Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch - Cover

Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - An old story of mine brought to new life with a different title name. Five women invited to a total complete freak show, and all of us want it. It gets freaky freaky alright!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Paranormal   Ghost   Demons   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Needles   Size   Violence  




After what had just taken place and Momma and Daughter together had passed smooth out from their outright intense fucking and orally pleasured Witchy pulled that long wildly multiple barrel shaped dildo out of the Momma who had fucked out from her first ever cock fucking her to depths no cock ever had done before now.

While Daughter right there to her side to watch her Momma get fucked was to busy in her own torment, and painful pleasure of her pussy, getting it’s first ever stretching out By Veronica totally absolutely tongue fucking the young little thing as she had to the Daughters own outright passing out from her own intense gushing orgasms.

Witchy looked over and saw how Veronica was going at that young tight little pussy of hers and seeing the daughter passing out, and asked Veronica is her pussy delicious?

MMMggghhh hummmmmphhhh was all Veronica could half try to say as she was swallowing this juicy delicious things last orgasm.

As Witchy stood up that wildly shaped dildo dripping wet more than two thirds it’s entire length indicating just how deep she plowed it up into the Mommas deeply wanton pussy of it. While Veronica peeled her mouth off the young Daughters totally spent pussy juices covering all over her chin and dripping down off it.

Damn Fred said to me up in the broadcast booth look how Mom and Daughter both gushed and their juices are dripping off everything.

I think it’s time for intermission again he said!

He hit that mic button and as the gruntal pleasure sounds coming from both Momma and Daughter combining together through the speaker system Fred’s voice broke in.

“Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for a very short break to give our Mom and Daughter team time to get themselves together from their pleasures enjoyed together!”

The whole entire audience stood and gave a stand ovation for that unbelievable live performance by everyone as Witchy and Veronica clasp hands together and turned to the audience and bowed as the lights dimmed from the stage and brightened in the stadium of the audience seating.

Leon now was at the broadcast booth door knocking first then entering bringing us yet another round of much needed drinks from that mind boggling act that had just happened.

Leon came right up to us both as rose up and stretched ourselves out, and Leon looked at me and with absolute total seriousness and concern in his both his eyes and his speech as he asked; “Mistuss Jackie is that one that took over everything is that one of the gals that came with you to visit?”

Yes Leon she sure is one of my girlfriends that came here with me.

“Mistuss Jackie he said; That woman’s evil Jackie! She’s Voodoo Jackie, She’s Voodoo Jackie!”

See I looked right at Fred and said to him. Then I turned back to Leon and said; “Yes Leon she’s a Queen Voodoo Leon, she’s a full pledged Voodoo Queen!”

Them eyes is Evil Mistuss Jackie them eyes is Evil, you gonna’ get swallowed up by the Demons Jackie, you gonna’ git’ swallowed up by the Demons!

Yes I replied to Leon that indeed she does have Demons she can summon up from the depths of hell Leon.

Yes Ma’m I knows this replied Leon, that woman’s Evil Mr. Fred, she’s evil, gots them demons all around her; I seens em’ with my own eyes Mr. Fred!!!

Fred just walked over threw his arm around Leon’s shoulder and told him not to worry about her she was in total control of it all, no harm to any of us or you at all Leon.

I go’s and prays Mr. Fred, I go’s and prays, that woman’s evil, that woman’s Voodoo, Bad Woman Mr. Fred bad Woman!

Leon and being from the family he was all had this horrid fear, about anything they thought or considered Voodoo, of course given the fact that his Parents had moved up here from the depths of the swamp areas down around Louisiana, Mississippi, told the all of such deep heritage into all this, and you think there’s bullshit to it readers there is not at all.

Look at the perfect example of Leon and his raising up as a child as he had, and the family passing of this and that, from such voodoo and Witches areas as his family came from, and how he caught right onto Witchy fast and saw the Demons about her, now believe what you will, such things are among us, that if we are not enlightened to see we never will!

Leon was scared to death, I’m telling you than man was scared to death of what he saw.

Leon was so damn scared the drinks he was about to hand us were shaking and rattling in that carriage tray he carried, and he made no uncertain moment about it all to Fred when he said to him; “Mr. Fred I sorry I gots to go, I gots to get out of here, that woman VooDoo Mr. Fred!”

Leon no problem I understand and you have every right to be scared like you are, and it’s o.k. Leon your pay will continue just like your on the clock, so go ahead and go home and I’ll see you in three days, and you will get full time pay it’s not a problem one Leon.

Oh thank You Mr. Fred oh lordy above thank you Mr. Fred I go home now, that woman evil Mr. Fred that woman VooDoo Mr. Fred!

Leon took our drinks over and sat the tray and everything right there on the counter and he left like a linebacker that just intercepted the quarterbacks throw and headed for the end zone left from there!

Fred looked at me and said; “Damn Jackie I have never ever in my life seen Leon scared like that!”

He damned sure saw it alright by the look in those eyes and how scared that big black man was he saw it Jackie.

Oh Fred how well I know it, oh I can tell you personally how damn well I know it, and hell yes he saw Demons around her, you damn right he did.

We got our drinks and sat right back down into our own chairs as he asked me how I knew what Leon had seen.

Fred I’m going to tell you a short story about a lot of things Fred, and I mean a lot of things!

I told him of how I first met Dawg, and that while at his little place he was renting then, these things called the “finders” which are paranormal entities of sorts, which are out there in the spiritual world around us, and seek out certain people, who are in contact with and surround the ones they surround, in my case I told him being around Dawg, why they were surrounded him was because Fred he had become Witchy’s subservient just like how she tonight got Veronica to be.

Well to make a long story short Fred, Witchy cast her spell as she did Veronica tonight on Dawg, and with that Witchy had him as a subservient a slave to her every desire, and she cast a spell Fred on Dawgs wife Little Momma, Yes Fred Little Momma, and Witchy had Dawg help her get Little Momma on her Ritual Table, and outright sacrificed her to the Master Beast Fred! Satan Fred!

Holy Shit you mean she really can do that stuff? Hell yes Fred and believe me it’s damn true, and outright real, and that’s no bullshit Fred, it is the truth!

That is why she is called Witchy as we call her but, known all over where she’s from as Witchy Woman.

Now Fred to be truthful to you and tell you I am not lying to you in any way shape or form.

Witchy Fred has had every single one of us girls in that evil room, and sacrificed every damn one of us to Satan himself, the Master Beast!

The finders Fred hound you, and hound you, and hound you, until you say you want your most hidden intimate desire to come forth, and then Witchy does a ritual and sacrifices you to the Master Beast that comes to you just as the very thing your deepest darkest desire is, and he comes to you as that, and fucks you, and fulfills your desire you so hidden.

Holy Shit said Fred, damn Jackie I thought it was just made up fantasy stuff between you all, oh shit, and Jackie all her ancient ritual stuff in that room, the Evil Room as you all have called it and by damn so did Witchy when we talked about this.

Everything from that room is right here in this building tucked away in a secret room I had built, and then had all that stuff brought here and stored and delivered Jackie.

Witchy got me to agree that she could use this arena and building and auditorium as her new place to perform her rituals and sacrifices Jackie!

Oh don’t worry about all that Fred, now the building or auditorium is not going to collapse and be sucked under by Satan at all.

And he cares nothing about anyone in the outside world unless and I tell this “UNLESS” Witchy who is his Queen Summoner and let that sink in Fred, that she is his Queen Summoner! She is his Mortal of this world main contact! Oh there are indeed others all over this world Fred, a deeply and secretly entrenched cult of Witches and Warlocks who are his mortal Queen and King Summoners.

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