Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 31

Stryker and Syriphi returned to their hotel room after storing the taco stand and were met by Urzik and Senyu.

“Caine?” Stryker asked.

“Getting coffee and muffins,” Urzik said from where he stood by the balcony door. “Should be back soon.”

“You conversed with one mark,” Senyu spoke with interest. “Do tell, what did little Vandean have to say?”

“We know where they will be tomorrow,” Stryker replied as he reached into the fridge and pulled out four bottles of beer.

The others closed in around him and each took a bottle.

“They’re going to Catania. Now that plan could change on a dime, but in any event, they are going to the surface, and we need to be ready.”

“Any idea how many?” Urzik asked.

“Kid just said a bunch. Take their crew size and a bunch probably means eight or more. Expect most or all their security personnel to be present.”

“If our full crew is present, it is possible to take them with a show of force. Could save needless violence.” Syriphi spoke up.

“We will try,” Stryker assured her, but added, “however, none of our crew will be put at risk. If they insist on violence, we will need to incapacitate them as the situation requires.”

Syriphi looked at him for a moment, before letting her gaze fall to the counter. Stryker reached out and gave her wrist a quick squeeze to further offer his assurance, when the door opened, and Caine entered with a box of fresh brewed coffee and a covered tray of muffins.

“Good call,” Stryker said as he took the box of coffee, set it down, then took another bottle of beer from the fridge to hand over to Caine. “We have a long night ahead.”

“What’s going on?” Caine asked.

“We know where they intend to visit.” Stryker gave him a grin.

“Really? That was fast.”

“It was,” Stryker nodded. “Kid literally dropped everything at the first couple of questions.”

“Huh,” Caine took a long drink. “Vandeans are too innocent for their own good, to our benefit. What’s our next plan?”

“Look up a street map of Catania. Alert the other teams we have a strong potential location, but they are to remain in place until we have confirmation. That means we see the party leave the station, and acquire an id of them emerging from a shuttle on the planet. Find out where commercial shuttles land and get the teams on observation at each possible landing zone to make sure they do not change their plans in the meantime.”

“Roger that boss,” Caine said as he pulled out a mug and filled it with black coffee, added a touch of cream, then took both coffee and beer to his workstation.

“Senyu, Urzik, catch some rest. The drones will alert us to any movement if the targets are about.”

“Thanks boss,” Urzik wrapped his arms around Senyu and they both walked into their room.

“Let’s catch some rest ourselves,” Stryker said to Syriphi. “I think we are going to have precious little of such a luxury over the next few days.”

She gave him a nod and they headed for their room.

“You got the helm for a couple hours, Caine. I gotta clean off this taco spice smell.” Stryker said as he walked past.

“Uh huh. You both like taco spice. I know what you’re up to,” Caine managed a sly smile when the door to their room closed abruptly.

“Yeah,” Caine spoke to himself. “Next time me and Telwen get to run the taco stand and you two get comms duty,”

He let out a huff and leaned back in his chair, looking up the ceiling for a moment as he thought of his own love interest and how she was doing with one of the teams stationed down in Catania.

Jack and Kazlaena entered the rec room ten minutes ahead of their planned meeting. Both Lexos were there along with Charm, all watching something on Nyka’s large tablet with interest.

“Allo!” Kazlaena waved to them and moved over to the back of the couch, joining in on watching the video.

Jack went over to the coffee maker and started brewing a cup. While he waited, Pri entered, waving to the group at the couch before turning her attention to Jack.

“Good nap, Doodle?” he asked.

“Nap was good. Will return to rest after meeting as last shift is at zero hundred.”

“Oh? So you’re on shift same time as me huh?” Jack noted passively.

“Correct...” Pri eyed his with suspicion.

“Oh nothing, nothing at all my dear Sezar,” Jack broke into laughter when she squinted at him with her teeth showing in a mock snarl.

“You want a cup?” Jack asked and she nodded, thanking him when he passed the freshly made one over.

Jack started a second cup, then turned to face her.

“You excited for tomorrow?”

“I am.” Pri spoke with some hesitation, but Jack felt the response was genuine.

“Be a good escape from routine at least.” Jack looked over to Kazlaena and the others at the couch. “We’ll make sure they get to go everywhere they need to; they could all use it as a break from the routine. We’ll make sure we leave time for ourselves too. We’ll be sure to hit that art shop before we go. In the evening we may find our best opportunity.”

Pri bowed her head to him in gratitude, took a sip, then looked at him.

“Everyone has places planned, but not you. Why?” she asked with curiosity. “Is there no store in planned destination that offers interest?”

“There is,” Jack took the fresh brewed coffee and added cream and sugar.

“You keep me in suspense,” Pri smiled when he turned back around. “Interest is not deep enough to visit such places?”

“I want to make sure you all get to go.” Jack spoke softly. “I had lots of time to screw around and visit all those shops while I was away. I can give it a couple of months, or even until next trip before I shop around.”

“Would you at least desire new model?” Pri asked. “Art shop may offer some possibilities.”

“I’ll see what’s available when we go.” Jack replied. “And...”

Pri looked at him warmly.

“Thanks for thinking of me, Doodle.”

“Is what fromates do,” she said, before taking him in a gentle hug.

“You ok?” Jack asked.

“Good.” Pri replied with meaning.

“Ok,” Jack did not press further. He patted her back a few times before they parted, then headed over to join the others. They took the open seats on the loveseat and Kazlaena came over a moment later, sitting between them with her commpad out, sending off a few hasty texts. When she finished, she put her commpad away and looked at Jack with a smile.

“What’s up, kiddo?” Jack had barely finished speaking when she grabbed his nose.

“Got sa nose,” she laughed.

“Oh yeah?” Jack wrapped an arm around her head and put her in a hold, reaching over to tickle at her ears, before Pri joined in on Kazlaena’s behalf and pulled his arm away. “Double teams no fairzies!”

They acted silly for a few moments before the door to the rec room opened and Cardox, Sita and Zakia entered.

“Oh! Better stop messin around!” Jack cautioned. “Big boy and big girl in the house.”

“Like you listen to them kinda instructions Jack-boy,” Sita replied, walking past to pinch at his ear before taking a seat in one of the chairs.

“Yeah, you get your homework done?” Cardox asked from over by the coffee maker. “I’m supposed to tell you to get out until you have. No paperwork, no surface trip.”

“By One Officer Broompole-Up-Assus the first of his line, Lord No Smile Sourpuss the right and honorable Scowler Mc Spirit Crush, no doubt,” Jack remarked.

“What the...” Sita looked as though she was impressed.

“Derogatory yet stately string of remarks suits nature of target quite well...” Pri added her own admiration for the statements.

“Jack!” Kazlaena looked at him intently. “Did you get sa paperwork done?”

“Yeah, Sprocks.” Jack patted her when she exclaimed, “Yay!”

Kazlaena stood up and gave him a high five, before she went to lightly punching at Cardox’ midriff when he came over.

“Oh, ah, getting beat up no fun,” Cardox set his coffee down and made an exaggerated grab at her, letting her jump back.

Delilah and Saito joined them a moment later and Kazlaena backed off from Cardox. Being quite eager to get the meeting under way, she sat back down, though she was way forward on the loveseat, as if ready to spring up at any moment.

“Right, is this all of us?” Cardox looked the room over.

“No,” Jack replied passively. “The Frenon too,”

“He’s late,” Cardox frowned, just as the door opened and Andor entered. “Speak of the devil,” Cardox added under his breath.

“Eh, sorry, got caught up lookin after the ship and all,” Andor stated as he took a seat at one of the tables behind the couch.

“Right then, no need to wait any longer,” Cardox looked to Saito first. “So you are our scribe then Saito?”

“Yes,” Saito nodded as he was opening up a tablet to a note taking app. “I wish I was going, but so much to do. I will record plans and possible shop locations for record keeping, as requested. Also have a small list if anyone can assist with purchases.”

“Sure thing,” Jack motioned for the list to be passed over.

“Ok, we will be moving in two groups. Any more will leave us exposed to any potential threats. The risk factor is believed to be pretty low, but we need to take precautions.” Cardox briefed them. “We have rooms at the Starwing, correct Jack?”

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “I reserved twelve rooms on the twenty-eighth floor. Captains Treat.”

That got some reaction from several expressing their surprise and gratitude.

“She ensures us we all deserve it as a way to help everyone heal.” Jack assured them. “Be sure to thank her at some point.”

“Will do!” Cardox said. “With that in mind, we will be focused within a couple of blocks of the Starwing. All the shop requests that have made it to me so far are within that perimeter, with the exception of your desired liquor store, Andor.” Cardox looked at him. “You, me and Sita will make a trip there after dinner tomorrow, well before they close. Jack, your team will be on standby during that time. If anything should happen...”

“Cavalry’s coming,” Jack said.

“Sorta,” Sita remarked. “Pri’d be carrying you on her back, so you could use the lance, but she’d only make it like a block with Tubby-tubbs slowing her down.”

“What?” Pri questioned, looking at them all without understanding.

“It’s a theoretical situation,” Delilah spoke up. “In reality, better to just take off and assist Cardox and Sita. Let Jack catch up after the situation is contained.”

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