Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch - Cover

Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 19

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - An old story of mine brought to new life with a different title name. Five women invited to a total complete freak show, and all of us want it. It gets freaky freaky alright!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Paranormal   Ghost   Demons   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Needles   Size   Violence  



We now grabbed up our Little Princess, to take her to the Ritual Chamber to be prepped for her Sacrifice to the Master Beast tonight.

She wasn’t fighting like female mountain lion against us, but she sure wasn’t obedient about it either, as took out of the lab room down the long corridor, all the stalls now totally cleaned up and closed up, and led her to the Ritual Sacrifice Chamber, and through the door that led into it.

Now before I begin to tell about getting our Little Miss Princess being prepped and readied to be sacrificed, I must at this time explain something to you readers out there.

This has always been a closed in Ritual done in a secret room all it’s own at Witchy’s old place of residence, now that everything had been so carefully moved and set up in the arena of the Barn auditorium, there would be absolutely to much interference, to much outside the normal secured locked up tight sacred room, these Sacrifice Rituals had been performed in.

So everything was changed!

First the entire audience seating part of the arena and stalls where the audience could sit and watch clearly, and interact with, was sealed off!

Panels were installed throughout the entire audience seating area shutting their viewing live that way totally off. There were live screens set up so that all would be able to see Ritual Sacrifice even take place live, but it would be fed to them through the video and audio systems.

Remember the 3 big theater screens in last acts that were used? They had been removed, and taken, and now in three different settings one for each of the seating sections of the Barn auditorium.

Placed on the Panels that sealed off their clear outright view of the arena area where the Ritual Sacrifice Chamber was set up.

Cameras were set up inside the Ritual Sacrifice Chamber to be live fed to each of the three seating areas for the audience. Voice or audio was as well done this way.

The whole Ritual Sacrifice Chamber stage was itself totally enclosed and sealed off from any outside interference, Black Panels were installed around every aspect of the stage set up.

Yes every wall the ceiling etc. was done total black, just as the evil room itself was back where the secret room was better known as the evil room!

So in short time and less than 12 hours from the last act to the now new live performance act to start and audience in seats and watching this live feed event, it had been some undertaking to say the least, and believe me Fred spared no expense to have it done and crews available to do it.

Now all they were told was he needed a closed in stage built and the requirements of the black walls and all the panels of the audience were all the crews of this at all.

The crew who helped move that ancient altar, and prep bed, etc. from Witchy’s secret room, to here were sworn to outright secrecy and signed their pledge that not one bit of this could be leaked out anywhere, or they could face prosecution of leaking secret information, of Fred’s Farm and Ranch Business.

Now that told to you maybe it gives you a better insight view, of everything when it begins and I write it in my story about it.

I should have disclosed all this in my prior chapter, but being as how many of you know how my mind gets entangled into things I did not do it.

Now back to my telling you the story of THE NIGHT THE SACRIFICIAL RITUAL was performed for a live viewing audience.

We had taken the Little Miss Princess into the lab room and Witchy had given her the first two potions to get her started into the depths of being the Sacrifice for tonight’s ritual.

Then once she had pledges “YES” to the “finders” we now had taken her from there and now into the outright newly built Ritual Sacrifice Chamber as it now would known by, not the once known and told “EVIL ROOM”.

At this point ordinarily we would have known everything about the sacrificial victim, but this set up in a whole other part of the country it was all different, and strange honestly.

Little Miss Princess in her now altered state of mind having been taken right into this outright ancient ritual sacrifice chamber, was shaking badly of the fear of knowing she was somewhere that seemed to many hundreds if not thousands of years of years back in time.

Her eyes shot wide open, and began crying out to us all; “Where have you taken me?” “What is all this?” “Why am I here?”

Witchy stepping right in front of her said; “Honey Child you are the chosen one.”

Now absolutely dressed in her typical Black Widow outfit she had worn all during last nights acts.

The Sacrifice was now screaming and crying out; “Get me out of here, I want out of here, it’s to evil, it’s to evil!”

Now Witchy still standing face to face with the young virgin sacrifice said to her; “There is nothing evil here honey child, this is only the Ritual Sacrifice Worship Chamber!”

Fighting against I and Veronica’s holding her she screamed out; “No oh please no I can’t, I can’t, I can’t do it!”

Witchy bust broke right in and said; “Oh but honey child you will do it, oh you will do it!”

Now at this point the live feed from within the Ritual Sacrifice Chamber was being live fed to a seated fully viewing and hearing audience.

I was then excused and Little Momma stepped right up to secure and hold our beautiful Ritual Sacrifice offering, as I left and went down the long corridor and went into the broadcast booth to sit there with Fred, to be able to describe everything that would happen fully outright to him.

Once seated and headset put on Fred welcomed me, and said; “Wow Jackie this all different than ever before, we are in a closed off room able to view everything of course, and hear everything, but not actually live as in right there before us live!”

Fred I said to him, you don’t want to be in that Ritual Sacrifice Chamber!

Things in that secret chamber are going to get wild, and evil to anything you have ever witnessed or seen in your life Fred.

You do realize that you have moved Satans secret Sacrifice Chamber to here on your own ground.

I already know Witchy has performed her sacred ritual over these now hollowed grounds, and made them the Den of Satans reign and activity, why do you think Leon acted like he did last night, that was the reason Fred!

Now I know going on to talk to him, that you indeed are going to build a secret absolutely sacred place or Chapel, for Witchy to perform her Ritual Sacrifices in, it will be Fred Satans Den, Satan’s Chapel!

Oh shit he said, so does that mean Satan will own us all?

Oh no Fred it will be nothing like that at all, only when you walk into or onto the chosen spot where the Chapel will be built will you be on or under Satan’s reign.

As we settled to watch the live happenings in the Ritual Sacrifice Chamber.

Little Momma and Veronica now took the fighting and trying to free herself young captive virgin now over to the ancient prep bed I knew so well, and knew of it’s importance in the Ritual.

Patti and Loretta, being the obedient helpers tonight as I told to Fred this, reached down and grabbed the long beautiful lace gown the Sacrificial Bride wore, and pulled it up into her back folding it so exquisitely and with great care not to spoil it in any way shape or form.

This bared the tight little round ass of our Virgin Bride Sacrifice, as Witchy walked away from her went over to the wall and pushed that cart out into the open now, all her ancient potion bottles in their same exact spot as before.

While Little Momma and Veronica held the Bride and Patti and Loretta had her wedding gown neatly rolled up to her mid back, Witchy grabbed one of her ancient potion bottles, the one that had quieting potion in it, brought it up shook it violently to activate it as fields of beautiful flowers illuminated from it and became live and real to seeing it.

Fred himself gasped out seeing what that ancient did as it came to life, while Witchy pushed a needle up into it and drew the syringe somewhat full of it’s contents that boiled about inside it glowing and churning from yellow to beautiful blue, as she pulled it free and placed the ancient bottle in it’s exact spot.

Witchy walked calmy and as uncaring as could be, as the Sacrifice saw the syringe and began to fight and scream seeing it, and knowing she would soon be given it!

She stepped right up behind the held and secured Sacrificial Bride leaned down and pinched up her ass cheek and plunged the needle in and slowly began to inject the young lithe thing with the quieting or calming potion as we all knew it to be.

As she had given her injections into each of her ass cheeks the young lithe virgin Sacrifice stopped fighting altogether and screaming out as she was and fell limply into the arms of both Little Momma and Veronica alike.

Now she was led over to the prep bed and held there as Patti and Loretta slowly and carefully removed her veil, then rolled the beautiful wedding like gown further up her back and brought it out of her arms and over her head now fully removed from her naked body underneath.

As they carried it over and put it in it’s rightful place on the wall, Little Momma and Veronica laid the now calm peaceful Sacrifice onto the bed and flipped her onto her belly, and spread her legs wide open.

What are they doing Fred ask me? They are getting her positioned on the prep bed Fred to be further brought into a world you will soon see that you have never in your life been able to imagine.

As now Witchy told them it was time to get her onto the Altar and prepared for her Sacrifice to the Master.

So Little Momma and Patti had her feet, Veronica and Loretta had her under her arms as they took her over and laid her onto the altar and positioned her to be tied and bound to it for her soon to be sacrifice.

Her arms were stretched out over the front of it and tied and secured to the corner post by her wrist.

Then Veronica and Little Momma used the ancient leather straps and secured her right under her small half lemon little titties with those big thumb sized nipples proudly standing straight into the air.

Another set of the ancient leather straps were now put right at her small tiny waist line and tied and secured there.

Then they walked to bottom of the altar and grabbed her left leg first and brought it up into the air spreading it out to come in contact with the corner post and tied and secured her ankle to it.

Went to the other side grabbed her right leg and pulled it out making her foot come in contact with the altars corner post there and tied and secured that ankle to the corner post up high in the air as they could get it just like her left one.

Then used other straps and went around under her knees and pulled them wide out as they could and secured them to the provided tie down spots on the ancient altars corner post.

Now she was tied and bound and secured as could be, her legs spread high into the air and spread wide out as could be done her knees and ankles tied and secured to the corner post.

Bringing her tight little round ass to be just barely onto the altar almost off it now as her pulled high into the air legs and legs had her pinned and secured to hold the weight of her ass being almost off the whole of the altar as in every designed case it had been done.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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