Mom's Ass - Cover

Mom's Ass

by Stanley Shore

Copyright© 2022 by Stanley Shore

Erotica Sex Story: Fifteen year old Frank Junior was utterly infatuated with his mother's ass. It filled his thoughts and his dreams. He loved her dearly but it was her curvaceous heart-shaped bottom that he lusted after.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Anal Sex   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

Frank Junior had been obsessed with his mother’s ass for quite a some time now. He’d only ever seen it shaking under her skirts or moving enticingly under the stretch jeans that she was wearing more and more often nowadays.

He would often sit around the house, pretending to be engrossed with his phone, while actually watching her every move to admire it’s lovely curves. His favorite was when she would occasionally absentmindedly cup a cheek with a hand and lovingly stroke it. Junior wanted so much to do that very thing.

It wasn’t a small ass, far from it, but he thought it was beautifully formed and, compared to the girls at school, he thought it was a masterpiece.

Occasionally she wore quite short skirts and Junior went to some lengths in his attempts to see up them, but with little success so far.

His Mom, Fiona, was well aware of his interest, and found it quite amusing and a little flattering. A fifteen year old boy must see many cute young asses of the girls at his school and for his mom’s fat old butt to hold his attention the way it did was praise indeed.

She checked herself out in the bathroom mirror and thought it was not at all bad for a thirty two year old old broad, big yes, but firm and not much cellulite at all.

As soon as she became aware of his lustful gazes she started to dress with more care. Frank himself couldn’t give a shit what she wore. When he got a hard-on he’d fuck her if she was wearing a bin liner.

One day Junior fell off his bike and badly scraped his elbow. It was no big deal but he couldn’t reach to put a plaster on it. He went to find his mom and she was at the counter preparing the evening meal. She was wearing a shortish summer skirt and, as he watched that glorious bottom shaking as she chopped some vegetables, his cock got harder and harder.

He went up behind her and hugged her from behind.

“Mom, I hurt my elbow. Can you fix it for me.” he cried, putting it on a lot, while pushing his penis into the crack of her luscious butt.

Fiona could feel his erection pushing between her cheeks, and it felt really, really nice. She knew that she should stop him, but she wanted to feel it for just a few moments longer.

“OK honey,” she said, “I’ll get a plaster.” She reached up to the cupboard where they were kept, causing her skirt to ride up even higher. When she came down her skirt bunched up and she felt his hard penis on the back of her bare thighs pressing her panties into the valley between her ass cheeks.

It felt so nice to be gently aroused for once; Frank’s idea of foreplay was to take her panties off before he stuck it in, rather than just dragging them to one side as he normally did.

Junior couldn’t believe that his mom was letting him get away with this. The sensation of his cock nestling in between her cheeks while they pressed against his groin was better than in his wildest dreams. But he started to panic, he thought that if she knew how he felt she wouldn’t let him near her again. He gave her ass a few last loving thrusts and then reluctantly he backed away, hoping she hadn’t noticed anything.

Fiona certainly did notice. She’d known for some time that that Junior had been wanking: masses of tissues in his bedroom bin when he hadn’t had a cold for ages and the occasional crusty sock in the laundry.

She’d also noticed the way his eyes followed her around a room. Why was it that all men thought they could get away with it. Women can just tell when a guy is ogling them. That didn’t mean she didn’t sometimes shake her ass a little more than was strictly necessary to wind him up a bit, or maybe bend over a little deeper than needed.

When she was young she’d hated her big ass, but the Kardashians had single-handedly changed the narrative on that, suddenly big became beautiful, and Fiona certainly didn’t need any implants to achieve that beautiful shape.

Junior hated his father, who he saw as a drunk who treated his Mom like shit. He was mostly out of work and, when he did get a job, he would screw it up by picking a argument with the boss or coming back drunk and late from lunch.

He especially hated it when his dad groped her ass right in front of him, squeezing it brutally, when Junior would have treated it properly: tenderly and lovingly, given half a chance that is.

Fiona liked to drink vodka and orange juice in front of the TV of an evening while Frank toured the bars looking for someone to drink with, someone that he hadn’t picked a fight with yet. Sometimes she would be fast asleep in front of the TV when he got back.

Junior decided that he’d had enough. If his mom wouldn’t kick the lazy good for nothing bastard out of her own accord he’d give her a helping hand.

He managed to persuade his mate Keith to steal a pair of his mom’s panties, nice ones, out of his laundry. It cost Junior three weeks history homework, but he hoped it’d be worth it.

He’d originally intended to put them in his dad’s jacket pocket, but he figured it would work even better if he put them in the laundry basket instead. He had a quick smell of them before putting them in and compared them to his mom’s. They were both nice but, just out of loyalty maybe, he preferred his mother’s.

Fiona found the panties and knew immediately that they weren’t hers. She dithered about confronting Frank about them. She knew that he really hated it when she did that and he’d hit her a few times in the past when he was drunk. In the end she threw them in the garbage and kept quiet.

Junior watched her carefully all the next day but, although she did the laundry, she said nothing to the bastard. She did seem to be in a pretty foul mood though. The next day he decided to up the ante.

Keith’s brother Simon was their go to guy when it came to anything dodgy that required an adult. He was a bit of a junkie and would do anything for a few bucks. He’d bought Keith and him packs of beers on a couple of occasions and they’d drunk them in the woods out back.

Junior managed to acquire a pack of rubbers via Simon the next day for three times the shelf price.

When he got home he went to his folks room. His dad had been on the beers the night before and had thrown his clothes on the floor. Junior put the johnnies in the jean’s pocket and went to his room to wait for the fireworks.

Sure enough, an hour or so later, he heard raised voices from the next room. The walls were paper thin and what he heard made him smile.

“Have you been cheating on me again you fucker?”

“I promise you Fiona, I haven’t touched anyone.”

“What the fuck are these then?”

“I’ve never seen those before in my life, I swear Fi.”

“You lying bastard. I told you last time that this was your last chance and you’ve fucking blown it.”

“I told you they aren’t mine!”

“Just get out Frank! Go on, fuck off! I’ve had enough!”

“Well fuck you too! I don’t need you, you bitch!”

Junior heard the bedroom door slam, then heavy treads go past his room, and finally the front door crashed closed. Junior did a few fist pumps and roared silently. Re! Fucking! sult!.

The following afternoon, when Junior got home from school, his mother was sitting in the kitchen looking pretty miserable.

“Why don’t you go and sit in the sun Mom?” he suggested. “I’ll fix you a drink.” She looked up and gave him a little smile.

“That’s not a bad idea.” she said. “I think I will.”

Frank Junior made her a vodka and orange the way she’d shown him in the past, and then added another little splash of vodka.

Fiona was lying of the lounger with her feet up and her skirt drawn up to get a bit of sun on her legs when he came out with her drink.

“Thank you my boy, you’re a dear.”

She took a sip and it was a little stronger than she normally made, but it definitely hit the spot.

As soon as she’d finished the first drink Junior was back with a second for her. Soon she had a nice little buzz on and decided she may as well take advantage of the sunshine and work on her tan.

She stripped to her bra and panties, they were black everyday ones but nice enough, and she was lying on the lounger when Junior came out with a bottle of sun-cream. She smiled inwardly as his eyes scanned up and down her body but he covered it quite well.

He stood there and watched as she rubbed the cream into her front. She couldn’t help the feeling of pride that she felt looking at the bulge in his jeans and she lay back with a contented sigh.

Pretty much the second she turned over she heard his voice.

“Do you want me to put some cream on your back Mom?” he asked her.

“That would be very kind of you baby.” she answered with a little smirk that he couldn’t see.

He began at her shoulders and worked his way down her back. He had lovely soft hands but strong enough to work out some of the tension in her muscles. As he approached her bottom she held her breath but he stopped when he got to her panties. She was impressed by his self control but also a little disappointed: the drinks and his hands had got her quite worked up by this stage.

He moved on to her ankles and worked slowly up her legs. It was lovely and by the time he reached her inner thighs she was breathing heavily and her pussy was throbbing. He’d clearly saved the best for last and, as he worked the cream into the cheeks of her bottom, Fiona was almost beside herself.

“I think that’s eno--” she started to say, but it caught in her throat as his hands smoothed cream over the top of her inner thighs, right next to her pussy.

“Thank you so much, but I’ll take it from here.” she said, looking over her shoulder at him and putting out her hand for the cream. She had to suppress a giggle as she saw a little spot of wetness on the front of his shorts.

The feel of his mothers ass cheeks under his hands played on Junior’s mind almost constantly over the following days. If only he could get her a little more drunk...

Junior had heard about Everclear, quite possibly from Simon: it was supposed to be ferociously strong spirit banned in many states but legal here in Texas. It took pretty much all of his hard earned savings to persuade Simon to get him a bottle, and he really hoped it would be worth it.

He poured the vodka into an old soda bottle and replaced it with the Everclear as soon as he got home.

It only took four glasses and his mom was sleeping like a baby. He shook her arm several times with a badly trembling hand. Just the thought of seeing her naked bottom had him hard as a board.

He managed to roll her onto her front on the couch and then lifted up her skirt. There it was in all it’s glory, barely covered by a skimpy pair of panties. He stroked it lovingly a few times and then had to see it fully uncovered.

It took a while to work her panties down but then he saw it: big and white and firm and beautiful. He bent down and kissed each cheek, loving the downy feel of the soft skin under his lips. Then he ventured into the crevice and his cock got so hard he had to free it from his clothes, pushing them down to his knees.

With a hand on each cheek he parted those wonderful globes and gasped as her asshole came into view, with her pussy just below. Junior thought it was the most gorgeous sight he had ever seen, and he couldn’t resist straddling her and laying his erection in that beautiful valley.

Junior thought he might faint the sensation was so incredible. He pushed his cock along that glorious crevice just twice before he came, filling her crack with his hot boy cum which only made it feel even better.

As soon as he finished cumming he was overcome with shame: how could he do this to his poor mother when she was unconscious!. He went into the kitchen, ran a cloth under the hot tap until it was warm, and the went back to clean her up.

He tenderly wiped all the cum from her lower back and then the cheeks of her ass. As he ran the cloth in between he started to get hard again. Any thoughts of shame forgotten he used his hands to open her up again and, knowing that he may never get another chance like this again, he kissed her asshole and then ran his tongue over the lovely little crinkles in it.

He was getting really hard again now but he knew he should stop. With one final poke of his tongue he forced himself to pull up her panties and make her look presentable. Finally he covered her with a blanket and took himself to his bed.

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