Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 33

“Alright, what’s your day plan?” Cardox asked Jack.

“Shopping.” Jack said as he looked at Kazlaena briefly, seeing her tail whipping to and fro with excitement. “Most of the stuff we want is east of the hotel and one or two blocks north. We will circuit around over the rest of the afternoon and meet back before dinner if everyone is all good with that?”

“Would uh, like to catch hobby store before we leave.” Rusu said and his sister concurred.

“Ah need a new deck of cards or two for ma card game.” Charm replied. “They sell’em at them hobby stores too.”

“Ah yes!” Kazlaena looked at her. “I need to get sa starter deck too.”

“Uh, as do I.” Rusu said and Nyka nodded together.

“You recruiting a bunch of players to defeat with your newfound passion there Doco?” Cardox asked.

“Look, ah like ma chess games ‘n all, but Merchant of Worlds tickles a fancy too.”

“Is that the card game where you draw cards, trade cargos, collect and pay points to get better ships and stuff?” Jack asked.

“Ya know the game ah see.” Charm raised a brow.

“Never played, no. A couple of friends did.” Jack replied.

“Ah, a shame. Woulda been fun to beat ya on another field.” Charm winked at him.

“Eh, maybe a starter deck can be purchased.” Jack shrugged.

“Nerdlingers,” Sita smiled coyly at them all.

“Ya might do well to learn some effective strat there, delinquent.” Charm replied. “Might be helpin ya avoid some of the punishment from our beloved first officer.”

“Fair point.” Sita replied with a cheeky smile.

“What say we swing by that hobby store this eve?” Charm asked. “Ah need to stay with these folk to hit up a pair o’ places where they be travellin’.”

“Can do,” Jack replied.

“There’s a right big ole hobby store west of us and ah think it was three blocks up. Will need to confirm them details.” Charm added.

“We’ll make a trip up after a pitstop. I expect people will need arms free for the hobby store loot.” Jack said and Charm nodded.

“Right, let’s get to it.” Cardox rallied them up. “No sense sittin around Jack-boy’s quarters when we came here to do the shopping.”

“Yeah, onward to shopping.” Jack made for the door and the rest followed.

Kazlaena took point and led them on with Rusu following close behind. Jack and Pri followed side by side, with Nyka close behind them. The city activity level was light, with some foot and street traffic as well as the occasional Yisinthi or other flight capable race drifting overhead. Jack caught sight of a taco truck parked across the street, realizing it bore the same name as the stand up on the space station. He momentarily thought it must be a franchise name, before paying it no more mind.

“Um, I need to find sa garment store,” Kazlaena said as they headed up the street. “What one would um, carry sa work close?”

“Hmm,” Jack pondered the work attire store names he could recall. “Not sure what they have here, one sec,” he pulled out his commpad and looked up clothing stores in the area. “Probably this one.” He pointed to a store one block over.

“Ah, ok, sanks,” Kazlaena started to walk towards an intersection.

“You need some new work clothes?” Jack asked as he followed behind.

“No silly. Sa close are for you. Sa sirts, I um, ruined yours in sa laundry.”

“Oh, yeah, don’t worry about that.” Jack reached out to stop her. “Just focus on having fun. I’ll grab some shirts before we go.” He looked at Pri.” I gotta get you one too. I might have stretched one loaner out in the shoulders.”

“No replacement required.” Pri shook her head. “Loaned shirts were aged. Were wearing out. Accurately predicted one or two would be split.”

“Oh,” Jack grinned faintly. “Makes me feel a little less bad now, still, you need any more?”

Pri shook her head and Jack felt someone grab hold of his arm.

“Let us go to sa store,” Kazlaena requested.

“Kaz,” Jack was about to tell her not to worry about his shirts.

“No,” Kazlaena turned around to face him. “I made sa mistake. I intend to correct sat. Please stop letting me off so easy.”

Jack meant to protest, but the face Kazlaena gave him made him submit to her wish. “Ok, but just a couple, fair enough?”

She nodded and they were off, dodging a few pedestrians as she did her best to pull him along while the others followed in close succession.

“Sis one is good?” Kazlaena held a shirt to Jack.

Jack took it and held it across his chest. “Yeah, looks like.”

“Um, you do not want to try sat on to make sure?” She looked at him curiously.

“Nah,” Jack shook his head. “Can just look at the size and see,” he looked at the tag. “Yeah see, large is what I wear.”

“Jack!” Kazlaena tried to push him along. “Make sure sat fits properly.”

“Ok, ok, be back in a moment,” Jack headed off with the shirt, returning a few moments later with a nod.

“Sa sirt fits good?”

“Yeah, it’s good,” he let go when she took a hold of it, grabbed another large, then headed off to pay.

“Uh, why she buy shirts?” Rusu was curious.

“Had a little laundry mistake. She forgot a couple of very colorful clothes that made it into my wash, turned my shirts into a mess.”

“Oh, ah, heh,” Rusu tried not to laugh but the thought of Jack in blotchy colored clothes got the better of him.

“Was a sight,” Jack smiled. “Tried to turn it to my advantage, Make the Prockster all mad, but a better road was taken.”

“Road with favorable outcome,” Pri added. “To incite the Proc is unwise. Moreso when one carries out such task unintentionally with alarming frequency and a genuine lack of required effort.”

“Just gotta pick one of many simple plays in my handbook to grind his gears.”

“Must be filled with a variety of maneuvers.”

“The best one, walk into a meeting casually, one minute late with a cup of coffee in your hand,” Jack started laughing.

“Is uh, beautiful.” Rusu liked that play while Pri set a hand over her forehead, failing to keep her own laugh contained. “That makes him salty for hours, trust me.” Jack remarked, noticing Nyka looking over a work boot designed for digitigrade feet. “He makes others have an uncomfortable day far too often. Needs to have a few of his own. He’s got a lot of debt there.”

Pri gave him a nod as Rusu concurred with the remark.

“Looks like we’re done here. What say we head on to the next place?” Jack motioned to Nyka and Kazlaena, who were waving to them.

“Ah, right then, uh, let us be on our way.” Rusu gave Kazlaena a fond smile and she gave him a cute look back.

They entered a mixed clothing store next, carrying casual wear and formal clothing including several nice suits, gowns and high fashion clothing worn by races besides Terrans. Nyka followed Kazlaena and Rusu to the racks with light casual wear while Jack and Pri wandered around, showing brief interest in a tan bush shirt.

“You prefer that style of shirt, huh?” Jack asked. “I see you wearing them a lot on your down time.”

“They hold appeal,” Pri nodded.

“Alright, try this one on,” Jack pulled a pink and tan bush shirt off the rack.

“Oh?” Pri showed genuine intrigue.

“Or this one?” Jack pulled a blue and grey one off and held it up to her torso. “Hmm, might be too small. Yeah, it’s a small, you wear medium right?”

“Correct,” Pri nodded as she took the pink and tan shirt and went to the changing room while Jack looked through the rest of the clothes.

A few moments later she came back, and Jack nodded. “That looks good on you, with those tan colored pants.”

“Even with hat?”

“Yeah,” he nodded.

“You tolerate garment shopping rather well,” Pri said as she took a few other shirts he had picked out.

“Yeah? I guess,” Jack shrugged. “It doesn’t really bother me.”

She smiled and headed off with the other shirts. Jack was looking around on his own for a couple minutes before she returned.

“Favor leans to these,” She held out her chosen three in which his pick was in there. “Will purchase in a mome...” She trailed off when her eyes fell on a colorful dress.

Jack followed her gaze and immediately picked up on what she saw. “Not a word.” He fought to contain some laughter.

“Does bear striking resemblance to dress you once wore.”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“In fact,”

“Nope. Pay for your stuff and let’s move on.” He set his hands on her shoulders and directed her away.

“What would be required, to see visage in dress?”

“Everything,” Jack laughed as they met up with the others and headed to the front to pay for their items.

They had gone through a few more stores before hunger started to set in and Kazlaena made mention of getting some sustenance.

“Ohh, so ‘ungry. Can we get ‘Spaceclucks’?”

“You like that greasy chicken stuff, huh?” Jack asked.

“Um, yes,” Kazlaena looked back at him with a bit of a sheepish grin. “Tastes so good.”

“Sometimes cheap, fast, greasy sustenance is desired break from standard diet.” Pri added.

“Ok, Nyka, Rusu, you two ok with nastyclucks?” Jack asked them.

“Oh, uh, y-yes,” Rusu bit his lower lip.

“Nas ... nasclucks? Nasty?” Nyka scratched the back of her head as she struggled to repeat what Jack had said.

“Spaceclucks Chicken and Grill. They deep fry the shard outta the chicken, but their other menu items aren’t too bad. Urkute dogs and burgers, also have san-san meat, along with pork and beef choices.”

“Is ok,” Nyka nodded, and Jack pulled out his commpad, doing a quick search for a Spaceclucks and finding one up the street.

“Ok, that-a-way,” He pointed, and they moved on.

Adjacent a small park near the next intersection, they saw their destination. The place was not too busy with the time of day sitting between lunch and dinner. They approached an outside service counter and Kazlaena went first, ordering breaded chicken strips and nuggets. Nyka and Rusu went next, ordering grilled chicken sandwiches with wedge fries. Pri ordered three urkute brisket tacos and Jack went for a pair of garden chicken wraps.

“You not order sa greasy burger or somesing?” Kazlaena asked Jack as they took their meals over to a park table.

“Nah, Kiddo. Through most of my twenties I ate poorly. Gotta be mindful of what I eat now.”

“Oh?” She tilted her head. “Um, because of sa military?”

“Lots of fast meals, field rations, all that good stuff. It’s ok though. I could use some better health habits.”

“Oh, um, well, sat’s good sen. I would not want you to get sick or anysing.”

“See sticks of foul stench cast to the void and one important health habit would be achieved.” Pri joked as she sat down across from Jack. Kazlaena sat on his right, with the bench between her legs and her meal before her. Rusu sat across from her and Nyka sat on Jack’s left.

“Could get rid of ‘sticks of foul stench’,” Jack said. “However, they have their required place for now.”

Pri knew better than to press too far. She had used alcohol in the past to cover her own demons when the nights grew dark and the mind lost its way, falling to terrible shores.

“Um,” Kazlaena finished off a chicken strip. “If you need sa stinks, I won’t boser you, but I just want you to live long.”

“I know Sprocket,” Jack wrapped an arm around her and felt her pat the back of his hand and his forearm. “I’ll work on it.”

“Anyone potatoes?” Nyka held her carton of wedges out for anyone to take.

“Nah, thanks though,” Jack replied. “You should eat them. Gonna be a late dinner tonight.”

“Ah, ok,” Nyka set them down for later as she finished her sandwich.

They finished their meals relatively quickly and were back to their feet, heading for a novelty store beside the little park.

When they entered the novelty store, Kazlaena pointed at the customizable t-shirts.

“Um, going to get sa few, be right back, okay?”

“Sure,” Jack nodded and looked around with Rusu.

“Uh, these, strange...” Rusu looked at some strange looking toys.

“They’re joke toys, like these blast glitter on you or this one has a spring-loaded mouse in it that ‘jumps’ at you when you open the lid.”

“Oh, uh, they humor things?”

“Yeah,” Jack nodded and paid attention to Rusu as he studied a few. “Probably not a good idea,” He saw Rusu look at him. “That’s what I’m supposed to say in my official capacity, however, if one should buy them without my knowledge...” He started laughing as Rusu gave him a sly grin. “ ... Ah! Who am I kidding here,”

“Uh, not I,” Rusu smiled.

“No me,” Nyka stood beside her brother and looked over the items on the shelf.

“You got targets in mind?” Jack bumped Rusu’s side.

“Oh, well, maybe,” Rusu grinned. “Maybe no.”

“Alright, I’ll be with Pri outside, come out when you’re ready,” Jack saw them both nod and he smiled.

Just as Jack stepped outside, his commpad chimed. He pulled it out and, with one hand, unlocked it as he used the other hand to set a cigarette in his mouth and light it up.

“Will succumbs to urge of sucking on burning timber,” Pri grinned.

“Only a part of it is timber,” Jack let out a smokey breath. “It’s mostly plant matter and a chemical shit medley. Wanna try?”

Pri shook her head. “Cardox on comms?”

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “They’re going for a quick detour and will meet us at the hotel in an hour. A certain shitty gritty fiddy started kicking up a fuss to go to his liquor store. He didn’t confirm the shop timetable. It closes earlier than he thought.”

“Hue and cry from Andor bears particular grate,” Pri said half-heartedly.

“Fuck,” Jack shook his head. “Guy wouldn’t be half bad if he’d just stop creeping so intently on the single ladies on the Feather.”

“Agreed,” Pri nodded. “He saw intent with me burned to ash before it fully left mouth. Brought agitation faster than expected pace. Felt somewhat apologetic afterward for attitude to dismissal, but never pressed on any reconciliation.”

“He even tried with you?” Jack asked with surprise.

“Correct,” Pri nodded.

“Like relationship?”

“Like naked tumble.”

“Fuckin guy,” Jack took in a long pull on his cigarette and let it out. “His desire for whatever he’s after, no impact, no idea.”

“Agreed,” Pri nodded. “Andor should have anticipated better. I do not tumble on fleeting whim.”

“Kinda surprised he’d tempt such a notion with you.” Jack shook his head. “Took his life in his hands that day.”

Pri looked over to him with a bit of a witty grin. “He fails to hold what this Sezar needs to be tamed,” She gestured to herself, causing Jack to laugh.

“Yeah, probably got some shit one liner he tells everyone he hopes to impress. Ah, anyway, enough about him. I don’t wanna waste more time than needed on that guy and his poorly planned exploits.”

“Shared sentiment,” Pri agreed.

“Your day going ok? Having fun darting about with the kids?”

“I have no regret or grievance. ‘Kids’ are well mannered, even the Coralane boy. I find content in their joy. As to day in general, I find it enjoyable, save discomfort with hooped tail.”

“Glad I ain’t got one,” Jack said, looking over her lengthy tail curled up behind her.

“Be so, tails can be unwelcome nuisance.” Pri adjusted hers in its fabric sleeve and let out a huff.

“Suppose so. They give you an edge sometimes though, from what I’ve seen you do with yours at times.”

“Fair point,” Pri was about to continue when Kazlaena and the two Lexocanus’ left the novelty store.

“You all shopped out yet?” Jack asked them and saw Kazlaena, Rusu and Nyka shaking their heads in unison. “Ok, where to next?” he asked, catching Pri with a heart-felt smile of her own as she saw their enthusiasm.

They continued for another hour, then made their way back to the hotel where the two groups met outside the lobby.

“Ok, I’m heading in to go rest for a bit and get ready for dinner.” Cardox said, followed by Zakia, Delilah, Andor and Sita.

“We gonna hit up that card and comics shop then?” Charm asked Jack and he nodded.

“Yeah, you still gonna to teach us all that card game after dinner?” Jack asked.

“Anyone who feels right as rain to learn...” Charm spoke with encouragement. “ ... might find It fun.”

“Yeah, better get goin. Who else is coming?” Jack looked the group over.

Kazlaena, Rusu and Nyka sounded off and moved close to Jack. Pri was about to turn in for some rest of her own but decided to stay. Kazlaena reached out to take her hand and they traded smiles.

“Here, pass us anything you want taken up to the rooms.” Cardox extended his hand, and the others followed his lead.

When the hobby store shoppers had passed their current purchases off with gratitude, Cardox told them to come to his room when they were back to retrieve their stuff.

“Aight, lets-a-go.” Jack remarked.

By the time they reached the hobby store, the sun was low on the horizon, hidden now by the dense cloud cover occupying the sky. Catania’s weather network stated rain within the hour, progressing to heavy showers, making their time on a budget if they wished to walk back to the hotel unbothered. A large, fluorescent sign over the door read ‘Mielles Cards and Games’. Jack stepped in first, followed by the others, all looking over the sizeable interior. Up the left side was all manner of boxed games and sets for collectible miniature games. There was a set of aisle shelves in front of the games, loaded with small pack racks and rulebooks. Near the back of the left side, there were a few hobby sets from other races, including a Veltrasken leaf tooling kit. This kit allowed the hobbyist to design intricate illuminated works on Seesae tree leaves from the Veltrasken’s bioluminescent home world. Up the right side of the store sat wall shelves containing cards and their respective games, vid chips and music chips. Down the center of the store was a gaming space where players could sit at several tables and play their respective hobbies within the store.

“Hello all.” A wave from the Veltrasken clerk at the counter to the right of the door caught their attention.

“Hey.” Jack waved to her. She stepped out from behind the counter and lifted her dataspecs from the bridge of her snout, giving them all a welcoming smile. Her scaled body was a mix of black and gold where visible, with blue-green hued irises and green horns on her head. She had green stripes on her forearms and visible legs past her white skirt, with white furred ears and a small freckle-like pattern of white dots beneath her eyes and down her snout.

“Welcome to my niche.” the Veltrasken said, adjusting the nametag on her pink shirt. “My name is Mielle. Is there anything I can help any of you with?” She spoke Galcom easily, with a clear Veltrasken accent, melodic, almost singing, somewhat deep but pleasant to hear.

“I’m ok Mielle, thanks.” Jack nodded and stepped aside so the others could raise questions if they had any.

“Is uh, looking.” Rusu said and Nyka followed his lead.

“I am ok for now, sanks.” Kazlaena smiled. “I like sise place. So neat.”

“Compliment is appreciated.” Mielle put her hands together and bowed her head.

Kazlaena gave her another smile, then headed off with Rusu and Nyka. Mielle looked at Pri, a little surprised.

“Do not get many Sikkarrans here,” she said with her arms out in a welcoming gesture. “Few Sezars for that matter. What hobby does valued warrior pursue in downtime?”

“I...” Pri looked around with hesitation, being new to all of this.

She caught sight of a pair of Praeminians playing a card game, both looking at her curiously. Past them, a Setsolei and a Terran were looking over a couple of rule books, though now their attention was upon the Sezar.

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