Dancing With Daddy - Cover

Dancing With Daddy

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Incest Sex Story: Sam is fifteen and she is thinking a lot about sex. She doesn't trust boys her own age but there is someone she trusts completely and utterly: her father.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

Samantha is fifteen and, probably like most girls her age, she spends quite a lot of time thinking about sex.

A lot of the boys at school look pretty cute but on closer inspection, they are too ... well ... boyish. For the most part, they’re gross and childish and she knows that if she let them so much as touch her it would be all over the school in minutes.

Katy Williams gave a boy a blow job and the next thing she knew a picture of her doing it was on everyone’s phone, even Samantha’s.

However, Sam knows her Daddy would never, ever, do anything to hurt her and she trusts him and loves him so very much.

She’s always thought that he was handsome and big and strong but recently she’s been thinking of him more in terms of ... well, how sexy he is.

More and more he figures in her wet dreams and recently it’s been his cock inside her that she imagines when she’s masturbating. It’s not all imagination either, Sam once saw her father’s cock when she burst into his room unexpectedly one day. He covered up very quickly, she only caught a fleeting glimpse and it wasn’t hard, but even that made a strong impression on her. She thought it looked lovely and can, and does, still picture it to this day.

Sometimes when she passes their door at night she can hear them fucking and she presses her ear against it and plays with herself, wishing it were her in the bed with him and not her mother.

One day something happens that puzzles Sam. She has a sleepover at her friend’s house and, when she comes home early the next morning, there’s a strange young woman having breakfast with her parents. When Sam walks into the room they all look strangely guilty.

“Oh hi Sam, this is ... Candice, she’s an old friend of mine. She slept in the spare room.” her Mom tells her. This is strange for two reasons: one - Sam had never heard any mention of Candice and two - of course she slept in the spare room, where else would she sleep? And why mention it at all? Sam looks at the three of them and can’t put her finger on what’s wrong, but they all seem a bit ... nervous.

“Hi Candice, nice to meet you,” she says politely, and then goes up to her room. As she passes the spare room she looks inside and there is no sign that it’s been used. It could just have been tided, she thinks, and soon mostly forgets about it.

Sam has no real plan but she changes the way she dresses around the house. She wears skirts more often, and rolls them so that they’re shorter. She deliberately allows her Dad to see flashes of her underwear and sometimes wears none at all under tight cotton shorts.

She knows that he’s noticing these things, she can see and even feel his eyes on her, and she can sometimes see enticing bulges in his trousers. It turns her on a lot knowing that she’s exciting him.

Sam makes a point of welcoming her father home from work each day with a big cuddle and a kiss which always leaves her heart beating faster and her little pussy tingling.

One evening, when she gives him his big hug and kiss, she stands on her tip-toes and presses herself against him. She’s delighted when she feels him getting hard and his cock pushes against her pussy in a way that feels absolutely wonderful. She gets wet for him and holds him like that for as long as she dares.

That night her fantasies have another level of realism and she cums whispering Daddy as each convulsion wracks her little body.

One night they are all watching TV together. Sam has the remote and is channel hopping. She comes to MTV and she squeals.

“I love this song, dance with me Daddy,” she says, reaching for his hand to pull him off the couch.

“I’m too tired honey. You dance, I’ll watch you.”

She dances around to the music for a while, rotating her hips in the same way the dancers on the screen are doing. Pretty soon there is a lump in his pants and it gives her an idea.

“I’ll dance on your lap,” she says excitedly and plonks herself down and wriggles around on her daddy’s hard cock. It feels wonderful and sends all sorts of lovely feelings through her little pussy. She grabs each of his hands and they dance together with her dad’s cock between the cheeks of her ass, rubbing on her pussy.

Her mother is watching them very carefully, clearly she’s suspicious of what Sam’s doing but can’t be sure enough to call her out on it.

Dancing with Daddy becomes a thing and Sam loves every second of it. She only ever voluntarily stops when she’s so wet that she thinks it may show on Daddy’s trousers.

Sam wants to feel more, so one night she dances with Daddy with no panties on. She thinks that maybe Daddy can tell because, when her mom goes off into the kitchen, Sam feels her dad lift the back of her skirt and then his dick swells even more as he realizes she has no panties on. His hand briefly strokes her bare behind before they hear her mom coming back and he has to stop and cover her up.

Sam is incredibly excited that he touched her tushie, it’s the first thing to give away that he knows what their dancing is all about. For the first time, Sam thinks that maybe she will really get to fuck him!!

Her mother brought a bottle of wine back from the kitchen and now proceeds to drink glass after glass very quickly.

Her dad’s cock feels gorgeous on little Sam’s naked pussy, and for song after song she dances away. Then she feels it, her Dad’s cock throbbing violently against her clit, time and again. She realizes she’d made him cum! and she loves the idea that he was so excited by her he’d cum in his pants. She continues to ride him until his cock is so soft that she can’t feel it anymore, and then climbs off.

She gives him a big kiss goodnight and then looks down at his groin. Sure enough - there is a big wet patch which he hurriedly covers with his newspaper.

Sam knows that it’s going to be very difficult to be alone with her Daddy so she comes up with a plan. It’s a bit risky but she hopes with all her heart that it’ll be worth it.

“Daddy, there’s a dance at school next week and I can’t find a date. Will you take me?”

“Sure, if you really can’t find anyone else. I’d love to.”

There is no dance so there’s no chance of her finding one.

The day before she tells him that she will need him to be her date after all.

“I can’t believe a pretty girl like you can’t get a date.” Her mother says pointedly. “Are any other girls taking their fathers?”

Sam has a little moment of panic.

“I think so.” Sam lies smoothly. Her mother makes an exasperated noise but says no more and Sam relaxes.

On the big night, Sam manages to squeeze into a short prom dress that she used to wear when she was twelve. it still fits just about and now it’s a very, very short prom dress. She practices in front of the mirror and it only takes the slightest twirl to show off the tiny panties which is all that she has on under it.

It’s also so tight that it manages to give her tiny boobs a little cleavage. She admires herself and thinks she looks good enough for Daddy to eat; fingers crossed!

She finishes her preparations and goes downstairs and is delighted when she finds him waiting for her in a tux.

As they drive off she breaks the news.

“The dance was canceled Daddy but I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“So where are we going?”

“I thought we could go to the lake and dance on our own to music from the car,” she says, watching him closely and crossing her fingers. He looks at her and smiles.

There’s no one at the lake so he parks the car facing the water and uses the car headlights to illuminate the shoreline. Sam scans the radio stations until she finds a channel with slow, smoochy music.

She dances with him and it’s lovely but, because she’s so much shorter than him, his cock is bumping into her tummy, not her pussy. She jumps up and wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He puts his hands on her hips.

That is so much better, his cock is right against her pussy now and the friction on her little clit is glorious. It could be nicer still though, she thinks.

“I’ve just got to have a pee,” she tells him and goes off to some bushes but accidentally positions herself so that he can see her. She drops her panties and peeks at him as she pees. He’s watching her like a hawk and he’s rubbing the front of his trousers! Sam is trembling as she puts the panties into her bag.

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