Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 28

Jack yawned as he stepped into the galley and gave Delilah a wave. She waved back as he approached the breakfast buffet, feeling his stomach growl in anticipation of the meal ahead.

“First full night on watch, huh?” Delilah asked.

“Yeah,” Jack rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times. “Port watch can be pretty brutal when you’re not acclimated to the long night shift. I’m used to sack time around 04:30.”

“You hittin the hay then after you eat?”

“Yeah, after an hour if I can hold on that long,” Jack took a plate and set a pair of bread slices in a toaster. “I don’t want a full gut in bed.”

“Your gut getting bigger?” Delilah looked at his belly.

“Eh, may have found a pound...”

“Or two,” Delilah replied, seeing the tightness in his shirt.

“Well, can you keep a secret?”

“Depends, are you expecting?”

That remark caused them both to laugh.

“First trimester still,” Jack replied. “But seriously, this is not my shirt. Had a laundry mishap. Pri offered one of her own.”

“That’s one of Pri’s?” Delilah seemed impressed. “Fits you rather well, except in the hips or abdomen.”

“Yeah,” Jack looked it over. “I’m a bit worried I’ll blow the sides though. Can’t keep my antics in check.”

“Like with your sidekick?” Delilah asked.


“How’s she doing?”

Jack set his plate down and leaned on the counter. “Up and down. There’s a lot going through her head, and I always feel I fall short when I talk to her about it.”

“She knows you’re there and willing to speak with her. That alone can go a long way.” Delilah assured him. “Next to that, and just being honest here, you protect her from a lot of the bad. Some bad though, she just has to come to terms with.”

Jack let out a sigh and nodded.

“I get it. I do protect her, even though we both know there’s bad stuff out here. I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong things and scare her back home. I’d be lying if I said some part of me didn’t want her home and safe, but I’m not going to be the one to chase her away from her dream. I mean, look at what she’s accomplishing on her own. I hate to think of a situation where I was to ruin anything for her.”

“You ain’t going to ruin anything for Kazzie.” Delilah spoke. “Just keep doing what you do.”

Jack was silent for a moment, then stated, “I gotta convince the Cap to let us go on a shopping trip.”

“Huh. Good luck with that. Prock-Oh-No will intercept that move.”

“Yeah,” Jack huffed. “Good luck me indeed.”

Delilah was about to reply but stopped as the galley door opened and a weary eyed Kazlaena entered. She rubbed her eyes before letting out an immense yawn, causing Jack to yawn.

“Yawns are contagious,” Jack remarked.

“You think so?” Delilah asked,

Jack forced a yawn in her direction and Delilah stepped back, waving him off, before yawning herself.

“Ugh, Jack!”


“Point made,” Delilah wiped her face before pulling out a plate with a pair of urkute sausages, then smiled at Kazlaena as she handed the plate over. “Heya lil lady.”

“Aww, no fair,” Jack reached out to try to take the plate from Kazlaena.

“Grrr...” Kazlaena growled at him before opening her mouth as if to bite.

“Gonna loose a finger there, boy,” Delilah smiled as she passed Kazlaena a can of gressinberry cream Gleamo.

“What!” Jack said. “You holdin out with cans of Gleamo too?”

“I got stashes,” Delilah grinned before pulling out another for him. “Here, just because I like you so much,” She laughed and headed over to the ovens to check on some slow roasts currently stewing.

Jack followed Kazlaena to a table and they sat down, eating most of their breakfast in silence.

“Um, so tired,” Kazlaena said as she yawned again.

“Give it a bit before you sleep though, you’ll get indigestion if you don’t,” Jack cautioned her.

“Ugh, I ‘ave to stay up even more?” Kazlaena put her head on the table. “Nooo...”

“Yeah, but only for a lil bit,” Jack yawned and let out a deep breath. “I suppose I’ll have a talk with the captain and see what I can do about a shopping run huh?”

“Yes!” Kazlaena looked up at him with a weary smile.

Jack blinked several times though heavy eyelids. “You did pretty well today. Tonight will be easier.”

Kazlaena nodded. “I ‘ope so.”

Jack put his head in his hands as he rested his elbows on the table. “I’ll take my snooze first, then have the big talk about shopping trips with the cap.”

“Um...” Kazlaena’s eyes were closed as she rested her head on the table. “Ok...” She started breathing rhythmically.

Jack looked at her and smiled, starting to think about what he was going to say to convince Lucinia of allowing a trip, then he suddenly shot awake as his head fell away from his hands.

“What?” He blinked, realizing he had fallen asleep momentarily. “Alright, time to get some sleep.”

He cleaned up the table and gently awoke Kazlaena. She stood up with little enthusiasm and followed him down-level as he kept by her until they reached her quarters. She took off her utility belt and pulled herself under her bunk to her bedding mat, seemingly falling asleep before a sleepy Jack could caution her about going to bed with a full stomach.

“Hope you don’t get indigestion, Kid.” Jack remarked and left, turning into his own quarters to catch some rest.

Later, Jack was heading to the rec-room when he caught sight of Lucinia exiting the galley.

“Hey, Lucy,” Jack called out to Lucinia as he saw her leave the galley.

“Jack, how did the first all night watch go for you and Kazlaena?” she asked as he closed the distance between them.

“Eh,” Jack shrugged. “As well as can be expected, I guess. Lil lady isn’t used to it. Neither am I, for that matter. Been a while.”

“If you need some assistance, I would rather you ask and get it instead of falling asleep.”

“Talking to the Procodile or something?” Jack inquired.

“No, why?”

“He had a few words to say about ‘sleeping during the O dark fucked watch’. Assumed Kaz at least had slept for a bunch of it.”

“Oh?” Lucinia frowned momentarily. “Did she?”

Jack shook his head. “She came close near the end of the watch but she made it through. No-one is usually expected to stay up all night without a bit of time to get used to it.”

“Are you confident there is no risk of yourself falling asleep?” Lucinia asked him.

“I am,” Jack replied. “If I feel uncertain, I’ll catch one of the other officers ... Kejeh...,” He whispered Kejeh’s name. “ ... or D-17 if they are available.”

“You can call me too, if you need to,” Lucinia patted his chest.

“Will do,” Jack bit his lower lip a moment. “You’re busy enough though. No need to add anything further to your list.”

“I can manage, but the thought is appreciated,” Lucinia smiled.

“There is another matter however, I wanted to discuss.”

“Alright, walk with me,” Lucinia motioned for him to follow. “Is it a matter of confidence? Do we need a secure location?”

“No, open discussion is fine,” Jack said as he followed her. “It’s about a previous matter, involving a trip to a place, to do some shopping, y’know, that whole ordeal.”

“Everyone really wants to go huh?” Lucinia held the door to the stairwell for Jack and followed him, pointing up level once they were through.

“Yeah,” Jack nodded as he started up the stairs.

“Well, I suppose I can’t keep people stuffed up forever. Star Guard does not suspect any retribution from this. What do you think?”

Jack was silent while they walked up the stairs and spoke up when they entered B deck. “I can’t be certain, but the danger does seem pretty minimal.”

Lucinia stopped at the Bridge and thought for a moment. “I have already voiced my concerns. It would be poor leadership on my part not to take every precaution, but that would mean keeping people locked up onboard for some time and that is not fair to them. Alright, if everyone is willing to sign out and accept any potential risk...” She paused as if she was about to recant her statement.

“Sticking together would be wise too.” Jack added. “As in, have the security team close at hand with whatever tools we can utilize.”

“Agreed,” Lucinia scratched her forehead. “I still do not like this, Jack.”

“I can tell,” Jack said. “And I don’t blame you. It’s not an easy call.”

“If not today, this conversation would come up a week, or a month from now.” Lucinia said. “The concern would be the same no matter what. Are you willing to oversee preparation and security with this?”

“I will make sure we carry it out in the safest manner,” Jack agreed. “I will talk with Cardox and the others on the security team beforehand. Can you call a general meeting in the rec room or the general meeting room?”

“What time would you like?” Lucinia asked.

“Say 19:00,” Jack answered.

“I’ll move it to 19:30 in the Rec room. I have a call at 19:00. The general meeting room is still a storage mess, like half the rooms on this ship. I have not made it through all the containers of documents stored there.”

“All thanks to Zaps antics,” Jack noted.

“Yes,” Lucinia nodded. “A silly little life form commandeered half the cargo space on this ship. Pretty ridiculous now, thinking things over.”

“Well,” Jack shrugged. “It’s funny how most of us dismissed the ghost theory yet avoided the room like it was evil.”

“Agreed,” Lucinia managed a smile. “Once Nyka catches it, we can move stuff back in there and make use of some of the filled rooms. I imagine we could now, but I do not wish to alter the environment and cause it to go elsewhere. On the note of cleaning up this ship, during the ship’s downtime in a couple of months, I intend to do some upgrading to some of the systems. I will look for new hires as well. You should join me on that.”

“Is it for that, or do you want my stunning intuition on who is a good hire?” Jack laughed.

“Yes, totally,” Lucinia smiled back. “I want you to fill up the ranks with cussing delinquents.”

“Is that who you think I would hire?” Jack feigned shock.

“What do you think?”

“Well, Kaz was sorta my hire,” Jack said.

“Yes,” Lucinia concurred. “And Pri was your recommendation. So was Tako.”

“Speaking of, did you get in touch with him yet?”

“Not yet,” Lucinia said. “I have been holding back, just in case it could put him in any danger.”

“Fair point,” Jack nodded. “When you feel it’s safe. I’ve been meaning to get in touch with him too. Haven’t talked in a couple of months.”

“Do you want to call him together?” Lucinia asked.

“Could,” Jack nodded. “When you feel it’s safe, let me know.”

“Will do,” Lucinia looked down both directions of the hall, then slipped in and gave him a kiss.

“Livin dangerous,” Jack grinned, just as the bridge door opened and Proculus stepped out, eyeing the captain curiously and Jack suspiciously.

“Did I hear something about danger?” he asked intently.

“No,” Jack spoke awkwardly.

“We were just having a discussion about proximity and risks to certain elements, First Officer,” Lucinia replied. “Now, all of that aside, Coralane, as mentioned, 19:30 in the rec room for the meeting. You need to get your order in for tomorrow’s dinner order too. I want to send said order off to the sandwich place today, so they are ready.” Jack nodded as she turned to Proculus. “Let’s handle these system errors. Rusu will be along shortly to aid in any reprogramming that is needed.”

Proculus eyed them both for a moment before turning around. Lucinia gave Jack a wink and caught his odd expression, like he was trying to smile and have a stroke at the same time. She looked away quickly, quelling her own laughter as the door to the bridge closed behind her. Jack leaned against the wall and whispered.

“Fuck me, that was a clos’un.”

Jack was heading to the rec room to join the others when his commpad chimed. He stopped in the hall a few strides from the rec room entrance and pulled his commpad out, seeing a message from Saito.

Saito: Hey Jack. Time for another prank game?

Jack: You’re on.

Jack saw a laughing emoji came back in response.

Jack: What’s the plan?

Saito: The sound pucks. I have three planted in the room. Bets on who figures it out?

Jack: Let me see who is there.

Jack walked into the rec room and headed for the coffee pot. He waved to Kazlaena on the couch, and she cheerfully waved back. Pri was beside her, casting him a quaint smile and he winked back. Jack saw Rusu there, but Kejeh and Nyka were not present. He did his best to send off a discrete message to Saito.

Jack: Three of five here, Nyka and Kejeh away. I say Pri figures it out first.

Saito: Nuts. Kazzie and Rusu are close seconds. Alright, going off road a bit and saying Rusu. Kaz will be suspicious of you. That might or might not be used to my advantage.

Jack: Ok, twenty lucs?

Saito: Agreed. Be there in a few minutes.

Jack grinned and put his commpad away, finished making his coffee, then joined Kazlaena and Pri on the couch. Zakia and Delilah occupied the chairs, with Rusu and, surprisingly, Spurius, playing a building game in the VR. As Jack watched, the two players tried to collaborate to construct a building that matched plans on a drafting board.

“Uh, ach, is not holding top floor well...” Rusu said as he tried to get more support in the lower walls to hold the second floor up.

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