Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch - Cover

Freak Show at Fred's Farm and Ranch

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - An old story of mine brought to new life with a different title name. Five women invited to a total complete freak show, and all of us want it. It gets freaky freaky alright!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Paranormal   Ghost   Demons   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Needles   Size   Violence  



My Sister In Law Patti really was not into wanting at all to do anything like this before a whole outright Barn filled audience.

But somehow most evidently from Fred and Witchy talking during their lab work visit the day before it had to have been discussed.

Fred would not have known at all except it had to have come up during their working on potions the day before in the lab.

But here now Patti was pretty much being outright unwilling to do anything in this show tonight before a live audience.

As she was more or less telling Fred no about it all somehow Witchy and Veronica had snuck around and gotten behind her.

I myself was trying to talk Fred into not adding her into it at all, siding pretty much with Patti about it all.

Suddenly as she and I were talking with Fred about it, Witchy and Veronica alike had snuck up grabbed her and taking her screaming and pleading over to the exam table in that specific stall.

While Veronica had gotten her arms and pulled her upper body over onto the table and then held them, Witchy had a syringe ready and forcibly pinched up each of her big well rounded ass cheeks and injected whatever it contained into both of them!

Patti almost immediately calmed and became as limp and slumber as she could be so much so, had Veronica not been pulling her upper body over onto the table as she had, Patti would have outright just limply folded onto the floor.

That done Both Witchy and Veronica then to maneuver her up onto the exam and prep table of that stall, and soon had her laid out on her back and her legs spread out wide and into each of the stirrups it had.

Patti was indeed already fully naked her clothes having been taken when we first arrived, and it was known she was going to be a part of the show tonight, and led away by both Witchy and Veronica to this stall.

I had at that point of it all no idea just what she was going to do act wise before the audience.

As now time was becoming very important and the intermission Fred had spoke of was far to longer than usual but then again it had been announced to them all that due to the first act and what happened in it, a much longer pause and intermission would happen before the next show.

Witchy now having already given Patti some injected knock out drug of sorts, now kneeled down where Patti’s legs were spread wide open and in the stirrups in exam fashion, and once again reached into her pocket of her black leather blouse of sorts and pulled out yet another semi filled syringe and reached right into the sides of both Patti’s blonde hair covered mounds and gave her an injection into each of her thickly mounded out far outer lips.

I trying my best to guess what it was she had injected into them with, had no idea just exactly what it was and what it was for.

Patti sure showed hardly any signs of anything the injections had caused her body to do, except that Patti’s pussy became instantly wet as could be.

Whatever it was certainly was not anything from Witchy’s ancient potion ones at all.

Now right there at the stall door there was this really strange looking small barely off the floor long lounge chair of sorts.

I now had to help get Patti off the table and help take her over to it and lay her down on it and got out of the way as Witchy and Veronica went to work.

First a mask was put over her head and covered over her face but her eyes were not covered at all and being that it was just a party sort of face mask to hide ones true identity I was comfortable with that.

Then they went down and tugged her legs down until she was barely seated in the lounge chair her head barely up into the back of it clearly able to see right down her body.

Now they both on each side of Patti took her arms and tied and secured them to the arms on each side of the lounger.

Then they went back down and spread Patti’s legs wide open as they could leaving her ass just barely on the edge of the bottom of it and taking straps they tied them spread wide open to some tie down things that were attached to the lounge chair itself.

Now they began sliding up tubes of sorts and strangely bent they were and pulled them up right under both Patti’s knees and tied them both each of those that had a place that rested under each of her knees.

As all this was going on Fred had somehow left and came back I’m assuming as I recall all this in my mind now writing the story to you about it.

He then came over to me and hugged me up to him, and told me everything will be alright Jackie, and now come with me to the broadcast booth and let the girls finish and get her special actor ready for their act tonight.

So he and I left the stall and went through the hidden corridor and through a door and into a booth that had windows all around it and we could clearly see all of the audience space as we went and sat down into some really soft very comfortable chairs, as he handed me my headset again and plugged it into the electronic console.

There were numerous switches and buttons on this thing, and reminded me much of what I saw on tv shows of like star treck ect. where such things were there before the crew.

Fred sat down in his chair and plugged his headset into the console and flipped a switch and began telling everyone to come back and be seated and ready to watch the next show and apologized to them for such a long delay tonight.

He reached and flipped another switch and soft music began to play throughout where the loudspeakers were for the audience.

Then he flipped up three more switches and suddenly each of the three big screens began to flicker to life and then just had a red, orange, and blue, colored stripes clearly showing on each of them.

He then flipped his mic one off and looked over at me and put his hand on my thigh and patted it and told me it was going to be a great act that my Sister In Law Patti was going to do before the audience tonight live for them all to see.

And went on assuring me in fact that it was something she had already pleaded and begged Witchy to do to her and I had watched it, so it would really be nothing new to me about it, but for sure an absolute total first time for the audience to ever see live in person.

My mind scrambled and jumbled up trying to think just what to hell it was I had watched Witchy do to Patti?

Nothing came to mind at all, it was just blank.

Now suddenly a knock came on that door we came through into this broadcast booth room, as Fred got out of his chair and went to it and opened it, and none other than Leon the huge Black Man personal servant of Fred’s was there and came in with drinks for us.

Before any of you readers even start to think Leon was anything other than a good personal friend of Fred’s and paid an absolute high end salary just to do what he did.

I knew of Leon from high school we all attended, and they being the few black family farmers around, no one treated them any different than any other of the farmers of that area.

Now to go on about all that I just cannot do and besides that if I even did, it would have to be it’s very own stand alone story to tell.

To far back into my at home years to tell about it. Not that it was about Leon in any way shape or form but others of their family for sure.

Now Leon came over and served me a drink off the tray he had, and ask me; “Mistuss Jackie are you having a good time tonight with visiting Fred and all ma’am?”

Oh yes Leon I sure am and then I just blurted right out; “Leon I thought this place was totally secret from anyone else?”

Now Mistuss Jackie as he had indeed just always called me that for as long as I can remember back to, and then laughing Leon admitted that yes it was a total secret place for what Mr. Fred does all up in here sometimes, but I know all about it Jackie, and nothing about any of it bothers me at all.

With that said and having handed both Fred and I our drinks he put his hand on my shoulder and told me he was so glad to see me again, and to see Fred and I enjoying time together, and maybe he Leon could join us sometime and talk old times and such.

Fred just laughed as he always did in his crazy ways of doing it, and looked at Leon and said; “Well hell Leon it’s late now and why don’t you just sit right down here with us and enjoy the special shows tonight!”

Now Mr. Fred Leon said you know I don’t like the kind of things that go on in this place, and I totally respect and have or will never ever tell another soul about all this, and more than that the things that went on while we all was growing up together either.

I was taken by total absolute surprise that Leon knew anything about what went on at our old farm house when I was growing up, and I then and there threw my hand up over my mouth in total awe that Leon knew anything about it at all.

Leon just pat my shoulder and told me not to even worry about any of it at all. He said he knew way more than he’d ever tell about everything he knew that was going on when we all were growing up.

After that short visit and his bringing us our drinks he left and locked the door.

Now Fred on the other hand had a brief bit of time or so it seemed to me as he began to talk on and telling me that his Dad used to go over to Leon and their farm and Leon’s Mom liked the animal side of things Fred winked at me as he said this.

Oh My Word I thought Leon’s Mom liked to be pleasured by animals! This floored me as I thought so far back into our past and seeing and talking to his sweet wonderful Mom that respected everyone, and not a soul in our entire farm community had a bad thing to say about her or her family for that matter except Leon’s Dad was a hard worker on that old farm of theirs.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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