The Privy Report - Cover

The Privy Report

Copyright© 2022 by Old Grey Duck

Chapter 48

Back when I first started this ongoing saga of silliness, I stated that I was willing to share any tidbits of interest that others wanted to share with the SOL community. Feedback would often come when I asked for help (many will recall “the 100 ways to make an egg” suggestions). Others submitted an entire chapters worth of information on several occasions. Believe me when I state that I really like it when I hear from you, and provide me with the next installment. Topics can be just about anything, because with such a diverse community, one never knows what will come along and catch your interest.

So, I am delighted to share with you something that I received from Krista* this afternoon that is keeping with the holidays.

Hola, Senior Pato (Duck)! Here is something for your privy report! I wish you and sweetie much joy for the holidays! Abrazos y besos! - K.

Santa and his team of reindeer will be in the sky once again on Christmas Eve! We need to remember that the average reindeer will poop maybe five times a day. All that body movement as they fly is sure to keep the stomach and intestines working out. It will take Santa Clause about 24 hours for his to fly around the world to deliver gifts. This means that the team pulling the sled will poop about 45 times (combined total) while in flight.

Reindeer are as follows; 1: Blitzen, 2: Comet, 3: Cupid, 4: Dancer, 5: Dasher, 6: Donner, 7: Prancer, 8: Vixen, 9: Rudolph. We are not going to worry about Olive, the other reindeer.

The average reindeer poop will weigh about 10 grams. Santa and the gang are flying at 32,000 feet (give or take). Falling from that distance (and we are just going with simple calculations of the poop going right down, with no angles due to flight speed and other factors that you probably learned back in high school math and then promptly forgot), each poop will hit the ground at a force that is close to 0.098 Newtons.

Not enough to kill you, but it’s a safe bet you want to stay inside the house so you don’t get hit.

Feliz Navidad!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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