The Auction Block - Cover

The Auction Block

Copyright© 2022 by Jlou2000

Chapter 2: June 19th - 8:00 PM

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2: June 19th - 8:00 PM - Two beautiful sisters are kidnapped by a diabolical white slavery ring and forcibly converted into lesbian slaves. They are then trained and prepared for sale for an exclusive auction featuring some of the world's wealthiest lesbian slaveholders.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Slavery   Lesbian   Fiction   Sister   BDSM   Torture   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

Hours later Kate and Nikki awakened in their cells. Each girl was now wearing a chastity belt, which had been installed immediately after the shaving. This seemed to infuriate Kate more than Nikki, who desperately wanted to rub her still ice-cold pussy. Nikki got up to stare out of the tiny hole in her cell door and attempted to scream for help. Moments later her door was opened by a slender Japanese girl who introduced herself as “#277”.

This girl certainly did not appear to be a guard. She was much too petite for that. Her tight silver latex bikini and matching slave collar indicated that she was probably not there of her own free will either, yet she was free to roam the halls?

#277 introduced herself: “Please keep quiet. The last thing that you want to do is draw the attention of the guards. Sometimes, when they are provoked, they can do horrible things to you.”

“Who are you, what are you doing here?” demanded Nikki.

“I am sure that you have many questions and I will try to answer whatever I can for you. I too am a captive here. I was kidnapped months ago and brought to this place. I have no idea where we are. Now I am known as #277.”

“What is your real name?” asked Nikki.

“I am not allowed to use my old name, and neither well you be. We are all assigned numbers when we are first brought to this place. I see you are #311. It is best to get used to that name as that is what you will be called from now on.”

“How long have you been here?” asked Kate from the other cell.

“I do not know. I think it has been several months at least, I think. We have no way of knowing for sure, as we are forbidden to go outside and there are no windows here to help us tell night from day. There are no clocks here either. I think it is all part of their plan to disorient us.”

Kate took a moment to digest this unfortunate information before #277 continued. “All I can remember is that one-minute I was dancing at a club with my friends, and the next I was grabbed from the bathroom, taken to the alley and thrown into a van. They kept me blindfolded and handcuffed the whole way. It seemed like I was it that van forever. When we finally arrived, they threw me in a cell and then started what they call the training process the very next day.”

“That is what they are doing to us.” Added Kate. “This morning they took both of us to down to some horrible room to have our pussies shaved and then they threw us back in these cells where we have been sitting all day.”

“I can promise you tomorrow will be worse the today, and they day after that worse yet. Someone will be in here shortly to tell you what this is all about.”

“Can’t you please tell us now?” Nikki demanded.

“I am not allowed to discuss that with you, it is strictly forbidden, they will tell you soon I am certain.”

“Please, I have to know, what are they going to do to us?” The older girl pleaded.

“I can not tell you any more. Madam Hardings will be in here shortly to help answer your questions. I am sure you have many more then I can answer.” As if on queue, the door to Kate’s cell opened and a 50 something year old lady entered.

“Run along #277, I need to spend some time alone with these two lovely young ladies.”

Kiko obediently complied and left Nikki’s cell.

Patricia Hardings was a plump 52-year-old woman with soft, delicate features, a marked contrast to the other more shapely women and decided younger women they had seen here. She was dressed very conservatively (another big contrast), in a dark colored, ankle length wool skirt and white blouse. She wore small reading glasses, which reminded Kate of her school librarian. If they had met her anywhere else, she could easily have passed for the mother of one of the girl’s friends. Her job here at Stonebriar was in fact to play the role of the confidant, someone that the girls would hopefully feel more comfortable confiding with, despite their obviously intimidating surroundings. A “Good Cop” type personality was an essential element for the success of Stonebriar, and Madam Hardings played that role to perfection.

“Hello girls, my name is Madam Hardings. I am the ombudswoman for Stonbriar. How are you both doing?”

Nikki, of course, was the first one to answer. “How the fuck do you think we are doing? Who the hell are you people? What the hell do you think you are doing to us?”

“Those are all good questions, my dear and I am going to do my very best to answer them. I must caution you though, don’t ever raise your voice to me, ever. I am the closet thing to a friend that you will ever have inside these walls.”

Sufficiently intimidated by that curt reply, Nikki wisely kept her mouth shut.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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