The Auction Block - Cover

The Auction Block

Copyright© 2022 by Jlou2000

Chapter 1: June 17th - 4:15 PM

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1: June 17th - 4:15 PM - Two beautiful sisters are kidnapped by a diabolical white slavery ring and forcibly converted into lesbian slaves. They are then trained and prepared for sale for an exclusive auction featuring some of the world's wealthiest lesbian slaveholders.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Slavery   Lesbian   Fiction   Sister   BDSM   Torture   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

The longer the van ride lasted, the more uncomfortable Nikki and her younger sister Kate became. They had been in the black van, with dark tinted windows, for over three hours now, and the vehicle continued to wind deeper and deeper into the densely forested countryside. Their stepmother had assured them they were going to a wonderfully isolated, yet thoroughly modern retreat in the Northern California woods. A place where they could let their cares drift away in an ultra pampered and very private environment. This little treat had been arranged by Nancy to celebrate Kate’s recent graduation from high school.

The trip started out well enough, as the two pretty young girls were picked up from their father’s mansion in a luxury stretch limousine. But a mechanical breakdown not long after they left forced them to switch over to a decidedly less glamorous vehicle, a dark van with equally dark tinted windows. The limo driver was extremely apologetic, but there really was no other choice if they were to make it on time for their appointment. To make matters worse, their new driver was decidedly cold and unfriendly, as was her bull dyke looking companion. As they bounced around in the van, Nikki could not help but notice that the doors had no inside handles on them, should they need or wish to exit the vehicle. That was not even an option, though, as they made the entire five hour drive without once stopping. Nevertheless, they had survived the tedious ordeal and had at last arrived at their destination, glad to finally be getting away from the two bitches in the front seats.

Upon arriving though neither sister could imagine a “retreat” with twelve-foot high stonewalls, or a large Iron mechanical gate operated by remote control. Ominously, it closed immediately after the van had entered the grounds. They driver wheeled around and parked at a side entrance; where they were greeted by three rather stern looking women obviously there to meet the girls. The apparent leader of the trio stepped forward and introduced herself as Commandant Stone. Oddly, no words or friendly greeting was issued to the sisters, just a curt dismissal of the driver and her associate and a motion for the girls to follow her as the two other women trailed closely behind. They walked down a long hallway, where they were led into an office and told to sit and wait for a Mistress Natasha. The women promptly left the room without uttering a single syllable, and shut the door behind them.

“Nikki, I don’t like this one bit. Everyone here is terribly rude. Why would Nancy ever send us here?” inquired Kate. “What kind of place has employees named Commandant and Mistress?”

“Relax”, Nikki tried to assured her little sister, “Nancy has been pampered her whole life, there is no way she would ever send us anywhere that was anything less then first class.”

This seemed to put Kate at ease. Moments later a door opened on the right side of the room and a tall, slender woman, entered and sat down. She was dressed in a tight black leather skirt with a white blouse and had her hair in a bun. Her eyeglasses made her appear to be a bit older then her actual age of 38. She also did not speak or introduce herself to the girls for an uncomfortably long period of time. Nikki and Kate stared at each other inquisitively. Was everybody that worked at this place this rude? Instead of addressing the girls, the woman grabbed two thick manila folders, obviously one for each of the girls, and studied the contents carefully. Unbeknownst to either girl, the Mistress was reviewing a complete history on both of them. The files contained a disturbing amount of highly personal information and contained a number of unauthorized pictures, all provided by their stepmother.


Nikki Buckingham

Kate Buckingham

Ethnic Origin













5’ 6”

5’ 5”

Hair Color






Eye Color



Sexual Orientation


Heterosexual (?)

Sexual Activity Level


Possible Virgin


Feisty, Aggressive

Mild Mannered, Timid


Swimming, Sorority activities

Cheerleading, Reading

At last the woman broke the silence. “Welcome girls, my name is Mistress Natasha. I am in charge of this entire facility. I do hope you enjoy your stay here, your stepmother has told me a lot about you two, and as you can see, we like to keep detailed records on all of our guests.” She motioned toward the files. “I have been in charge of Stonebriar for seven years now and have eagerly welcomed hundreds of young, beautiful girls like yourselves into our facility. I see here that your stepmother has paid in full for your sessions here”?

Both girls nodded accordingly. “Excellent, then we must begin your training immediately.”

“What do you mean training?” asked Nikki, while looking over at her sister.

The Mistress smiled coldly and then reached below her desk, pressing a button. Immediately a large net fell from the ceiling, trapping the two utterly confused sisters in their chairs. While they struggled to free themselves, the Mistress casually walked over towards her helpless prey and sprayed the struggling girls with a gas that immediately rendered them unconscious.

“Take them for processing immediately”, demanded the Mistress, as the Commandant and her henchwomen entered the room and removed the net, before placing the two lifeless girls on gurneys and wheeling them out of the room.

Some time later, the girls awakened, and found them standing next to each other, chained by the wrists and ankles to a wall. Both of them were still very groggy and had been stripped of all of their clothing except for their undergarments. The woman who called herself the Commandant, stood before them and smiled in an awkward way as she ran her eyes up and down the bodies of the two captives.

“Welcome ladies to the first part of your stay with us here at Stonebriar. Please try to remain calm; this is activity is standing operating procedure for all new guests here. Like any good hosts, we want to make sure we know as much as possible about our guests.” She laughed at the semi-conscious girls. The woman pulled out a tape measure and handed it to her assistant. The underling immediately began taking the measurements of the two girls. The Commandant casually wrote the figures down on her clipboard. Kate and Nikki were in no position to stop them and offered little resistance as the strange women went about their business, taking every measurement possible.

Next, another woman came in with a camera. First she began photographing Nikki, from every conceivable angle. When it was time to for close ups, the Commandant used her silver tipped baton to peel away the older sister’s bra, allowing for good shots of her perky little breasts. Next, Nikki’s panties were lowered as the camerawoman continued clicking away at her most intimate areas. The process was repeated on Kate. Satisfied, the woman left and a second woman entered the room with two matching briefcases. By this time, the effects of the gas were beginning to wear off, and the sisters were becoming more alert. That was temporary though as a second blast of the gas quickly returned each of them to a state of unconsciousness.

When they at last awakened, Nikki and Kate found themselves in separate rooms. Actually they were actually more like jail cells, as the girls were kept apart by a long wall of steel bars between the two rooms. Dark gray stonewalls surrounded the perimeter of the rooms. The cells were identical, each containing a small uncomfortable looking “bed” and a tiny stainless steel sink. There were no windows anywhere and the only way in or out of the cell was through a heavy steel door in the front, which contained a miniature peephole, which was accessible only from the outside. Both girls had their hands cuffed securely behind their backs and were tethered to a side wall by a five-foot length of high tensile chain, which served to severely minimize their movements inside the cells. The chain itself was attached to a tightly locked stainless steel collar fastened around their necks.

In addition to having the chain locked to the back of the collar, each girl had a small gold number hanging from the front of her respective collar, much like a charm. For Nikki it was “311” for Kate, “312”. The collars however served a much more important purpose then providing them with mere identifying numbers. Each collar, which the girls would never come off while they were there, contained a GPS tracking chip.

Both girls, as was the case while they were being photographed, wore only their undergarments. Nikki had on a black satin bra and panty set, while her younger sister, always the more adventurous of the two, donned a white lace bra with matching stockings and garters. Before either girl could speak, Mistress Natasha entered Kate’s cell and began to address the two girls. “As I’m sure you girls have now both figured out, this is not a resort, at least not the type you were expecting. Your stepmother has arranged your stay here, for the purposes of training you.”

“You must be out of your mind”. Said Nikki. “Training us for what!”

“Silence!” Natasha’s booming voice startled the two sisters. “You will be told what you need to be told when we are ready to tell you, and not before” she continued. “You will speak only when you are told to speak, failure to do abide by this simple rule will lead to severe disciplinary actions.”

Nikki, clearly intimidated by the harsh tone of the Mistress, and sufficiently bound anyway, reluctantly complied.

“As I was saying, your step-mother has gone to great lengths and considerable expense to have you sent here. It is now my job to is see that we get the necessary return on her investment.”

Nikki and Kate were now both in total shock, how could something like this be happening? Their first thoughts, naturally, were who might know where they were, so that they could be rescued. Their father was overseas on an extended business trip, as usual. Sadly though, he was quite possibly the only person who may have direct knowledge of their whereabouts. Nancy had been vague about telling the girls where they were going; only saying that it was up north, but that could mean anything, in fact, neither girl was sure they had gone “north” at all. Nikki was certain that the only thing she told any of her friends is that she would be gone for a week. No one, save their stepmother, would have any idea where they actually were. And she of course was of no help now.

Natasha exited Nikki’s cell and walked into Kate’s. The intimidating woman sat down next to the petrified girl and slowly caressed her flowing blond hair with one hand while casually reaching the other into Kate’s silky white panties. The young beauty tried to move away, disgusted by this move. But with the chain around her neck, and with her hands cuffed behind her back, squirming away was nearly impossible. Natasha continued to stroke Kate’s tender snatch, delighting in the girl’s obvious apprehension. At last she pulled away and said, “Both of you girls need to get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be the first of a number of very long days for you.” The heavy door shut hard behind her, causing a big echo to reverberate throughout the stone hallway.

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