.!!”
Jody: “Ok let’s head on out to the swimming hole. It’s time for us to have some fun.”
A few minutes later I watched the women walking away from our campsites and towards a path leading into the woods leading to the swimming hole. The same place where Eddie and I caught them skinny dipping last year. I also notice Eddie and Nate running towards the college guys campsite. Stuart and I just sat there watching Eddie and Nate. It didn’t take long for Tony to get the rest of the college guys together.
As they walked past Stuart and Eddie yells out: “You two coming?”
Craig: “Not right now.” Stuart gave me a dirty look and walked off with the guys. I notice the guys had a few garbage bags and a gym bag with them.
Tony laughing: “Craig don’t want to go exploring with us to see what’s around. We might see some wildlife.”
Craig: “ NO I’m good. Might catch up with you all in a few.”
I watched the group of guys walking towards the path that the women just followed. It’s about a two-mile hike through the woods, which is outside of the campground property and quite secluded. It’s so well hidden, to get to it you have to walk thru some tall heavy bush right before a clearing on the river’s edge. They were all laughing and enjoying themselves.
Here I stood all by myself. It’s not that didn’t want to watch the ladies’ skinny dip. I just didn’t want to get caught. With nine guys spying on them, they will most likely be found out. I waited about five minutes before I headed off towards the river. The path from the campground was well maintained. As you get close to the river the path curls to the left, to go close to the river. To get to the part of the river where the women were at you had to get off the beaten trail where the path curved and go the other direction alongside of the river. If you didn’t know where to get off the path at you would never find the clearing. It was well hidden.
The new path really wasn’t much of a path. It was more like a trail that wild animals use. I was watching my step as I walk to make sure I didn’t trip over the tree roots. I was listening to see if I could hear the guys, but I heard nothing. I wondered if Eddie forgot where the turn off was. If they can’t find the girls secret swimming hole, it’s just too bad. I laughed to myself.
Finally getting to the edge of the tree line and where the brush begins. I stopped to listen. I could hear the women laughing and having a good time. I still could not hear any noise from the guys. I slowly moved through the brush not wanting to make any noise alerting the women of my presents. About 200 yards down the path, I came to the edge of the brush and the beginning of the clearing.
I sat down at a place right in front of where the women were swimming. It was a good hiding place. I’ll be able to watch without the ladies knowing I’m watching. As I peeked through the brush. I was able to see all of the women in the river skinny dipping. Still no sign of the guys.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a slight movement off to the side. I watched closely and for just a brief moment, I saw Tony. They were just up river of the women at a point where they couldn’t see them. They were trying to be quiet. I watched as they moved to a point where they were also getting an eye full of the nude women. That was when I saw two of the guys had cameras and filming the ladies.
I didn’t want to give myself away at the moment. I didn’t want mom to know I was there watching them too. I decided to watch and see what happens. I look away from the guys and back down towards the women to watch them some more. My mom stood up and I was getting a very good eye full of her nude body. Being 34 years old, I knew she was proud of her well-kept figure and her outfits reflected that. Her curves were in all the right places.
Now seeing her in the buff made her look even more awesome. As I watch her, I noticed her brown shoulder length hair was wet. I moved my eyes down to her boobs. They weren’t small or large. They did sag a little down her chest but as she moved, they would bounce. Even from where I sit. I could tell her nipples were hard, which complement her large areolas.
I continued to move my eyes down her body as she was facing me for the moment. I could tell she kept her pussy trimmed. She then moved around to face the other women still in the water. Her ass was nice and round. It looked as if all of the working out she does help kept it very firm. She then jumped back into the water.
I was busy watching the women swim and catching their tits bouncing as they played in the water. When out of the corner of my eye I noticed the guys were moving fast towards the women. As they reached where the women left their clothes and other items. Three guys grabbed all of their clothes and shoes. Putting them into the garbage bags they were carrying. Eddie grabbed their cell phones. Nate grabbed their purses or wallets. One other guy grabbed their towels.
That’s when the women noticed the guys. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Yelled out Dee. The other ladies all screamed. Ducking down into the water making sure they were covered.
A lot was going on now. Keith was going through the wallets and purses. Pulling out their drivers’ licenses. Using his cell phone, he was taking a picture of them. Eddie took the cell phones to Sam. I wasn’t 100% sure what he was doing. It looked like he was removing the sim cards from them. He was then putting them into a device, like he might be making copies of them.
As I was watching what Keith and Sam were doing, I heard Tony, “Look guys what we have found out here in the middle of nowhere.” All the guys started laughing.
“Wow, naked women!” someone yelled out.
Tony continued: “To answer your question, we were out exploring and came across some clothes. We figured to pick them up. Trying to keep the liter cleaned up and away from the river.”
Dee: “You ass holes. Those are our clothes. You can return them now.”
Tony grinning: “I’m not sure that they are your clothes.”
Dee: “You know damn well that they are. Now give them back.” The women were looking at Tony and the other guys with only their heads above the water. They were trying to make sure the guys didn’t see their nakedness.
Tony: ‘Wow, now I recognize you. You’re the ladies that are camping near us. Eddie isn’t that your mom?”
Eddie: “You’re right that is my mom and her friends.”
Jody: “Eddie, you’re in a heap of trouble. Now give us our clothes back.”
Tony jumping in, with a voice of command: “Look Jody, Eddie won’t be able to help you ladies. Even if he wanted too. You see I’m in charge. What I say, is what is going to happen.”
Mom with fear on her face: “You guys just need to turn around and walk back to the campground. Before this gets out of control. We can mark this up as a prank.”
Tony sarcastically: “Well, we can just turn around. You all can get out and get dress.”
Nicole: “Well that’s a great idea. But it seems as if someone has taken all of our clothes.”
Tony: “Well that seems to be a problem for you ladies. I don’t see it as our problem.”
Linda: “Why don’t you guys be gentlemen and give us back our clothes.”
Tony: “We could do that. I just took a vote, and we want to get a good look at you ladies in your birthday suits.”
Dee: “What vote? You’re just an ass hole.”
Tony: “Oh no, you hurt my feelings. Calling me names is just going to make it worse. All we wanted was a good look. Now, I’m thinking you ladies are undisciplined. Hmm, what to do with you. Maybe when you finally get out of the water, you can also give us some kind of show.” Linda: “Ass hole go fuck yourself!”
Tony: “I told you, name calling won’t get you anywhere. Tell you what, we are going to just stand here and watch. Sooner or later, you’re going to get tired or cold and want to leave.”
Mom: “Tony you’re a nice guy. We haven’t done anything to you. Come on this is getting out of control now. You messed with us. Now leave and lets us get dressed.”
Tony with a no-nonsense tone: “Your right it’s time to end this standoff. YOU FIVE BITCHES GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WATER NOW!!!” The women jump back as they looked at each other. None of them moved.
Tony: “You asked for it. Carl, bring Eddie and the other two over here.”
Carl is a huge dude, he probably six foot four and very wide across his shoulders. His hands are very large. He wasn’t overweight, looked like he was all muscle. Someone I wouldn’t want to piss off. He walked over to Eddie grabbing him by the neck. As he moved Eddie over to Tony, he looked at Nate and Stuart motioning them to follow him. They both followed Carl over to Tony.
Tony walked over to Eddie, “Jody it didn’t have to be this way.” He pulled his hand back and smacked Eddie hard across the face.
Jody: “Stop this nonsense now!”
Tony: “If you want it to stop then get your ass and the others out of the water now. Or maybe I’ll just slap Eddie and his buds around some.”
Mom: “Thank goodness Craig isn’t here.”
Jody looked over at mom giving her a nasty look. “I’m getting out. We can’t let these ass holes beat up my son and his friends.”
I decided there wasn’t anything I could do at this point. So, I stayed where I was to watch. The women all look at each other. They started moving to the edge of the river.
I was watching them when I heard Tony: “Get the cell phones from our three new friends.” Carl held out his hand as Eddie, Nate, and Stuart handed them their cell phones.
As the women climbed out of the river they tried their best to cover themselves with their hands. Rich, Henry, and Sam each with a towel moved behind the women. The women thought the towels were for them to dry off. Until Rich rolled up his towel, holding both ends pulled it back and snapped Jody in the ass with it yelling, “Come on bitch move a little faster!” I notice a bright red welt begin to form.
Jody: “OUCH!!” She gave Rich a nasty look as she moves on up onto the bank. Her hand behind her rubbing her ass.
All of the ladies were now out of the river. They were trying very hard to cover themselves. They all had one hand covering their pussies and the other arm covering their boobs.
Tony: “Okay ladies get into a line right here in front of me.”
No one moved. That’s when Rich, Henry, and Sam each started slapping the ladies’ asses with the towels. In seconds all five women were dancing and, each rubbing the red welts now clearly visible.
Henry: “Tony said get in a line. Now move your asses and line up.”
The women moved their hands to protect their asses as the guys kept slapping them with the towels. They moved as fast as they could to line up in front of Tony. After they were in a line, they went back cover themselves.
Tony smirking: “Guess you five bitches needed some motivation but your now lined up. Drop your arms so we can get a good look.”
The women just stared at Tony. No one moved. The guys again started slapping their asses again with the towels. The women looked at each other before they slowly moved their arms down to their sides. I could clearly see each of their now bright red asses as they obeyed Tony’s command.
Tony: “Hopefully we’re done playing games.”
“Damn! these five bitches sure do have nice tits!” Someone yelled out.
Tony grabbed Eddie by the arm. They both walked up to Jody. Tony: “Eddie take a good look at your mom. It’s what you wanted. Now take a good long close up look. Jody you don’t mind, but your son wanted to see you and your friends naked. That’s why he told us about this swimming hole. Guess he watched you last year from afar.”
Jody looked at her son, “Is this why we’re being treated this way. Because of you. Well get a good look.”
Tony chuckled. Eddie didn’t look too good from where I was sitting. But he did look at his mom. Moving his eyes from top to bottom. Tony then push Eddie to the next lady until Eddied had checked out all of the women. While Eddie was checking out the women so was I. I may not have a close up look, but from where I sat. I was able to get an eye full of their nudity.
I didn’t mind spying on the women while they skinny dipping, but what Tony was doing wasn’t right. I didn’t know what do, or if I could do anything. I decided to stay put and watch the ladies. As I look at them, I notice they were all in very good shape. They all had a little pouch for a stomach, but they weren’t fat. I decided to take a closer look at Jody. Her body was like my mom’s. She worked out with mom all the time. Her tits still pointed out and up. I noticed her nipples were large and hard.
Which made me look at the other ladies real, quick. Wow, all of their nipples were hard. Were these ladies getting aroused at what was going on. Maybe they didn’t want to be rescued. If they were getting off on what was going on, I’m going to sit right here and watch. No reason to let them know I’m here. Tony then pushed Eddie back towards Carl, as he moved to stand in front of the ladies. Keith and Carl pushed Eddie, Nate, and Stuart until they were all standing right behind Tony.
Tony: “Ladies listen up. I’m in control. From now on you will do what I tell you and no one gets hurt. Now slowly turn around. I want to see them asses and the other three guys. I’m sure want to check out your boobs.”
The women didn’t move. Rich and the other two guys each snapped the towels on their asses again. Each yelped when they felt the snap on their ass and slowly turned as the guys shouted out cat calls. The five women continued to turn until they were facing Tony again.
Linda: “You had your fun. Now give us our clothes back.”
Tony smiling: “Guys what do we want to do with these five sluts?”
Nate yells: “Make them bounce their boobs!”
Tony: “You hear that girls, Eddie’s friend Nate, wants to see you all bounce your tits for us. I think that could be fun to watch. Okay, ladies put your hands under your boobs and playing with them. Bounce them around for us until I tell you to stop. Make sure you give Nate a great show.”
Jody: “You’re kidding? I’m not bouncing my boobs for anyone! I believe I’m talking for everyone”
Tony laughing: “Nate, the sluts say they’re not going to give you a show. I’m guess they don’t really understand their position.” Tony raised his hand. The three guys standing behind the women started snapping the towels on the lady’s asses again. Over and over they snapped their towels on the women’s defenseless asses.
Mom yells out: “Please stop this nonsense now!!” The three guys slapped the women asses a few more times before stopping.
Mom: “I for one am not happy being hit by these guys with their rolled-up towels. These ass holes are going to keep slapping our asses until we give them what they want. Don’t think I’m surrendering. I’m just tired of them hitting me.”
Dee spoked up: “You’re right. Ok, let’s get this over with.” The women all looked at each other for a minute or two before shaking their heads in agreement.
Mom looked at Tony, with a submissive voice: “Ok, we’ll do it.”
Tony smiling, with a voice of control: “I’m glad to see you’re done wasting our time. Now put them hands under your boobs and let’s see if you can convince us to be nice to you.”
The five women started playing and bouncing their tits. I notice Keith filming all of the action. “Wow, I wonder how long he’s been filming.”
I said to myself. I don’t understand why, but I was enjoying watching these five women being controlled by Tony. I never thought of my mom or her friends being submissive. Maybe they still are not submissive. They are doing what they have to, to survive. I’m looking at Tony, he is smiling as he watched the women give into his demands. I’m wondering if the harassments will end after the show or he has something more in mind.
Tony started yelling: “Look you five cunts!! You better start making them boobs move faster!! You’re starting to piss me off with your lack of enthusiasm, and I want to see big smiles on your faces.” The women stopped for a second, until they were slapped with the towels again. The women started to really bounce their tits faster, each trying to obey Tony. They even put big smiles on their faces. Tony chuckled: “That’s more like it!”
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