Horny Girl - Cover

Horny Girl

by Stanley Shore

Copyright© 2022 by Stanley Shore

Erotica Sex Story: Liz was fourteen and pretty much obsessed with sex. Far from unique in itself, but it was made worse because when she was aroused, which was often, she tended to make some pretty poor decisions.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Fisting   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

I blame my Dad. Or more specifically I blame my Dad’s genes. He’s on wife number four now. He tries to hide it from us kids, obviously, but his SOP seems to be: find a young woman, marry her, fuck her senseless until she gets pregnant, start cheating on her with a younger model when she inevitably loses interest in him while she’s carrying, continue cheating because it’s better than fucking her, divorce her and start all over again.

Why they never seem to use any form of contraception is a mystery to me, maybe he’s trying to create some soft of dynasty, who knows?

Thus we arrive here. Brandon is my seventeen year-old brother from Audrey, there’s me Elizabeth, fourteen, from Patricia, Shaun, nine, from Mary, and little Nickolas who’s two months from Marilyn, his latest.

I may sound a bit bitter but my dad is a hard guy to like, he’s basically a dinosaur. He likes his women subservient and compliant. He has no patience and, as far as I can tell, precious little love for his offspring, and he has a filthy temper which can get physical at times.

It’s just as well he’s good at whatever it is that he does, because with three exes as well as all the kids it doesn’t come cheap. He’s the senior partner and majority shareholder of a law firm, which also helps when it comes to screwing over his wives I guess.

The reason I’m blaming him isn’t directly to do with any of that though, it’s his libido that I seem to have inherited. Pretty much as soon as puberty hit me I became infatuated with the pleasure that my body could bring me and now hardly a day goes by that I don’t masturbate at least once, generally a lot more.

It can’t be normal, the amount I think about sex. At school I sit in class looking at the cute guys, wondering if they have erections, imagining them doing it with me.

By the time I get home I’m generally so aroused I don’t manage to finish changing out of my school uniform before I’m playing with myself.

Fortunately for me one of my dad’s failings is that he isn’t interested in any technology since the mobile phone, so I pretty much have the run of the Internet and all the lovely porn that it contains.

Even when I’m not playing with myself I’m thinking about sex. Brandon is the subject of a lot of my fantasies and even some realities.

My room faces the rear and overlooks the garden. Dad makes Brandon mow our lawns and I love watching him in the summer, stripped to a pair of shorts, sweat running down his lovely muscles.

On the last occasion I had my panties dragged to the side. a finger in my vagina and my thumb rubbing over my clit. I was ticking along nicely when he bent over to clear out the grass box. The view of his ass crack was amazing and I got a little carried away with my frigging. There was a sharp pain inside me and I looked down to see a trickle of blood running down my inner thigh. I grabbed a tissue and wiped it up a bit and, when I looked up, Brandon had gone.

I let my skirt fall down and rushed to the bathroom. I quickly stripped off and got into the shower. Seconds later I squealed and covered myself as Brandon burst in.

“Sorry, got to go! Too late to go anywhere else!” he called out over the sound of the water. “Don’t look!”

I turned my back on him but peeked over my shoulder. He had his dick in his hand and a torrent of piss was gushing out of it, so at least he wasn’t lying about that. It was a very pretty cock and a very nice size too and my pussy was tingling away like mad as I watched him.

Then the flow began to slow and, at the same time his cock began to grow. I let my eyes slide up his body and I could see he was staring at my ass. He was having real trouble keeping it pointed into the bowl and was having to sort of bend over.

After he’d gone I finished myself off playing the jet from the shower head over my clit, the vision of his semi-hard penis in my mind.

Marilyn normally went into another room to feed Nick but one day it was just us, and she did it there in the lounge.

“You don’t mind do you Liz, seeing as it’s just us two?”

“No, don’t worry about me, it’s fine.”

I tried not to look but her breasts were so lovely and Nick suckling on her was doing incredible things to my pussy. It looked to me as if it was doing incredible things to her too: her face was red and her eyes kept defocusing. She even had a totally blissful expression on her face.

She fed him from both breasts and then he’d had enough. She got a breast pump from one of the many bags she always had with her and started pumping.

“Why are you doing that?” I asked her.

“Little Nick isn’t big enough to take all I’m making at the moment, and it gets uncomfortable if I’m too full. Anyway I can freeze it for when I can’t feed him properly.”

God, what a waste I thought, and I made a point of being around next time the men were all out.

Again I watched her nursing him and noticed that she had her legs crossed and was making tiny movements with her hips. She had a look of ecstasy on her face and it was obvious that she was sexually aroused. Come to that, so was I from watching her.

Her breathing was getting faster and faster and I went and sat next to her.

“I was never breastfed when I was a baby.” I told her softly, while staring brazenly at her lovely breasts. “Mom had inverted nipples.” I had no idea whether that was true or not, but it sounded plausible to me.

“Oh,” she said dreamily. “I’m so sorry.”

“That looks so beautiful. I don’t suppose...” I said, putting my hand onto her tummy. I thought she was close to cumming, and I knew her thinking would be a bit confused, so I took a chance and slipped my hand upwards until it cupped the bottom of her breast.

“Do you think I could try a little?” I whispered, looking into her eyes. She said nothing, so I very slowly lowered my head towards her nipple, watching her face closely as I did. When my lips touched it and she still hadn’t said anything, I read it as permission, and took it between my lips while stroking the underside of her breast gently.

I heard her moan softly and the movement of her hips, which had been almost imperceptible, became much more obvious.

I wasn’t sure how far she would be willing to let me go, so to start with I just squeezed the nipple between my lips and lapped at it. She seemed to like that a lot so I went for broke and sucked on it. It took a surprising amount of suction to get some milk, but when I did, it was lovely, so sweet and creamy.

I sucked hard, drinking it down greedily while I massaged her breast, trying to encourage more to flow. I felt her hand on the back of my head and she stroked my hair as she pulled me tight.

Her moaning had now been joined by cute little squeaks and then she went very still. I put my hand onto her tummy and I could feel the muscles there contracting. She was having an orgasm, albeit a very gentle one. I continued sucking and stroking her belly and it just went on and on and on.

My own orgasms were intense, frenzied affairs where it was all I could do not to scream out loud, and I often thrashed about wildly. Marilyn’s was an altogether quieter, gentler affair and it lasted so long that I wondered if it was even the same thing at all.

Eventually there was no more milk and I felt no more spasms in her belly. I pulled away from her and looked up.

“Thank you Liz.” she said dreamily. “That was so much more ... natural than using a pump. Next time we’re alone we could ... if you don’t mind that is?”

“No,” I replied. “er, I mean yes. I’d like that. It was ... beautiful.”

“Good.” she said, still looking completely out of it. “Good.”

“I’ve got to er, go though now.” I told her, and rushed upstairs to my room.

Once inside I reached up under my skirt and pulled my panties off. They were dripping wet and I threw them across the room.

I sat against the pillows and pulled up my skirt. My pussy was a sopping wet mess and I wanked like a thing possessed and came very quickly and very hard indeed. I was still shaking when there was a knock on the door.

“Wait!” I cried out, as I dragged the bedclothes across my lower body. Brandon’s head came around the door and he grinned as he saw me and then it widened as his eyes took in the panties on the floor.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize that ... Sorry, I’ll come back later.” he said, and I heard him chuckle as he closed the door.

I looked in the dresser mirror, which was opposite the bed, and saw what he had seen. My face was bright red and part of my skirt was still above the bedclothes. Short of having a sign on my forehead reading ‘This little girl is wanking’ it couldn’t really have been more obvious.

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