Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 35

Jack and Pri returned to the hotel and parted company to return to their own rooms. They were due to head back out to the city to focus on more shopping soon, and Jack sent off a quick message to Kazlaena to see if she was ready to go. He waited for about five minutes, before wondering why she did not reply. Her commpad was usually within arms reach of her at all times. He tried again and was still unsuccessful, making him wonder if she was otherwise busy getting ready or had fallen asleep. Jack sent a message to Rusu and he replied almost immediately, saying he had been unable to get in contact with Kazlaena for about a half hour so far. Jack thought about that for a minute or so, before sending a message to Pri. A couple minutes later, she was in his room, waiting for a reply on her own commpad while he sat at the table, spinning his commpad around with anxiousness as he waited for a reply of his own.

“She could be otherwise occupied,” Pri spoke in a calm manner, though her own concerns were apparent in her expressions.

“I know, just that...” Jack stopped spinning his commpad. “ ... this ain’t ever like her.”

Pri was about to speak when her commpad chimed. She barely had it unlocked when Jack’s own commpad chimed, notifying him of a missed call.

“The fuck?” He frowned as he saw the missed call notification from Kazlaena was stamped for that very minute.

Pri showed him her commpad and he saw the same notification, alerting him to something suspicious.

“Comms issue?” Jack asked with doubt.

“Not likely,” Pri stood up and headed for the door, followed closely by Jack.

They stood by the door to Kazlaena’s room as Cardox, Sita and Rusu approached.

“We got a missed call too,” Sita said as she walked up. “Somethin stinky with this since we never heard our commpads ring.”

“Your notifications come through at the same time?” Jack asked.

“Yes,” Cardox showed Jack his commpad.

“Same time for us two,” Jack said, nodding to Pri as he spoke.

“Does that make any sense to you?” Jack asked Rusu and got a firm shake of the head in reply.

“Erm, seems like her commpad was blocked.” Rusu remarked.

“I’m calling the front desk for access,” Jack opened up his commpad and called down to the desk, requesting assistance at Kazlaena’s door.

A couple minutes later a manager of the hotel arrived on their floor and pulled out a universal door card from her pocket. She unlocked the door and gave them access, allowing Pri to take a look around in case Kazlaena was really inside and needed some measure of privacy. Pri called the others in when it was apparent Kazlaena was not there. Jack requested help from the manager, intent on looking through their security footage. They started looking through the lobby footage and within a couple minutes Kazlaena was spotted, looking apprehensive as she headed for the door.

“What the fuck?” Jack wondered what was going on as he saw her leave the hotel, feeling anxiety mount as the hotel’s external cams showed her head up the street.

Jack made another call, notifying Cardox what had been found. Pri and Cardox arrived in the lobby after a couple minutes wait, while Sita rallied everyone else to her room for safety.

“What happened? She left the hotel?” Cardox asked.

“She did,” Jack spoke in disbelief, wondering why Kazlaena would do something so risky.

“So, she could still be outside?” Cardox spoke hopefully.

“Aw kid,” Jack shook his head. “This is going to be a big reprimand for breaking protocol like this.”

“We all do stupid things,” Cardox said. “Make mistakes and do things we know better than to do. But let’s find out why she left first.”

“Ok, last sighting of her was the corner of the street,” Jack started for the door. “Stay together and do a reconnaissance around her last known area?”

“Agreed,” Cardox and Pri followed him out.

Forty minutes later they returned to the hotel, heading up to meet with Sita and the others. Jack was dismayed they had been unable to find any sign of her and a call was made to the police. It was beyond any doubt now, Kazlaena’s absence was not to be taken lightly once the situation was explained. Several police units arrived at the hotel to begin the investigation.

Stryker brought the van he was driving to a halt before a warehouse door, located on the edge of the city. He had taken a long, convoluted route around Catania, involving transferring to several vehicles, before heading to the warehouse in a grey van disguised as a building parts delivery vehicle. The rolling door before him rose and he drove inside, heading past several crates and loaded pallets of unmarked goods. The door closed behind him, and the interior of the warehouse darkened significantly. Stryker parked in the center of the warehouse, nodded to Urzik in the passenger seat, then turned to speak to Caine.

“Get teams two and three to come back, then get the rest of your comms gear set up. I need to make a few calls.”

“Roger,” Caine nodded. Stryker let out an exaggerated breath. “I need you to set up your online defense network as well. We need to stay in the dark until we get the order to pull off this rock. Work with Senyu to establish better security around here. Twenty some odd, hired goons with no gun skills don’t make for a re-assuring defense.”

“Will do boss,” Caine nodded to him, then cast a look at the bound and blindfolded Kazlaena seated between Vyleka and Zokaye, Lakkasian sisters and former members of their own race’s military.

Stryker looked past Caine to address the sisters.

“Take her to the holding zone. I’ll be along shortly.”

They both nodded to Stryker and Vyleka stepped out first, adjusting the clothing and gear on her green scaled skin as violet eyes looked at her sister. Without speaking, Zokaye helped Kazlaena up and moved her to the cargo side door, where Vyleka picked Kazlaena up over one shoulder and carried her off. Zokaye’s golden eyes met Caine’s briefly, giving him a nod before she stepped out and made the brown jacket over her black scaled skin more comfortable. She checked a meter on a heat pack she had slung over one shoulder and seemed satisfied with what she saw. Lakkasians who were away from warm environments needed such devices to keep their core temperatures up, and the current weather was not helping.

Stryker walked away from the van and saw Syriphi approaching. Behind her, Senyu leaned against a pallet stack, seemingly displeased with Urziks approach. When Syriphi neared Stryker, she stopped and gave him a troubled look.

“Can we speak privately?” She requested.

“We can,” Stryker bid her to lead on until they were away from everyone.

Syriphi turned to him with a hurtful expression.

“Why the Vandean? Why the one we agreed not to take? The only one we agreed to leave out of this?”

Stryker looked away but she reached up and gently moved his head until he was looking at her. Syriphi could pick up on the troubled thoughts racing through his mind. Stryker finally spoke after a lengthy silence. “When I was out last night with Mr. Barrow, we met with Fallen Suns. They had the means to kidnap the kid and I think they would have, regardless of our plans. They seem little worried about our contract, and our targets were set to leave today. Those plans may change now, but to your original question, it was either us or the Fallen Suns who would take her. After what I saw them do, I feel I made the right call on her behalf, as fucked up as that may sound.”

Syriphi lowered her head and looked silently at the floor, deep in thought before she looked back up to him.

“I hate this path, but I understand you were in a difficult position. I may be angered by this, as another way could have been found, yet here we stand. Permit me, Urzik and Senyu to be on permanent guard detail?”

“Done.” Stryker looked over to where the Lakkasians had taken Kazlaena. “The sisters and Caine can help too. They are compassionate enough.”

Syriphi turned to head away but Stryker reached out and took her arm. “I get it doesn’t mean shit, but I’m sorry for this, Petal. I made these choices out of necessity. I need your help to see this through as you would wish it to go.”

“Everyone is safe, and we move on to what we are used to doing,” Syriphi reiterated as she looked over to the recreational area they had established in the warehouse.

There were a few vidscreens and seating furniture set up in the area, along with some other basic recreation activities. Partition walls were still being set up and Syriphi could see the Lakkasians secure Kazlaena with a locking leather collar, before escorting her to a room.

“I bear confidence she will be safe with us, but you cannot allow her to fall to Mr. Barrow or the Fallen Suns or Mr. Goodnight.” Syriphi looked back at Stryker. “Their methods and their manners speak of lost minds bent on nothing better than seeking joy in visiting torment upon those that fall into their hands.”

Stryker thought about the two captives he had seen on the bridge and their treatment. He was hardened to the things he did, little bothered anymore by the consequences, yet the treatment of those two had dwelt upon his mind far more than he expected. Stryker looked to Syriphi, then over to the room with Kazlaena, then nodded to himself.

“She’s only a guest here, meant to move on after a short stay.”

A few moments later, Stryker was in Kazlaena’s cell, noting she had pushed herself into one corner, arms wrapped around her legs as her knees hid her face. He walked over to her, bent down and reached out carefully to touch her shoulder. She flinched and pulled away, shaking under his touch.

“Kazlaena, take a few deep breaths so you can calm down, ok?” Stryker made sure his tone was authoritative, but not harsh.

Kazlaena still shook with fear, but the breathing seemed to help her some.

“Who are you? Why ‘ave you taken me?” she asked weakly.

“Look kid. I know this isn’t easy or fair to you, but you’re caught up in something complicated. I’m going to pull off your blindfold. Don’t lash out or try to bite me, alright?”

Kazlaena nodded, then felt a flood of light hit her eyes as she blinked and squinted away the blurry vision. She saw a Terran before her, features hidden by a face mask and a long black coat.

“The collar on your neck is a detainment feature. You cannot leave this location, or it will incapacitate you. It doesn’t feel too tight but if you try to pull it away, it will give you a nasty shock. This room is where you will stay for your time here, and that door there is a washroom. You will be under surveillance while you are here, for your safety as much as keeping you here. If you follow the rules, no harm will come to you. Do you understand?”

Kazlaena lowered her head before nodding in submission.

“We are not good people...” Stryker paused for a moment. “ ... but we don’t have any desire to torment people who are. While you are here, we will keep you from the worst elements of this organization, so long as you stay put. You will be fed, offered a bed, clothed and given entertainment to pass the time. If all goes well, it will be a quick stay. If you have a question, all you need to do is ask. You can click this button and it will get my attention.” Stryker set down a black device with a white button on it.

Kazlaena kept quiet, closing her eyes as she continued to cry and whimper. Stryker set a bag beside her, then took out a key from his pocket and released the metal cuffs on her hands.

“There are a few clothes in there that should fit you, along with some things you can check out to keep yourself entertained while we get this affair sorted. Just put your dirty stuff in the bag and set it over in the other corner so we can deal with it. I’m gonna get the crew to order a bunch of food so there will be lots to eat here soon.”

Kazlaena barely acknowledged what Stryker said, before he stood up and headed out, leaving her alone with all her thoughts, fears, and turmoil.

A short time later, Mr. Barrow stepped out of his sedan and two large Crocodilian reptiles took up guard on either side of him. The eyes of the Ghyarrl scanned everyone as a potential hostile and their signature double-barrelled guns were held as if they expected contact at any moment. Stryker met with Mr. Barrow as the rest of Stryker’s team watched the interaction carefully.

“You caught one?” Mr. Barrow frowned. “Only one?”

“Correct.” Stryker felt disdain in Mr. Barrow’s voice.

“Well, tell me this ‘one’ has some value at least?”

“The Vandean,” Stryker answered and saw Mr. Barrow scowl.

“A fucking Vandean? What am I supposed to do with that?”

“Nothing right now,” Stryker replied.


“Nothing until I get paid.”

“You were meant to capture enough of them to make the rest pay in financial recompense until it was deemed time to eliminate them.”

“Sometimes one is enough.” Stryker remarked.

“Perhaps, if said one had value. More would have brought the plan through with better assurance. Take, for example, if you caught one or two of their security detail, and we fed them to Mr. Goodnight, then showed the result to the rest. Compliance would have been forthcoming. They would have paid to make sure they were spared that fate. Now all I have to work with is some trivial Vandean who could easily be replaced on their crew. They may well leave this to the authorities, and we have gained nothing.”

“They will pay,” Stryker tried to sound assuring.

“For her?”

“I believe so.”

“You better be certain. You don’t get paid until they do.” Mr. Barrow frowned. “Put her in the car then. I want her within arm’s reach at all times.”

“As I said, you don’t get custody of her until I get paid, savvy?” Stryker spoke with stern authority. “As you made clear, this is complicated. I’m not letting my pay cheque out of my sight until it’s signed and ready to be cashed. Besides, she needs to be in good health for this to work. The fuck-headery some of your followers exude makes me concerned she will be spoiled and bring the plan down.”

“What?” Mr. Barrow was visibly angry.

Stryker didn’t need to say anything further as his team took up positions in cover around the warehouse, subguns held tight in preparation for hostile action.

“Whoa, whoa! Y’all take a pill from the chill pile yo!” One of the Fallen Suns spoke with mock berating as she emerged from a door that led to their side of the warehouse. “Y’all so tightly wound ya gonna snap at the waist or shit coils from yer butt puckers.”

She was a Terran with short, buzzed hair and several tattoos over her scalp and face, one depicting a smiley face being punched. She was large enough to compete with the stocky Ghyarrl. Her cold grey eyes looked over the room.

“Not now, Diamond,” Mr. Barrow spat but she waved him off.

“I’d be doin the same as he if I were in his shoes. Gotta protect that investment. Big bank sittin over there.” She motioned to the door to Kazlaena’s room. “Besides, we’ll get little Vandie soon enough. In the meantime, we have suitable targets for your ‘guests’.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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