Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 30

Jack made his way down to Pri’s room after his breakfast to meet with the security team. They had opted to talk in Pri’s quarters since they all had a healthy interest in her terrarium and the faint scents it released into the room, not to mention her wall décor was always appealing. Jack tapped on the door and Pri opened it, letting him inside. Cardox and Sita were not there yet.

“Huh, they’re late,” Jack remarked. “Wonder why?”

“One could make accurate guess,” Pri remarked.

“One could,” Jack laughed.

“All night watch has been proving successful?” Pri asked as she bumped his chest with a fist.

“It has,” Jack nodded, returning the gesture. “Got me right fuckin tired though.”

“And Little Sherrif?”

“She is doing the best she can. Always rough the first few days,” his response brought a sympathetic look from Pri. “Kid’s got this,” Jack assured her.

“With Fromate at helm, guidance is assured, though possibly misdirected at times.” Pri spoke lightheartedly.

“You think so, huh?” Jack went to poke at her, but Pri brushed his hand away, holding a slight martial pose at the end.

Jack looked over the terrarium. “What creates that fragrance?”

“Several plants,” Pri walked up to his side. “But one plant primarily.” She pointed at a large blue/purple frond. “Akadara. A common plant used for fragrance and desired scent.”

“Smells like a mix of mint and cinnamon,” Jack noted as he waved some of the scent to his face, nodding with approval.

“Favored scents,” Pri took in a brief sniff. “However, nose has become accustomed to consistent fragrance. Smell no longer carries weight.”

“I can look after your terrarium for a while if you want to take the scent away and lower your tolerance for it?” Jack half joked.

“Your intent is kind, but I will decline,” Pri looked closely at all the plants in the tank. “This small piece of home is held close to heart. Scent is but by-product, secondary effect to terrariums real meaning.”

“I understand,” Jack wrapped an arm around her upper back and patted her arm a couple of times. “How are you on that front?”

“The home front?”

“Yeah,” Jack brushed her arm.

“Home has fallen to distant memory,” Pri spoke with a mix of sentiment and sadness. “As a dream one seeks to remember, but visage fades in place of painful experience.”

“Is there anything I can do for you, Doodle?” Jack asked.

Pri leaned into him, setting a hand on his arm as she placed her head on his shoulder, speaking quietly.

“If opportunity presents itself, would you accompany me home?”

“Done,” Jack felt her tail swoop around and wrap around him. “Say the time and we’ll plan it out.”

“Appreciated, Fromate,” Pri said, then started purring, somewhat to her own embarrassment.

“Hmm, never seen Sikarra. Should I bring my beachwear?” Jack asked.

“Would fix coloration of legs.”

“Oh yeah?” Jack reached down and took her tail, then used it to brush her chin with the feathers.

“Jaa-ck!” Pri spoke with shock, being caught mid-purr that made her cry out with a silly noise.

She then tried to wrestle with him...

Cardox and Sita entered Pri’s quarters and saw the Sikkaran and Jack, pushing against each other with outstretched arms, holding each other’s hands. Jack was on the loosing end of the power struggle and resorted to trickery to gain the upper hand, letting her fall into him. As she did, he ducked and was able to catch her just under her chest with his shoulder, lifting until her feet left the ground and she was in a partial fireman’s carry.

“Uh, you two want a few minutes to fuckin, er, finish up?” Sita asked.

“Naw,” Jack set Pri down, who lightly backhanded his belly. He bumped her with his side, and she caught his rear with her tail.

“Figured we could fool around too, you know,” Jack said finally, catching Cardox and Sita trading sheepish looks.

“Alright, all that aside,” Cardox spoke with a smile. “So, a trip to the surface needs to be planned huh?”

“Still some conditions,” Jack said. “We need to come up with a solid movement plan and conduct a risk assessment.”

“Pretty fuckin risky,” Sita said. “But I’m for a trip so can’t say no. Runnin into some risks might be fun too. Bash some skulls and whatnot.”

“Easy tiger,” Cardox patted her shoulder, and she grabbed his arm, pretending to bite it.

“Tiger gotta prowl sometime,” she remarked.

“Well,” Jack opened his portable computer and projected a shallow 3d image against the floor of Pri’s quarters. “This market, strongly recommended by Kazzie, located in Catania in the Kirpi province, makes a strong candidate for a secure visit. Situated in the Posean district, the shops have wide lanes and avenues with good public exposure. Unless a potential threat is extremely brazen, the public nature of this location should serve to keep us secure with local police only a few blocks away. There is a large open park at one end of the primary avenue, overlooking a lake and clear views of the large commercial and residential hi-rise districts on the flanking shorelines.”

“That covers our requests, barring a rowdy nightclub,” Cardox said.

“Damn, was lookin for some action.” Sita frowned.

“Action may yet be had. Need to expect any possibility.” Pri looked over the projection. “Plan for safe access and egress?”

“There is a shuttle pad in the district that we can use direct from the station. On top of that, police and security kiosks are located frequently throughout the district.” Jack answered, noting the locations as he spoke.

Cardox nodded his head in approval. “What about timeframe?”

“Depart and travel down tomorrow afternoon, then we are expected to return the following day. Pretty expensive shuttle cost if it was just a day trip.” Jack said.

“An overnighter huh?” Sita grinned. “Maybe I can find a rowdy place after all.”

“Be careful not to draw attention to us.” Jack reminded her. “That means keeping out of custody or beating up local ruffians.”

“A girl can dream,” Sita sighed.

“We have a base of operations?” Cardox asked.

“Likely be this hotel,” Jack drew their attention to a large building surrounded by shops.

“The Starwing?” Sita was curious. “Never heard of it.”

“Supposed to be decent, but I’ll get that info figured out once we confirm our plan. Then we can adjust if needed.”

Cardox nodded to Jack, then added his own instructions. “No more than two groups when we leave the hotel. Two security members with each group. It will weaken our overall effectiveness if something happens, so we should plan according to everyone’s desired shopping locations.”

“We cannot go armed either,” Jack said. “Pranza has no weapons carry permits. If something goes down, it will be limited to hand-to-hand or a small list of P.D.T.s [personal defense tools].”

“If they got a fuckin gun, gonna be rather difficult to keep any advantage,” Sita frowned. “Can we carry stunners at least?”

“Only those with wires and a safety release trigger,” Jack answered. “Wireless stunners have a higher danger rating due to unreliability. We can carry deterrent sprays, or horns, whistles, ect. You know, the usual stuff that means nothing against a determined assailant.”

“Fuckin, well, better than nothing I guess,” Sita shrugged. “Cards’ you an me with our training would be like Pri by herself. Jack how much hand-to-hand fuck-uppery do you have?”

“Very limited,” Jack replied. “Artema rebel combat training was very limited with martial arts. We trained to use our tools of war, even in a grappling situation.”

“Ain’t gonna have no fuckin tools down there though,” Sita scratched her head. “You better go with Pri, she’ll keep you safe.”

“I’m ok with that,” Jack said. “Just make sure you two don’t get caught with your...” he paused for a moment. “Just don’t get caught, eh?”

“Caught doing what?” Cardox asked as he looked away, grinning.

“Up to close quarters intent,” Pri answered.

“Yeah, that,” Jack concurred as he bumped his hands together, suggestively.

“You two were fuckin wrestlin around when we entered,” Sita said with a laugh. “Kinda goin all interspecies here...”

“That’s kinda stretching it,” Jack grinned and shook his head, noting Pri give Sita a squint with a suppressed smile. “Moving forward, the Captain will give us an opportunity tonight to discuss a security plan with anyone who wishes to go. 20:30 in the rec room.”

“Aight,” Sita stomped on the projection. “We’ll be there. Just gotta stomp the fuck outta this town here first since I can’t fuckin do it all legit like.”

What started as Sita making a simple joke, soon turned into all of them ‘crushing buildings and eating people’ like giant monsters.

“Noooooo, dooonnn’’tttt eeaaaattt mmmeeeeeee,” Jack pretended to hold up a city worker. “You blocked up road lanes during rush hour, you get eats now...”

“This one cut someone off on the highway without using an indicator,” Cardox pretended to throw a victim up into the air and chomp down.

“Bus full of tourists, am nam nam nam,” Sita ‘shook a bus load’ into her mouth.

“We will be tourists by tomorrow.” Pri pointed out.

“Ah well, better make some room then,” Sita finished off the bus.

“Right then, we have our outline.” Cardox brought them back to maturity. “This city, this district, this hotel. When we have the briefing tonight, we will need to give everyone time to look over the area and see where they want to go.”

“Be standard places, I bet.” Sita spoke. “Make sure it’s got a good place for hobby shops and electronics. Let’s make sure the young’uns have their shopping opportunities covered.”

“Shared sentiment,” Pri nodded, and they all agreed.

“Same with everyone else. Think of what places you want to go and let’s get a list together.” Cardox pointed at Pri. “Art-N-All,”

He pointed at Sita next. “Brawlers Bin.”

He pointed at Jack last. “Dresses-in-plenty.”

Jack pointed back. “Toys-for-boys.”

“Yessir, already have a place in mind.” Cardox replied. “New parts for the racetrack. If we’re all cozy with the movement orders, better spread the word and let everyone know. If that’s it, I’m going get some chow.”

“Yeah, fuckin freshie time,” Sita followed him out, looking back momentarily to point at Jack and Pri. “Now behave...” She had a stern look as she slipped from view.

“Right, guess it’s on us to make some suggestions to whoever we’re looking after,” Jack looked over the projection on the floor. “You got some places in mind for yourself, yeah?”

“Was not high on priority but could use new supplies.”

“We’ll find a place,” Jack said with confidence.

“Oh?” Pri looked down to a restaurant marker on the projection.

“What’s up?”

“A Sikarran restaurant,” Pri stopped the computer from projecting onto the floor and looked over the map on the computer screen, adjusting to a street view. “Would fromate care for Sikarran breakfast?”

“Fromate would,” Jack crouched beside her and got a look at the place. “Are your dishes not super spicy though?”

“Can request low spice content.” Pri assured him.

“Right then, we got one place. See if you can find an art store.” Jack pulled out his commpad and switched to the local net. “I’ll see what I can find as well.”

Pri smiled when he bumped her shoulder, then they got to work seeing what was available for art shops.

Jack headed out of his quarters at 16:30, waiting by the stairwell with his commpad in hand. He was about to make a call but was interrupted by someone calling out to him. Jack turned around to see Kazlaena walking quickly up to him, making his need to call her redundant.

“Time to get sa order now?”

“Yeah.” Jack nodded. “You hungry?”



“Um...” Kazlaena looked at him oddly as she tilted her head.

“So hungry yous gets mad.” Jack clarified.

“I don’t get mad over sa food!” Kazlaena gave him a cheeky smile.

Jack motioned for her to follow. “I just gotta send the Cappie a message, so she knows we’re heading out.”

“Ok.” Kazlaena followed him.

“You like Constellations sandwiches?” Jack asked as they exited the ship.

“Um, yes. Sey are good.” Kazlaena nodded, taking a hold of his hand as they headed down the gangway, towards the station proper.

“What one did you get?”

“Um, I sink it was called sa club.”

“Club sandwiches are pretty good.” Jack said as they passed through an automated scanner and were greenlit to enter the station. “They got tomato though.”

“Um, sey do?” Kazlaena bit her lower lip.


“Ugh.” Kazlaena smacked her forehead as she grunted. “I will ‘ave to pull it out sen.”

“You eat lettuce though, right?”



“Also, yes.”

“Just give me the tomato, so it doesn’t go to waste.” Jack patted her back.

“Ok, sanks.” Kazlaena did a little hop-skip beside him, and they passed through a sliding door, entering the main station causeway on the other side.

They were immediately hit by all the aromas from the various food shops and vendor stalls near the dockyard. Station food courts were often close to the docks to accommodate the crew of all the ships, with commissary stores next, then general shopping. The place was relatively quiet as it was still early for the dinner rush. As they proceeded down the causeway, they saw a pair of Yisinthi playing soft sounding instruments. Jack dropped a five Luc bill in their open instrument case and nodded when he met the grateful eyes of one of them.

“Um, are sey in sa trouble, financially?” Kazlaena asked.

“No,” Jack shook his head and pointed. “There’s a sign beside the bench there.”

“Um, Oh!” Kazlaena read the message. “Wow, sat’s nice of sem to donate sa Lucs.”

“Yeah,” Jack nodded and Kazlaena stopped.

He stopped too and watched her pull out her wallet, retrieving a twenty Luc bill to set in their case. She gave them both a thoughtful smile, then moved quickly back to Jack.

“Um, can you give me sa minute or so?” She asked. “I want to get sem somesing to drink. I know sey like citrona’s and sey like sa chilled Reskano’s.”

“Go for it.” Jack gave her a wink and she smiled back before she headed off to a drink store within sight.

Jack watched her go inside, being able to keep an eye on her as the front of the store was open to the avenue. She picked out a couple of drinks and paid for them, then headed for the Yisinthi. Jack watched the exchange as they stopped playing, conversed with her for about a minute, took some selfies with each other, then she bid them a good day. She was heading back to Jack when she caught sight of a taco stand vendor waving to her. He saw her approach and had a conversation with the taco stand vendors for a couple of minutes before they handed her a pair of tacos. Jack was curious as to why she didn’t have to pay, then saw her walk over to the Yisinthi and offer up the food items. They thanked her again before she headed back over to Jack at a brisk pace.

“What was the tacos thing about?” Jack asked.

“Sa taco owners, sey asked if I could take over sa treat for sa Yisinthi.” Kazlaena spoke with praise. “Sat was kind of sem to do sat.”

“Taco Yum Yum’s huh?” The name made Jack smile.

“Yes, sat’s kind of sa cute name!” Kazlaena giggled.

Jack looked over to see the vendors at the cart conversing with each other. The Veltrasken seemed quite animated about something, while the large, broad Terran working with her seemed to react with reservation to her discussion. They were too far away though to hear what was being said. Jack thought little of it and opened the door to the sandwich shop so Kazlanea could head in first.

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