The Transformation of Lisa  - Cover

The Transformation of Lisa

by Craver

Copyright© 2022 by Craver

Erotica Sex Story: A new divorcee gets seduced by her friend into letting the friend's husband fuck her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Sharing   Swinging   Oral Sex   Squirting   .

“Lise, I don’t know how to tell you this,” Cheryl began. “You’re not going to like it,” the young wife said, frowning with worry in anticipation of her best friend’s reaction to the news.

“Now what?” Lisa Simpson asked, wondering what else could go wrong in her life. Only recently she’d discovered her fucking husband, Tom, cheating on her. The divorce had gone through quickly, uncontested, and Cheryl was helping her friend move into a new apartment.

“Well ... let’s just say you got Ron extremely excited last night,” Cheryl said, still worried over how her friend was going to take the news.

“Cheryl, what the hell are you talking about?”

“Well ... you know I told you about how Ron likes to look at dirty pictures on the Internet sometimes.”

“Yeah ... so?”

“Well guess who he saw there last night ... naked, masturbating, and looking like the biggest, sexiest slut in the world,” Cheryl asked.

“Cheryl, I’m in no mood for games, okay. Now tell me what the hell you’re talking about,” Lisa exclaimed. She was tired, worn out from the move, and from the tension caused by the divorce proceedings.

“Well ... we saw you, babe. They were pictures of you. Naked, very sexy, very pornographic pictures of you, Lisa,” Cheryl said quietly.

“ME! How the hell would naked pictures of me get on the Internet!” Lisa gasped. “That’s not possible. Unless...” Suddenly she felt a sickening ball of fire forming in her stomach. He couldn’t have ... could he? Could that fucking son of a bitch Tom have posted pictures of her. THOSE pictures?

“It’s true, kid. It was you alright. Believe me,” Cheryl sympathized.

“Oh God,” Lisa groaned. She sat down, ready to cry, embarrassed, humiliated. “I should have known better,” she continued. “That prick Tom told me they would be ‘just for us.’ He said they would turn him on to look at, and one night after a few too many drinks, I let him take some Polaroids of me. SHIT!”

“Well if it’s any consolation, Ron thought they were really hot, Lise. You’ve got a great body, and those eyes ... Jesus! In the one where you were using a vibrator it was easy to tell you were really having an orgasm,” Cheryl said, looking at her friend in an entirely new light after having seen the photos herself.

“Yeah, I probably was,” Lisa grinned. “It does feel pretty good, you know,” she continued. “In fact, toward the end of our marriage the only satisfaction I got was from that fucking vibrator ... or these,” Lisa said, holding up her fingers, wiggling them up and down quickly.

“LISA! My God, girl. Stop it. You’re making me wet,” Cheryl laughed.

“You mean to tell me you don’t masturbate?” Lisa challenged.

“I didn’t say I don’t masturbate,” Cheryl said meekly, her face turning pink as she thought about how good it felt to touch herself.

“So you do then,” Lisa said, walking over to her friend, stroking the hair back from her cheeks.

“Yeah. I do. I love it, too, Lisa. Just like you did in your pictures. God you looked so hot in those pictures,” Cheryl said, her pussy on fire now, remembering how excited Ron was when he fucked her after showing her Lisa’s pictures.

“I WAS hot, baby. Hell, I’m getting hot right now just remembering some of what we did that night,” Lisa laughed.

“You should have seen how turned on Ron was,” Cheryl said, feeling her nipples hardening, wondering how far this conversation was going to go.

“Was he?” Lisa mused, smiling. “Did he fuck you after showing you my pictures, Cheryl?”

“Yeah ... he did ... he fucked me great, Lisa. And you know what made him so hot? I told him to call me Lisa, and he did. God! You should have seen how hot it made him THEN ... to have me pretending I was you.”

“CHERYL!” Lisa laughed. “I can’t believe you did that. What a slutty little tease you are ... pretending to be me while your husband is fucking you. I can’t believe it.”

“Hey, it was great, Lise. In fact, I asked him how he’d like to really fuck you, and he said he’d love it,” Cheryl said quietly, her face scarlet now.

“Well sure he’d love to fuck me. Shit Cheryl, he’s a guy! Guys love to fuck anything with a hole in it. They’re all pigs, or didn’t you realize that yet.”

“I wouldn’t care ... if I could watch,” Cheryl whispered.

“What?” Lisa asked, the disbelief evident in her voice, not sure she’d heard her best friend correctly.

“I said, I wouldn’t mind if you let Ron fuck you ... if I could watch you guys doing it.”

“I don’t believe you,” Lisa said. Instantly she felt a rush of excitement flooding her pussy. The sensation was so intense she felt herself squeezing her legs together without realizing why.

“It’s true, Lisa. God I’d love to see you with Ron ... I’d love to watch him eating you, and fucking you ... I told you how much I love to masturbate. Well I’d like to sit there in the corner like a horny little mouse and watch while my husband sucked your pussy, and fucked you, and made you suck his cock, and...”

“STOP!” Lisa shouted. “You’re making me so hot I’m going to masturbate right here in front of you if you don’t stop talking like this. Do you know how long it’s been since I got fucked ... really fucked good? A year, Cheryl. Tom hasn’t touched me in a year. Not that I cared all that much. The love went out of this marriage a long time ago, but it doesn’t mean I don’t still get horny. And listening to you talking about Ron fucking me is driving me CRAZYYYYYY!”

Cheryl looked at her friend, took a deep breath, then asked, “Would you do it?”

“Would I do what?” Lisa asked, trying to think of something other than what Cheryl had told her.

“Would you let Ron fuck you? As a favor ... to me? Please, Lisa. Oh God I want to see that so much. Would you? Please?” Cheryl begged.

“You’re serious about this?” Lisa asked, still not quite believing what she was hearing.

“God yes!” Cheryl said.

“What about Ron?” Lisa asked, knowing the answer.

“He’d love it. Oh God would he love it,” Cheryl grinned, sensing Lisa’s growing curiosity over what it would be like to get fucked in front of her best friend by her best friend’s husband.

Lisa took a deep breath, then sighed. “It might be a lot of fun. If you’re sure you wouldn’t mind. But it’s been so long snce I got fucked I’d probably wear your husband’s cock out!”

Cheryl squealed with delight, hugging Lisa, kissing her quickly on the lips. “Oh God, Lisa, this is so great! Let’s go to my house right now. I can’t wait to spring this on Ron.”

“Now? I ... I mean ... are ... are you SURE, kid? There’d be no turning back, you know,” Lisa said, the hunger in her pussy stronger now, as the familiar sexual cravings began to develop ... the cravings she knew she wouldn’t be able to deny once they surfaced. She knew she’d either have to masturbate, or ... get fucked ... fucked by her friend’s husband.

“Come ON, Lisa ... right now, before you have time to change your mind. Now get out of those dirty jeans shorts and let’s get you properly slutted up. Ron LOVES sexy lingerie, and I know you have some because you were wearing it on the Internet, so where are those lavender panties, garter belt, bra and stockings you had on in the pictures?”

A few minutes later Lisa located the sensuous lingerie. “Is this what you mean?” she asked, holding up the high, French-cut bikini panties and the matching lace garter belt and stockings.

“Yes! Now get that tee shirt off, and put this stuff on and let’s GOOOOO!” Cheryl coaxed, walking over to Lisa, tugging up the bottom of Lisa’s tee shirt, pulling it up over her breasts, then over her head, tossing it aside.

Cheryl looked at Lisa’s naked breasts and felt her eyes fluttering half-closed. Lisa obviously hadn’t worn a bra, and now she was standing in front of Cheryl topless. The effect on both women was spontaneous ... Lisa felt her nipples hardening, and felt her pussy becoming positively drenched as Cheryl’s hungry gaze seemed to devour the naked breasts.

“Take ... take off your shorts now, Lisa. And ... and your panties,” Cheryl breathed.

Lisa stared at her friend for a moment, feeling the hunger in her cunt building, then reached to her waist and unsnapped the closure on her shorts, unzipping them before slowly pulling them down over her hips, then over her knees, where they dropped to the floor. Stepping out of them, she stared at Cheryl, and noticed her unconsciously rubbing her nipples, pinching them, as she stood there staring at Lisa’s nudity.

“Now ... now your panties, Lisa. Take them off, too,” Cheryl stammered, her voice cracking as she spoke.

“Is this turning you on, Cheryl? Knowing you’re going to be watching me sucking ... and FUCKING your husband?” Lisa asked, slowly rolling the conservative cotton panties down over her hips, revealing her naked pussy as Cheryl watched, raping Lisa with her eyes.

“God yes,” Cheryl moaned, brazenly reaching down to rub her pussy as Lisa continued removing the panties. When she stepped out of them she picked them up, stared at them for a moment, then handed them to Cheryl.

“Want these?” she smirked.

“Oh Goddddd yes!” Cheryl gasped, quickly bringing the moist panties to her nose, inhaling deeply, her eyes fluttering open and closed briefly as the pungent scent from Lisa’s excited pussy filled Cheryl’s nostrils.

“I don’t do women, Cheryl,” Lisa said gently.

“I ... I know ... it’s ... it’s okay. I’ll just watch. If that’s what you want,” Cheryl said, clearly disappointed. “But hurry and get dressed. I want to see you in that lingerie in person, not just in pictures, okay?”

Lisa pulled on the delicate, lace panties and snapped the garter belt around her waist. As she rolled the lavender stockings up her long, perfectly shaped legs, she found herself unconsciously acting as seductive as possible, teasing her friend. She also found herself enjoying it, and wondered what it meant. Lisa had never fooled around with another woman ... well ... other than that one time in college when she and Pam, her roommate, had gotten into a little sex play late one night after a frat party. It had only happened that one time, and Lisa hadn’t really done much, other than to lie there and enjoy what she allowed Pam to do to her. She also did remember she’d loved it ... the feeling of Pam’s soft hands on her breasts, and better still, the sensations Pam’s soft lips and tongue had caused on Lisa’s clit. God she’d come hard that night. Afterward neither she nor Pam had mentioned the incident again, and it hadn’t been repeated. Still ... it had felt wonderful ... soft ... tender ... different from a man’s touch.

“You’re beautiful,” Cheryl moaned, staring at Lisa.

“So are you, Cheryl,” Lisa said, smiling.

“Oh God, Lisa, let’s hurry ... I’m so fucking hot right now I could just die. Just wear a raincoat or something over that, but hurry. I can’t wait for Ron to see you in that lingerie.”

“I thought you couldn’t wait to see him fucking me,” Lisa teased.

“Well, sure ... that, too. Oh God, Lise, I want everything. Come ON! Let’s GO! I’m so hot, baby, I’m ready to come just from thinking about what’s going to happen.

On the drive to Cheryl’s house, with Cheryl driving, Lisa felt her pussy growing more and more wet, and suddenly the desire to tease her friend was getting to her, so on impulse Lisa let the raincoat fall open, exposing her thighs ... and pussy as she seductively began to stroke it in front of Cheryl. Was this really happening? Or would she wake up with her legs wrapped around the pillow again, bathed in sweat, as the crushing disappointment of the dream’s end and morning’s reality set in.

Cheryl pulled into the drive way of the Blake’s beautiful home, and parked the car. As they both burst into the kitchen from the garage, she called out to her husband immediately.

“Ronnnn ... Ron, I have a surprise for you darling!” she shouted.

“Oh hi, babe,” Ron smiled, walking into the kitchen wearing only a pair of blue boxer shorts and no top. “LISA! Hi ... I ... I didn’t know you were here, too,” Ron said, his face turning red as he remembered the pictures from the night before, and Cheryl’s insistence he call her Lisa during their lovemaking.

“Hi Ron,” Lisa grinned, unable to stop herself from looking down at the growing erection evident beneath Ron’s flimsy running shorts.

Noticing her gaze, Ron tried to stand so the erection was concealed, but in the skimpy shorts it was impossible to hide the outline of his rather large cock from Lisa’s probing eyes.

“Darling, get us a drink. Open that bottle of champagne we’ve been saving for a special occasion. If ever there was a special occasion, this is it, believe me,” Cheryl grinned.

“And the occasion is...?” Ron inquired.

“Lisa wants to see her pictures on the Internet. And if you’re a very good boy, she’ll show you what she looks like in the same lingerie ... in person,” Cheryl beamed proudly.

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