Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch - Cover

Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - An old story of mine brought to new life with a different title name. Five women invited to a total complete freak show, and all of us want it. It gets freaky freaky alright!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Paranormal   Ghost   Demons   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Needles   Size   Violence  




Fred and I finish our drinks and set them on the counter in the back of the broadcast booth, and leave and go down to check on the Mom we knew was still probably being filled with Brute’s hot male dog cum, and still knotted up in his new founded mating human female bitch.

Oh crap I didn’t notice the font style, sorry readers. Not going to change it now. This is only a after act thing, and telling you about all that and the rest of the nights happenings.

We went down the corridor and into the stall where the Momma was still being filled with Brute’s hot cum, she was ever so much grunting and shaking her head wildly laying out on that breeding seatie as her head was turned to one side, as Brute continued to fill her with his seed, and his knott still to swollen out inside her pussy to come out of it as yet.

Fred and I walked over to Witchy and Veronica alike sitting right there watching the Mom’s face contort and release as every squirt of that fire hot cum from Brute’s buried cock shot up into her.

This went on for some time to come, as we stayed right there enjoying our own show of watching her take it squirt by agonizing squirt up into the depths of her womanly belly.

Fred now congratulated everyone for the best show he had ever put on here!

Then he told Witchy that he had a crew coming now to set up and get her ritual sacrifice set up, put together and as she would want it done exactly as it should be. She said she would oversee it and make sure that everything was in it’s rightful place and set up exactly as the grand chapter ordered everything to be and above all else the Master Beast himself’s demands.

So it was to be a long night for us all. As finally Brute’s huge knot dwindled and he pulled out of her pussy with a loud sounding pop, as cum gushed from the Momma’s now gaped wide open pussy, and we all untied and unbuckled her and Fred took her to their guest house, and left the Daughter with us to still recover from her ordeal tonight.

We got everything from the ritual set up into it’s right full place on a stage that was brought in and placed in the middle of the arena, and Little Momma, Patti, and Loretta were helping Witchy as I and Fred alike were to put everything into it’s perfect place and position of the ritual sacrifice set up.

Even the prep bed and everything was brought here for this, and no damn doubt Witchy had plans to stay here and live and perform these ritual sacrifices in a whole new area and part of the country.

Once finished with it all, and everything in it’s glorious beautiful ancient ritual sacrifice set up was there polished, and dusted, and ready for what now would be tonight’s ceremony, since now it was well into early morning the next day around 1am.

So everything was shut down and tightly secured and locked down and Fred even changed the security entry code, so no one could get in until tomorrow evening, when we show up and begin to prepare things for the nights ritual sacrifice to be carried out.

Yes we took Little Miss Princess with us as she was under watch now, and we knew no one could touch her in any way shape or form except to prep her for her ritual sacrificial giving herself to the Master Beast tonight!

Truly she had no idea at all that she had become the chosen one, she just thought we were keeping her with us to keep an eye on and make sure she was alright. Witchy’s perfect way of seeing she thought that and felt that outright by how Witchy groomed and attended to her.

Even once back at our guest house Witchy had this young beautiful lithe thing laying her head in her lap as she stroked and pet this young thing in her mothering fashion, all the while grooming her for the ritual sacrifice of her pussy and body to the Master of Beast, the Demon, Satan Himself.

Wow did everyone sleep the rest of what night we had, but well into the next morning.

Witchy took Little Princess to bed with her and Little Momma bunked up with all of us.

Of course the next morning late into it Witchy and I awoke early as we always had done so many times in the past, and got breakfast and coffee going and ready to serve, as one by one the others of our group woke up and straggled in all sleepy eyed, and not into anything at the moment.

Soon Breakfast was all eaten and done and dishes put in dishwasher and washed as we all took turns getting our showers and or baths whichever we chose.

Now Little Miss Princess was certainly the last to come alive and come straggling in last and she didn’t like coffee but ate breakfast and had big glass of orange juice, and drank plenty of water and dehydrating liquids, as well made damn sure she was that, for she would need it every single bit in her ordeal to come tonight when she would be sacrificed to the Master Beast and fucked.

Fred rang our guest room phone and Witchy answered of course, and soon he’d be over and we would all go to the barn and get things ready for our Little Miss Princess to be sacrificed and fucked by the Master Beast himself tonight, and I know damn well every single one of us would shiver at the thoughts of what lay ahead for this young lithe beautiful thing tonight.

Now Witchy left me behind to stay with our sacrificial lamp so to speak, as I took her into the the big bathroom and got her undressed and into the soaking hot sudsy hot tub the jets going full blast and the steamy heated water was ready.

I washed her from head to foot with fine fragrant soap and a bathing sponge then gave her a good douche, of which she had never had in her life(WOW) I thought never had a douche? Damn!

Oh I so enjoyed the use of that sponge on those tiny little lemon half titties of hers with the long thumb sized nipples, and that young lithe thing was going crazy from my doing this to them, and especially so as I meaningfully twisted those thumb sized long nipples in between my soapy wet fingers, making her throw her head back and cry out in pleasure.

This was all allowed by the Master Beast, I knew all to well what the boundries of all this was, as Fred now showed back up with Little Momma to help me and our knowledge’s of all this could be carried out in their fullest obedience to the Master Beast about what we could do and not do with this sacrificial lamb so to speak.

We got her out of the hot tub and over into the shower once again washing her with such expensive fragrances from far parts of the world rubbing the scented oils into her beautiful young smooth as silk skin, making her head fold back in the pleasure our doing this caused her especially when Little Momma herself had to have some of those nipples of hers in her grasp to.

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