Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch - Cover

Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - An old story of mine brought to new life with a different title name. Five women invited to a total complete freak show, and all of us want it. It gets freaky freaky alright!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Paranormal   Ghost   Demons   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Needles   Size   Violence  



Suddenly as Fred and I now seemed to take the broadcasting booth of the closed door stall with a big viewing window to see the whole of the entire arena, lights began to flicker on in it and became brighter and brighter.

A spotlight from high above the stands all around of the audience, shined directly down and right onto the joining of the donkeys now hardening cock as Veronica was rubbing the strange salve that all over his sheath down onto his white spotted dark red colored cock.

Now more so than that three huge white screens lowered from the ceiling above the arena and suddenly as they were unfolded into their full size and stopped, each screen lit up with camera views of one on the right outside of the whole scene unfolding before us all.

The middle one was a clear outright close up view of his huge donkey cock swelling and Veronica’s hand rubbing that salve all up and down it’s length and the clear big screen view of Little Momma’s thick black haired pussy trying it’s best to swallow the monster cock into it.

The other far outside screen view was Little Momma’s mask covered face showing painful squinch’s and her mouth widely opening as she screamed out his cock was so big and hurting her like hell. It hurts; It hurts; It hurts; her anguished voice screamed over the intercom system.

Witchy how standing to the side had put something there as yet I could not see but as she stepped away and twisted a long spiral clear tube down and secured it right exactly where Screaming Little Momma could easily move her head over and suck the fluid from the big container she hung on a hook provided for it.

It looked much like what an IV bag would except far bigger and had a bluish green tint of the liquid it contained to keep her hydrated and no doubt something to keep Little Momma in a state of out of mind arousal.

One the center screen the Donkeys huge hardening cock was forcing itself deeper and deeper into Little Momma’s stretched to the max pussy clutching outwards over it with quivering twitches showing so clearly on the screen.

After Fred had done the Announcement of it, he switched the mic off but kept his headphones on, and then handed me my own pair as loudly now I could hear clearly Little Momma’s every painful scream, and more so than that, was the clarity of hearing his huge swelling cock squelching it’s way up into her pussy!

Fred now talked to me right through the headphones telling me what a set up this all was huh? I nodded my head yes and said to him I can hear his damn cock going into her pussy Fred! He just smiled at me and pat me on my thigh and told me oh Jackie it will get much better, when it all starts going.

It was as if some damn ultrasound like thing was working from the way it sounded. Fred then spoke to me and told me it was a very special one of a kind listening device installed and as we heard it, so did the entire audience.

Telling me that they heard the combined sounds of her screaming out in her pain, mixed with the sound of what the listening device provided.

Going on to tell me there were 3 cameras set up on the rail of the arena and as the Donkey moved the cameras would follow and show everything on the big projector screens in total absolute clear view of it all.

Now Fred cut my mic off and spoke out again to the whole of the Audience watching this unbelievable act of Bestiality taking place!

Audience he said, you can see everything in absolute clarity on the Big Screens provided for you to watch, and hear the every detailed sound of their mating through the loudspeaker system.


As Fred and I sat in our most comfortable play by play announcer chairs like at some sports complex doing a play by play announcement from a booth at a sporting event!

Little Momma was thrashing her head about in it’s cradle, screaming out his cock was to big, it was hurting to much, then she would quench her eyes shut, and terrible painful facial showings on the big screen clearly shown to us all, as right in the middle the very thing causing that re-action was taking place, as his huge hardening cock slip ever so much deeper into her stretched beyond capability to handle pussy, and was tightly griping onto his cock indenting into it even.

While ever so slowly the Donkey moved his legs first his right front, then his left front, followed by his right rear then his left rear legs, which made Little Momma in that hammock sling saddle ever so slightly go forwards making his cock pull ever so slightly from within her pussy outwards and bringing her pussy flesh clutching tightly to it out.

Then she would swing back against that cock and in it would go ever so slightly making her pussy clutch and quiver and squelch as it sank every so slightly inwards just a bit deeper. Her unbridled loud screaming anguished pains filled the arena and yet the squelching sounds of his cock against her pussy mingled with it.

It was so much so damn lifelike in every single way and yes it was absolutely lifelike and totally live, but the way it showed on those huge big screens along with the sound systems audio of it made it come to life in a way you can only imagine not being there and seeing and hearing it like that mindfully imagine!

I myself even shuddered and screamed as Little Momma was doing saddled up under that Donkey was doing, Fred put his hand on my thigh and calmed me and told me it was all o.k. and she’d soon adjust to his hardening size, and probably begin to scream out for him to fuck her.

Once again this bring my mindful thought of a saying; “Be damn careful what you wish for, because it may turn out to be far more than you can handle!”

As slowly the Donkey stepped forwards time and time again barely even making headway around this arena now only mere 5 or so feet from where it all had started, and Little Momma was screaming and pleading; “Oh Stop!” “Oh Stop!” “His cock is to big for Me!”

I was shivering to the bone and shaking all over myself as I heard and saw each and every movement of everything, fearing for my friends life and safety performing this act as she was, and knew her pussy was getting stretched and all but ripped open from that donkey’s hardening and swelling cock inside her hot little pussy.

As I have said many times over in different sexual encounters with her is that she has the hottest pussy I’ve ever myself ate, and fucked for that matter, but as even Dawg, Loretta, and Patti, and for damn sure Witchy can tell you she indeed has a hot pussy!

While I watched that Donkeys cock barely slipping and pulling outwards and saw how it was throbbing and swelling the whole time made me believe he to felt the hottest tightest pussy on his cock he had ever had another human woman take.

Suddenly as if Witchy and Veronica alike, along with myself and Fred realized Little Momma in her present state just could not go on with this!

Veronica halted the Donkey moving at all, Witchy standing and right there at the left side of it and where Little Momma was mounted and sling saddled up underneath him to his donkey cock in her pussy.

Fred now spoke on the intercom system saying; “Ladies and Gentlemen we have a short break in the action, as our Senorita is just in to much pain at the moment to continue as it is!”

Then he said; “Tonight we have a very special Guest who has all the things needed to provide what is needed for all our shows tonight!”

“Let’s have a round of applause for our Special Professional helper we all know personally as Witchy Woman, stand and bow Witchy to the audience.”

“We have her now at our convenience to help as needed so that the show may go on!”

Witchy turned to the entire audience waving at all of them, her long beautiful red hair shined like it was illuminating for us all in it’s beauty as hers was as well, and as she bowed to the audience, whistles and hoots came from throughout the audience as her big well rounded ass in the black leather outfit shown outright and clearly when she did.

When that happened Witchy merely stood up from her bow and outright gave the entire whistling and hooting audience a finger of fuck you, as the whole audience then broke out into a laugh.

Fred broke right in and said; “Look and whistle and hollar all you want, not a one of you will ever feel or touch what you so lustfully want!”

With that Witchy just bowed down under where the Donkey’s cock was terrorizing our friend Little Momma’s pussy, and right there on that big screen, everyone saw her take out an ancient bottle and vigorously shake it in one hand, as she now held a syringe in the other, and the entire audience as did Fred and I and even Veronica gasped.

For there on that big screen that damn ancient bottle came to life for all to see!

A deep dark hole suddenly began to glow and come to life, and began spreading open and outwards, like a sink hole would in time lapse viewing, as Witchy turned it downwards after the vigorous shaking, as further and further outwards on that big screen the swallowing glowing hole widened and deepened, making everyone gasp watching it.

It became to the point that some feared it was going to open up and swallow the entire arena, and audience stands and barns, as Fred had to get on the mic and tell them not to fear it all, and be seated again, it was just an ancient potion formula coming to life, and activating it’s contents for it’s intended purpose!

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