Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 38

Five days later

Jack was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with an out-of-control freight train of thoughts racing through his head, when his radio blipped, and Lucinia’s voice could be heard.


Jack rolled over on his bed and reached for his radio, sitting up as he responded to Lucinia.

“Jack here, go ahead.”

“Jack, they are here. Can you join me at the hangar entrance to meet them?”

“On the way,” Jack said as he stood up and got himself into some semblance of order.

A couple minutes later he was standing with Lucinia at the crew entrance to the hangar, watching as a sleek shuttle rolled in through the hangar lock, which was then directed from the control booth by Spurius to a bay to park in. When the hangar re-pressurized, Jack and Lucinia entered, waiting as the access ramp on the shuttle opened. Benjamin Wallace was the first to exit the shuttle.

“Hey there Mr. Facco. Short time, no see, mate!”

“Ben,” Jack took him in an embrace.

“Holding steady?”

“Been pretty rough.” Jack replied.

“I can fuckin imagine brother,” Ben stepped back. “Well, the cavalry has arrived. Just a couple fuckin riders missin the rodeo though.”

“I understand,” Jack managed a smile in gratitude. “I couldn’t expect everyone to just show up for something with this kind of heat.”

“Nah brother, look, It’s a little more complicated than that. Toby’s down, old memories jumping hard on his conscious. Still holds his annual memorial for the loss of Sela. I doubt he’ll ever get over her death enough to function right, not long term, not when mired with all the other fucken shit that went on during the war. He fell into uppies pretty hard. Been pretty comms silent for a solid month now. It’s a work in progress. Rosie’s down too, just had her second lil monster. Not gonna ask a momma to leave her baby for a showdown in the middle of town.”

“I wouldn’t either. I expected she’d be out and was given a heads up with Toby. The help that has come is most appreciated.” Jack assured him. “Some came from a long way away. I’ll forever be grateful for that.”

“Thanks is not needed,” Jack heard a voice from the ramp and saw Hyone Corba enter next.

She was a Kakrin, dark fur all over with black crested hair and golden eyes looking at him from a canid face. Over one muscular shoulder she carried a large military duffel bag.

“Hyone,” Jack embraced her, feeling her sniff him a few times to get reacquainted with his scent. “Thank you. I know you came very far.”

“No distance is far for family,” She replied as they separated, and she then stepped out of the way so Rhal Vando could greet Jack next.

He was Sikar-Antar. Seven feet tall and bulky with something of a carapace on his back and a clubbed tail. His large, somewhat triangular head ducked to avoid the low clearance on the shuttle as he approached in his slow gait.

“Jacko, passage of too many moons since visage fell on favorite F.A.C.”

“Your only F.A.C.” Jack stated and saw the Antar smile in kind.

“Statement may bear mixed intent.” Rhal noted.

“It actually does,” Lucinia eyed Jack. “What is this? An inside joke? Was Jack your, uh...” she let her question fade before completely asking.

“I was a forward air controller, an F.A.C. attached to these guys for most of the war. A F.A.C., faccer, fachead, ect,” Jack replied as the others burst out in laughter.

“Right,” Lucinia gave him a smile. “Suppose I should have known better.”

“Come to me for greeting,” Rhal smiled and held out a massive arm, beckoning Jack to him.

He was careful not to crush Jack as they embraced before he joined Hyone to one side.

Rick Ross and Caden Holt approached next, each carrying a duffel over their shoulders. Jack saw them and smiled, giving them a nod.

“J.C.” Rick said as he lowered his duffel and wrapped his arm around Jack.

Rick was darker skinned, blue eyed and clean shaven, including his head. A couple of scars reared their ugly shape on his chin and forearms, but he was otherwise unblemished, tall, and in good shape. Caden Holt sported short brown hair, with lighter features and skin color, and brown eyes. He had gained some weight since Jack saw him last, though it only added to his stocky build.

“Thanks for coming,” Jack said to them both. “Your union ceremony was beautiful. I’m glad you two decided to do it.”

“It wasn’t really a difficult decision,” Caden replied. “Just meant I had to sell my stuff and move to another continent is all.”

“Well, I had the bigger home,” Rick joked.

“Yes, yes you did,” Caden smiled. “The fuckin house size, that’s what it came down to when we decided who was going to move.”

“Sure, that’s not the only fuckin thing bein sized up, eh?” Ben snapped with a grin.

“Ben! The fuck?” Caden tried to sound serious.

“Hey, the car, the boat, the lawn, just sayin mate...” Ben felt Hyone cuff him in the back of the head.

“Aw, Hyonnie! Why?” Ben spun around and poked at her stomach, but she slapped his hand away and pinched his nose, causing him to retreat.

“Cheeky bastard hasn’t lost his edge, as you can see.” Rick grinned as he and Caden stood near Hyone and Rhal.

Next to greet Jack was Kasa Rekan, a lightly colored Praeminian with burn scars across one side of her face and a broken horn. Her light green eyes fell on Jack, and she approached him quickly, embracing without a word. For a moment they hugged in silence before Jack let out a deep breath and she made a short emotional outburst. Lucinia felt there might have been something close, or deeper between them, perhaps he had saved her life, or the other way around. She wanted to ask at some point but was always careful about how she went about her curiosity.

“Oh Jack,” Kasa whispered. “Sorry for what has happened.”

“You’re here, Kasa,” Jack met her eyes. “It’s more than I hoped for, better than I wished.”

“Gettin poetic here,” Ben grinned as Jack gave him the middle finger.

“Fucking guy,” Jack managed a weak smile. “I’m trying to be all emotional and grateful to everyone who came and he’s stomping on my nuts here.”

“It’s what Ben does, even kind of looks like a nutcracker. Just wish there was a lever on his back to control his mouth.” Kasa replied, bringing laughter from several of them.

“Just keeping up appearances,” Ben grinned.

“I was warned about you,” Lucinia said to Ben with a smile. “With you and Jack together, are we going to need to get the playpen out? Keep you two contained?” The laughter from several of them helped alleviate some of the dour state in the room.

“So long as I get the toy with all the fuckin blinky lights,” Ben replied.

“Eh, I kinda want that.” Jack frowned.

“I expect there will be some timeouts?” Eve Bailey said as she approached last, giving Jack a warm smile. She was bronze skinned, dark haired, blue eyed and gentle featured, despite several scars on her face and arms. Over six feet in height and often tasked with carrying heavy equipment, she was well built and muscular, yet soft spoken and patient.

“Depends on if there’s spankings,” Ben replied.

“Fuckin hell, Ben, Jeeeezzzzzz.” Eve said as she hugged Jack. “We’ll try to keep him under control Jack, but you know what he’s like, better than any of us.”

“Fuckin mamma duck here will sort me out,” Ben patted Jack’s shoulder.

“Mamma duck?” Hyone asked. “Oh, that puking in the puddle thing?”

“I didn’t send you the vid of him barfing in the fountain full of all the wee lil fucklings?” Ben asked her with surprise.

“No.” Hyone flattened her ears a little.

“Aw fuck, you’re missin gold here, Hyo-yo,” Ben laughed. “I’ll send it to you once we get sorted. Speaking of...” He looked at Jack and Lucinia. “ ... what’s the plan?”

“Well,” Jack started. “Blessed Stars am I glad you’re all here. I know we live far afield, some quite far...” He gave Hyone and Kasa a respectful nod. “We’re on different paths, different lives, starting different families. Times like this, I wish this shit wasn’t the main reason that brings us together, yet I’m grateful beyond words you’re all here.”

“You act like you owe us for this,” Rick said. “Jack, we owe each other nothing, and everything. Not one of us got through what we did without someone else watching our backsides.”

“Fuckin rights,” Ben replied. “Remember the fuckup at Goldcross? Fucked in a canyon with nowhere to go and you walked those fucking gunruns right into those limpdick loyalists. Smoked their mortar and rocket positions pretty fuckin good so we could break cover and advance, making good our breakout.”

“Just a job,” Jack tried to dismiss it.

“It all was,” Hyone said to him. “And more than a job. We did not let each other down. We are all here for that reason.”

“Still...” Jack took a few deep breaths.

“Family bro,” Ben said, and the others of Jack’s former military unit echoed the statement.

“Family,” Jack nodded and wiped his face. “Alright, Captain, shall we get them squared away and oriented with the ship? We need Cardox and Sita to return from the surface and Pri is catching up on much needed rest. Once the team is fully together, we can go over the mission.”

Lucinia nodded. “We have quarters available on D deck. We can start there and get you all situated. Even though we are moored, orientation will need to be done as per standard operating procedures.”

“Will there be a test?” Ben asked.

Lucinia eyed him for a moment, grinning. “Only for you.”

“Aw, c’mon mate ... miss ... er,” Ben gave her an awkward smile.

“Are you sure you and Jack aren’t related somewhere in the gene pool?” She asked.

“Hope so,” Ben replied. “It would help explain some things.”

Hyone and Rhal nodded together while Kasa seemed to ponder the possibility.

“Ah, not a bad bunk at all,” Ben said as he tossed himself on the bed, bouncing a couple times. “Beats the shit outta army issue sleeping planks.”

“Melanie was ok with you leaving?” Jack asked as he saw Ben raise his head.

“Yeppers. She even supported it, once I told her what was fuckin going on. She still has concerns, but us Artemans don’t sit idle when this type of ‘fuckin shit-hit-the-fan-in-a-diharrea-blasted-mess-cause-I-ate-rank-ass-food’ kinda way. Know what I mean?”

“Well enough,” Jack leaned against the wall, smiling to himself. “Just make sure you get back to her, ok? Watch your sector, check the corners, head on a swivel. I want Kazlaena back more than anything, but risking others, it has its own weight on the mind. I still have some regrets even making the call for help.”

“Fuck that man,” Ben sat up. “Any one of us would do this for any one of us. Check yourself on those thought patterns. You know us man, know us well and good enough.”

“I do,” Jack nodded.

“Besides, fuck off buster. You can’t go zooting into a gunfight without your star players.”

“I made sure to call them first,” Jack replied and had to step back as Ben swung at his belly.

“Fuckin show you for that, Jacker-Crack.”

“Yeah, you think so, Benhole?”

“Don’t call me that shit, bro!” Ben grabbed Jack’s arm and tried to make him punch himself.

“You never gave me back my fuckin porta-gamer. “Jack spat back.

“Did so!”

“Fuckin liar...”

“Besides, your porta-gamer was fuckin lame, I beat all that shit you had on there, loser ass fuckin gamer.”

“Erased my saves too, didn’t you?” Jack managed to get Ben in a sleeper hold.

“They were all shit bro. All easy mode B.S. You aught to try normal sometime.”

“Coming from a chump who knows all the cheat codes and easy-ass mods for games.”

“Sorry, couldn’t hear all that bro. Ear filled with your belly flab.”

Jack paused before they broke into a fit of laughter as Ben was released from the hold.

“Ah man, fuckin miss you mate,” Ben bumped Jacks side. “Miss you a lot eh. Even if it’s been barely a couple weeks since you left.”

“Mutual feelings,” Jack replied.

“Hey, bro, don’t worry about the little lady. We brought all kinds of firepower. When we’re done here, we will introduce you to our toy collection. Those fuckers down there, they have no idea, mate. Not a fucking clue what toll the reaper shall collect. Their parents are gonna feel it when we hit those fuckers and if any of them pop out gimpy lil offspring, they gonna be all fuckin pee-pee pants scared about what things wicked come their way.”

“What are we talking about here?” Jack raised a brow.

“You’ll see, mate. Fuck will you ever see!” Ben grinned as he left the room.

“Small arms, right?” Jack stood there for a moment, then spoke to himself. “I requested small arms, Ben. What did you all bring?”

“Where’s her room?” Ben said as Jack approached him in the hall outside.

Jack was going to dismiss his request in favor of keeping Kazlaena’s privacy, but he knew what Ben was about.

“This way,” Jack took him up the hall on D deck.

“I’ve heard enough about her to know it ain’t fuckin hard to make the choice to go full throttle on rescue,” Ben said as they approached Kazlaena’s quarters.

“I know,” Jack replied as he opened the door. “You’re looking for that moment, that memory that will garner resolve when the shit gets thick.”

“Maybe I’m being out of fuckin line here, but yeah,” Ben said as he stepped inside.

The room felt cold, not from a lack of climate control, but a room that is bereft of a warm kind of presence and energy that it is typically exposed to.

Jack let him look around for a moment in silence, before motioning to her vidgames and her plushies.

“Vandeans don’t hurt a soul. Her, even less so.” He took a deep breath and Ben knew he was holding in emotions. “Stars kid, you wept for those fuckers on the Mothership when we spaced them. You gave a shit when I couldn’t care less. Ain’t right they got you. Ain’t fucken right at all. Ah!”

“Aren’t too many I know that’ll lay a hand on a Vandie,” Ben tried to sound re-assuring. “She’s close to you, that’s more than close enough for us. Are these things hers?” He pointed to the bed where a collection of offerings was placed, should she return.

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “It started with a couple of the crew, but soon the rest of us had brought stuff for her. She already bears shame for having been a part of killing people. This, however, is going to hit her on a whole different level. Even if the best outcome in all possible fields happens, this is going to be a long-lasting issue.”

As Jack continued to talk with Ben, the others of Jack’s former unit made their way into the room. Jack knew it wasn’t proper to open Kazlaena’s quarters up like this, but he felt the edge it could garner was worth it. They were respectful, even adding a few things of their own to the pile of gifts on her bottom bunk.

After they had dealt with orientation, Cardox and Sita returned, greeting the members of Jack’s old unit with joy, before following Pri’s example and catching up on much needed rest.

The armory would be far too small a space for everyone meet, so the decision was made to use the hangar as a gather point. With Cardox and Sita’s return, there would be no more trips to the surface as a fully constructed virtual set of the location was active in an established VR station. Up to eight personnel could train off the headsets that were available, while others could observe on screens and by means of tables containing maps and charts and all manner of relative information on the target warehouse. This would allow them to get familiar with the location without needing to take the risk of being spotted around the site and tipping off Black Nova.

Ben and Hyone had summoned Jack to an area of the hangar where they had offloaded all the equipment they had brought along. Jack may have been concerned at any other time about what he saw, but this was part of the edge needed to balance the odds of their mission.

“Is there anything you left in the stash?” Jack opened the lid on a box of frag grenades, looking over the inventory with a grateful appreciation for their use in built up areas.

“Well, couldn’t fit the Saber, but yeah,” Ben motioned to the shuttle as being too small.

“Would you have brought the tank if you could have fit it?” Jack looked at Ben with amusement.

“Eh, yes?”

Jack’s amusement fell away.

“We’re looking to make a rescue, not level the place.” he remarked.

“Just kidding?” Ben saw Hyone shake her head. “Well, we got enough other stuff here to go head-to-head with whatever hillbilly fuck-show they can throw at us,” he stated, lifting a case that he then set on the table for Jack to open.

“You brought it?” Jack asked with reservation.

“Fuck yeah we did,” Ben replied as Jack opened the case.

Inside was his service weapon from when he was in the Artema war, a lightweight magazine or drum fed machine gun that utilized a near zero recoil system to give a high degree of accuracy when firing in automatic mode. The KMG-12, as it was called, fired the same 6.8 mm cartridge as the standard Terran military issue rifles. It fired at a slower rate however, to allow the recoil in the bolt carrier to be fully taken up by the return springs. Not strictly standard operating procedures in the Free Arteman Military, Jack was, however, permitted to use the weapon in support of his section as he was not meant to be at the front of an assault.

Jack lifted the KMG out of the case and felt a flood of memories come back, none of them worth remembering. He almost wished this weapon was not in his hands, but they were going to need more than what was in the armory to engage the hostiles standing between them and Kazlaena. His KMG was slightly modified, incorporating a four-power scope, collapsible stock and a suppressor on the end of the barrel. He had eight KR series rifle mags and one drum with a one-hundred round capacity, as well as a webbing belt that allowed him to carry stripper clips to rapidly feed the magazines if he needed. As he carried out a function check on the machine gun, Hyone and Ben traded looks, noting that after all this time, the fundamentals drilled onto Jack’s brain were as fresh as any day he was in the war.

“You ready to light those fuckers up bro?” Ben asked.

Jack looked over the KMG one more time, then gave Ben a nod.

“Right, well, your vest, armor and other assorted doodads are in the box there. You can check that out after we show you the rest of the goods.” Ben motioned to several crates behind the table.

Jack set his weapon down and had a look at the rest of the arsenal they had brought.

“We all got our fuckin services rifles mate, but everyone’s gonna be packing some specialist shit too.” Ben tapped one case with his foot.

“You brought the recoilless?” Jack bent to open the case and saw an 80 mm recoilless rifle secured inside.

“Eve’s gonna be able to fuck up any QRF that responds in vehicles. Got eight hi ex and two armor piercing rounds for it, along with a pair of smokeshot. Rhal has his fifty as well. Feed that thing full of A.P.I.T. rounds and you can light up any fucker dipping about, thinkin they have some safe cover before they get shredded and burst into flame.” Ben smiled as he spoke. “Big guy has his hopper pack as well as his harness for carrying 80mm rounds for Eve.”

“Almost thinkin the tank might have been the lesser option, safer on collateral damage.” Jack remarked.

“Eh, maybe,” Ben shrugged. “Think that’s bad, well, there’s six loitering munitions in those cases at the bottom there. Can call them in to smoke a vehicle or anything else they come at us with. Those are a fuckin more lethal option though. Be bad for collateral, as you say.”

Hyone saw Jack’s concern and spoke up to offer his mind some ease.

“Brought boxes of forty mil grenades, as requested, as well as frags, flashies and smokers. Plenty of options at our command. Better to be over equipped with choice and pick best option for engagement.”

Jack gave her a nod as Ben motioned to a long rifle case.

“Beside mate, Kasa has us covered.”

“She brought her Longshot?”

“Yeah buddy, course she did.” Ben seemed surprised he even had to confirm that.

Jack popped open the case to take a quick look but left everything where it was. The rifle inside was experimental, custom made during the Arteman war by a gunsmith, specifically for the Praeminian. The rifle was taller than she was, but crafted from a lightweight polymer and had a fluted barrel and bolt. Using the same continuous recoil setup that Jack’s weapon, or Rhals big KMG 50 had, the impact on the operator’s shoulder was almost negligible, though at the cost of fire rate. In a bolt action rifle, such a consideration was trivial at best, but served better to preserve the shooters shoulder in sustained fire situations. Jack looked the rifle over once more, then closed the case and nodded to himself.

“We got drones too, Bro,” Ben motioned to a stack of cases, all marked with drone model numbers and letters. “You said you had a drone specialist, so we brought some good toys to play with. Four with kinetics, two with rockets and two utility drones.”

“So, we got air support.” Jack stated.

“If need be, mate.”

“Odds are getting a little more even.” Jack felt more confident in their chance at success without sustaining casualties.

“We have every advantage but numbers,” Hyone spoke with assurance. “And within minutes, such an advantage may yet be pulled from our adversaries.”

“We got what we need to hit this like any standard urban assault.” Ben motioned to the rest of the gear. “Brought lots of extra goods for you and yours, mate. Urban cammies, plate carriers, harnesses and tactical rigs, hell even camel backs and canteens.” Ben pointed to random cases as he spoke. “Got three cases of medical shit too, should we need it.”

“I hate that I had to call you, but fuck am I glad you all came, and brought all of this with you.” Jack spoke as if he was holding back emotion. “I can only speak my own thoughts, but the kid is worth all the effort.”

“We figured on it being much like that Katarayne rescue.” Ben said. “Going off the grid to rescue those we did from far behind opposing lines, knowing what fate they were faced with.”

Jack and Hyone lowered their heads, thinking about some distant memory, before all three nodded to each other.

“She looked to me to pro-” Jack was cut off by Ben.

“No, that ain’t the way of it.” Jack was about to protest but Ben prevented him from speaking. “I know you feel guilty for this, but you didn’t set things in motion that lead to this shitty mess. So what, you hide on this ship for a month, a year, for the rest of your lives? Bro, that ain’t the answer. They were coming for you all the same. They could have gone another route, but Black Nova fuck-heads think they have a monopoly on terrorizing innocents. Now you said we need to clean up this mess, so they get the point. That’s what we’re here for. We’ll make sure they get a damn big point.”

Jack was silent, thinking on the situation, before nodding to let Ben know he got the intended message.

“Right then, back to it,” Ben gave Jack a cheeky grin. “We got all the goodies and more. Should be an interesting little interaction for them to soak in when this shit goes hot.”

Several hours later, the hangar was a crowded place as Jack walked in, seeing just about everyone there. Only Ben and Proculus were missing, and both were expected to arrive soon. Several small conversations were going on. Hyone spoke with the Lexocanus’, Pri was having an involved discussion with Rhal while Sita and Cardox traded sentences with Rick and Caden. Jack made his way over to Lucinia and was about to strike up a conversation when Ben stepped in.

“Well, this place is balls to nutsack, eh?”

“What? Lucinia asked.

“Means close quarters, close grouping,” Jack whispered.

“Should I sit on the floor?” Ben moved his way to Hyone and grabbed her tail, brushing some crumbs off his shirt with it.

Before he could react, she had the front of his shirt up over his head and took a bottle of ice water she had in a side pouch, squeezing it into one of his pants pockets.

“Ah, fuckin hell,” Ben threw his hands up, speaking from under his shirt. “I fake pissed myself, so I submit.”

‘What gave you that thought?” Caden asked. “You know better than to fuck with her tail.”

“I dunno,” Ben pulled his shirt back off his head. “My dingle dangle outtie is now an innie though, fuck that water’s cold Hyo-bro.”

Some of the group laughed while others grinned. Hyone cuffed the back of Ben’s head. Rhal copied her action a moment later. Jack could see Lucinia trying to make sense of it all.

“They can handle themselves,” He whispered. “This shit, these antics, it comes with the soldiering territory.”

“I understand,” She replied. “Uh, I thought he was going to get punched out.”

“Nah, Hyone is an unrelenting predator in battle, but a pretty gentle soul in just about any other light.”

Lucinia smiled and nodded as Proculus entered last.

“Ok, that is all of us,” Proculus said as he locked the crew entry door. “We need to get everyone up to speed. Cardox, can you take lead?”

“You got it, First O,” Cardox nodded and began. “First order of Business. Name refresher in case everyone hasn’t met. I’m Cardox Incurus, security team lead, Former Captain in the League S.P.F. [Special purpose forces].” He nodded to Sita.

“Sita Kildahl here. Former Terran Marine Lance Corporal. Team Breacher and all manner of C.Q.B. [close quarters battle] fuck you up training.” She nodded next to Pri.

“Pri Zoak. Former Hastan, Sikarran military. Security team medic.”

“Rhal Vando. Former Private, F.A.M. [Free Arteman Military]. Section support weapons.”

“Hyone Corba. Former Private, F.A.M. Scout, Pathfinder.”

“Benjamin fuckin Wallace. Former Private, F.A.M. Rifleman.”

“Rick Ross. Former Corporal F.A.M. Field Medic.”

“Caden Holt. Former Sergeant F.A.M. Section commander.”

“Eve Bailey. Former Master Corporal, F.A.M. Section Second in Command.”

“Kasa Rekan. Former Private, F.A.M. section sharpshooter.”

“Lucinia Scaro. Captain of the Astral Feather.”

“Jack Coralane. Former Sergeant F.A.M. Forward air controller, rifleman.”

“Uh, Nyka, is drones, drone control.”

“R-Rusu, technical ... support,” Rusu spoke uncomfortably.

“D-17, ship clerk, battlefield central control.” Everyone saw the smiley face D-17 displayed and several laughed at the complete opposites of D-17s tasks.

“Spurius Canio. Sumpter Pilot.”

“Charm Lytton. Ship Doctor.”

“Proculus Scaro. Ship First Officer.”

Cardox spoke up next. “Ok, that’s all our intros and skillsets made public. I won’t presume to take command here,” He looked at Caden. “It’s not my place to expect your former service members to follow me.”

“We came to support you,” Caden replied. “On the contrary. This is your rodeo. As Former S.P.F. you have more qual than us and by means of former rank you outrank us. Bottom line, do you want to take lead, I’ll take second?”

“Agreed,” Cardox nodded. “You said you were two down?”

“Yes,” Caden replied. “One was signals. We can take that over easy enough. The other was our lead breacher.”

“We can make that work. We have four points of entry to cover,” Cardox said. “We’ll all be using knock-knock charges to breach.” He brought up a 3D image of the target warehouse off a flat projector on the counter they were standing around. “One front door, one rear and two side doors. These other doors have been closed off externally.” He pointed to doors at opposing corners of the facility.

“Confident they can’t utilize those doors in a panic?” Caden asked.

“Not confident,” Cardox shook his head. “They appear accessible from the inside so overwatch will need to be on point if they exfil through these locations. That will be covered by additional personnel who are not present.”

“What do you mean?” Proculus looked at Cardox curiously.

“Jack was not the only one to call in support on this. For the last three days, two shooter/spotter teams of active-duty SPF members have been assisting in recon and establishing their sectors to cover when this goes hot. They will not be named; you will not hear them on comms. They will do their task and bounce once extraction is complete. A lot of things had to fall into place to get them here successfully, and their actions should give us clear movement up to our entry points, along with overwatch from any hostiles roaming the grounds once we go inside.”

“Aye, I fuckin made a call too, but she won’t make it until after the rodeo.” Sita remarked. “Still, she should arrive a day or two after. Figured she could help with extra security once the deed is done.”

“Fair enough,” Proculus gave her a nod.

“Now, we’ll go through this briefing in a manner we are mostly all used to. Hold questions until the end. Note down concerns. We will iron out everything.” Cardox watched as several of them pulled out little books they could use to write notes down.

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