Tom at Sail Camp - Cover

Tom at Sail Camp

Copyright© 2022 by Dionysos

Chapter 1: Saturday

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Saturday - Tom meets two hot girls on the first day at Sail Camp. They appear to be in a relationship but still flirt with him. Tom has no idea where this is going but he wants to find out!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Tom’s Dad dropped him off at Sail Camp. “Have fun!” His dad shouted as Tom got his bag out of the car. “I will” Tom replied and headed off down the drive to the Sail Camp villa. He had been a few times before and really enjoyed himself. A mixture of sun, sea and pretty girls was a great way to spend time over the summer. He also loved the sailing and this year he was booked on an advanced course.

Mark, the Sail Camp Manager greeted him at the door and told him his room number. He would be sharing with a guy on the same course. He went up to his room and unloaded the stuff from his bag. All he had was shorts, t-shirts, underwear and a swimtowel plus toiletries. Oh, and a pair of flip-flops and a pack of condoms, which he realised might be wishfull thinking.

He went down to the rec room to see if there was anyone else he knew this week. His friend Nathan was already hitting on Larissa, a really hot but lately sad looking girl from his school. He really fancied her but she had always seemed to be with some other guy...

He scanned the room and his eyes stopped on two pretty girls he did not know. They both looked about 14, a couple of years younger than him. One was blond with short hair which was unusual. She had an athletic figure and he thought she looked really cute with her bum accentuated by her tight shorts and, although she had omitted a bra which her small breasts did not really need, her nipples made a couple of sexy little peaks in her t-shirt. Her friend was a little shorter and almost her opposite, with long wavy black hair. She was also athletic looking but darker skinned and had larger breasts, more flared hips and a very sexy bum. Nathan thought both of them looked really hot and he went over to them.

“Hello ladies, I’m Tom” Is this your first time at Sail Camp?”

“Hi Tom, I’m Maria” replied the blond.

“And I’m Francesca” replied the other girl. “It’s the first time for both of us so we’re both a bit apprehensive.”

“No need to be” he replied. “The worst that can happen is you get wet and with the temperatures we’ve been having lately, it’s quite a relief. You might want to wear a bikini under your t-shirt and shorts as we often go for a swim after sailing and don’t forget a towel.”

“Thanks for the tip” Maria replied.

He asked them which schools they went to. Maria went to the same school as his friend Nathan but Francesca went to a Catholic girls school.

“So Maria, you must know Nathan” Tom asked.

“Yes, he’s really nice and always says ‘Hi’ when we see each other” Maria replied.

They continued chatting about each other’s families, friends and where they lived which was quite close to each other.

Maria was born in Mallorca. Her mother was Spanish, from Barcelona but her father was Swedish and Maria appeared to have inherited more of his genes. Her second name was Anna after her father’s mother. Francesca was from Andalucia in the south of Spain. She explained that she had both Arabic and Gypsy blood and that her grandmother was a famous flamenco dancer.

Tom was almost apologetic about his ‘boring ‘ English background.

They went into dinner together and were soon joined by Nathan and Larissa, who was Maria and Francesca’s roommate.

The manager, Mark did his usual welcoming speech and they all watched some sailing videos which were mainly for beginners but wetted the appetite of all the kids who could not wait to be on the water in the morning.

Afterwards, Tom mingled with some of the other kids and instructors he knew from previous visits then went back to his room to get a good night’s sleep before the sailing in the morning. He met his roommate, Juan who was also on the advanced course and they chatted a while.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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