Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 34

Everyone had gathered back in Jack’s room and stood around as they discussed what to do for dinner.

“If we go anywhere out in that...” Jack pointed out of his balcony door where the rain had begun to fall heavily. “ ... gonna need a taxi service.”

“Agreed.” Pri said from beside the balcony door, watching the flashes of lightning out over the bay.

“Eh, fuckit.” Sita looked at Cardox. “I’m thinkin of hittin the pub on the thirty-second floor. Any takers?”

“Yeah.” Cardox nodded.

“I was thinking of the bar on floor two, but I guess I could go with you two,” Andor replied.

“We’ll keep you safe,” Sita patted him on the back and began leading him out. “You ever play six-shooter?”




“We’ll get you all lernt up then,” Sita opened the door and they left, while Cardox shrugged at the others and followed Sita and Andor out.

“Ok, keep safe.” Jack watched the door close behind them.

“Ya know, room service here has quite a lot o’ stuff.” Charm said from behind an extensive menu. “lot’s o’ restaurant menus here to be makin’ favorable choices from.”

Charm waved the menu at him, and Jack took a quick look.

“Hmm.” He nodded. “Is that something everyone’s good with?”

“I’m good with that as I’ll eat with everyone, but then I’m going to hit the bed.” Zakia said. “Feeling pretty tired. Sorry to be a party buzzkill.”

“Aww.” Kazlaena looked over to her. “Um, ok sen, if you mus get sa sleep. Sis is sa vacay of sorts so ‘ave fun as you need to.”

“Thanks, lil Starlight.” Zakia gave her a wink and Kazlaena grinned.

“Can eat here. Would prefer it.” Pri seemed a little strong on the subject.

“Am good with it.” Charm nodded.

“Eat here good.” Rusu said and Nyka nodded.

“Ok, take a good look through the menu here. We can order right to the room so no need to worry about all ordering from a specific restaurant.” Jack looked over the menu quickly and pulled up the suite datapad meant for ordering room service and vidscreen programs.

Within five minutes, they all had their desired meals in the order system.

“Delivery should be about twenty mins.” Jack informed them, being met with some enthusiasm. “I’m gonna run down to the convenience mart and grab a couple of things. Anyone after anything in particular?”

“Will accompany you to seek Grakko mints.” Pri said as she stood up.

“Will also accompany.” Rusu said as he also stood up. “Energy drinks er, needed.”

“Ok, anyone else?” Jack asked and they all declined. “Right then, be back soon.”

As he headed out, Jack smiled to himself, being surprised Kazlaena had turned down a chance to get some candy, in favor of looking through her game cards with Nyka and Charm.

Jack, Pri and Rusu entered the elevator when it arrived and joined with two other Terrans, a Kakrin, and a Cordivain. As the doors closed and they began to descend, Pri could hear hushed whispers from one of the Terrans and the Kakrin behind her. She caught something how the temperature in the elevator car had suddenly dropped. There was something about why there were no flies or other insects or pests in the place and how she was doing a good job eating them all. Her presence explained why it was so hot in the common places and some remark about stone cold stares and no emotions, so why would she choose to be here if the place brought her no joy. The last remark, and perhaps the worst, was directed at the feathers on her tail and how they would make a cool writing instrument if one could find a pot of ink or indigo. The jokes made her clench her fists as her stomach fell and she felt a jolt of anger and embarrassment. She cast a look over her shoulder and the Kakrin suddenly looked back at her, trying to stifle laughter while the Terran just hid her face. When the car hit the lobby, they gave Pri as wide of a berth as they could and departed in a hurry.

“Uh, er?” Rusu looked at Pri, then at Jack. “What uh, what did they mean by that, what they said?”

“What do you mean?” Jack looked between Rusu and Pri, taking note of how Pri looked at the floor uncomfortably. “What was said?”

“Uh, things I not sure, howisit, comments I don’t understand.”

“Passengers made mockery of reptilian heritage and appearance,” Pri spoke to Rusu. “Jokes and comments were pejorative, meant to be a mockery of my species, though often applied to many who share reptilian evolution.”

“I...” Rusu seemed to be at a loss for words, so he just reached out and wrapped his arms around Pri, holding her in a tight embrace.

She was surprised he would commit such an action, despite being a friend. Rusu was usually far too withdrawn to do much in the way of physical interaction, yet he offered her some measure of comfort. She embraced him back, then heard him speak quietly.

“Sorry you have to uh, face that thing. Lexocanus do face remarks too, though not like that.” Rusu held her in the embrace until she was ready to part.

“Gratitude for compassion, Rusu,” Pri set a hand on his shoulder, and he gave her a nod, then adjusted his dataspecs and let out a forced breath to dispel some of his own discomfort.

“I wish I heard that shit,” Jack said. “Fucking bottom feeding blood farts have no use passing their stank breath and getting any enjoyment from the sad sack humor they try to indulge in.”

“Though one part wishes to have seen confrontation to humorous expectation, another side is glad you did not put yourself into a place that may bring negative repercussions.” Pri spoke to Jack.

“Eh, fromates gonna fromate,” he shrugged.

“Uh, but why they say such things?” Rusu questioned.

“Most reptilians are relatively non-confrontational and pretty good at ignoring such remarks, projecting a stoic outward appearance no matter how deep the comment cuts. Makes them easy targets, as well as some issues like the recent Ghyarrl and Sictivarus conflicts. A lot of Terran media from way back used to make reptilians out as the bad ones, always trying to get us. I guess some people still can’t see the difference enough to separate the two, let alone forget or ignore those tropes.” Jack shook his head.

“Just like Praeminians, and uh, other herbivore races. Vandeans too,” Rusu thought about Kazlaena.

“Yeah,” Jack scratched the back of his neck and sighed. “Do you need a moment, Doodle?”

“No, mind is steady.” Pri said to him, bumping his shoulder.

“Right then, let’s go hunt down some Grakko mints.” Jack saw Pri smile, and he gave her a wink.

They entered the convenience store in the hotel lobby and had a good look around. One interior wall had glass panels and faced into the lobby. Another also had glass panels but was obscured by racks of books, magazines, data chips and a colorful variety of consumables. Down the back wall, hummed many coolers with a vast array of drinks and cooled goods. At the front, near an entrance to the street outside, was the counter with a checkout computer and a Xerytan who gave them all a wave with both of her hands.

Xerytans were small by the standards of average League races. Three feet in height at best, they resembled a mix of avian and reptilian traits. They had small snouts, avian eyes, and a v-like tail. Their limbs consisted of three toed avian feet and four fingered hands. Light feathering covered their bodies with vestigial wings on their backs that were only useful for gliding at best. They were well known for having a cheerful disposition.

“Hi.” Jack smiled at the clerk. “Do you have any grakko mints?”

“Do, do, many kinds, many.” She swooped off her stool and moved at a fast pace up to Jack, grinning as she pointed to a shelf with several mint brands.

“Oh, hey Pri? There are a few kinds here!” Jack pointed as Pri came over and looked.

“Hi!” The Xerytan waved at Pri.

“Hello.” Pri bowed her head, then looked over the brands. “Pink!” She was shocked. “Blue color too?”

Jack watched as Pri took one of each tin and held them in her hands, before looking over other flavors and picking out several more.

“Huh, you aren’t usually sweet-toothed,” Jack noted. “Kaz done gotchya hooked.”

“Correct,” Pri looked over the tins, then gave him a smile.

“Right, no way I’m gonna be surrounded by all this candy and walk out empty-handed, Jack stated, then found a rack of hard candy and large chocolate bars.

Rusu joined them at the counter after finding several things he thought Kazlaena would be interested in, as well as his own favorite choices in fruit flavored candy and energy drinks.

“You plan to give one of those to Kazzie?” Jack asked as he looked at one of the energy drinks.

“Uh...” Rusu lowered his head and grinned sheepishly. “Maybe...”

“Heh, well, let it not be known you were ill warned of the dangers of such an action.” Jack stated, and Rusu bumped his shoulder.

The Xerytan at the counter looked over their chosen loot and showed a happy expression, remarking positively on their items.

“Many candies, hope they are to enjoyment! Be mindful of teeth and stomach.”

They all agreed before paying and heading back up to the room.

They returned to Jack’s room a couple minutes later with their goodie haul and displaced to their chosen seats, pulling out their loot.

Rusu pulled out several bottles of Venbri’kas, a Setsolei sweet drink, and set them on the table.

“Uh, anyone want give try?” He offered.

“What sat?” Kazlaena asked.

“Is uh, good, sweet drink.” Rusu passed one to her, then took another. “Twist lid until powder falls into mix, see, like this, uh, oh look there, the bubbling,”

“‘ey sat’s neat!” Kazlaena followed his example and soon saw her own drink bubbling away.

“Er, wait till bubbles stop to open, or will blast out of bottle.” Rusu cautioned and Kazlaena waited.

They took a drink together and Kazlaena’s ears stood on end.

“Wow! Sat tastes so good!”

“Uh, anyone else?” Rusu offered his sister a bottle and she took it, then he passed one over to Charm and Jack while Zakia declined.

“Pri?” Rusu held out a bottle and she was reluctant, taking it finally with a thanks, before trying it for herself.

“Oh, taste is quite pleasing,” Pri noted.

There was a knock on the door and Jack stood up to answer, taking his wallet with him. He opened up to see a pair of smartly dressed Praeminians holding a couple of boxes that produced a pleasant aroma.

“Greetings, we have delivery for Jack Coralane?”

Jack nodded and pulled out his charge card.

“Thank you for your timely arrival. The kids were starting to get restless,” he motioned into his room and they both looked on, seeing everyone seated and patiently waiting in a calm manner.

“Oh! Um...” The one with the pay tablet looked at Jack, a bit confused.

“You should see them when they’re bored.” Jack smiled and both Praeminians nodded, before breaking into grins of their own.

Jack added a tip for them, then made the payment.

“Hope you enjoy meal.” One Praeminian said as they bowed their heads in unison and passed over the boxes.

“Thank you. Be well and green pastures.” Jack replied, bumped fists with them, and the Praeminians headed for the elevator.

Jack set the boxes on the table and began passing out the meals to their intended recipients. Within a few moments, they had all gone to their chosen spots to devour their meals and dug in, speaking little as their adventure that day had made them all ravenous. Kazlaena traded off some chicken nuggets to Rusu for a chicken leg from his full roast chicken dinner. She got to try some mashed solano root from Nyka’s meal and found the taste approving. Jack and Pri traded with each other, eating nearly a third of the other ones meals while everyone ate in a hurry. When they were finished, Charm got to teaching them how to play the card game.

As the light faded and the storm outside rolled in, they played several matches with each other, solo, in teams, or however the game was organized. Jack’s plan to use the expensive cards he bought ended up backfiring on more than one occasion. Pri found the game to be far more interesting than she had expected and genuinely enjoyed the socialization. They went on for a couple of hours past dinner, before moving on to other things.

Jack sat at the table in his room facing the patio, with Pri beside him, sitting near the patio door. She had it cracked open just enough to hear the rainfall. The others had all headed off, either to get some rest, or as Jack suspected with the canids, to continue the card games late into the night. They had really seemed to be having a blast with Merchant Of Worlds and Jack figured it would be another good hobby for them all to share together. He passed over his bag of hard candy and Pri took out a couple of pieces, popping them into her mouth after some thought.

“Are candies meant to hurt teeth?” she asked as she bit down on one.

“Eh, too much’ll give you cavities,” Jack replied, dropping several into his own mouth. “You don’t eat comfort food, huh?”

“Comfort food?” Pri shifted her eyes from the storm outside, then to him and finally to the bag of candy.

“Food you eat to make you feel better,” Jack stated as he bit down on a couple of candies. “I was never big on this hard candy shit, but after some unimaginable shitty day hiding in a department store in the war, I happened upon a bag of this stuff. Thought it would be my last meal, damned near was, but I made it out, got to where I needed to and got to enjoy the rest of the bag, all while stewing on the shit that went down.”

“Does consumption of particular candy hold specific meaning?” Pri slid the bag back to him.

“I live, I’m alive. Kinda eat them from time to time like a ‘fuck you fate, I still live’.” Jack took a couple more pieces. “Beyond that, they do kinda taste good and one day I might not get to eat this stuff.”

“Understood,” Pri said, catching the bag when he slid it back over to her.

She looked at it for a moment, seeming to be in thought about some nightmare from her own past, before taking out a few more pieces and consuming them.

“Noticed you stopped with the cosmetics,” Jack said.

“Were irritating the eyes,” Pri replied. “Was interesting concept, but one no longer desired to pursue.”

“Was something new to try,” Jack stated, watching the sky light up. “Been a lot of new things for you this last week. Hope you don’t regret any of it.”

“Only regret not trying more,” Pri looked to the ceiling. “Have always leaned on you, but not the others. Gratitude for that, but heart now sees folly in keeping distance from everyone. Trying new things over past week has opened doors to better association with crew, and to understanding of own heart and mind.”

“It’s not the most ideal environment for your situation,” Jack remarked, and she looked at him. “I feel you do need more than what the ship can offer. You certainly deserve it. On a ship however, you have little opportunity to grow your audience as an artist or find a group of like-minded individuals that share your passion for painting and drawing.”

Pri lowered her gaze to the table, nodding as she thought of and accepted his words.

“Heart knows of what you say Jack, but mind is sound. I will remain to hold post with crew while pursuing own hobby on the side. There is time.”

“You should take that plunge and get on the stellar net. Make an account with an art site and post your stuff to build an audience in the meantime. You can be anonymous if you wish, simply posting on a handle or made-up name, while keeping anything you wish private.”

Pri nodded when he finished speaking before, they turned to the storm.

“Thoughts and Ideas I shall consider.”

“Whatever you wish. Don’t let me push you into anything.” Jack told her.

“Would never presume to doubt Fromates ideas and advice,” Pri gave him a wink.

“Eh, well, cargo hold Olympics...” Jack started laughing.

“Tail still feigns pain when thoughts fall to fromate stepping on end of tail,” Pri laughed.

“I woulda seen your tail if I didn’t have Sita trying to ram her pugil stick up my nose, causing me to bumble back.” Jack joined in her laughter, after which they fell to quiet reminiscence.

“You think you’d ever settle in a place like this?” Jack broke the silence.

“No,” Pri shook her head. “Though there is potential, place is not one of strong desire.”

“A warmer place,” Jack saw her agree. “What, like Karderak?”

“Could be,” Pri looked at him. “I have never been to surface.”

“I wish you had joined us.” Jack said. “But I know how you were in those early days. You were very closed off, careful and guarded. People barely saw you outside of medical or meetings.”

“Was always concerned about remarks on race and heritage,” Pri closed her eyes. “Folly has been seen and understood as crew has revealed true nature of heart and mind. Allowed more opportunity to be taken.”

“Do you think you’ll ever patch things up with your family?”

Pri shook her head.

“Not until abandonment of current passions and desires, including post aboard vessel and friends.”

“Do you want me to write a letter to them?” Jack asked. “Tell them to fly straight bucko’s because your daughter/sibling is an outstanding individual and your treatment of her is full on fucked?”

“Not ideal,” Pri managed a laugh.

“I always thought my parents would be there, see all the stuff parents were supposed to see,” Jack spoke quietly. “Fate rarely ever is in one’s favor. There is a chance though, maybe one day we can figure something out and patch things up for you.”

“Kind thoughts Jack, but patching up may not be desired,” Pri said.


“Was always treated poorly for artistic desire, even in early youth. Due to such behavior, mending of ways with family may not be in future plans. I may never desire to see them again, despite wish that they all remain safe and happy.”

“Can’t pick the family you were borne to.” Jack took a couple more pieces of candy, then slid the bag back over to her.

“Perhaps I need to seek change in how I handle my family, but another family has shown better path. Path I wish to travel.” Pri thought about that, before changing the subject. “Are you of sound mind?”

“Eh,” Jack looked beyond the glass of the door. “I’m happy everyone’s having fun. We all needed something like this. Kaz seems to have put the hurt aside from the Mothership situation. I think Lucinia’s still worried, but really who isn’t. I think there’s been talk about Valeria hiring the Astral Feather full time as a guard vessel for her operation. Lucinia was concerned that sitting in place would make it hard to recruit. Most people want adventure up there, out in the vastness of space. That is until they endure their first battle but as to us, we’ll have to see how it goes.”

“Would not be worst posting,” Pri noted. “Would bear some modicum of safety, no?”

“It would.” Jack agreed. “Truth be told, I might actually enjoy it. I’m really not one for grand battles among the stars.”

“Nor I,” Pri concurred. “Though, as you say, out here, up there...”

“Yeah...” Jack looked to her for a minute, then back out into the stormy city.

Jack pulled out his commpad and saw a message from Lucinia. Pri had headed off to her room to watch one or more of the animated vidseries she had picked up. That left Jack alone and laying on his bed, feeling the small of his back ache, but also finding some relief as he occasionally shifted. He looked over the message and tapped it so he could respond.

Lucinia: “Is everyone having fun? Are you all ok?”

Jack: “Yeah, seems so. Wish you were here.”

Lucinia: “Wish I was there. Love you and appreciate you looking after them all.”

Jack: “Love you too. Still have all of them, at least at last headcount.”

Lucinia: “You stayed out of trouble then?”

Jack: “Was hard, but I managed.”

Lucinia: “I will mark this down as a rare and fine day then.”

Jack: “Well, truth be told...”

Lucinia: “Why? Why do you give me hope and take it away?”

Jack: “Wouldn’t be me otherwise.” He grinned.

Lucinia: “What happened?”

Jack: “It’s pretty bad, can’t talk about it.”

Lucinia: “Burn down the mall?”

Jack: “No, the toy store. No casualties though, so that should be in our favor.”

Lucinia: “You mean ‘your’ favor”

Jack: “I told them you put me up to it.”

Lucinia: “There’s a special place in the bottom of a black hole for people who do that. Have fun ‘digging’ your way out. Just remember that it is hard to ‘dig’ up.”

Jack: “Hmm, if I said I had something for you, would that help?”

Lucinia: “Does it require full contact?”

Jack: “No contact yet, that comes later.”

Lucinia: “Ok, assumed as much. Look forward to it. Radio is chiming. Need to go.”

Jack: “Who on radio? Is it Kyzran?”

Lucinia: “No.”

Jack: “Uhh, Kejeh?”

Lucinia: “ ... No...”

Jack: “Hmm, Saito? No, it’s probably Spurius, shoulda guessed that first. But really it’s Delilah isn’t it? Ack of course, not her, it’s D-17, that’s who it is. How could I be such a stupo.”

Lucinia: “See you later...”

Jack: “It’s Preek prack proggidie Prock,” he fired off anyway, wondering how she could talk to her brother with any level of seriousness after that.

Stryker took another look outside the black sedan he was travelling in, at the dark countryside zooming past. They were in farmland to the east of Catania, heading for the base of a mountain that loomed up out of the night. Following them was a truck driven by two Fallen Suns team members. Stryker knew vague details of them, having seen them on a few occasions. One was the leader of a Fallen Suns strike team, the other was his second in command, both were Terrans and both were certified lunatics. Mr. Barrow sat beside Stryker, looking over information on a datapad as their driver slowed the car and made a turn.

“So, what’s this about?” Stryker asked, feeling the grip of his pistol with his elbow for assurance.

“Fallen Suns have some things to discuss,” Mr. Barrow replied without losing focus on his datapad.

“Couldn’t have done this at the villa?”

“They have some interrogation to do.”

“Who’s being interrogated?” Stryker raised a brow.

“A couple potential sources of information.” Mr. Barrow replied.

“You kidnapped civvies?”

“They did, yes.” Mr. Barrow gestured briefly to the truck behind them.

“Fuck!” Stryker sounded frustrated.

“What is the problem?” Mr. Barrow looked up at him now.

“Catania P.D. has shown a heightened presence since yesterday. We would have made our capture if not for multiple PD units being damned well within arm’s reach.”

“What difference should that make?” Mr. Barrow sounded displeased. “Your team can handle a few officers.”

“A few yes, but the chance of being bogged down in a firefight or a chase was far too risky. We can’t take on an entire city full of stirred up law enforcement, not to mention they have several SRT units based around Catania. I don’t judge the risk in facing them and their advanced training acceptable, even for fifty mil. Means nothing if I end up on a prison rock.”

“One way or another, the Red Circle wants their task handled. They demand blood and they are expressing their thirst almost on the hour.”

Stryker looked behind them to the truck tailing their vehicle, understanding now he was not the only one engaged in trying to make a kidnapping. A part of him wishes he had just gone through with it, told the team to proceed and make the grab, then high tail it off this planet and go a hundred light years in some other direction. While he was in thought, he saw a bridge ahead, and within moments they were passing over it, stopping on the bridge just before the opposite side. The truck stopped behind them and both vehicles were shut off. A single light from a power pole offered illumination on the scene as Stryker and Mr. Barrow stepped out. Both Fallen Suns members got out of their own vehicles, laughing between themselves as they then started shaking the vehicle and yelling at the back end.

“The fuck?” Stryker muttered in barely a whisper.

“Do your thing.” Mr. Barrow spoke to them as if they were kids.

“Don’t worry boss, you want answers, Spade and Club get results!” Spade raised his hands up in a theatrical gesture as he walked past the driver’s door.

“Game time?” Club began tapping his fingers on the truck rapidly.

“Time for contestant number One!” Spade went behind the truck.

Stryker noted Club’s short, stocky stature, shaven head, and dark eyes, almost contrasting with his white teeth. Teeth Stryker suspected were full implants, given their cleanliness from an otherwise unclean individual. Spade was taller, but no less stocky, seeming to be the one to physically work out his rage often, one way or another. As Spade returned, Stryker saw him pulling a brown and white Izakyn along by her ears. Her eyes were red from crying and she made sounds that gave away how afraid she was. A dirty ‘Constellations’ uniform covered her, where it wasn’t torn and ripped. She made little effort to struggle against metal cuffs that held her hands behind her back.

“Come now Chicky-chick, time to play a game,” Spade pulled her over to the edge of the bridge.

Stryker saw Club pull something from his jacket pocket and hold it up, letting the Izakyn see it. She recognized it right away as her comm-pad.

“You going to let us in now Chicky?” Spade forced her head to look below the bridge.

Stryker moved up beside them, checking things out for himself. He saw that the bridge spanned a concrete canal, fenced on either side to keep people out of the swift moving current. Ahead, he saw the canal disappear into a tunnel that travelled beneath a low ridgeline.

“Does Chicky like to swimmy?” Spade made her look at him, before Club brought up the commpad.

“Please don-” The Izakyn was interrupted by Spade.

“Shhhh, no no, we don’t need speaking, unless you want to tell us how to get in! You see, it may be nothing to you, but your commpad has some especially important information.”

“Why would I have importan-”

“Hush now Chicky. I already told you, no words.”

She let out several frightened breaths as Spade forced her to the low railing at the edge of the bridge.

“What’s your name?” Stryker asked her.

She locked eyes with him and hesitated for some time, before replying.


“Ok, Sabidi, I think you should unlock your commpad or you will end up in a pretty dire situation.” Stryker tried to ease her into compliance.

Sabidi lowered her head and began crying.

“Hey Chicky, you know where this goes?” Spade spoke in a mocking tone. “This canal feeds a hydro plant. Little Chicky go for swim-swim, right into turbines, be turned into little nuggets for fish and tiny aquatic life. Not even chicky-bones would remain.”

Sabidi let out a shocked gasp, before speaking.

“One seven nine, two three ... one.” She told them and Club tried the pin number.

“Yep, that’ll do it.” Club smirked with satisfaction as he began looking through her commpad.

“Alright Sabby-chick, I made a deal and I will keep it.” Spade feigned defeat. “You’re free to go.”

He unlocked her cuffs and she rubbed at her wrists, eying him with suspicion.

“ ... or you can stay and possibly help out the other one.” Spade gave her a sly smirk.

Sabidi looked at Spade in fear, but her heart prevented her from abandoning their other captive and she stayed put.

“Good! Good! See, I knew Chicky had a heart of gold. Bring out contestant number two, would you?” Spade requested from Club with dramatic flare.

“First things first, contestant number two,” Club did a stupid little dance. “He’s a Praeminian, works in the service industry, pees himself frequently. He hates the dark and tight spaces, hasn’t changed his clothing since he ‘volunteered’ for ‘I ask, you answer’, and consequently has a pretty nasty ass smell to him. But I run my mouth needlessly. Come on out contestant number two, who smells like poo.”

Stryker watched as Club retrieved a second person from the truck and pulled his limp form along by the horns on his head.

“Vrooom-Vrooom,” Club pretended like he was driving a vehicle as he steered the unconscious Praeminians head and pulled him up to the center of the bridge.

“Heh, I like that,” Spade remarked.

“Fuckin good, eh?”

Stryker felt a growing unease about the whole situation, especially the attitudes of these two.

“Why did you grab this one?” He questioned.

“Why indeed!” Spade knelt before the unconscious form of the Praeminian who was barely holding a seated position as Club kept him up.

“Wakey time,” Spade gave the Praeminian a smack to wake him up.

Stryker saw the dirty clothing the Praeminian wore, black slacks, a grey collared shirt with several buttons missing, and a nametag that read ‘Batam’.

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