Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 37

Stryker had just finished a commcall with Mr. Barrow and was now heading into the warehouse to meet with Syriphi. He found her in a back room in the building, dressed for warmth. She was doing her best to keep warm but the warehouse had poor climate control and the overall temperature on this world was below her comfort zone. Syriphi further relied on a portable warmer like the Lakkasian sisters, though her own was functioning poorly.

“Petal, you doing ok?” Stryker asked as he walked up to her.

“Growing colder,” she moved the warmer from one side of her body, to the next. “What did rotten heart have to say?”

“So long as the ransom payment comes through, he will give up all the info he has on your brother’s killer. The group that was responsible and all the names of those involved.”

“You are certain he looked into it?”

“I am,” Stryker reached out and pulled her to him, feeling her shiver in his arms. “Stars, you are cold!”

“Mind and body are finding a lack of warmth in these passing days, physically and emotionally.”

Stryker began to rub her back and arms, trying to generate heat.

“About your brother, about Sekoyu. I suspect Mr. Barrow’s investigation was in the name of business, an incentive to make us committed to seeing our current job through, despite the substantial cut in our contract payout.”

Syriphi was silent, heavy in thought before speaking in a soft tone.

“Sekoyu never had an ill bone in his body. I could find comfort in his company when my own heart was troubled, until he suffered an assault. He was targeted on the eve of hostilities with the Gyarrl invasion, by those seeking to take out anger on any reptilian they found. He turned to substance abuse to handle lasting thoughts and trauma while waiting for help to heal his mind. He fell into debt with the wrong people. They took my brother from me! Someone who enjoyed model building kits and electric trains and vidseries with feelgood themes. Someone who looked after those around him with care and compassion usually found in the gentle races of the League. Someone who deserved to outlive all of us and continue to make the League better yet was murdered over a few hundred Lucs!”

“I am sorry for what happened to your brother, Petal,” Stryker tightened his hold on her. “If there was any way to find out, right this moment, who needed the attention of our skills...”

“Not at the cost of what we do today,” Syriphi whispered back. “Sekoyu deserves to be honored. To do this, what we are doing this day, he would be so ashamed of me...”

“If we said no, the Fallen Suns would have been given this contract. I suspect several of the Astral Feather’s crew would be dead by now. Others who were caught, Mr. Goodnight would be hosting them, fuck!” Stryker stopped himself from thinking of all the stories he had heard.

“Mr. Asshole has no intent to let Kazlaena go, does he?” Syriphi asked with an uncertain tone.

“There are things that can be done to make sure she lives,” Stryker spoke with assurance.

“To be released by us, only to die at the hands of others when the next attack comes.”

“I promise I will figure something out for her. I cannot make promises or guarantee anything for the rest of the crew. The Red Circle has marked them for death. However, we may be able to delay her release until after the Astral Feather is destroyed.” Stryker tried to comfort her, though he knew it was a poor attempt.

“This is not us, to do such things.” Syriphi was silent for a moment, before speaking further. “How much blood, how many good lives ruined for us to earn our peace? Are we even earning it? Heart yearns for freedom from Black Nova,” she wrapped her tail around them both. “Yet with each contract, freedom falls ever further from sight and thoughts are filled with how Sekoyu must view my actions with ever growing disdain. I could handle other criminals, but we are in a different place now, doing this, what we do today.”

Stryker pulled her back into an embrace and rested his chin on her head. “We still must meet our quota before we can break our own contract. If we cut and run, we will face repercussions. I have no desire to see any of us become playthings for the Fallen Suns or that little shit up at the villa.”

“Thoughts fall to removing all of the Fallen Suns,” She let out a snarl. “What fates have fallen upon their captives from your meeting?”

“I don’t know,” Stryker remarked. “I think they’re up at the villa with the other ones who were kidnapped. I cannot be certain though.”

“Shenallis be with them,” Syriphi spoke in a soft tone. “If they have gone from this world, may they find better company in the next.”

“Who better to guide their way, than a deity of peace and mercy?” He spoke in an equally soft tone. “I suspect such deities do not discriminate between the races and in Shenallis’ stewardship, they may yet find that better place.”

Syriphi remained quiet for a moment, before speaking of another matter.

“Word has come to me; the Fallen Suns have been joking of stealing Kazlaena so they can make her run their obstacle course.”

“Fuckin mind-blasted, fumble-brained zock-addled shit-wits,” Stryker spat out. “I’d like to see them try.”

“I would like watch to always have one person in her room, to be safe.” Syriphi spoke into his chest.

“Done,” Stryker ran his hand up under her shirt and she tightened her grip on him.

“I...” Syriphi took a deep breath, then forced it out. “ ... Sekoyu would have protected Kazlaena. He would have had to protect her from me.”

“I see it now,” Stryker brushed and patted her back. “I see why you carry this on your mind. Why you have been growing distant since the kid was kidnapped.”

“I desire to escape this life more than ever.” she whispered. “We can be food vendors, in some far-off world, someplace with quiet surroundings.”

“Peaceful and warm, with a small-town vibe,” Stryker felt her nod against his chest. “Someplace we can grow old together, away from all of it. Away from all the mistakes and bad choices we made.”

“Is that just a dream?” she asked.

“I don’t know.”

“We need to make sure everyone is safe and can escape this hold Black Nova has on us. I want no-one left behind. Our crew looks after each other. We will not fail in that duty.”

“We will make sure,” Stryker felt uncertain that would be a reality. “There is some potential for work in Vain Gamma, once this dog and pony show unfucks itself. Getting back to our regular scheduled rodeo of taking out competition.”

“Let us hope we can get there without incident on this contract.”

“Eh,” Stryker patted her back. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

“Do not speak like that,” Syriphi patted his back in return.

“The crew of the Astral Feather may have training and experience, as well as a Sikarran, but four against all of the assets in this warehouse alone? We have several advantages in our favor to deter them.”

“I hope such things do not come to pass,” she whispered.

“I feel they will pay the ransom to get the Vandean back.”

“Say her name.” Syriphi said. “See Kazlaena as more than most do.”

“I will.” Stryker replied with an apologetic tone.

“Everyone shows her such little regard, but not her own crew. Do you really believe they will pay?”

“They do seem to care for Kazlaena. They made a good faith payment without knowing if she was even alive. It’s possible they will opt to pay.”

“And if they fail?”

“We will cross that bridge if it comes.”

“Is our world always to be this bleak?” Syriphi pulled her head back and looked down. “Even if they pay and Kazlaena goes free, it is simply to share their fate and eventually share in their deaths.”

“I had thought to use the money from this contract to expand our capabilities to complete our usual kind of work,” Stryker gently moved her chin up, so they looked eye to eye. “If we could have provided several of the target crew, our payout would have been big. That is impossible now, because of me.”

“What do you mean?” Syriphi asked.

“I used Rekonno to lure Kazlaena out. He looks like the girl from the sandwich shop, that place where Kazlaena met the other Izakyn. Sabidi I think her name is, was, unknown if that girl even lives. Fuck, Petal I made an impulse decision. This kidnapping was going to happen anyway, and I saw how much you wanted Kazlaena safe from it all. I presumed the safest place would be here. I made a choice out of fear of disappointing you. If Kazlaena ended up with the bad elements...” Stryker looked away. “ ... My biggest fear is not death or torment or facing down some monstrous entity. It’s that one day I will do something to make you look upon me as a lesser man.”

“None of this is good, but you had good intention, in so much as I can fool myself into seeing it as so.” Syriphi spoke quietly.

“I can’t see myself doing anything with good intention any longer. I can’t imagine myself as a good man in any light anymore. If I ever was.”

“You were, once. Maybe still are, somewhere inside. I would not care for you if you were beyond the light.” Syriphi put her hands on his chest. “In this, you made a decision from the heart, not the wallet. We can be bad, without being evil. We can be villains without being cruel. You scrubbed the big payout but kept the crew together, after hearing most of us did not want Kazlaena to die or be subject to the cruelty our employers are known for. You considered her fate and made a call in her favor.”

“She is still in danger.” Stryker said.

“She is, but we can control what danger she faces, so long as we keep her from the hands of the Fallen Suns or Mr. Barrow.”

Stryker took a moment to dwell on all of that.

“Alright. We will see this pass and deal with whatever may be coming. Most of us could probably try to convince ourselves that we could accept Kazlaena falling to a bad fate. We are mercs who work for a crime syndicate after all. But the truth is usually not that case, not with innocents. Your mind and heart are in the right place, Petal. We can see to giving Kazlaena some sort of chance, though it may take some subterfuge on our part.”

Syriphi smiled and gave him a nod, before they touched noses, then he kissed her on her forehead.

“I want you to go somewhere safe and take some time for yourself. Somewhere warm where you can wait this out. I want you safe and secure.”

“You know I cannot,” Syriphi replied in a soft tone. “You and the others, I have nobody else left in my life. I am here to protect the crew. I will not fail in that, or making sure Kazlaena is kept from the clutches of the worst of Black Nova.”

“I know.” Stryker replied.

“I want some time with us tonight when things are quiet. But for now, I am going to look after Kazlaena.”

“Come to me when you’re ready, Petal,” Stryker separated from her, before tapping the end of her chin with a lightly held fist. “Please don’t keep me waiting too long, eh? I’ll get ya good and warmed up!”

Syriphi collected a meal of chicken and cured meat from the makeshift kitchen area, before heading over to the common area to grab a box with a few items in it. She saw Caine and Senyu playing a vidgame console, racing around a course of obstacles in aircraft before they suddenly paused the game and handed Stryker the vidscreen controller. He flipped through an on-screen guide until he found the cooking program he was after, then pulled out a notepad. The others knew not to interfere with his cooking passion, as his culinary skills were quite unexpected, and they were often rewarded with some nice meals to enjoy. Syriphi looked over the lot of them and smiled to herself. They were villains, but they fought villains, and had kept things clean when dealing with innocents. She was proud of them that they were willing to treat Kazlaena with what authority was needed, but otherwise let her be.

Syriphi put on a face cover, then headed over to the door to Kazlaena’s room and entered with the box and meal, seeing Kazlaena laying on her side with her back to the door. When Syriphi had entered, Kazlaena stirred and sat up, moving into the corner to create distance between them while watching Syriphi with caution.

“Hello,” Syriphi said as she knelt before Kazlaena. “I have food and drink, as well as some items you may find of use for entertainment or comfort.”

Kazlaena watched carefully as Syriphi first passed over a carton with warm food, then reached into the box. She pulled out a datapad with a disabled network chip and turned it on.

“There is little for games, but there are a few things on there of possible interest. It may help keep the mind occupied until this is over.” She set it down near Kazlaena and grabbed something else from the box. “This little plush is ‘Bert’. Bert does not like when people are sad and wishes to cheer them up.” Syriphi set a goofy overstuffed dog looking plush beside Kazlaena’s pillow.

Kazlaena looked it over, before reaching out to grab it and pull it tight to her.

“There are some more items in here Kazlaena. Some tissue,” Syriphi held out the box for Kazlaena, who took it and set it down. “Also, some more clothes and some sweets. There are a couple of bottles of water too. Drink them up and ensure you stay hydrated.”

“Why?” Kazlaena asked.

“What do you refer to?” Syriphi sat against the wall close to her.

“Why be nice to me? ‘ow come you are...” she stopped speaking, deciding not to question further.

“We have no desire to be cruel,” Syriphi spoke with assurance. “This matter is complicated, however.”

“Is it because of sat drone starsip we attacked?” Kazlaena asked and felt her heart sink when she saw Syriphi nod. “Sat was sa mistake, please...”

“A big mistake.”

“Are you just going to kill me at sa end?”

“That is not our intention.”

“‘ow come you ‘ave taken me?”

“Your crew needs to pay off a ransom.”

“Please don’t ‘urt sem,” Kazlaena pleaded. “Sey are good people. Sey do not kill people. We only ever attacked drones sat were used for pirating. Nobody was supposed to get ‘urt! Sey didn’t mean-”

“Shhhh,” Syriphi bid her to stop speaking. “Kazlaena, you must not say such things.”

“Sorry. I just want you to know sey are-”

“Kazlaena, please,” Syriphi held a hand up. “We can use it against you,” she looked away as she felt her own heart struggle to accept this, having seen the hurt and confusion on Kazlaena’s face.

“Please don’t ‘urt sem. Sey mean sa world to me.” Kazlaena whispered. “Sey mean everysing to me.” Tears fell from her face as she felt afraid of what might happen to any one of her friends.

“You mean a lot to them too, I can see,” Syriphi pointed to the feather in Kazlaena’s right hair bead. “A Sezar feather is given to someone they see as a treasured friend, not something offered lightly.”

“‘ow do you know?” Kazlaena kept to a whisper.

Syriphi pulled out a necklace that had the imprint of a Sezar feather on a stone.

“I lost the feather. All I have is this stone and the impression upon it. My friend died and I...” Syriphi stopped speaking, realizing she was failing to heed her own advice and giving up personal info.

“I am sorry for sat,” Kazlaena said. “Sorry sat you ‘ave to feel sat ‘urt. I see sat in my friends...”

Syriphi looked back to Kazlaena, seeing the Vandean gripping the plush as she cried into it. Against her better judgement, Syriphi reached over and set her hand on Kazlaena’s ankle. She knew compassion could be dangerous for her resolve to see this through, but her own barriers were crumbling. The person she used to be was returning. The person her brother might once have been proud of.

“If there was some other way, Kazlaena, I would see it done. If you ever need anything, or want me to be here, just ask for Vel.”

“Is sat your name?”

“No, but it will suffice. We must keep someone here with you, for your safety. This is a dangerous organization, and we need to make sure you get home safe.”

Kazlaena looked at her for a moment, before hiding her face in the plush again. Syriphi stayed with her through the evening, watching more of her action/comedy vidseries until Urzik took over and Kazlaena rolled over to go to sleep.

Syriphi exited Kazlaena’s room and looked over the others of her unit, seeing Senyu and the Lakkasian sisters playing a board game at one table. They seemed to enjoy that game, where the players worked together to grow a city as large as possible to reach a high score in a certain number of turns. The game was developed by Praeminians, and thus was mild mannered, centered on co-operation and planning, with a hint of mild danger and comedy mixed in. Syriphi always appreciated those three, given they had endured hardships in their youth, yet had not fallen to vices or attitudes that made it feel they were taking things out on those around them. Stryker was cooking something in their makeshift canteen area, filling the air with a pleasant aroma. Caine and his love interest, Telwen, were seated on a couch, watching a comedy/drama series on the vidscreen. Telwen was a Kakrin, similar canine features to Urzik, though with a more slender, softer look to her. She lifted her dataspecs and rubbed at her green eyes for a moment, before waving to Syriphi, who waved back in a friendly manner. Past the rec area, playing some goofy rock paper scissors variation, Syriphi saw Tick, Tack, and Toe, two Terran brothers and their female cousin, respectively. All three were strong, well suited to carrying heavy battle equipment or going hand-to-hand with a variety of foes. They were not bloodthirsty though and often showed mercy to a worthy opponent, even offering a compliment or two if they felt it was warranted. Those three were wired a little differently, but Syriphi found them uncharacteristically wholesome all the same. Another Terran female was at the security station, blue spiked hair, dark skin and a set of ear buds in, playing music Syriphi could hear from a dozen paces away. Her name was Dina and she was another tech specialist, able to work with Caine on a variety of electronic tasks. Past the security station, near the makeshift armory, Syriphi could hear acoustic guitar music. A tall, thin Terran sat in a chair, leaning back slightly, while he strummed away, singing quietly to himself. Stan was his name and he stylized himself as a cowboy of sorts, dressing in a long coat and a Cattleman hat. He always played the gentleman, and it had won over the affections of Amelie, a tall, light skinned, black haired Terran that served as one of the team armorers. She was going over some gear, quietly singing along with Stan. Others in this tight woven group were out in the city, carrying out needed tasks, or looking after the shuttle and more of the team’s gear located at the villa. Syriphi hoped for all their safety in completing this task and a return to their usual contracts, being paid by villains to rid the League of villains.

Eighteen hours later

Rusu stared intently at the computer screen as his call trace neared completion. He had started it right after the meeting in the rec room yesterday, but it needed time to back track all of the random private relays the call had skipped through. Black Nova was cautious and smart, using private networks and encrypted voice applications, but Rusu was methodical in his approach. Scouring the metadata, he was able to find where the call had originated. It came from a cheap branded commpad that used a tower in Western Catania to route it to the telecomm satellites in orbit above Pranza Secundus. Rusu saw that every move to breach Black Nova’s own comms network had to be taken with the utmost caution. At the source of the location of the call, another competent telecom specialist worked to keep the location secure from outside intrusion through their network. He did not gain complete access to their system, but Rusu was capable of verifying where Kazlaena was being held, at least at the time of the call. He sent off a message to Jack before running another check to be certain of his findings.

Rusu pulled his attention from the monitor before him as the door to the science center opened and Jack walked in.

“I uh...” Rusu looked back and forth between Jack and the screen.

“You found the call’s origin?” Jack asked.

“Uh, hope so,” Rusu moved some info around on the screen and showed Jack a warehouse in western Catania.

“You’re one hundred percent this is the location the call came from?” Jack asked Rusu as he looked at the screen.

“Is close to one hundred as I can hope. Ran back trace second time, same location.” Rusu replied. “Third time, same locale. Hope, is where she is.”

Jack took a long look at the map before him. The warehouse sat on a road that bordered a forest on the western side. It was a large structure, with a building adjacent to the north and to the east, and a large open lot to the south.

“Fuck...” Jack spat.

“Oh, uh,” Rusu looked at him with concern.

“Sorry, not you Rusu,” Jack patted Rusu’s shoulder a couple of times. “You gave us the lead we needed.”

“Oh, what is problem?”

“Big building,” Jack replied. “We need to do further recon to see what we’re dealing with.”


“Could be bad,” Jack replied, then looked at all the empty energy drink cans at Rusu’s workstation. “How long have you been up?”

“Since, uh,” Rusu looked at the monitor, speaking in a soft tone. “I had to, to find her. I had to keep trying.”

Jack reached out and set his hand on Rusu’s shoulder, hearing the Lexo release more emotional turmoil.

“You did well, Rusu. Your efforts have given us a big clue. A start point. Get something to eat and drink and catch some rest, ok? We may yet need your help with other means. You need to be at your best if further action is needed.”

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