Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 43

The plan to open the airlock and retrieve Kazlaena had been initiated as soon as the station boarding teams were all safely aboard the Sumpter. This was necessary out of concern that the station would initiate destruction as soon as the airlock opened. Once Spurius had the Sumpter in the landing bay airlock, the go ahead had been given and Jack had made the rescue attempt. It was a tense couple of minutes before the boarding teams had gotten radio confirmation that Kazlaena was aboard the Astral Feather, though in critical condition.

“C’mon kid, you can pull through.” Cardox spoke quietly to himself as he thought of Kazlaena while he comforted Rusu.

The lexo had broken down when he had heard the news and could only hold onto Cardox in a near suffocating grasp during their travel back to the Astral Feather. They were also uncertain of D-17’s situation, having seen Rusu trying to run a diagnostic on the cybernetic lifeform when they first boarded.

“Hey Cards?” Sita said as she looked over the unconscious Praeminian currently in the medical care of Kasa.


“This guy here, he...” she went silent as she recalled some information. “ ... this is the fuckin clerk from Pranza Station. Ya know? The one at the shuttle agency. We were gonna get a lil gift to help brighten his day, remember?”

Cardox gave Rusu a comforting pat on the back before they parted and he moved over to Sita’s side, looking at the Praeminian.

“Fuck! Batam right? Batam is his name?” Cardox looked upon Batam with concern, given his poor condition.

“Yea,” Sita replied.

“Why do you think they went after him?” Kasa asked as she looked up to each of them for a moment.

“Information of some sort.” Cardox stated. “It’s what I’d be after if I felt it necessary to resort to abducing somebody in his position.”

“Are there any others that could be at risk?” Kasa asked while she inserted an IV into Batam’s arm.

“Anybody that had access to information about us.” Cardox answered.

“That means charge cards, reservations, even fuckin places we ate meals at.” Sita said in a low tone, feeling the gravity of their situation sink in as the potential danger to so many people became apparent.

“There was no hiding this from the authorities once we had to give chase from the warehouse.” Cardox set a hand on Sita’s shoulder. “When the law comes round, we better pass on all of that intel, so that those who had the misfortune of meeting us can at least protect themselves or seek assistance in keeping safe.”

Kasa looked up at them in a thoughtful silence for a moment, before speaking.

“I do not believe anybody you have met, outside our adversaries, would consider meeting any of you a misfortune. Look what you were prepared to do when dark-hearted individuals thought it wise to abduct one of you.”

“Heh, we messed them up pretty good.” Sita forced a laugh through the heavy feelings of doubt and uncertainty filling the Sumpter.

“We sent them a royal fuck-you message right up their backenders.” Ben stated as he and Hyone joined the conversation after having tended to some minor wounds.

“You both good?” Cardox asked.

“Superficial injuries.” Hyone replied. “Back feels funny. Will get it checked.”

“Wish my injury was superficial.” Sita played with her arm some, and Cardox stopped her.

“Stop fucking with it.”

“You’d think a broken arm would hurt more than this.” Sita remarked, then froze.

“Good?” Ben asked.

“Nope-ack.” Sita leaned to one side and threw up on the deck of the Sumpter.

“Yep, see Hyone. Everyone throws up.” Ben hit Hyone’s belly and she grabbed his arm, before casting it aside.

“She dun puked up while we were fightin bots.” Ben stepped back as he spoke. “Sounded so fucked. Never knew a Kakrin made them sounds. Never gonna un-know either.”

Hyone made a mocking gesture with her hand about Ben talking too much, then handed Sita a pail. Sita took it and made good use of it while Hyone threw a towel over the mess on the deck.

“Any news with D-17?” Cardox asked Rusu.

“No, none.” Rusu looked up at Cardox with uncertainty.

“Update on all crew.” Spurius’ voice came in over the intercom. “Kaz is priority, still critical. Pri is urgent, still critical but improving. All other crew in various conditions, stable and non-critical. Docking in two minutes.”

Cardox noticed Rusu break down emotionally once more and he reached out to offer the Lexo continued comfort, then gave instruction to the group.

“When we dock, we need to be on the double with Batam to medical.” Cardox spoke to Hyone. “Everyone else able, assist in moving D-17 to the science center, then rally on medical to assist where you can. Rusu, you continue to work on D-17 if the Captain has no other order for you, roger?”

“Will uh, do, will continue,” Rusu nodded as he struggled to get a handle on his emotions. “We’re all fucked up from this and we need each other more than ever. Sita, you go to medical right away. Get that arm set.”

“I can help too bucko.” Sita looked at Cardox.

“Not with that arm. You’ll do more harm than good plus you keep screwing around with it.”

“It’s just broken and fucked up, don’t sweat it. Salakane got that covered. Can’t feel a thing.”


“Alright, alright, I’ll get it dealt with,” Sita assured him.

Jack caught a commtext from Lucinia, requesting that they meet in the quiet confines of the drinks lounge. He was reluctant to leave Kazlaena or Pri, both still unconscious and in such a weak, horrid state it threatened to break his composure. He knew he had to meet Lucinia, out of necessity and for support. It only took a moment to reach the rarely used lounge to meet her, where they embraced each other in a mix of emotions.

“Thank the stars you are ok.” She let out a deep breath.

“And you and all the rest of the crew.” He replied. “Our mission was successful though it’s a far cry from success.”

“Wounds will heal,” Lucinia said, then took note of the bandages on Jack’s hand. “Oh Jack!”

“It’s pretty fucked,” he said as he moved his fingers around, finally closing his fist a couple of times. “Charm had a quick look. I’ll need some treatment to heal the damage and get full use back. Feels pretty trivial given the situation and what others are dealing with.” “No injury is trivial, but I understand. There are others who need the help first-” Lucinia’s voice cut off sharply as she felt her emotions about to take over. “The kid’s strong, so is the doodle.” Jack closed his eyes for a moment. “I’m concerned for Charm in this too. We should consider returning to Pranza Station, or having InterSAR come here for assistance. There is help with her, but not quite the help she needs. We can only do so much.”

“InterSAR is already en-route.” Lucinia brushed his back, then patted him to offer comfort. “Star Guard as well. They will be here in twenty minutes.”

“We better debrief before they arrive.” Jack said, closing his eyes as he thought of what came next. “We need to be on the same page, at least as far as our story is concerned.”

“To fabricate a tale that keeps us from facing the consequences of our actions?” Lucinia had a deep uncertainty in the tone of her voice.

“There is nothing we can bash together in time to make our involvement acceptable to the authorities.” Jack closed his eyes. “If the warehouse had gone well, we could have hidden our involvement and withdrawn safely.”

“What you and the others did down there...” Lucinia paused to let out some rising emotion. “ ... you, them, us up here, we saved people, Jack. People in that villa who would have died or disappeared if it had only been the warehouse you had struck. There is some good to come from this mess in that they have a different fate now, regardless of what is in store for us.” Jack stood in silence with Lucinia after her remarks, holding onto her until his emotions settled, yet she could tell something was amiss.

“Will you be ok?” She asked. “I know how close you hold Kazzie and Pri to your heart. If two residents in there are hurting...”

“I have to take it step by step,” Jack said. “There’s going to be a lot to get through over the next couple days. All the emotion from this. Who knows what we will face with Star Guard. Pranza authorities may come at us on top of everything else. All of that was a risk we were prepared for. Yet...”

“Jack? What’s wrong?” Lucinia leaned back so she could look him in the eyes.

“The last thing I got from that message from Black Nova was a warning. This is not over. They will come for us again.”

Lucinia put her head against him and whispered, “Another expectation, to be sure.”

“I don’t know how we will be able to deal with Black Nova if we are separated and in who knows what situation. If we face prison time, we may have to deal with them there. If we face...” “Day by day,” Lucinia whispered. “One thing at a time.”

Jack remained silent as he let the thoughts in his head settle, then whispered. “Day by day.” “I want to stay here with you for the rest of whatever time we may have left...” Lucinia spoke with an open heart. “But we need to attend the others and our remaining matters.” Jack gave her another strong hug, then kissed her, hoping this was not the last kiss he would ever share with her, before they headed off to rally everyone they could to the rec room.

Many of the crew were gathered in the rec room within a few minutes, sharing support and offering each other comfort before Lucinia called for everyone’s attention.

“These past few days have been difficult, filled with fear, dread and apprehension due to our overall situation. Kazlaena has been rescued, but her situation is very serious. She has sustained damage to her lungs that will require time and care to see her through. Pri is holding steady, but she will be out for some time, pending recovery from several severe injuries. Dr. Lytton has concluded that she will require further treatment to deal with afflictions from the gunshot wounds. D-17 is in shutdown and Rusu is currently working on the scope of D-17’s condition, however no further news is available. Many of us have various levels of injury, both physical and emotional, so we need to continue to be that pillar for each other to hold everyone up. This will be urgent when we deal with Star Guard, who is set to arrive very shortly.” “So, what’s the plan with them?” Sita asked.

“There is no time to put together a solid story.” Lucinia spoke with resignation.

“We should play silent,” Proculus spoke up. “We do not need to tell them anything without legal representation present.”

“I don’t feel Star Guard is the concern,” Cardox said. “It’s Pranza authorities that can come after us. Our actions in space can fall under self-defense and void farer security easy enough. Chasing kidnappers is not against the law if proof can be provided.”

“We can do that,” Lucinia looked around to each of the crew. “Flight recorders will show hostile intent on both parties, but we have cause on our side. They took Kazzie from us and threatened harm upon her.”

“What was done to them on Pranza could be used against us, even with Star Guard.” Proculus noted. “It may be used to swing things in their favor.”

“If they can prove we were even fuckin there,” Sita said.

“We do not know what evidence they have to bring to bear regarding Pranza.” Lucinia put her hands behind her back. “If they can tie one action to the other, it can become problematic. However, we need only prove they had illegally detained one of us in space and our actions can be validated outside Pranza jurisdiction.”

“So, we be straight with Star Guard?” Proculus spoke with doubt.

“It would be in our interests to do so.” Lucinia replied with some measure of confidence.

“Then how do we deal with Pranza?” Proculus asked.

“Day by day,” Jack said, leaning against the wall. “Look, this whole ordeal has been a fuckup and a nightmare. We got our girl back, but not in good condition, and the cost has yet to be fully realized. A lot of things went wrong in this operation, but we are in one piece. Today showed there was no lack of courage in this crew and no limit to what we will endure for one of our own. What we did down there, it sent a strong message to Black Nova.” Jack was silent for a moment. “However, they alluded to this play having more than one act. We need to be vigilant.”

“Speaking of Black Nova...” Cardox looked at Lucinia. “What of the pilot who turned over to us?”

“Yeah,” Jack concurred. “I would be dead if not for them, if not for her.”

“Both the Kondra and the pod it is towing are undergoing a scan to ensure there are no dangers to being brought on board.” Lucinia answered.

“We should be letting Star Guard handle them.” Proculus remarked.

“No,” Jack took a couple paces forward to expand his presence in the conversation. “She saved my life, and I have reason to believe her and the occupant in the other pod are forced into servitude.”

“What proof?” Proculus demanded.

“She showed me a collar.” Jack replied.

“Certain it is no trick?” Proculus asked.

“Impossible to be certain, but I doubt it.” Jack said.

“Be a pretty fucky trick.” Sita chimed in.

“This is still foolish,” Proculus stated. “We can allow the pilot to surrender to Star Guard, and if their story is genuine, they will be looked after. We do not need...” he paused as if pondering something, before continuing, “ ... criminals on this ship, especially those who were in service of the enemy.”

“I doubt they be real deal criminals if they fuckin saved Jack-boy,” Ben spoke up, then whispered under his breath, ‘you fuckin moron’.

“They could try anything. We still do not know the extent of why they turned,” Proculus kept up the debate. “Who knows what kind of plan they may have put together.”

“You sayin they saved one of us and downed missiles that would have ended this ship, all for a ruse so Black Nova could tackle this ship later?” Sita looked at Proculus with disbelief.

“I do not know, Kildahl, do you? Without certainty, do you feel it is ok to let the enemy board?”

“Fuckin, let’s do it,” Sita replied as if she had lost interest in the matter. “Might offer us some intel, who knows.”

“That is a good point,” Lucinia remarked. “They could prove useful if they are genuine. They should know much about our adversary.”

“Why would we want to know?” Proculus shot his sister a concerned look. “Do we intend to keep fighting Black Nova? Fight them now with wounded personnel and understaffed positions?”

“One step at a time.” Lucinia replied. “We will need to work on our future safety once we manage our current tasks. We have a reprieve; we need to utilize it the best that we can. Now, the pilots. Is everyone in agreement to let the two Black Nova pilots aboard?” Lucinia asked everyone assembled.

Though there was some doubt, everyone eventually agreed to let the pilots surrender to the ship and explain their situation.

“Alright.” Lucinia acknowledged the crew’s decision. “Time is running out and we better get on with this next action. We will be honest with Star Guard regarding our exploits in space, telling them how it is. We undocked from the station and gave chase. If they ask about the captives we rescued, we will have to request legal counsel, and that is likely as far as that will go. Star Guard usually will not press too hard on matters of self-defense. They may ask for various statements, but things should be in our favor with them. Regarding Pranza authorities, speak not to them until we have counsel. All in agreement?”

Everyone agreed.

“Pass on the info to those not in attendance.” Lucinia instructed. “Jack?”


“You and Cardox join me on the hangar deck. Be armed, just in case.”

“Understood.” Jack said as they all set to their tasks.

“Nyka is using her drones to bring the separated cockpit over.” Lucinia said as Jack and Cardox stood at the door. “The Kondra pilot insisted we retrieve the pod first. Nyka’s drones have not detected anything suspicious though we will procced with caution.” “We best be thorough in any searches we do on them.” Cardox said. “We will make sure they are safe before they leave the hangar,” Lucinia assured them. “We will not let them beyond this point until we are confident that there is no danger.” “The Kondra pilot saved my life out there, and by that action and their continued assistance in the battle, they helped preserve this ship.” Jack voiced his thoughts. “I still think it is far too much of an effort to be a ruse, given what they did to get here.” “Why do they wish to surrender at all?” Cardox brought up another point. “Could the pilot in the active Kondra not make a run for it?” “Whoever is in that pod must be keeping them here.” Lucinia gestured to them to investigate the hangar, where the separated cockpit was being brought in to one side. “There is enough room for the Kondra to land, but we will bring the current pilot out and question them first.” “I’ll take point, you two provide flank?” Jack suggested. “Copy,” Cardox said, and Lucinia gave a nod. “Alright, here we go,” Jack opened the door to the hangar, and they filed in.

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