Stellar Drift Short: Jack Coralane - Cover

Stellar Drift Short: Jack Coralane

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 1

Kordessa Station, In orbit over Kordessa Four
Timestamp: 3 / 17 /2291 Sol standard
[Five years ago]

Jack Coralane listened to the A.T.I.S. [Automatic terminal information system] of Kordessa station for the correct procedures he would need to follow to dock with the station before him. He maneuvered his delta shaped, multi-purpose spacecraft toward a line of small craft with their docking lights flashing and keyed his radio.

“Kordessa V.T.C. [void traffic controller], this is Vitgar Zero Eight Bravo on approach, request permission to dock, over,” Jack said over his radio.

“Kordessa V.T.C. has received your request, Vitgar Zero Eight Bravo. Permission granted. Proceed to small craft lock three and maintain five thousand meters spacing while in queue. How copy? Over.”

“Vitgar Zero Eight Bravo proceeding to lock three at five thousand meter spacing, over.” Jack altered course until he was in the docking queue of lock three, setting the Vitgar on automated controls.

Kordessa station was a massive installation. The core was sunk deep in the heart of a large asteroid, with gigantic booms emerging from the surface of the rock. These booms were attached to large dockyards and external superstructure in an almost complete ring around the equator of the asteroid. Nearly a hundred thousand souls lived full or part time aboard the station, meeting the needs of massive void traffic as well as working in one of the League’s largest shipyards. Jack saw a new capital ship for the navy under construction, an 8-6-6 warship, likely to end up as a flagship for a task force. Such a massive vessel could project enough offensive power to defeat a Ref’yao raiding force, or an Emmivak shoal. Gone were the old designations of frigates, cruisers, and battleships in the Terran navy, though several races still used these designations for their own vessels. Terran modular ships now were classed by how many pods they could mount. The 8-6-6 for instance, meant eight modular pods across the top, six up each side and six across the bottom. Pods came equipped with missile launch cells, energy weapons, coil guns, kinetic cannons, defensive systems, or a variety of utility pods, depending on the vessel’s needs. There were several smaller ships of various sizes, undergoing refits and maintenance, along with a pair of escort carriers and a Q carrier

As Jack drew up to the lock, the vast form of a fleet carrier appeared from behind the zenith of the station. Three times the size of the 8-6-6, and with several smaller ship’s in picket formation, it was setting out for departure.

If all else fails, I could probably get on board one of those carriers as a combat pilot, Jack considered. I have enough prior training. Getting accepted should be easy enough. Not too sure about those Q carriers though.

He considered the nature of such vessels, being designed to look like ripe commercial targets to tempt pirates into attacking, then revealing their hidden armaments and combat craft wings at close range. Q carriers and Q ships still suffered high casualties if such action occurred as enemy vessels targeted them as priority. They always offered a high wage and signing premiums, along with bonuses and perks to those who joined up, however.

Jack approached the docking bay, lining up on the open airlock door. He communicated with the lock controller until he was landed, and the outer door had closed. When the inner lock opened, he rolled forward on light thrust and began following markings on the deck, leaving the airlock, and making a right turn. He passed several dozen parked craft before making a left, rolling down the vast cavern of the small craft docking bay. He passed several rows of void craft before he saw directing staff with illuminated paddles, guiding him to a parking location. His large Vitgar fighter was directed to oversize parking, where he pulled into a vacant space. He was directed by paddle movements to lock brakes and throttle down engine. Once that was done, a pair of deck crew set chocks against his wheels and attached straps to docking hooks on his wings and fuselage. Once the fighter was secure, he was instructed to exit. Jack stepped down and one of the deck crew told him to follow the green line on the floor to the exit. As he pulled a travel bag from the cargo compartment of his Vitgar, he saw another craft already rolling up the lane.

Busy place here today, Jack noted as he moved at a brisk pace to get out of the noise and cool air of the hangar.

The place had that typical, metallic smell like ozone. A smell that lingered in any location that saw a lot of activity via airlocks. Jack stepped into a changeroom where he could remove his void suit and store it in a locker, changing over to a grey shirt and dark brown pants. He brushed his short brown hair and let his blue eyes fall over his appearance in the mirror over a sink. Five foot ten and in relatively good shape, he gave himself a nod and popped a couple of mints in his mouth. He then shouldered his travel bag and headed into the station proper.

“Greetings, whatsh your deshtination?” A greeter asked Jack as he stepped through the entryway to the hangar. She was a Shalluait, a bovine like race from the galactic west of League space. Tall, broad, and strong looking. She had brown fur with a short tail, capped with a tuft of the same brown fur. Brown eyes, large oval ears, and a short, broad face. She regarded Jack warmly.

“Howdy, going to the recruiting center.” Jack replied.

“Follow the main concourshe for a thoushand meters, then take the elevator or shtairs to the sheventh floor. Once there, you will find shignage that will direct you to the shenter. Do you need any other ashishtance?

“No, thank you,” Jack smiled and nodded. “That’s all I need.”

“Have a pleashant day,” The Shalluait greeter said

“And you as well” Jack smiled and headed off.

Jack passed several branching concourses that lead into the depths of the station. Above him, the atrium was open all the way to the top where it appeared you could see outside the top of the station. In reality, it was a projected image in real time, captured by external cameras and displayed across a screen that was located against armored panels. Jack passed by dozens of races on his way to the appropriate elevator. Some, like the high-tech kitted, canid looking Lexocanus, were rare. Others, like the herbivorous, long snouted, and horned Praeminians, were much more common. Jack watched a pair of young Praeminian kids sticking sweet candy lozenges to each other’s fur before the mother saw and stopped them immediately. He passed a dice game being played on the floor, against the side of the concourse, by a rodent looking Cordivain and a pair of canid looking Kakrins. He saw several well-dressed reptilian Zovakoss, hurrying along with their constantly updating data specs, document cases and flickering data pads. He walked by a noodle shop and saw a feline-like Quanolan couple enjoying lunch. As Jack neared the elevator to go up to the recruiting center, a large Sikar’Antar approached, flanked on either side by Sikar’Sezar. The Antar was tall, broad and had a carapace across its back, ending in a small tail with a rock-hard mallet like growth at the end. The Sezars, a male and a female, had the vague look of dromaeosaurs from prehistoric Terra. Covered in a light fur in most places, with feathery plumes off their heads, elbows, and the ends of their tails, they carried themselves with confidence. All three were dressed in duty uniforms, likely on their way to a meeting in the void naval offices.

Jack reached the recruiting center and let out a sigh when he saw how tremendously busy it was. The registration office even had a lengthy line to which he moved to reach the end of. Comprised of people from all the different races, Jack bit his lip momentarily as he reached the end.

Oh wow! Might not have picked the best time to come here. Is this place always this busy? He pulled his commpad out and started looking up silly videos on the stellar net to make the wait more bearable.

Jack finally made it to the registration desk and a Praeminian female waved for him to approach. Her ears stood up cheerfully, flanked by modest horns on the top of her head. Large green eyes regarded Jack kindly, and her long snout ended in a smile. She had a cervid like face, something like a gazelle, with brown and white markings.

“Hello,” she said with a bow of the head. “What is intended employ?”

“Merchant Void Navy, officer position if possible.” Jack answered.

“Name please?”

“Jack Coralane.”

“Length of time on board station seeking potential recruitment?”

“I’ll give it a week.” Jack replied.

“Ok, any information to submit to employers?”

Jack handed her a data chip with his relevant information on it. As she took the chip, she caught sight of his forearm and the faint markings of the bottom of a tattoo. The words ‘Free Artema for all’ were visible. Jack saw her focus on the tattoo, and he bit his lip in uncomfortable anticipation of her inquiry.

“Please don’t.” He whispered.

“Oh, apologies but...” The Praeminian looked at him intently. “ ... You should bear mark with pride.”

“That’s not me,” Jack said humbly.

“I ... uh, ok,” She did not wish to push him into anything. “Just that, mark bears a level of respect from many. Terrible time with harrowing events and tragedy, but also light in dark places from those who defended the defenseless.”

Jack nodded. “I understand. Just live a good life, that’s all we wish to see.”

“Certainly, Pata,” she replied, using the Praeminian moniker denoting a higher level of respect.

She took his information and entered it into the system where potential employers would have direct access to it.

“Information has been entered successfully. Chance of interview today will be low. Employers usually look over applications in the evening, summon prospects in the morning. If you are summoned, merchant recruiting is on second floor. This paper will show you where to go,” She handed him a piece of paper with some information and a map. “Any questions, Pata?”

“No, that’s all, Teeno,” Jack read her name from her tag.

“I...” Teeno stood up. “May I get photo with you?”

“Uh, sure,” Jack nodded. “May I ask why?”

“You wish no accolades for actions on Artema. At least allow me a photo. To share with other Praeminians. We wish to account for all who served in the free forces.”

“Fair enough,” Jack allowed her to stand beside him and take a photo of them together.

Before he knew it, she had him in a quick hug, whispering a line of gratitude in his ear, before stepping back to regain herself.

“Green pastures, Jack.” She spoke.

“Green pastures, Teeno.” He replied with a smile and left.

Outside the registration area, Jack yawned.

Alright, what to do to pass the time? He thought as he waited for employment interview requests to come in.

“Yo, is that fucking Coralane?” Jack heard someone call from behind him.

He turned to see Toby Grant approach. Darker skinned, brown eyed and a little bit on the heavy side, Toby approached with a smile. He had cut off his hair to a light buzz, revealing a scar channel across his cranium. As he extended a hand to Jack, the sight of his missing small finger and scar pocked hand stood out.

“It is you! How you been bro?” He asked.

“Damn fine,” Jack said, smiling as they embraced.

“Haven’t seen ya since the great fuckrumble. You doing ok?” Toby asked.

“Been pretty good.” Jack replied. “Yourself?”

“Days get easier, sometimes...” Toby nodded. “Sometimes they’re filled with so many fucking shades on the edge ... Sorry about Emily.”

Jack nodded as a bit of emotion hit his face. “Sorry for your losses too ... for Sela,” He whispered.

“Sela... “ Toby was lost in thought for a moment, his face resting in a pained expression.

Emily had died a quick death, a victim of an airstrike, as with your father and brother, Toby. That’s just war, just the shitty reality of it. Sela however, had met a violent end as a prisoner of war, just because of whom she chose to love ... and we failed to get to her in time ... we failed...

“So...” Toby said a bit loudly as he pushed away his emotions. “ ... recruiting up huh?”

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “Expect a two hour wait to get to the desk, then keep your commpad on through the evening. They won’t contact you until this evening at the earliest, I was told.”

“Ah, well, lemme get in this here fuckin line then. We can waste the night away after, huh?” Toby grinned.

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “Lookin forward to it.” He turned his commpad on. “Here, tap tops and swap info. I need to make sure we’re updated.”

Toby followed suit and smiled. “Alright Jacko. I’ll get in touch when done broyo.”

“Sounds good,” Jack nodded and grinned a bit cheekily. “Good luck with the wait.”

“Fun times on Kordessa.” Toby waved and headed off to the end of the line.

“Yo fucko, you good to get smashed?” Jack saw his commpad chime with a message from Toby.

“Drunk maybe, not punched out,” He sent back.

“Haha, wheres a good place on this spinning top?” Toby messaged.

“Not sure, this place is new to me.”

“Alright. You at Royal?”

“Yeah, you?” Jack replied.

“No. Hotel somesortafuck. Hold on, I’ll come to you. Out here it’s not too lively for places.”

“You outer axis?” Jack asked.

“Yeah, pretty far.”


“Yeah, your hotel there wants like eight hundred lucs [League universal credits] a night. I ain’t willing to spend that kinda nomino.”

“Fair enough. I probably overspent.” Jack sent back.

“Yeah, ah well. Been here only one night and this place gives me some regret though.”

“Why?” Jack raised his brows.

“Couple next door. I think they’re a sleep-together kinda couple. Know what I mean bro?”

“Bim bam ramma jam?” Jack asked with a grin.

“Full orchestra. One is def a Quanolan. Can hear the purring moans, the other though, like got me curious here. They be mixed species. Think it might be a Setsolei. Can’t judge though, wouldn’t anyway.”

“Heh, did you perhaps get the red rendezvous type of hotel?”

“...” Jack could visualize Toby’s frown.

“Yeah?” Jack grinned as he asked.

“Fucked in the sun, you know what? I didn’t even think of that. My bed...” Jack started laughing as a slew of regretful remarks came in about the things Toby’s bed may have been subject too.

“Ah, fuckin hell bro.” Toby said as he met Jack on the causeway outside the Royal hotel.

“You sure you wanna stay there?” Jack started laughing.

“No, now that I know it’s a red rendezvous type o’ place,” Toby frowned.

“Well, see if they have vacancies here. I’ll chill. I need a smoke anyway.”

“Aight, back in a jiff,” Toby stepped inside and Jack lit up a cigarette.

By the time he was done, Toby rejoined him.

“Damned pricey man,” Toby let out a sigh. “Two nights and bright stars fucking, that hurts the wallet...”

“Yeah, but the rooms...” Jack smiled.

“Oh? I haven’t looked yet. Just got the keycard.”

“Why don’t you move your stuff over and cancel at the other place. I’ll dig us up some good entertainment.” Jack suggested.

“Sounds good man, need like thirty mins, give or take?”

“However long you need,” Jack nodded.

“Thanks bro. Ok, off with me, back soon.”

Jack used the time to send off a few messages on his commpad, waiting on a bench along the avenue that served as a ‘street’ on the station. No large vehicles ran on this level, only small battery powered carts of various, limited size. Most of the traffic was foot, with the occasional wing equipped race passing overhead. One such four-legged member, a Yisinthi, glided in low to land on the avenue, raising its large wings up to fold them above its back. To Jack, it resembled something like a small dragon or a drake from Terran mythology, being maybe three times his body mass in overall size. Brown and black lightly scaled skin, four legged with large leathery wings on its back and equipped with a tail with a plume of green feathers. The face was reptilian, green gold eyes with scaled brows and small horns above them. Larger red feathers crowned the head along with a leathery crest. The Yisinthi wore clothing but not in the same manner as Terrans. It had a lower body wrap that wound around part of the tail and the upper rear legs and lower waist. Another kind of wrap wove between the wing joints and around the chest, leaving part of the middle section exposed as well as the fore legs. A carrying satchel rested to one side as the Yisinthi sat up against the wall on its hind legs and reached into its satchel to pull out a large commpad and send off a message. Leather-like finned ears stood on end when the Yisinthi saw Jack.

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