Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch - Cover

Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - An old story of mine brought to new life with a different title name. Five women invited to a total complete freak show, and all of us want it. It gets freaky freaky alright!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Paranormal   Ghost   Demons   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Needles   Size   Violence  


The act over and now again intermission, Fred and I get up and finish our drinks and take them over to the small bar along the back wall of the booth and set the empty glasses on it and leave.

Now Fred feels much more in a talkative mood about that creature, and how he even came by getting the damn thing, and just what his plans for it were now.

Hugging me up to him as he’s always done he outright asked me if I would like to have pleasure from that creature we had just watched works it’s arm like tendril or tentacle up inside Patti’s pussy and absolutely use that sucker to suck at and do all kinds of things to her cervix, which made still shiver thinking about it would be like.

No doubt whatever it was it did to Patti’s was so intense and pleasurable she flat passed out from the pleasure of it!

Fred now told me more about how he got the damn thing.

Already knowing of course that some hunter out on some exotic hunting trip found the thing and actually somehow managed to smuggle it out of the country of it’s origin and took it home.

Where somehow and some unexplained as yet way it had gotten to the hunters wife, and even their daughter, and goodness knows how young etc. she was.

As Fred hugged me up as we walked along the corridor of all the stalls going now to where Patti was in hers, and check on her.

He told me the hunter somehow found out Fred’s doing what he does as he explained it to me, and sent the thing to Fred, wanting it out of his house and away from his wife and daughter alike.

As we now were at Patti’s stall and the door opened and we entered, Patti was still laid out in the lounge chair, spread open as she could be passed out still but Witchy and Veronica had removed the walkway and cleaned and sterilized it and had it put away.

Now still on the floor that wooden plastic lined box was now turned back up, but the lid had not been shut on it as yet.

Fred led me over to it and we both looked inside to see the thing itself was content as it could be and I swear it had somehow grown from what my mind thought had it’s belly full of Patti’s orgasm juices.

I shuddered all over looking down at that thing as Fred told me it had sure gotten a good feeding from Patti earlier.

Patti herself was at last coming somewhat around but herself still far to spent to get up and move about, as she looked up at Fred and I alike looking at that creature in that wooden box, and said to us; “Oh that thing did things inside me I have ever in my life felt before!”

“It was sucking at the walls of my pussy the whole way it went up inside me and when that mouth attached to me way up inside and began nibbling and sucking I lost it, it was to powerful and strong a pleasure all at once for me to handle!”

That right there made my own belly twinge and made me shudder thinking of it up inside me like it had been in her and doing that to my own cervix.

We knew Patti was alright, and nothing wrong with her pussy or her at all, from her act with this thing, so we left and went and checked on Little Momma, who herself was still laid out and I swear her pussy was still totally gaped wide open, and I wondered now if it would ever be the same?

Fred and I then left there and started to go to where Loretta was in her stall, but Fred stopped a moment and then told me, Loretta’s act would have to be canceled because it would involve much time as Fred put it to get her cleaned out, and ready to take her animal lover in the very place she loved it so much, being right up into her ass!

Damn Little Momma’s ordeal sure took away the act time for Lorretta’s act before the audience he said.

We went further down the corridor and to another stall room, and the door opened and we entered.

There wandering about in the stall room was none other than the redheaded young woman, who appeared to be somewhere barely over 18 maybe, as she strutted about the room, saw us and ask Fred when does her act take place and what are you going to do to me?

Something you so want to happen my darling Fred told her, now calm down and your act has been moved up, and is the next one and soon my assistants will be in here after checking on and making sure the other women who have have already had their pleasure and act are taken care of, and things tidied up in the stall rooms they are in my pretty little red haired princess he told and called her.

That said to her she just went over and sat down in a chair, now calmly and without any fighting or such at all, and actually acting as if she couldn’t wait to have her long awaited pleasure happen!

Soon in came both Witchy and Veronica who stood beside us and talked a bit, then turned their attention to the little lithe thin built red haired princess.

Both went right over and picked her up out of the chair led her right over to the exam and prep table helped her get on it and laid out and both went down and grabbed each of her long thin lithe legs by the ankles and spread them wide open and put into the stirrups and secured.

Now we all could absolutely see this young thing had one tight and tiny little pussy, a thick mat of red hair was all bushy all over and through her entire mound area.

Thinking back on it all now, I truly believe she was either under nourished or outright some kind of a drug addict. A woman that skinny has got to be one or the other and judging from how she had acted the drugs seemed to be what it was.

Oh she was innocent sexually alright, no doubt about that, but she sure had to be a heavy drug user whether her Mom knew it or not!

Fred did in fact ask her how old she was as she told him she turned 18 just weeks ago, but I swear she looked much younger than that.

Now why she would lie to us all now about that I cannot say, but that was just my observation of the young red haired princess everyone seemed to call her.

Laying there as she was her long thin legs spread wide open and secured into the stirrups to be prepared for her pleasure act soon to come for her, her little tits were no more than almost half lemons on each side of her chest, but there sure were long big reddish colored nipples standing proudly hard and like two thumbs sticking up from her tiny almost non existent tits.

We all knew why she was here and her Mom had caught her in her bedroom and letting their Pet dog of some kind lick her little tight thick red haired pussy.

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